The Wanderer (68 page)

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Authors: Mika Waltari

BOOK: The Wanderer
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The Kislar-Aga, much to the onbash’s relief, dismissed the janissaries, who had not dared fire directly on the holy men. These now whirled about the garden in their wild dances, calling on the name of Allah, reciting verses from the Koran, and gashing one another with their swords until their blood ran down in streams. To my delight not even the onbash had recognized me after my treatment at the barber’s hands.

It was long before I could persuade Andy of my identity, but at last? we attended the Kislar-Aga to his boat with all honor, and even helped him with his bundle, which was too heavy for a man of his years to carry alone. Then, when Andy and I were by ourselves, we dug up our buried diamonds, left the dervishes to their sacred dances, and slipped away in silence and without regret. That same night a fishing boat took us across the straits to Scutari, whence we were to embark upon our long voyage.

These nine books of my life I have written in the course of two years, at the dervish monastery near Cairo. For when after innumerable difficulties and sufferings I stood at last before Suleiman the eunuch he would not believe my story. He robbed me of my diamonds and locked me up in this cloister. The purpose of these books has been to prove to the noble Suleiman that after Grand Vizier Ibrahim’s death I did not steal his diamonds. Ill-natured persons have even declared that I arranged his funeral solely in order to come at the treasure he had amassed in the course of years, since as his confidential friend I alone knew of their secret hiding place in the palace. Yet it is not my fault if the incompetent Defterdar’s clerks have not been able to find that hiding place, and if they fancy I had time to conceal the treasure before the mutes strangled me in my house.

I wrote these nine books also to bring peace to my heart and to free myself from the oppressive memories of my former existence, for only thus can I begin a new life, having now—at least in my own eyes—matured as a human being. To attain this I have had to undergo many hard trials, of which my wife Giulia with her strange eyes was by no means the least. But now I believe I have found the right path, and I believe also that I am able to lead the life of an ordinary man, if only I may be given the opportunity to do so.

Openly and finally I mean to abstain from good resolutions, having found that where others are concerned they are apt to do more harm than good.


THE Nile had twice overflowed its banks before the unhappy dervish Michael reached the end of his long story. He wrote at night, and each morning presented himself at Suleiman the eunuch’s palace to read aloud to him what he had written. And when at last he made an end, the thin and ragged dervish prostrated himself before Suleiman shedding bitter tears, and raising his hands in supplication he said, “Hear my prayer, noble Suleiman! Release me from these intolerable devotional exercises of the dervishes and above all restore to me my lawful property. Through this long story of mine I have shown conclusively that I came by it in what amounts to an honest manner, and now need it to begin the life of an ordinary man. It would be foolish indeed to start again as a beggar, and I would rather submit to the grim necessity of remaining for the rest of my days in this monastery.”

Suleiman the eunuch stroked his many chins and his eyes were like slits as he surveyed the weeping dervish. Then a smile overspread his moonlike face, as he said, “Ah, Michael el-Hakim! Strange indeed are the shapes into which Allah molds his clay! Sometimes he fashions men of such honesty as to bring about their own downfall, and with the same earth he makes such cunning liars that even the wise man’s head is turned by them and his reason fails. Of his grace Allah has favored me with a long life, and the profound knowledge of human nature that I have gathered in the course of it tells me that you are the greatest and most loquacious liar I have ever met. Nevertheless I must believe in your sincerity as a man, and by diverting me during many a heavy morning you have deserved the diamonds that you stole.

I will keep only two for myself—one in memory of you and the other as a reward for my patience in listening. You may now return to the world a free man, Michael el-Hakim, and begin life anew if such a task be in your power. But should you weary of it, return to me, for while Allah leaves me life and health you may count on my favor. Go therefore, Michael el-Hakim, and peace be with you!”

The End

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