The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (152 page)

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“Where did you get this?”

“I called in a favor.” He pulled out the chair for me. “I hope you don’t mind. I’m not much of a cook and I thought this would be safer.”

“No. It’s perfect.” I dug in grabbing the biggest slice of pizza. I inhaled four slices before I remembered Roman was sitting across from me. “Sorry,” I laughed with a mouthful.

“I’ve seen you eat before we started dating. I thought you were holding back.”

“Hey!” I threw a pepperoni at him and he laughed. When we were finished, he surprised me with some movies he downloaded from his laptop. I cuddled up next to him while we watched the movie. As scared as I was to fall asleep, my body couldn’t hold on any longer, and I was out before the credits rolled on the second movie.

When I woke up, Roman was still lying beside me, watching me sleep. “I’m sorry I fell asleep,” I yawned.

“After the day you had. It was totally justified.”

“What time is it?”

“Just past one,” he said, moving closer to me. I pressed myself up against him, drawing in more of his warmth. I slid my cold hands under his shirt causing him to jump. His breath hitched as I ran my cold hands up his chest. He placed his hands over top mine to warm them. I smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I knew if I wanted to make a move for this to go further I would have to just go for it. I thought if I went slowly, it would give him time to pull away.

After twenty minutes of breathless kissing, I climbed on top of him, and took off my shirt. I pressed my lips to his before he had a chance to protest. He allowed me to take off his shirt and I knew I was getting somewhere. He rolled over on top of me kissing me intensely.

When I thought I had him, I started to undo the buttons on his jeans, and that was when he stopped. “Ella,” he gasped, pulling back. “We can’t.”

“Why not?” I whined. “I know you want to. I can feel it,” I said, dragging my fingertips down his sides. He gripped the sheets trying to control himself. I could feel him quivering beneath my touch.

He grabbed my wrists to stop me. “I do. Trust me I do. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” I rolled over on my side not happy where this was going. “Ella, it’s not you.”

“I’ve heard that before,” I sighed.

“Ella,” he pulled me back to him. “I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

“How could you disappoint me?”

“I was the one who said we should take things slow and I feel if I give in to temptation it might screw things up. I don’t want to go back to the way things were. I like how we are now and I don’t want to mess that up.”

“Roman,” I placed my hand on his cheek. “Nothing you could do would change the way I feel about you, nothing. “ I pulled his lips to mine and that was enough convincing for the rest of our clothes to come off.

Any doubt I had about our relationship vanished. When he kissed me, I felt the passion, the need, the want. I felt it all and it was amazing. Roman took his time, exploring every inch of my body with his hands and lips. The touch alone made me want to cry out. I grabbed his face and pulled him back to me needing to feel those magical lips on mine again.

His hand danced slowly up my thigh, making my insides quake with excitement. He stopped just short of the delicate areas, teasing me. His mouth pressed harder against mine. I parted my lips. He swirled his tongue around the inside of my mouth and then the teasing was gone. I bit his lip and drew blood. “Ow, damn Ella,” he said, pulling back.

“Oops, sorry,” I giggled. I grabbed the sides of his face and lifted my head. I licked the blood off of his lip. He let out a small gasp as his arms gave way and then he was back on top of me. I ran my hands down his back and to his backside coaxing him to move forward. He went slowly and I thought I was going to explode from the anticipation. I pressed my heels on the bed not able to take any more. Roman let out a moan and I smiled in satisfaction. He tried to move slowly, but I wouldn’t let him. I pulled him tighter to me, swirling my hips against him. He grunted with each thrust and tried his hardest to keep with a slower pace, but when my nails dug into his back, he pushed harder. The sensation I was feeling was hard to contain and I let out several cries with each movement.

“Roman…I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you so much.” He pushed in again causing me to throw my head back and close my eyes tight. I held in my moans the best I could. Roman twisted his fingers in my hair and gave a light tug exposing my neck. His lips trailed down my jaw and softly caressed my neck. His tongue tickled my skin and I thought I was going to lose it.

“Bite me,” I begged, breathless. There was no hesitation or argument. I gave Roman the green light and he took it. His fangs slid into my neck. Afraid I was going to wake the whole town, I bit down on my hand to mask my screams. Everything in my body exploded all at once. My skin was tingling and my toes were curling on the sheets. Sweat dripped from both our bodies as Roman slid his hand across my chest, down my side, and finally stopping on my lower back where he pulled me into to him tight. Roman shook once, twice, and let out a gasping breath as he pulled back from my neck.

He collapsed on top of me. I closed my eyes never wanting to let go of this feeling. I was still in a haze and my body felt numb, but in a good way. Roman kissed me over and over again before he rolled over on to his back trying to catch his breath. “Ella.” I didn’t answer him. I kept my eyes closed still in the glorious haze. “Ella?” I could feel his breath on my cheek, but I still refused to open my eyes. “Ella?” he asked worried. He turned my head to face him. “Ella, look at me.”

I blinked a few times and then opened my eyes. I pressed the softest kiss to his lips and smiled. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Words can’t describe the way I am feeling right now,” I said, lying my head back down. “Now shh, you’re killing my buzz.”

He laughed and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest while I listened to his heart move back into a steady rhythm. The beat lolled me to sleep.


When I woke up in the morning I felt exuberated. I was still entangled in Roman’s limbs. I smiled and nestled closely into the crook of his neck. “Good morning,” he smiled, kissing my forehead. “Did I ever tell you how much I love waking up next to you?” I responded by kissing his neck, then his jaw, moving my way to his lips. “If I would have known you were this easy I wouldn’t have waited to put out,” he teased. I smacked him and he rolled over on top of me. His lips trailed down my neck and chest. He stopped abruptly and pulled back.

“What’s wrong?” He stood on his knees tearing the covers back and exposing my cold, bare skin. I followed his wide eyes. My skin was bright red like fresh sunburn. “Oh.” I ran my hand over the splotches. From the looks of it I would have to say Roman was a little out of practice. I barely felt it last night, but now seeing the burn marks, I understood his concerned look.

“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt.”

“Ella,” he said, voice pained.

“Roman,” I sat up and caressed his cheek with my hand. “I’m okay, really. Roman, look at me.” He averted his eyes, not able to look at me. “Roman…look at me.” I turned his face and I could see the shame in his eyes. “I’m already healing, see.” The marks had now faded to pink and I was sure within the next few hours they would be gone.

He sighed and fell down next to me. I joined him, but he wouldn’t touch me. “Roman, this has happened before. Why are you so upset?”

“Yes, but it was never this bad and because…I did this. I hurt you.”

“Roman,” I smiled, tucking my hands behind him. “You did not hurt me.” I pushed his hair out of his eyes. “Please don’t be upset. Last night was…probably one of the best nights of my life.”

“Probably?” he raised a brow.

“Give or take…top three at best.”

His eyebrows pinched together and his face looked serious before his cocky smile replaced it. “I think then maybe I need to work on getting that number one spot,” he said, pouncing on top of me. I giggled and squealed and let Roman prove to me over and over again just how much he loved me.






Chapter Twenty-four


The rest of the summer flowed smoothly. Every day we had class, alternated between cleaning the school and working outside – even Mackenzie started helping – than training. Roman spent every night in my room and our relationship was stronger than ever. After the incredible night we had shared we were inseparable. We shared something together that no one could give us. That night brought us back together making it almost impossible for anyone to come between us again. We were survivors of a tortured past and together we could face anything.

              I hadn’t heard from Josie all summer and was worried I might never see her again. I also hadn’t had any contact from Tristan and from that nightmare he had left me in, I was glad. I did approach Ms. Kraft and spoke to her alone about the dream. She had told me that there wasn’t a way to stop someone from invading your dreams, but there was a way to control it. Her eyes lit up when I told her about the bond we discovered Tristan and I had and she got to work right away researching. I wasn’t as excited as she was about it. I no longer wanted anything to do with Tristan, but maybe she could find something to break this bond.

There were only two weeks left until school started and I couldn’t wait to see my friends.

I was heading back to my room after training when I heard my phone. I hurried, thinking it was Roman. “Hello?” I answered breathless.

“Ella, I was wondering if you could join me in my office,” Aidan said. I sighed, disappointed. 

“Is it like an emergency, because I really need to take a shower?”

There was a slight pause and then a sigh. “Make it a quick one and I mean quick.”

The tone of his voice made me weary. “Is everything okay?” All he said was to take my shower and hurry.

I took the fastest shower possible and ran into Roman on my way out. “Hey, what’s the rush?” he asked as I almost knocked him over.

“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention and I’m supposed to go to Mr. Callahan’s office.”

“Is everything okay?” 

“Not sure?” I said honestly.

“Want me to go with you?”

Not knowing what I was going to walk into I hesitated at first, but then agreed to let him come with. Roman held my hand as I nervously walked to Aidan’s office.
“Ella, you def’ want to hurry up
and see this,”
Dean projected as we walked across the quad. My stomach tightened. Why was Dean there?

“What’s going on?”
I projected back.

“I don’t want to ruin the surprise,”
he laughed. I furrowed my brow in frustration. Roman tugged on my hand. “I think we need to hurry.” I quickened my steps pulling Roman along.

Upon reaching the office doors, I paused, and took a deep breath. Then I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Everything happened in slow motion. I felt like I was watching a silent film. The picture was there but there was no sound.

“Took you long enough,” she complained. Her blonde curls bounced as she swayed her hip to the side and stuck her fist on hip, giving me the slightest bit of attitude.

My mind did a rewind and I was finally able to focus. The corners of my mouth tugged up into a wide grin as I threw my arms around her. “Josie!” I cried, hugging her so tight it hurt. “What are you doing here?” When I pulled back she had an uncomfortable look on her face. I looked at her funny and she cleared her throat gesturing behind me. I looked around the room to see a room full of unfamiliar faces. When I came full circle I saw a face I knew all too well and couldn’t believe I missed it. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes locked on his.

“Hi Ella,” he said, his voice much deeper than I remembered.

“Kyle…hi,” I stuttered. He smiled brightly and walked over to give me a hug. I could feel the tension radiating off of Roman the moment I said Kyle’s name. I peeked over Kyle’s shoulder and saw Roman was trying hard to keep his composure. I pulled back quickly hoping to avoid an awkward situation. “What is going on?” I asked nervously.

“If you’ll have a seat we’ll explain everything,” Aidan said. “Roman, if you don’t mind?” Aidan gestured for him to step out of the room.

“He stays,” I said, returning to his side and taking his hand. Kyle looked at our intertwined fingers and his face fell. I tried not to look at him, but it was hard with the way he was staring at me.

Aidan turned to Josie. “He can stay,” she said, taking my other hand. I took a seat with Roman standing by my side while Josie took a seat next to me. Kyle and the others – two girls and two guys – stood off to the side while Dean stood in the corner.

“Josie, I’ll let you explain,” Aidan said, giving her the floor.

I turned to Josie waiting for an explanation. “So after a month of them lecturing me and deliberating my punishment. They decided that I would be better off here.”

“Here where?” I asked cautiously.

“Here, on the earthly plain,” she smiled giddy.

“For real?”

“For real.”

“Ahhh!” I jumped out of my seat and tackled her, almost knocking her and the chair to the ground. I couldn’t help it. I was just so excited to have my friend back. She giggled and then moved over so I could squeeze into the chair with her. I refused to let her go; afraid they would change their minds and take her back. “So what happens now?”

“Well the main reason I’m here, why we’re all here, is to help others like us.”

“Others, there are more fallen?”

“Let’s get one thing straight. We’re not fallen,” Josie said, pointing at her friends. “We were granted access to stay down here. Fallen are those who chose to clip their wings and or those who were punished and banished to the earthly plain.”

“Okay, well, what do you mean when you say others like you?” The way she said it made me feel empty inside.

“Angels who are born on the earthly plain. Kids who don’t know they are angels. They know they are different, but they don’t know why and we are here to guide them and help them.”

“I’m confused. How are angels born here?”

“Gee whiz, what, did you fall asleep in sex ED?” I narrowed my eyes at Josie and she giggled, then mouthed the word
. “Okay, so, fallen angels decided to do the ditty with humans creating half-bloods – half-angel half-human. If the existence of these half-bloods got into the wrong hands it could be bad. So we’re here to help them understand and explain to them that their existence should be kept a secret.”

I nodded, letting it all soak in. “There’s more, isn’t there?” I had a bad feeling she was holding out on me.

“Yes, but nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about,” she said, patting my knee. “Don’t worry Ella. It’s nothing bad. I promise.” She gave me a reassuring smile and I squeezed her hand lightly.

“After talking to the Elders it has been decided that Josie and the rest attend school here in order to learn how to help the other angels,” Aidan said.

“Elders?” I looked at Josie and she pointed up. “Okay, not that I’m not glad you’re back, but why am I here?”

“Part of your punishment was to help new students and I thought it would be a nice treat for you to help people you already know.”

“Thank you,” I said excited.

“Don’t thank me yet. Josie and her friends will not be the only ones you will have to attend to. Sometime next week some of the new students will be showing up periodically throughout the week and those students you will also have to help.” I nodded, not caring at the moment.

“We have already assigned them rooms. Dean will help the boys get situated while you will help the girls. I am going to warn you all ahead of time, being of a different,” Aidan paused, looking for the right word. “Essence, I unfortunately expect a few students to be not so accepting. But I will assure you I will not tolerate it and you are to report to me anyone who gives you an issue.”

“How about we just lock Mackenzie up now and I’m sure all will be fine,” I said.

I could tell Aidan was trying hard not to smile. “I’m sure there will be no more issues and if you, any of you, have any questions you can stop by any time.”

I barely listened to anything he said. I was too excited that my friend was back and back for good. We left the office and I was practically dancing on air. “Hey,” Roman said, pulling me aside. “I’ll let you catch up with Josie and we can hang out tomorrow.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can get together later,” I winked, making him blush.

“Catch up with your friend. I’m not going anywhere,” he smiled cockily and planted a big, fat kiss on my lips right as Kyle walked out. I didn’t know if it was because he just wanted to kiss me or if he was putting on a show for Kyle. I had a bad feeling it was the latter, making sure Kyle knew I was Roman’s and not available. I tried not to let it bother me as he jogged away.

I sighed and caught up with Josie. “I see you guys worked things out,” she whispered.

“Yes we did, but we’ll talk about that later. Do you know what room they put you in?”

“Yes, I just hope it’s not with some crazy, snooty bitch,” she whined.

“What’s the room number?”

“Five hundred something. I think Mr. Callahan said it was near the end of the hall on the left.”

“Let me see,” I said, taking the paper from Josie. “Oh,” I looked at her sympathetically.

“How bad is it?” she winced, holding her breath.

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’ll be rooming with…me,” I smiled.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No,” I shook my head.

“Ahhh!” We both started screaming and jumping up and down.

“What are the odds?”

“Let’s not jinx it,” I said. I almost forgot about the other two girls I was supposed to show around. I was too caught up in all the excitement. “Oh, I’m so rude,” I said, turning around to the girls. “My name is Ella.” I extended my hand.

The tiny girl with long, white blonde hair and eyes the color of the sky extended her hand to me first. “Hi, I’m Sophia, but you can call me Sophie,” she smiled, showing a gleaming white smile.

The second girl wasn’t as forthcoming with the introductions. She stood there scrutinizing me with her eyes. Her bright, red, wavy hair was glowing orange in the sunlight. Her hazel brown eyes were glaring down on me like I was the enemy, making her freckles squish together as she frowned. I didn’t know what to say; afraid I would offend her in some way.

“This is Dylan,” Sophia said. “Don’t mind her. She’s just upset because it wasn’t her choice to be here.”

I understood. I knew exactly how she was feeling. I wasn’t too happy when I was forced to come here. “Do you know what room you guys are assigned to?”

“Mr. Callahan thought it would be best if Dylan and I roomed together. I think he also put us in the five hundred hall so we would be close together.”

“Okay good, well then you can follow me and I can help you guys get situated. Do you have any luggage?” I asked, looking at their empty hands.

“Up there, there really is no need for clothes,” Josie said.

“You guys just hang around…naked?” I asked, feeling dumb the second it left my mouth. At least I got a laugh from Dylan.

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