Read The Wand-Maker's Debate: Osric's Wand: Book One Online
Authors: Jack D. Albrecht Jr.,Ashley Delay
Tags: #The Wand-Maker's Debate
Bridgett lifted Gus up onto her shoulder for a better view, and watched with a worried expression on her face. Her fingers traced along her throat where Machai's blade had been the night before. “Ah, Gus, I hope he knows what he is doing.” She whispered quietly as they circled the dwarf.
“That little bastard can conjure fire!” Kenneth exclaimed, looking at Machai in surprise.
“Aye, Hunter, I can do more than that. Scared yet?”
Kenneth scowled and began to circle again, and Osric joined him. Osric could feel his breath, controlled and invigorating as he looked at Machai, and the hungry expression on his face. He felt the blade slide into its channel, and brought a strike down, at the same time Kenneth lunged with his sword tip toward Machai.
Machai spun and hooked Kenneth's sword with the edge of his axe blade, dragging it up and around to block Osric's blow. Kenneth and Osric exchanged worried looks as they withdrew their attack. If he could use one attack to block another then they needed to be wiser in their approach.
Machai chuckled low in his throat, more of a growl than a laugh. As Osric held back, waiting for him to be distracted by Kenneth's next attack, he realized his feet were rooted in place, not noticing the wand was pointed at him until it was too late. Kenneth's assault came at the same time, with a storm of rapid strikes. Machai moved swiftly as he turned each of them aside, and then hooked the blade again in his last attack and used the momentum to throw Kenneth through the air directly at Osric.
Osric tried to brace himself against the weight of his friend but he could not move a muscle. Kenneth crashed into him, and they tumbled to the ground through the flames, as Machai dropped the hand directing his wand at Osric. Osric stood quickly, expecting the dwarf to be right behind them. Machai had not moved, and he stood in the center of the dwindling flames with an amused look on his face.
“Now, if ye do not be too embarrassed, come over here and I will teach ye to defend ye'rself, and maybe even to be attacking with more than ye'r anger.”
Kenneth stalked toward the dwarf, rage in his eyes and his sword raised, and halted at the sound of Osric laughing behind him. He turned and looked at Osric with an expression of dismay. Osric walked up and slapped Kenneth on the back with a grin.
“If the two of us could fight like him, we would have a much better chance of freeing the dragons. I don't know about you, my friend, but I will put my pride aside and allow him to instruct me.” Kenneth did not look ready to give up so easily, but Osric knew if the dwarf could turn aside their attacks, made even more formidable with the aid of the Hunter's gift, that it had to be worth learning. He was the better of the two with a sword, and Kenneth was his match with the new ability, so Machai deserved their respect after the display. He stepped up to Machai. “Can you teach me?” Osric asked, humbly.
“Aye, if ye are willing to learn.” Machai held his axe easily in one hand, and held his wand up in the other. “Ye are good with ye'r sword, but ye focus on what ye are about to do with it. Ye should be thinking about what I will be doing next, and allow ye'r experience to guide ye'r sword. Do not be thinking about ye'r wand as another sword, which demands ye'r attention. Be thinking of it as a shield. Ye can defend ye'rself with ye'r wand, and use ye'r gift and instincts to be attacking with ye'r sword. Are ye ready?”
“I believe so,” Osric grabbed his wand in his right hand and began to circle. He wasn't sure how to start, but he had an idea, so he envisioned his wand as his shield and placed himself in the Hunter's mindset. He used his wand to raise a shield that would protect him against any spell Machai could use against him, and once again he was impressed with the resistance he felt from the wand. As much as he wanted to explore the mystery of his wand's varying strength, he did not want to be caught off guard, and he focused on the dwarf instead.
Osric felt his shield deflect a magical attack and hold strong, and knew Machai was testing his defenses, but he was encouraged by the dwarf's failure to penetrate his shield. Machai grinned and launched his attack. Osric found that turning aside the heavy axe with his short sword was not as easy as he thought it would be. He forgot about the shield for only a moment, and it disappeared. Osric found himself held in invisible constraints again, with an axe blade pressed hard against his chest.
“Never be letting ye'r guard down.” Machai stepped back and released Osric from the spell. “Again.”
Osric was growing more and more frustrated as Machai repeatedly beat him with either axe or wand. He could not maintain his focus on defensive spells and still be effective with his sword. In a final attempt to thwart the dwarf, Osric attacked with his blade and intended to cast an offensive spell to take Machai by surprise. Machai side-stepped to avoid the slash of the sword and knocked the wand from Osric's hand with the flat of his axe. Osric yelled out in frustration, “Extollo!”
Machai grunted in displeasure as he was hoisted into the air by his feet. His enjoyment of their violent exchange had disappeared from his face as he dropped his axe and fought clumsily with his arms and legs to find some bearing. Laughter erupted from Kenneth and Bridgett, only Gus seemed to be displeased at the sight of Osric gaining victory without his wand. It took only a few moments for Machai to calm down and gaze at Osric curiously as he folded his arms in surrender.
“Ye'r wand be on the ground, and I be dangling in mid-air. I must admit, it be perplexing.”
Osric was a bit frustrated with himself for displaying the advantage of spoken spells. Though he had not yet told Machai about the new magic, having used it, he would no longer be able to conceal the ability. If Machai had not realized he had used a spoken spell when he lifted him up into the air, he would when he cast the counter spell, and he had no choice, other than to leave Machai dangling in midair when they left. “Demitto,” Osric accepted that he would have to explain himself, and Machai settled slowly back to the ground.
* * *
“Gus, stop pacing. I am sure they will be back soon.” Bridgett scolded.
“I don't know why I want them back. Osric is going to be even more sure of himself if we succeed! He picked up on Machai's lessons quickly once he started using spoken spells. I still think it was a mistake to reveal our only advantage to a stranger.” Gus shook his head.
“I sympathize with your concerns, but we just have to trust Osric. Once the dragons are free, we will see what happens with Machai, but if any race would be able to keep these new abilities a secret, it is the dwarves.” Bridgett still had a hard time looking at Machai without recalling the memory of his blade pressed to her skin, but she knew that as a race they were honorable, and the dwarves rarely shared their secrets or techniques with outsiders. She had been very surprised that Machai had taught Kenneth and Osric to fight with both weapons and wands.
“I agree, but that fool could have at least informed us of his intentions first. Osric behaves as though his life is the only one being risked in this venture.”
“I do not believe he intends to endanger us. We were aware of the risks when we joined him. He is young and inexperienced, but there is much more to him than his foolhardy antics. He has the potential to be the greatest wizard ever born, and there is much at stake in his learning to use his new abilities. We need to support him, Gus, not degrade him.”
Gus looked toward the peak of the Volcano and kicked a rock. “Somebody needs to keep him in line, or he will think he can do
by sunset.”
“Perhaps he can.” Bridgett looked at Gus, and smiled at the pout on his face. He was cloaked in anxiety, but knowing someone's emotions did not always make it easier to engage them in conversation. She sensed his fear that they would fail, and that his home and family would suffer for it, as well as his pride that Osric had come so far since they left Stanton, but she could also feel something akin to jealousy from Gus. She knew that was what kept him from encouraging Osric when he needed it most. “Who are we to say what the limits of his powers are?” Gus turned and gazed at her with displeasure.
“My interest is only for the purpose of learning. We have been at this campsite for three days and Osric has not let me examine him yet. I need to know why he disappeared when he killed that paun. Just because he has figured out how to become invisible, doesn't mean we shouldn't learn why he has the ability in the first place! He has been gone for nearly half a day scouting that bloody volcano, and if he gets caught, my opportunity to study him will have gone as well!” Gus' expression brightened, and Bridgett laughed out loud as his ears began to twitch, an indication of his intense curiosity. “Unless you want to tell me of the magic you witnessed with the unicorns?”
“I doubt very much that I will be able to answer your questions, Gus, for your curiosity is insatiable, but I will try. What would you like to know?” Bridgett honestly did not think she knew the secrets of the unicorns that Gus was so determined to learn, but humoring him was better than listening to him rant about Osric. She dug through her pack to find something for them to eat, waiting for Gus' inevitable questions.
“Well, tell me why you believe their magic is intentional, rather than instinctive.” Gus sat forward, eyes wide and ears perked. Bridgett thought for a moment, while she sorted through their supplies, and then stood and began her story.
“The unicorns perform magic the way an artist sculpts clay; with a delicate precision that takes your breath away. One winter, I saw a unicorn bury a rotten plum with his hoof, and then cast a spell to cause a new tree to grow. When the tree had matured to bear fruit, he sat by and watched as a hungry family of squirrels collected enough food to feed them until spring. Then he caused the tree to age, fall and decay, returning its nutrients to Archana. The entire event took a single afternoon, and he provided for the animals without allowing the unnatural tree to interrupt the natural process of growth which takes place on Archana.” A wistful smile graced her lips as she described the scene, and Gus sat speechless before her. “The unicorns do nothing without reason, my friend.”
Gus stared at her intensely, and Bridgett was amused by his interest in the unicorns. The way he sat in silence, without interrupting her, was a welcome relief from his normal behavior. She sat down near the fire where Pebble was playing, and he grinned up at her with childlike joy. “I's likes that story! Those plums sound's yummy.”
“I do not have any plums, dear, but I do have some dried apples.” She handed him the fruit and smiled at his delight. He seemed to forget all about the game he was playing with colored stones he had collected around the campsite in favor of a mid'day meal.
“Have you ever witnessed a unicorn bless a newborn? Can you tell me about that?” Gus' tail was twitching along with his ears, but before she could respond, Osric appeared inside the large circle sketched in the dirt across the fire from her, holding the shoulders of Machai and Kenneth. He grinned, and directed a satisfied wink at her and Gus. They must have had a successful day.
19 – Damsel In Distress
“Osric, for the last time, you will not be able to get past those guards without a distraction. Pebble can stay with me, and while I speak with the guards, you four can get up to the mouth of the volcano unseen. I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, they will not feed me to the dragon.” Bridgett regarded him calmly. They had been arguing all morning, but the expression of defeat on his face told her he had finally seen the logic of her plan.
“I don't like it, Bridgett, but you're right. It may take all four of us to interrupt the spell holding the dragons, but from what Machai says of their policy with strangers, I fear for your safety.” Bridgett could sense Osric's torn emotions; pride and gratitude that she would risk her life for the success of their mission, and fear that she may be sacrificed for it. She laid the palm of her hand against his cheek and smiled sadly, touched that he felt so worried for her. She reached up and lifted the Aduro Amulet from her neck and placed it in his hand.
“Take this. You will need it to amplify your powers.” She traced her fingers along his jaw, and then looked away quickly. Turning to Machai, she asked, “You spoke to the dragon that guards the door, is there something I can say that would indicate that I am working with you, to fulfill your vow? Our chances of success will be much greater with the dragons' support.”
“Aye, I cannot be assuring ye the dragon will not eat ye, but since I still be alive, it be reasonable to assume he will allow ye to live as well. He called me ‘stone dweller', so if ye use the same term, I imagine he will know who ye refer to.” Machai reached into his pack and handed Bridgett the small wooden box. “I used this salve to be healing the dragon's leg.” An expression of rage and concern swept across his features. “It be willow bark and fairie tears. This, the dragon will be remembering, and if he still be favoring his foreleg, apply what be left in the box. We may well be needing the dragon at full strength before this day be over.”
Bridgett tucked the salve into a pouch on her belt, and lifted Pebble up onto her shoulder. Gus had an uncharacteristic look of concern on his face, and she smiled at him in reassurance. “Do not worry, Gus, I will take good care of him.” She knew his apprehension was not for Pebble alone, but he nodded his head and walked away. Kenneth and Machai checked their weapons and wands one more time, and stepped toward the trail that led to the volcano. They would be performing a great deal of magic in the near future, so they would set out on foot to preserve their strength. Osric found a large tree that had been hollowed at the base by weather and insects, and tucked the book and the rest of their belongings inside. Osric and Machai had erected a wide shield around the clearing they stood in, to contain the horses while they grazed, and to keep anyone else from discovering their gear.
Osric took Bridgett's hand in his and managed a weak smile. “Please be careful, and if you get into trouble, call out. We should be able to hear you and we will come to you if you need us.”