THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)
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Four key people
(I’m not using names for obvious


Communist #1 – A card-carrying member of the
American Communist Party. He was the close personal mentor of the President for
the years when he was a teenager. He authored countless columns published in
Communist newspapers promoting Communism. He was on the FBI’s watch list of
American Communists. His FBI file obtained through FOIA was 600 plus pages
long. He may have a blood relationship with the President.


Communist #2
– Arguably the most powerful Presidential Advisor in the White House. Her
grandfather was a member of at least two Communist front groups in Chicago. Her
mother co-founded a group which included on its Board two founders of Whether
Underground. She married the son of a writer for a Chicago Communist
publication. Her husband was also active in American Youth for Democracy, an
arm of Communist USA.


Communist #3
– The President’s Campaign Manager. He was mentored by two well-known
Communists. One was an official with the Mobilization Committee for Students
for a Democratic Society, which spawned the Whether Underground, a radical
terrorist group.


Communist #4
– The President’s first political fund raising event was hosted in his living
room in Hyde Park, Chicago. He was the Co-Founder of Whether Underground, a
self-described Communist revolutionary group, which bombed the US Capitol and
the Pentagon. He participated in the bombing of the New York City Police


In the recent campaign the mainstream media
barely covered the connections between the candidate for President and his
avowed well-known American Communist supporters.
It is a political axiom that
make policy
. Another life axiom is that
of a feather usually hang out together
. A non-Marxist public official would
be highly unlikely to surround himself with Marxists for quite obvious reasons.
Had George Bush, either one, been a member of the John Birch Society, or had he
belonged to a strong Bible-believing evangelistic church, would the media have
stopped reporting on the details of his past? But, the Marxist-trained
mainstream media won’t even dig up the President’s college records. Amazing.


How did a man
with no prior significant career, with only a few years as a state legislator and
as a U.S. Senator, get elected President of the United States? How did he
manage to defeat a popular former First Lady and grab the Democrat nomination?
It couldn’t have happened without the active aid and support of the media and
many in the Democrat Party who wanted a President who believed what this
candidate for President believed. Some who were placed in friendly corporations
became quite wealthy and, in turn, helped fund the campaigns of their fellow
Marxist. It’s quite accurate to say that a relatively small group of aging
Commie Hippies grabbed the nomination
the White House. Who would have thought in the 60’s that America’s rag-tag
Commie sympathizers would one day take over the country, from the top down?
These carefully taught children of America’s radical 60’s have finally
accomplished what they could only dream about fifty years ago. But, let’s face
the facts
, they’ve
. What should Americans expect to
happen in the country now that it is in the hands of Marxists?


4. What Do Marxists Believe?


Marxists make
no secret of their beliefs. Early Marxists were involved, and many today are
involved, in the occult. The Communist record of killing opponents (see more
below) is stark testimony to the ultimate source of Marxist thought. What do Marxists
think should be changed in the world? Communists ultimately want everyone in
the world to be living in a classless, stateless, moneyless society where
everything is owned in common.
From each according to his ability,
to each according to his needs
Once Marxists grab
power they move quickly to change the nation. Look at the Affordable Medical
Care Act in the first term. Grabbing Americans’ guns was launched soon after
the President’s re-election. Once guns are “controlled” we can only imagine
what will happen in the rest of the President’s second term. Dedicated people
in power can drastically change a country’s government by changing its
employees, its rules and regulations, its spending patterns and its foreign
policy. Why did the President insist on punishing high earners with higher
taxes? Marxists want everyone (except the Marxist leaders in charge) to be
equal. The economy hasn’t improved because the Marxists in charge don’t want
the economy to improve. Every businessman in America knows what it would take to
cause the economy to improve, even thrive. Marxists purposely limit economic
growth through repressive financial policies.


Though variants of belief developed,
Marxists believe that business owners (the “bourgeoisie”) and the workers (the
“proletariat”) are inevitably on a collision course, which will always result
in a “class struggle” and victory for the proletariat, who will then own in
common all of the means of production, i.e.,
private ownership of business. The October, 1917 revolution in
Russia was the first major attempt to impose Marxism in a nation, to implement
the socialist workers state, by force. Following World War II, the Soviets
exported Marxism into China, Vietnam, Romania, East Germany, Ethiopia,
Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Cuba and other nations.
1991, and the fall of the Soviet empire, as well as the economic woes of
Marxist states, most Communist nations have stopped referring to themselves as
Marxist, instead choosing the phrase ‘socialist’, either ‘democratic
socialists’ or ‘neoclassical socialists’. This is a great irony, in that
Marxist American professors still proudly claim the title.


5. What Do
Marxists Do Once They Are in Power?


They kill people -- millions of people.
Historians now believe that Marxists in Russia killed over 100 million people.
Mao Zedong killed tens of millions of Chinese as he implemented Communist
agrarian reform. When Communists took over in Cambodia they killed 1.7 million
Cambodians out of a population of 7 million. Mass killings also took place as
Communists took over in North Korea, Vietnam, Eastern Europe and Africa
. In Estonia, for example, when
the Soviets marched into the capital, Tallinn, they rounded up the city’s
teachers, pastors, lawyers, journalists, business owners and elected officials.
They were marched out of town, shot dead and dumped into freshly dug ditches.
Marxists simply believe what Stalin said -
“Death solves all problems. When there’s a person, there’s a problem. When
there’s no person, there’s no problem.”
He also said
“A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic”.
Marxists don’t write too much about the subject of killing their enemies, but
they have demonstrated their foundational beliefs by, well, by killing people,
lots of them.


Why would an
American Marxist have any different view from Marxist leaders throughout
history regarding the
attaining and
retaining of power
by killing other
Americans who don’t agree with Marxist thinking
? Only a fool would think
American Marxists think differently than other Marxists. Why has our government
headed by Marxists purchased a 24 year supply of ammunition, all hollow point,
ammunition not used in target practice? What possible purpose is served by such
a huge stockpile? Why does DHS need 2,700 armored vehicles? These facts, alone,
should be enough to cause a thinking American to want to take action to protect


6. What Have the Marxists in Charge of the USA Told Us Will Happen?


Read their lips
: No more guns. No more American
exceptionalism. No more America as a Christian nation. No more acceptance of
all Americans and their beliefs – as the DHS lists conservatives, veterans and
pro-lifers as threats to the nation. No more free enterprise in healthcare. No
more support of Israel – as the new Secretary of Defense’s past statements made
clear he was no friend of Israel. No more potential for the return to the right
to life in America – as America’s most pro-abortion President is re-elected. No
more balanced budget. No more fiscal responsibility - as the nation borrows 40%
of what it spends. This list could go on and on. And it will. Just watch the
daily news to see what the Marxists in charge of America have planned to
destroy the nation, to reform its economy into a Communist model and silence
its critics, with all those millions of hollow points.


Americans watched the President in his first term and concluded that he just
didn’t know much about the economy and when he learned more it would improve.
How naïve. A Marxist knows all he needs to know about capitalism. He wants to
it. The only way to insure that
all Americans are equal, that no one makes or has more than others, is to
destroy the current system and implement Communism. Why the recent push to make
the “
rich pay just a little more in taxes
And then a little more….and then everyone pays a little more, until it’s not so
little, any more. Filter every news story you hear in the days ahead through
this sieve:
will this make America more
or less Marxist?
The President and his supporters are moving the nation
away from capitalism and towards Communism. The only question is whether we
will let them
get away
with their
Communist Takeover
of our country?


7. What Are We Going to Do About It?


If you are as angry about this conspiracy to grab
the government of our country as I am, you have decided that somebody has to do
something and soon. But wait, some may say, these people took over using our
political electoral system, so how can we do anything? Good point. They ran for
office, the media protected them, they are in power, so we’re stuck. Really?
Look at it in a different way.


Instead of a
Marxist takeover, what if we all woke up one morning and realized that a
handful of media, entertainment stars and politicians conspired together and
took over the White House. And we then learned that they had carefully hidden
the fact that they each belonged to a secret organization that advocated
destroying the American economy, killing its opponents and staying in power
without further elections. What would we do? If we couldn’t immediately shame
them out of office, through public pressure (a difficult thing to do with no
access to media reporting to the nation), we’d have only one choice: either
live with the criminals who conspired to sneak into power, or, alternatively,
replace them by force of arms.


Oh, wait, we
don’t have to imagine that such a takeover
happen in America.
It’s already
. We’re not upset just because the Communists snuck into power, by
lying and fraud. We’re also not going to put up with their takeover because
they are actively
Constitution. They’ve taken away our precious right to keep and bear arms. With
the passage of the McAlister Act and the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, they
have disarmed America. That is, except for those of us who became felons by not
turning in our guns.


These people
their way into office. The
President wasn’t eligible for the job, as the Constitution requires natural born
citizenship. Before Wilbur shut up when his wife got a cabinet job he called
the President’s run for office a ‘big fairy tale’. If a person engages in fraud
his contract can be set aside. It’s been proven that the document that the
White House released was a forgery. It’s the cover up that takes you down, not
necessarily the original crime. Ask Dick Nixon. This President has
defrauded us
, all of us, so his contract
to occupy the Oval Office should likewise be
set aside


Here’s what
we’re going to have to do, folks. It’s time to exercise our Second Amendment
rights. I don’t need to say anymore, but there has to be a correction to this
treasonous Communist Takeover. The correction will come from our millions of
firearms. The ones the Communists have been taking away from us. The Marxists
at the top will either get on a plane and seek asylum in a friendly Marxist
country or be removed from office.
ready to take our country back!


G. (George) A.
(Abraham) Anonymous


When Congressman Nation finished reading the document he
looked up at his visitor. For a time he said nothing, then, “Sir, do you have
any idea
you are to the truth with this document?”

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