The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (129 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“Cousin,” Tristan said, interrupting her. Deirdre whipped around, shooting hot daggers at Tristan with her eyes. He leaned in the doorway, staring back at his grandmother. They exchanged a few looks before she huffed.

“Doesn’t matter, family is family,” Deirdre said, stomping out of the room.

“What was that all about?” I asked as Tristan made his way over to me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. “Nothing.”

“Tristan, I know you’re lying, don’t make me –”

“Okay, okay. We were really close when we were little, but I haven’t seen him since I was seventeen. We obviously don’t get along anymore so I didn’t think it was worth mentioning.” I knew he was still hiding something, but Tristan begged me not to push the subject. I respected his wishes and left it alone. “Take a walk with me?”

I nodded and followed Tristan out into the garden. “I’m really glad I got to see this place in person. I just wish it was under better circumstances,” I said, admiring the garden.

“At least now we can experience it together.”

I shifted so I was standing in front of him now. “Tristan, I’m sorry about last night. You were right, I was acting childish I just…I just…”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry, I understand.”

“I don’t know why you put up with me,” I smiled.

“I don’t know why I do either,” he sighed. I smacked his chest. He laughed and squeezed me tighter. “I put up with you because I love you. Because I couldn’t imagine my world without this beautiful face in it,” he said, gripping my chin and making my heart melt. I lifted up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his.

“I hate to interrupt, but we need to get going. We have an early flight tomorrow,” Dean said, even though he clearly didn’t mind interrupting. I sighed and pulled myself away long enough so we could say goodbye. I thanked Caleb and Deirdre for all their generous hospitality and managed a civil goodbye from Josef. After him and Tristan talked things were, well, they weren’t as tense. Josef even gave us both a hug goodbye.

As we turned to leave, Deirdre stopped me by grabbing my hand. I turned to look at her. She stepped closer and wrapped her short, stubby arms around me. I didn’t know who was more surprised, me or her. When she pulled back she handed me a small, blue velvet pouch and said, “Only use this when you need it most.”

“But how will I –”

“You will know,” she smiled. She walked over to the mantel and grabbed the picture from earlier and handed it to me.

“Oh no, I couldn’t,” I began, but she shoved it at me.

“Don’t refuse a gift from Nan, trust me,”
Tristan thought. I took the picture and nodded a silent thank you. I had no idea why she gave me the picture. She just smiled at me like I knew which made me more confused.

When we got back to the hotel I was exhausted and ready to call it a night. I was even too tired to pack and thought it be better if I pushed it off until the morning. Tristan asked if I minded if he hung out with Billy for a bit. I told him I didn’t mind. I knew I would be asleep soon anyways. I kissed him goodnight and headed straight for bed, too tired to even change. I closed my eyes and waited for the sandman to take me to la-la land.





After talking to Roman the other day Cameron knew what she had to do. She didn’t care if Ella hated her. She knew in the end she would thank her, because this was the right thing to do. Roman had called her out of desperation. She could hear it in his voice. He wanted details. He wanted to know what was going on. Cameron didn’t tell him anything he didn’t already know. When he thought he had lost her for good he broke down and started to cry. She never heard Roman cry. He was always the stronger one. The one who pulled her from a disastrous relationship and helped her see she was better than what she let that jackass do to her.

              Cameron felt an aching in her heart at Roman’s pain. He didn’t deserve this. He was a good person. Roman was her friend and he deserved to be happy and if being with Ella made him happy then she would make sure that was possible. No matter what she had to do to make it possible she would do it.

She stayed in the room while the boys chatted and played poker. Apparently this was something Billy and Tristan used to do on a regular basis and decided to have a go at it before they parted ways. By the sappy looks on their faces she would swear boys are bigger wusses than most girls. The only thing stopping them from having a hugging and crying fest was their male egos and probably because she was in the room and would witness their meltdown. For once she was happy to see their male pride get in the way.

Cameron flipped through the channels and waited. She knew she would have to get Tristan alone to execute her plan, but how she was going to do that she wasn’t sure yet. Cameron had gone over what she wanted to say a million times and had it down to a T. But the longer she had to wait the more nervous she got.

Dean grunted and threw his cards on the table proving how much of a sore loser he was. Then he got up and threw a few hundred dollars down. “Whatever, take it,” he said and walked over to the bed falling face down. Billy smiled, shuffling the hundreds and sticking them in his pocket. Dean should have known better. Being a full vamp Billy had the better advantage. His senses let him pick up on the tall tale signs of a bluff. The quickened heart rate, the racing pulse, plus Dean had a habit of scratching his head when he had a good hand. Cameron just rolled her eyes at him.              

Billy got up to go to the bathroom and Cameron knew now was her chance. “Hey Tristan, I was going to head downstairs to the gift shop. I wanted to get something for Ella to help make her feel better about Josie leaving and I was wondering if you could help me out?”

He looked up at her with a curious look on his face. Something said he wasn’t quite buying her story but decided to go with her anyway. “Billy, I’m going to run down stairs to the gift shop with Cameron. I’ll be right back.” Billy shouted okay and Tristan gestured for Cameron to take the lead. She tried to hide her nerves, but the sweat at the back of her neck was making her hair curl and feel gross. She mentally chastised herself and reminded herself she was doing the right thing. It had to be done.

Inside the gift shop, Cameron poked around, looking at all the different things. She was trying to buy some time to work up the courage to say what she had to. She walked over to the jewelry counter and tapped her fingers on the glass. “May I suggest earrings or an anklet,” Tristan said, making her flinch slightly. She hadn’t realized he was behind her until she felt his warm breath on her shoulder.

“What about this one,” she said, pointing to a gold chain that had hearts dangling from it.

“It’s nice, but Ella doesn’t like gold.” He ran his fingers over the glass searching for something else. “How about this one? Excuse me, Miss? Can we please have a look at this one?” The woman behind the counter smiled brightly at them and opened up the glass, pulling out a platinum anklet with tiny stars dangling from the chain.

“It’s beautiful,” Cameron said, as she watched the clerk turn it over in her hand. “But I think it’s a little out of my price range.”

“No worries, this one is on me,” he said, giving the clerk a wink. That small gestured convinced Cameron what she had to do was right.

“Thanks,” Cameron said.

“You’re a very lucky lady,” the clerk told Cameron.

“Oh no, we’re not…it’s for a friend,” she stuttered, trying not to cringe.

“Could you gift wrap that please?” Tristan asked, making the clerk blush. For some reason Cameron believed he had that effect on most women. While the clerk took off to wrap the gift for Ella, Tristan crept closer to Cameron. “So, you want to tell me the real reason we’re here or you going to dance around some more?”

Tristan was a lot smarter than Cameron gave him credit for. She let out a breath and just decided to come out with it. “You are right. I asked you to help me because I wanted to talk to you…alone.”

“You got my attention,” he said, leaning one elbow on the counter.

“I think you should leave Ella be.” He scrunched his brows not quite sure what she meant. “What I mean is you should break up with Ella. She deserves to be happy.”

“And you don’t think I make her happy?” he asked, in a casual tone, not at all surprised by Cameron’s request.

“I have no doubt you do, but I also know so does Roman.”

“Roman, her boyfriend.”

“Yes. Her
. She was happy with him. She loves him and he loves her and if you love Ella like you claim you do you would let her go.”

“And you think I’m just going to give her up, just like that?”

“No, I do not. But I know you’re smart and I know you will think about it. And you should because I know deep down somewhere you know it’s the right thing to do. After everything Ella has been through, after all the heartache and loss, Roman was the one person who was there for her. He was the person who brought her back and picked up the pieces of her shattered heart. He and only he again will be the one to pick up the pieces when you break her heart again.”

“How you so sure I will break her heart?”

“It’s inevitable. You and I know it will happen. It’s happened before and it will only be a matter of time before it happens again. You can’t change, Tristan. You are who you are, but let’s be honest, you two won’t last. Wouldn’t you rather her be happy with someone who will love her unconditionally and treat her with the respect she deserves?”

“I do love her,” he growled, angry at her thinking he wasn’t capable of it. “And don’t you think it should be her choice of who she wants to be with?”

“Yes but she’s confused. Her heart is torn between the both of you and you would be doing her a favor by making the choice for her. You know I’m right. For once in your life do the right thing. Leave now and I promise you Ella will be happy.”

“If I leave, it will crush her.”

“At first yes, but eventually all wounds heal. Ella has a new life now with new friends and a new love. A life at a school where you didn’t exist and she was happy.” She paused for a moment to let her words sink in. “I want you to think about that.”

Tristan eyed Cameron for a moment before the clerk came back with their package. Tristan paid for the order and smiled at the clerk as if nothing just happened. “Thank you,” he said, giving her his million dollar smile. Then he turned to Cameron and handed her the present. “I’m sure Ella will love this.” There was pain behind his smile, but he pushed through it and without another word he left Cameron in the gift shop.





Tristan hadn’t realized how deep Cameron’s words cut through him until he returned back to the room. When he saw Ella sound asleep in the bed, she looked so peaceful, so happy. He didn’t believe for a second that anything Cameron said was true. It was like she was talking about a different Ella, one he didn’t know about, but I guess that was the point. There was a new Ella, one that she apparently knew better than he did. He felt the guilt she did, he felt her loss, and the confusion she sometimes tried to hide, but deep down Tristan knew there was someone else. Someone else who had stolen Ella’s heart. Someone else he hoped took care of her the way she

His emotions were a mix of confusion. He no longer knew what was right and wrong. He longed for the day when he could see her again and now that he had her, could he let her go?

Sitting down on the bed next to her, he watched her sleep. She stirred slightly when he brushed a piece of hair out of her face. These thoughts of doubt were suddenly weighing heavily on him. What would happen if he went back to the states with her? Would this other guy try to convince her to come back to him? Would she take him back and leave Tristan high and dry?

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