The Violet Hour (The Violet Hour Series) (16 page)

BOOK: The Violet Hour (The Violet Hour Series)
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“Is that so?” I questioned.

“It is.  Jack and Rachel have been together for a couple of months and I haven’t really dated much. Until I met you, love.”

“I like it when you call me ‘love,’” I whispered, changing the subject.  I didn’t want to waste time discussing his brothers’ dating lives.  He leaned in to kiss my forehead again.

“I’ll let you get back to sleep.  It’s been a long day,” he whispered next to my ear.

I didn’t speak a word as I released my hand from his and reached underneath the covers.  I kept my eyes on him as I slowly tugged the zipper of my jeans and slid them down my legs.  I grabbed the bottom of my sweatshirt and tank top at the same time, only losing Luke’s gaze for the seconds it took to pull the shirts over my face.  He didn’t move an inch, just watched.  His face was hard to read, but I felt confident in what I wanted.  I

When I was eye level with Luke I leaned in slowly, keeping my eyes locked on his.  The closer I got to him, the more wild his eyes grew.

I reached up and pulled my ponytail until my hair fell around my face.  His breath was short and cool against my lips.  I heard him swallow hard just before I felt his hand touch the hairs that had fallen into my eyes.  He gently moved them behind my ear, avoiding contact with my skin then lightly placed one finger under my chin to pull me in, closing the last gap separating us. 

As I kissed him, I reached for his flannel shirt.  Starting at the top, I began undoing each button slowly until his shirt was open, baring his chest.  His hands were hot on my back as he pulled me against him.  I stripped his shirt away from his shoulders and down to the bend in his elbows.  He lifted me from my sitting position in front of him and laid me onto my back, his lips never leaving mine.

His kiss shifted to a gentler, softer approach.  Each one grew shorter in length until he placed one last peck on the tip of my nose and pulled away from me. 

“Get some sleep, Logan,” he whispered through a tortured grin.

“What are you smiling about?” I teased, leaning toward him again.

“You,” he paused. 

“What?” I contended when he leaned away.

“I want to go slow.  Not because we have to, but because we
to.  I’ve waited too long for you, love.” 

“The wait’s over.  I’m right here,” I said softly, tracing my finger across his chiseled chest.

“And I plan to be with you for a very long time.  But for now, let’s take things slow.”

I couldn’t feel the truth of his words in that moment, but deep down I knew he was right.  Though I hadn’t been waiting for nearly as many years as he, I felt like I’d been waiting for him all along.  I grinned in agreement and leaned forward to hug him instead. 

“Thank you,” he breathed in my ear.  “Thank you for moving here, thank you for giving me another chance, and thank you for tonight.  Now I need to go for a run,” he finished with a low chuckle. 

He pulled me in for one last, thoughtful kiss before my Romeo leaped out into the thickness of the cloud-covered night.

Andrea Wells – The Violet Hour

Chapter 17

   My phone rang at an hour of the morning I’d rarely seen on a Sunday.  Something told me it must be important for someone to be calling so early, so I leaned out of bed and squinted at my phone charging on the floor.   

“Lindsey?  You’ve got to be kidding me, give it a rest.” I mumbled to myself, checking my reflection in the screen.

My birthday was only three days away and I suspected she would start calling every hour, on the hour, between now and then.  Especially, if I kept ignoring her calls.  The very first birthday party I’d ever had in Cali: was with Lindsey.  This would be our first spent apart from each other since that sleepover.  Our parties had evolved from pajamas to cocktail dresses, but our friendship had been the singular constant.  I felt a pang in my heart for the loss of my best friend, knowing she was irreplaceable.  My phone chimed one last time, notifying me she had left her first, of assumably many, voicemails.  I tossed the phone back onto the floor and rolled over, yanking the blankets over my eyes. 

The night before seemed like a dream, but my feet touched the clothing still shoved under the blankets at the foot of my bed – assuring me it wasn’t.  Luke was a monster of sorts – one straight out of a horror film I might have gone to see under Brody’s arm only a few months ago.  And yet, Luke was the most amazing, beautiful man I’d ever met.  To think he was mine, all mine, seemed like a dream, something out of a fairytale.  I couldn’t wait to see him again. 

I heard a light knock on my bedroom door and I knew instantly it was someone other than Luke. 

“Yeah,” I called hoarsely after I pulled the covers off my face again.

“Hey, I didn’t think you’d be up yet,” my dad said from the hallway.  “Lindsey just called the house phone and left a message on our answering machine for you.  It sounded urgent.  I didn’t realize you were awake or I would have answered the call.  Can I come in?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said absentmindedly.

He walked over to the window and opened the curtains, flooding my bedroom with morning light.

“It’s awfully bright outside this early,” I complained, rubbing my eyes.

“Because there’s snow on the ground, sweetheart.”     

Snow!  Without thinking, I launched myself out of bed to peer through the window.  It had been years since I’d traveled anywhere to see snow.  A dusting of fresh powder had turned the world sparkly white.  Snowflakes drifted down slowly, creating a sheer haze across the yard and making it impossible to see the mountains. 

“I love the snow,” my dad said.

“It’s gorgeous!” I proclaimed.  “I want to go play in it!”

“I don’t think you’re really dressed for the occasion.” he said, awkwardly.

I was so excited to witness the fresh snowfall, I’d forgotten about my lack of clothing.    Embarrassment flooded my insides as I realized I was only wearing the Calvin Klein bra and underwear I had fallen asleep in.  Mortified, I squeaked, jumped back into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin.  There was no point in trying to dress until he left. 

“Would you like me to get you the phone so you can call Lindsey back?” my dad asked, politely gazing outside.

“No, I’m not talking to her.”

“Isn’t she your best friend?  I thought she was the one you’ve been friends with since you moved there – didn’t she live right next door or something?”

“She was all those things.  She
to live next door to me, until I moved here and she
to be my friend, until I caught her with my boyfriend.”

“Oh… sorry to hear that.  I hope you’ll be able to work things out with her someday.  Don’t worry about the guy though; there are plenty of good guys out there.  Luke’s a good guy and you seem to like him.”

I was taken aback that our conversation was going here already and so early in the morning.  Now I knew I was never going to fall back asleep.

“I do like him, Dad, but keeping secrets hasn’t been a good way to get to know him.” 

“I just want you to be happy, Logan,” my dad said with a small frown.

“I am, some days are better than others,” I smiled.

“Well, I’m here if you need to talk.”

“So, are we still on for dinner?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Certainly, let’s plan on leaving around five.  I don’t want to keep you out late on a school night.”

“Sounds like a date,” I offered genuinely.  I hadn’t had a chance to spend any time with just my dad.  It was something I was both happy and nervous about.

He leaned over to kiss my forehead before he left the room. 


When I opened the bathroom door, the sauna-like heat escaped into the bedroom, fogging up the porch window.  On top of my neatly made bed was a winter jacket, matching snow pants, gloves and a hat.  On the floor, a pair of snow boots.  A few red roses and a new note lay beside the outfit.


I hope you were surprised to see snow this morning. I wanted to tell you last night, but you distracted me.  It’ll be melted by tomorrow morning so we need to enjoy it while it’s here.  Me, Jack and Jesse are going riding and you’re coming with us.  Get dressed and meet us downstairs when you’re ready.




I flung my robe across the room and hurried into my closet to change.  By the time I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I was sweating from all the layers.  I may have overdressed a little, but I wasn’t sure how cold I would get playing in the snow.  Kate beamed at me from the fireplace in the family room. 

“Very cute, Logan!  Where are you going looking like that?” she asked.

“Me and the boys are going for a ride in the snow, I guess.  Luke left the outfit for me.”

“That must be why Jack gassed up the 4-wheelers last night,” she said to herself.  “Well, have fun and be safe.  Don’t let them get too crazy while you’re on those things.  They play rough.”

I moved toward the kitchen and found my dad staring out the tall windows overlooking the patio.  He seemed more contemplative today than usual. 

“Have fun,” my dad said as he handed over a pair of goggles and opened the glass patio door for me.  As soon as the door clicked shut behind me, all three of them turned to me with wide grins.  I thought I heard my dad laugh from inside.

“Nice suit,” Jesse yelled over the noise of the engines.

“You better put those things on,” Jack hollered, pointing to my goggles.

Jack and Jesse took off through the trees while Luke shut off his engine and walked over to me.  I put on my goggles and posed. 

“I admit, seeing you in nothing but your black bra and underwear is sexy, but this…
is sexy!  Let’s go, hot stuff,” Luke breathed closely to my ear before taking my hand and guiding me onto the back of his 4-wheeler.

I’d been on a 4-wheeler once before with my father when I was younger.  I wrapped my arms tightly around Luke’s chest and scooted closer without hesitation.  He placed one hand on my thigh and took off slowly.  The prickly air nipped at my cheeks while my hair whipped in every direction.  

We spent most of the morning racing through the trees in the fresh snow.  I snuggled tightly against Luke’s back and kept my eyes mostly closed for the first hour out of pure fear.  Kate was right. They were racing each other, seeing who could jump their 4-wheeler the highest and scaling up cliffs of rocks I wouldn’t go up with my own two feet, let alone a motorized vehicle. 

My stomach growled louder and louder as morning turned into noon.  Luke’s impeccable hearing must have heard the racket coming from behind him, because he asked if I was ready for lunch, but didn’t wait for my answer before turning around and taking off back toward the house.  We were roaring through a large open meadow when I noticed a blur racing through the trees.  Luke turned towards it and I realized it was a wolf.  Panic shot through my veins.

Luke slowed down, reaching his hand back to protectively squeeze my thigh.  I leaned impossibly closer to him, hugging him tightly.  Hot breathes escaped quicker from my lips into the frigid air.

The wolf turned toward us as Jack and Jesse stopped their 4-wheelers.  Luke slowed to a stop several feet behind them. 

“What’s going on?” I asked as quietly as I could. 

“I’ll be right back,” Luke said as he climbed off the 4-wheeler, leaving it running.  It was impossible to hear them talking over the loud noise.

I watched the boys argue while the wolf yawned patiently beside them.  I recognized the wolf, but wasn’t sure
it was.  Without warning, Jack and Jesse shifted into wolves.  Horrified, I watched the three wolves disappear into the trees at full speed, low to the ground and growling. 

“Everything’s fine.  We need to get back to the house,” Luke offered with a smile, though his eyes were unsettling.

“What’s going on?” I yelled.

“Don’t worry,” he said as he sat down in front of me and revved the engine, cutting off any further questions.

Luke pulled up to the patio and motioned for me to get off at the house before driving around the front.  I went inside, confused.  When I got to my room, I threw open the window and glared at my dad and Kate standing outside the barn with Luke.  I could tell they were on edge.  They parted ways as Luke ran toward the house.  I tore the snowsuit he’d given me off and left it on the floor just before he made it to my room.

“What’s going on, Luke?” I demanded as soon as he stepped through my door.

“Nothing for you to worry about,” he replied shortly. 

“I will worry about it, Luke… every day,” I countered, recalling his words from the day before.

He grimaced at me before shaking his head.

“Your dad and Kate are meeting up with Rachel and my brothers in the mountains.  They’re checking on things while I stay here with you.”

The wolf had to be Rachel, I concluded. 

“Are they here?” I pressed.


“Xavier and his pack?”

“Not that we’re aware of, but we’re not certain.  Alexander must have left town sometime after confronting us in the restaurant.  We’ve found no sign of him since.  Believe me, we’ve looked.  He likely flew back to London.”

“Then what happened out there?”

“Just following up on a lead Rachel has.  She thinks she found a den for
wolf pack, but we’re not sure for whom.  So, your dad and Kate are going to investigate.  They know this terrain better than anyone.”

“Rachel is looking out for me?”  I was grateful but confused.

“She’s mean and heartless, but once she gets to know you, she warms up.  A little.”

“Do you think she’s warming up to me?” I asked.

“No,” he laughed, “but give her time.”

The snow had stopped on our way back home though clouds still covered the sky.  The mountains sparkled in contrast to the dark pine trees, but it wasn’t good enough in that moment.  I wished I could see clearer and farther – see the world through Luke’s eyes.  He came over to the bench and wrapped his arms around me.  I could feel a tension in his body I hadn’t felt before.

“Are you sure nothing’s wrong, Luke?” I questioned.  “Is there something else I should know?”

“If there was something you needed to know, I’d tell you.  Please stop worrying,” he said, sealing his words with a kiss.  It was the first time we’d kissed since the night before and I couldn’t help but wonder what he really thought. 

“Sorry about last night,” I said bashfully.  “I got carried away in the moment.”

“Logan,” he said, running his hands down my arms.  “I’ve waited a long time for someone like you.  I don’t ever stop thinking about you.  But, I want things to be right between us.  I hope you understand,” he declared. 

“Thank you,” I said deep in his eyes.  “I want all those things too.  I want you… I want you forever.”

“I love you, Logan, more than you can imagine,” he said, pulling me against his body.

We sat quietly for what seemed like hours.  I knew it wasn’t that long, though, because my stomach wouldn’t have allowed it. 

“Let me get you something to eat,” Luke said as he jumped to his feet and disappeared down the stairs.  Before I could get up to follow him, he called up to me, “I’ll be back up in a minute.”

He returned moments later and spread out a picnic across my bed. 

“Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked, taking a bite of a sandwich.

“No.  Jack, Jesse and I are hunting tonight.  We’ll be back sometime tomorrow night.”

“You’re going to miss school?” I asked, trying to avoid thinking about him
for dinner.

“Yes, but I’ve had quite enough high school.  I attend the bare minimum to not attract attention.”

“Right,” I offered, feeling jealous.

“We may not have the chance later this week to hunt, so we need to go,” he said, as if trying to see if I was willing to talk about it.

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