The Way Things Are (20 page)

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Authors: A.J. Thomas

BOOK: The Way Things Are
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Patrick leaned down slightly and brushed the tip of his nose against Ken’s. “I love your voice,” he whispered. “But I want to see you, I want to touch you while I’ve got the chance. Once you’re inside of me, you can talk all you want.”

Ken stared up at him. “You really want me to be on top?”

Patrick dropped his lips to Ken’s jaw, enjoying the rough scrape of Ken’s whiskers against his lips. Patrick was well aware his size and strength tended to make men like Corbin take one look at him and assume they’d found a top who could give them the ride of their dreams. Corbin had thought the same thing when they were teenagers. But Patrick’s first few forays into sex had been with other teens who’d been just as inexperienced and terrified as Patrick himself. Patrick’s cock was thicker than most guys’, so when they were clumsily working out the mechanics of sex, offering to bottom had been the easiest way to get other guys into bed. When he’d hooked up with Corbin for the first time, he’d discovered fucking someone else was fun, but it wasn’t the same. Right now he needed the freedom he found in letting go, letting himself relax, and just feel.

“I want you to fuck me. Whatever you want, though.” He shrugged. “I just want you.”

Ken began to pull Patrick’s polo shirt out of his slacks, then dropped his hands to tug at Patrick’s belt buckle. “Are you sure?”


Ken yanked Patrick’s belt open and pulled his hips tight against him with the movement.

“Where’s your bed?” Patrick asked.

Ken nudged him toward the far side of the living room to a second set of stairs. Ken kissed him as they shuffled up the stairs and into a dark, expansive room with vaulted ceilings. Patrick finished the last of Ken’s buttons and slipped his dress shirt and coat back over his shoulders, letting them fall at the top of the stairs.

Ken’s fists curled in Patrick’s polo shirt as Ken pulled him forward, throwing him off balance before spinning him around and walking him backward into the darkness. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then took Patrick’s face in his hands and pulled him down into an openmouthed kiss that shot through Patrick’s body like lightning, igniting every nerve inside of him. He flicked his tongue against Ken’s, relishing the taste and feel of Ken’s lips. He’d wanted to kiss Ken so badly it was hard to resist the desire to drive his tongue deeper into Ken’s mouth. But Ken was quick to take complete control of the kiss, pushing Patrick’s tongue back and exploring every crevice of his mouth.

Patrick moaned as Ken pulled away from his lips and began to kiss and lick his way down his jaw and then over his throat. Ken licked at the bulge of Patrick’s Adam’s apple, then licked his way down to the dip below his collarbone. He tried not to laugh as the stubble on Ken’s chin tickled his neck. When Ken pulled away for a moment, Patrick pulled his undershirt up over his head.

They stumbled and Patrick tried to catch them both, shuffling back until his knees hit the side of a massive bed. He let himself fall back, pulling Ken down on top of him. He ran his hands along Ken’s waist, tracing the soft lines of muscle and bone over his ribcage and chest while Ken attacked his neck, sucking and nibbling on the tender skin that made him laugh and gasp at the same time. Ken pulled away and pushed himself up to his knees so he was straddling Patrick’s waist, then ran his fingers down Patrick’s chest.

The expression on Ken’s face was so far beyond desire that it shocked Patrick to see it. It was closer to reverence. As Ken’s fingers played with the tuft of red hair that began an inch above Patrick’s slacks, Patrick squirmed and tried to lift his hips so he could slide his pants down. Ken just settled his weight and slowly unbuttoned Patrick’s slacks for him, pulling the zipper down over the straining bulk of Patrick’s cock. He popped free of his briefs as Ken worked his slacks and underwear over his hips.

Desperate to move faster, he ripped his polo shirt off over his head and tossed it into the gray room. He finally kicked free of his slacks and briefs once Ken had pulled them all the way down. Ken shed his own pants in an instant and climbed back over Patrick, rubbing his bare skin against Patrick’s as he slid up his body. Patrick hissed, savoring the friction of Ken’s erection against his own. Ken kissed him once more, then kissed and licked his way down Patrick’s body.

Patrick arched his back as he felt Ken’s tongue and teeth graze his nipples, then his abdomen.

“Ken,” he panted. “Mind if I turn on the light? I want to see you. I’d open the curtains, but I don’t know if you’ve got neighbors.”

Near his navel, Ken chuckled low, and Patrick felt the vibrations against his thighs. “Sure.”

Patrick stretched toward the bedside table and clicked on the lamp. He turned his attention back to Ken just in time to see him wrap his tongue around the head of Patrick’s cock, licking him like a lollipop.

Ken opened wide, taking as much of Patrick’s thick cock inside his mouth as he could manage. He wrapped his fingers around the base and pumped Patrick slowly, moving his hand up and down in time with his mouth.

Just as that unbelievable moist heat enveloped him, he felt Ken circle his fingers around his opening, stroking the sensitive flesh. Patrick rolled his hips up a little, driving himself a bit deeper into Ken’s mouth and encouraging the other man to touch him. Even though Ken’s finger was only coated in saliva, Patrick bore down a little until he felt Ken slip the digit inside. Ken went deep and found his prostate fast, rubbing back and forth over the sensitive gland and sending shockwaves of pleasure through his body. Ken sucked him hard, pulling off of his cock with a loud pop. He pumped Patrick with one hand and rubbed his prostate with the other, watching his reactions with a wide-eyed expression.

“You’re so fucking perfect,” Ken whispered. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve fantasized about this? Ever since the first moment I saw you. Every time I see you, I think about this. Touching you, tasting you. I can’t wait to fuck you….”

Patrick was panting in time with the soft stroke of Ken’s finger. “I shouldn’t have told you about the voice thing.”

“Probably not,” Ken agreed, stroking him faster. “You may never be able to get me to shut up again.”

Patrick laughed, and in a moment, he felt Ken slip another finger inside of him, adding to the pressure inside of him in a flash, sending tremors ripping through every part of him, all the way to his toes. “Oh fuck!” He arched into Ken’s hand, spilling over his own chest.

Ken chuckled deeply. “Absolutely perfect.” Ken curled his fingers inside Patrick’s body, stroking him again. The tremor added to the aftershocks of his orgasm and almost made him scream. “Do me a favor and stay right there. I’ve got to go dig in my bathroom for—”

Patrick panted and let his head fall back on the pillows. “There are two condoms and a little packet of lube in the back pocket of my pants.”

“That works too.” Ken dove toward the foot of the bed and came back a moment later, fumbling with the blue foil packet.

Patrick sat up on his elbows and watched Ken roll the condom on before pouring all of the lube onto his fingers. He eased both fingers back inside Patrick’s body, whispering quiet words Patrick couldn’t quite make out as he stretched him quickly. Patrick didn’t need to hear what Ken was saying. The tone and sound of his voice had become the most potent aphrodisiac Patrick had ever imagined, and his cock stirred to life again as Ken stroked his prostate. Once Patrick was fully erect again, Ken settled between Patrick’s legs and shifted inside him, sinking so deep Patrick felt like he couldn’t breathe.

“There,” Patrick gasped. That full, tight, throbbing heat was the sensation he’d been craving.

Ken only waited a moment for Patrick to adjust, then rolled Patrick’s hips up and hoisted his legs. Ken gave one shallow, experimental thrust that stroked Patrick’s prostate with the full length of his cock. Patrick couldn’t move, but he tried to bear down, to open up and let Ken’s cock even deeper into him.

When Ken grabbed Patrick’s hips, thrusting into him fast and hard, Patrick didn’t bother trying to hang on. The thing he loved most about bottoming was that he could let go, let someone else take and give pleasure in equal measure, and Patrick was free to feel, relish, and enjoy the firestorm of sparks ricocheting through his body.

Ken shifted again and dropped one of his hands to stroke Patrick in time with his thrusts, driving Patrick insane with pleasure until every thrust and stroke made him tremble. All too soon, Patrick felt the tension tightening inside his balls, but Ken didn’t slow down for a moment. He leaned forward and thrust faster, pushing himself to completion as Patrick came in his hand a second time. After a few more deep thrusts, Ken buried himself inside of Patrick’s ass and shuddered. He collapsed between Patrick’s legs, riding out the aftershocks of his own orgasm.

Ken panted against the crook of Patrick’s neck. “Holy shit.”

“Holy shit,” Patrick agreed. He tried to chuckle but he just didn’t have the energy. He wrapped his arms around Ken’s shoulders and enjoyed the warm euphoria flooding him.

Ken collapsed onto the bed beside him, and Patrick pulled him close. “What time do I need to get you home by?” Ken asked, rubbing his cheek over Patrick’s temple.

“Jay’s not going to be home until five.”

“I thought you said three.”

“I know him,” Patrick whispered, trying not to laugh as Ken tickled his nipple gently. “He said he’d be home by three, but he’s not going to be home until dinnertime. Later, if Michael’s family feeds him. He can hardly pay attention to how empty his stomach is. Paying attention to a watch just doesn’t happen.”

Ken laughed.

Patrick closed his eyes and set his lips against Ken’s forehead, trying to memorize the feel of his skin and the musky scent of his hair. “Oh God, he’s going to find out, isn’t he?”

“He might. But he doesn’t have to,” Ken said, surprising him.


“Most kids make it into their thirties with the happy delusion that their parents are completely asexual. I don’t know for sure what other families do, but my mom and stepdad never talked about their sex life with me, and I am totally okay with that.”

Patrick buried his face against Ken’s shoulder, chuckling. “I should hope they didn’t. I’d have been seriously traumatized to think about my old man getting laid.”

“There you go. Spare him the emotional scars.”

Patrick closed his arms tight around Ken, not wanting to give him the chance to get away. “How’s your knee?”

“I need so much more than half of a muscle relaxer right now,” Ken informed him in a deceptively cheerful tone. “That was worth it, but I’m going to ache tomorrow.”

“Sorry. If I had remembered, I could have made that a bit easier.”

“I guess we’ll just have to experiment. It might be best to wait until Jay’s officially off intensive supervision, though.”

“If you’re looking for an out, you don’t need to make up an excuse,” Patrick said, running his hands over his face. “You’re single, young, and cute. I’m sure this kind of thing is less odd for you, but that night in Corbin’s Attic was the first time I’d hooked up with anybody in a long time. I know I’ve got have more baggage than most men, so if you….”

“Pat, I didn’t bring up the fact that Jay won’t be on my caseload anymore for nothing. I was hoping we could keep this up when Jay’s done.”

“I just don’t want you to feel obligated, like you’ve got to indulge me.”

Ken poked him in the ribs. Patrick smiled despite himself. “Hey!”

“Indulging a fantasy was how you described this mess, wasn’t it?” Ken reminded him. “When I first saw you, I thought you were going to be a pain. I figured you’d be this gorgeous straight asshole who’d inevitably turn out to be an abusive father who doesn’t give a shit about whether or not his kid ends up as a career criminal.”

“I told you I’m gay.”

“You’ve done more than that. So much more. Every single time I saw you, or talked to you, or watched you with Jay, you’ve amazed me. I get that you’ve got a lot of responsibilities. I do too. But I think we’d both regret it if we let those responsibilities stop us from giving this a shot.” Ken nudged him in the ribs again. “And if it doesn’t work, well, at least we tried, right?”

“Jay needs more from me than most kids his age. He has to come first. I gave up a lot to take care of him, and even then, if I hadn’t been so….” If he had been able to just pretend he enjoyed sex with Denise, pretend he wasn’t attracted to men, she might never have kicked him out. She might never have been so desperate to replace him with someone who agreed his sexuality was an abomination.

, exactly?”

“It doesn’t matter. You’re talking about dating?”

Ken nodded. “I’m talking about seeing where this goes. I totally understand if you want to keep it quiet, especially since Jay’s likely to be just as angry if it doesn’t work out as he might be if it does. But I really like you. And the whole ‘sexy probation officer’ thing makes me pretty sure you like me too.”

“Corbin told you about that?”

“He shouted it across the bar.”

“Well, it’s true. You’re… fuck it, I don’t know what you are. I just know when I got into the car with you that first day, you terrified me.”

“Terrified you?”

“Oh yeah, big time. You were so put together, so professional, and here I was trying not to get a raging hard-on every time you said something.”


“Yes, really. The last thing I wanted to do was convince my son’s new PO I was a complete pervert and freak Jay out in the process. That day sucked. Except for the meeting you part. And that night.”

“I’m sorry about that. All of it, in fact.”


“The things I said,” Ken clarified. “I was a jerk. And I was so drunk I don’t remember half of it.”

Patrick almost laughed. “You were a little drunk. But you talked, you moaned. You were only a jerk the next day. When I helped you into a taxi, you were so cute I wanted to follow you home.”

Ken kissed his neck and collarbone softly. “Could we get away with hanging out for a little while?”

Patrick considered it. Since Jay wouldn’t be at the apartment, he didn’t have any reason to rush back. He did need to get a hold of Corbin, maybe even take Jay over to his place tonight, but it could wait for a bit. It would be nice to be able to hang out with Ken without being terrified of his reaction if Patrick should slip up and touch him. Between the shock of last night and the interrogation that had followed, he was exhausted. Add getting fucked into blissful oblivion, and Patrick’s body was done.

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