The Vine (12 page)

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Authors: C.A Ellis

BOOK: The Vine
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I’ve always wanted to perform oral sex on Luke, but again, with my lack of confidence I would always talk myself out of it, thinking I would be rubbish at it, or do it wrong or something. Katy always laughs at me, saying, “You can’t suck a guy’s dick wrong; just get hold of it and get your mouth around it, that’s all they want.” Well she could laugh at me all she wanted, but I wasn’t going to do it until I felt ready, because of course I
wanted it to be great for Luke, but I wanted it to be a pleasurable experience for both of us. So this is my plan—the shoes and giving Luke a big thank you in a way I know will mean a lot to him.

Now he is in front of me though, and I can’t think of anything. All I’m aware of is being so turned on right now from what I’m about to do, that I’m practically dripping on the wooden floor. I will just have to go with instincts here. I reach out and touch Luke gently, and I hear a low, sharp intake of breath from him. I clasp my hands around him and stroke his impressive erection softly with my fingertips. I lean in to him, and lightly lick the tip of this huge part of him that is standing to attention in front of me. I pull my head back again, taking in every detail of this intimate piece of my man. I look up at Luke, and he is looking down at me with pure lust.

He strokes my hair and while I keep eye contact, I lean in again for another taste. Luke’s hands abruptly stop stroking. I look back to his manhood I’m clasping and see a bead of his arousal oozing out of him. Instinct takes over again as I lick it away, and Luke stills completely. I lick around the ridge of the head and just underneath, where I know he likes to be touched. He exhales a huge groan of pleasure.

One hand is still holding him while I lick along his length, then back to the tip and around it. I continue with this licking mantra, while my other hand finds his swollen, tight balls and I start to caress them gently. “Ah, shit, Lizzy,” Luke moans. I take this as a good sign as I continue to caress, and I start to move my other hand up and down his shaft. Occasionally, I lick to keep it lubricated, but mainly my tongue stays focused on the tip and ridge around the head, because that’s where I get the most amazing reactions from Luke. Every time I get these reactions from him, I feel myself clench with desire.
Who knew this could be so amazing for a woman too? What have I been missing out on with my beautiful man?

I open my mouth and get my lips involved too. I rub the tip of his erection around the outside of my lips before my mouth goes around him. As my hand comes up his shaft, it meets my lips. Luke’s groans become more frequent and I can feel his hardness throbbing, his heartbeat calling to me with its pulsating rhythm. Then there’s the intoxicating fusion of him, tongue, lips, fingers and wetness. The cadence is extreme now, and my movements are harder and more persistent, up and down, and all the while I’m unconsciously grinding myself into the chair.

All of a sudden, Luke grabs my hair, tugging so it almost hurts whilst shouting my name over and over. It’s then I feel his salty blast hit my throat, and I instinctively swallow as Luke and his thrusts start mellowing. As I carry on with lighter licks and kisses, he has a few, small aftershocks, which he seems as surprised about as I am. I mop up any residue from around my mouth with my fingers before looking up into the eyes of my beautiful man. Still lightly panting and out of breath, he catches my eye and pulls me up, lacing his fingers through mine.

“Wow, Lizzy, that was amazing,” he whispers. I coyly look at him, doubting his words even though I can still taste the evidence of their truth. “Seriously, Angel, that was out of this world. See how great sex is when there are hearts involved?” I nod, knowing exactly what he means. Luke turns around and sits himself in his favourite chair, clearly spent.

I sit on his lap and curl myself up with him, my head on his chest, listening to his erratic heartbeat after our sexual endeavours. I can feel his eyes watching me, so I look up into them.

“I love you so much, Lizzy.”

“I love you too, Luke, probably more that you’ll ever know,” I reply.

Leaning down to kiss me, he whispers, “I know, Angel. I know,” and then his lips are over mine and I melt.

As our slow, loving, sensual kissing starts to turn into a passionate battle of fierce tongues and nibbling teeth, I can feel
Luke harden against my thigh. Wanting to continue pleasing my delicious man, I turn to straddle him. I’m sure I could actually have an orgasm just from kissing Luke with how intense it is sometimes. My hands are in his hair and his hands are on my waist as our tongues thrash before almost melting into one. I position myself over him and he slowly pushes himself into me.

I press myself onto him, and then pull myself back up slowly, then again, down and up. As I move, his hands grip my hips as he helps me make love to him. The slow pace we’re trying to keep doesn’t last. I can feel my orgasm building, and with the extent of how turned on I’ve been, combined with all the kissing and now this amazing feeling of him inside me, I know any second this volcano is going to erupt. As I look right into his amazing blue eyes, it flips something inside me. My movements become faster, and when I slide up his length, I grind into him as I come down. I realise my inhibitions are completely gone as I’m riding my beautiful man.

My name is his mantra as he calls it over and over. My gasps and moans become louder, and my arms are up and I’m grabbing at my own hair. “Oh, Angel, come with me.” Luke’s words are my undoing as I scream out, and the waves of love and pleasure rage through me. I clench around his cock and he shouts out, “Ah fuck, Lizzy! Yes!” I love his sexual ramblings in this heated moment.

As we come down from our intense orgasms, Luke’s breaths are ragged and I’m seeing stars. I lean forward to kiss him gently; his eyes are still closed as my lips touch his, and as I pull away, he has a small smile on his face. As he opens his breath-taking eyes, my stomach flips. “What are you smiling about?” I ask, smirking.

“What can I say? I’m a guy with a lot to smile about. I’ve got a gorgeous girlfriend who I adore, she has great shoes and she does wonderful, sexual things to me,” he answers, grinning wildly as I flush.

Chuckling, Luke says, “Look at you now, wildcat, taking advantage of me with your shoes and your nakedness. Things have changed somewhat, I recall, since the first time we made love.”

I’m now blushing wildly. “Luke, stop it,” I say shyly. As he slides out of me, I curl back up on his lap with my arms around his neck. He kisses the top of my head and then stands, lifting me up with one arm around my back and one under my thighs. With my arms still around his neck, I snuggle my head into his chest as he takes me up to bed. Luke lays me down on the bed like I’m made of glass. He takes off each shoe, placing them carefully in their box.

I slide under the sheets, and as Luke slithers in beside me, I snuggle into him thinking before the last few months, I hadn’t slept properly in four years because of all guilt and nightmares I’d suffered. With those thoughts in my mind, I drift off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

The alarm wakes me up; I look around the room, disoriented. I move my hand around on the bed next to me, but Luke’s not there and the bed is cold, so he’s been up a while. I sit on the edge of the bed and stretch. Looking down, I laugh at my nakedness and think of Luke’s comments the night before. He was right; I certainly have come a long way since our first moments of intimacy we had shared. His shirt from yesterday is on the chaise in our room; he must have tidied up from last night’s adventures. I quickly put the shirt on, smiling and thinking how great our evening was.

I enjoyed every minute of it, especially having Luke in my mouth. I surprise myself at that thought. I giggle and make my way downstairs; I’m famished. As I enter the kitchen, Luke spins around but he avoids my eyes; he’s on the telephone. I hear the tail-end of the conversation, which is Luke saying, “Okay, if it’s ready, I’ll be over, but not until after work.” The other person must be saying something, but Luke cuts them off with, “Look, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later.” He then hangs up abruptly, and for a split second, he’s frowning.

He then locks eyes with me, and with that amazing smile he lights up his face, and lights me up along with it. He looks absolutely gorgeous; he is wearing a crisp, white shirt, which accentuates his tan skin, with light blue cufflinks attached and a light blue
tie. The colour of the tie is making his eyes even bluer and more piercing than normal. He really is so beautiful. He must notice me staring, but he greets me with his usual, “Morning, Angel.”

“Morning, is everything okay? I ask.

“Yes, everything’s great,” he replies, sauntering over to me and wrapping me in his arms. “That shirt looks better on you than it does on me.” Luke smirks, clearly trying to change the subject.

“What’s ready?” I ask, never one to give up. Luke looks at me confused, so I continue, “The telephone call—you said if something’s ready, you will go over after work.” “Oh, that,” Luke says, “it’s just some contractual paperwork we’re waiting on. It’s over near Epping Forest somewhere, so I’ll go and get it from the client tonight. I’m far too busy today to do it. Do you want some boiled eggs?” There he goes again, changing the subject. I decide to let it go this time; he’s given me a reasonable explanation, and I have no reason to doubt him.

“Boiled eggs would be great,” I reply as I sit at the breakfast bar. Five minutes later, I’ve got my boiled eggs and soldiers. Luke always cuts my toast up into soldiers and I like it; it reminds me of my childhood, before my mum and dad were taken from me.
Why do I always do that? Why do I have to turn a lovely childhood memory into my despair?
Luke sees the sadness that’s clearly showing on my face. “Everything okay, Angel?” he enquires as he places a penny in my hand.

I look down into the palm of my hand and smile at him. “Everything’s great,” I say, looking at him cheekily as I dip my soldier into my egg and bite a chunk off.
Looks like we’ve both got our secrets this morning
, I think to myself. Luke’s voice brings me out of my thoughts. “I’m taking the Bentley to work this morning, so if you want a lift, you’d better get a move on.” I nod, finish my breakfast and run past him so I can grab a quick shower before we leave. He smacks my bottom as I run past, and I giggle like a schoolgirl before dashing up the stairs. I appear downstairs thirty minutes later, ready for my day. Luke’s already in the car waiting, so I grab my bag and rush out the door.

I’ve barely got my seatbelt on before we’ve pulled out on our way to work. It’s handy for us living so close to work. As Luke pulls up outside my office, I lean over to kiss him goodbye, just going in for a quick peck since Luke seems to be in such a rush this morning. My eyes widen as Luke deepens our kiss instead, and I begin to relax into it. Eventually, we pull apart and Luke asks, “I’ve got to go and pick up these contracts and bits tonight, so do you want me to get Daniel to pick you up from work?”

“No, don’t worry. I’ll grab a taxi,” I reply.

“Are you sure, Angel?” he asks, concerned.

“Yes,” I reassure him, “now get off to work, my beautiful man.” It’s out of my mouth before I can stop it. I only call Luke my beautiful man in my head; I’ve never told him, let alone called him it out loud. He looks back down at me, a boyish grin all over his face.

“Is that what you call me?” he asks. I can only nod; I am so flushed and embarrassed. “
. Beautiful. Man,” he repeats slowly. “I like it, Angel” he says with a beaming smile.

He kisses my head and I get out of the car, still mortified at my slip-up. I turn to wave as I always do before I enter my building, and Luke’s window is open. “Bye, Angel!” he shouts, and I smile and wave at him. Then, thinking he’s funny, he shouts, “Your beautiful man will try not to be too late tonight!” And with that, he grins, blows me a kiss and pulls out into the London traffic.

I enter my building, and although I’m embarrassed, I can’t help giggling to myself and thinking just how much I do love my silly, beautiful man. When I get to my desk, there is a silver envelope waiting for me. I look at it, wondering what on earth it could be as I slowly open it, peaking in for some clue. I pull out a thick, silver card with an angel embossed on it, and I smile because without even opening it, I immediately know whom it’s from. What does surprise me though is what drops out of it—two flight tickets to Verona in Italy, and two tickets to the open-air opera to see La Traviata, my mum’s favourite opera of all time.

I have been to a couple of operas with George—he adores them—and I must admit, I did fall in love with them. Stories told through expression and with such passion are second to none. I’ve always come out of them quite exhausted with all the emotions running through me. It can stay with you for days, but the one I have always wanted to see is La Traviata, to find out why Mum loved it so much. I put the tickets to the side and open up the card, tears already stinging my eyes at the thoughtfulness of my wonderful boyfriend as I read:

Hey Angel

Wipe those tears away as this is meant to be a happy surprise.

At this, I smile because he knows me so well and continue reading.

I want to take you away to what I think is one of the most romantic cities in the world, especially as it is the home of Romeo and Juliet. I also want to be the one to take you to the opera of your dreams, and not that stuffy, old George.

I smile again, thinking even though the statement is made in jest, Luke is probably a bit jealous I’ve been to an opera with George and not with him.

Only I should be the one to take you to “La Traviata” in your mother’s memory, which I know you hold so dear to your heart and have always wanted to see.

It will help you to find out a little bit more about the mother you loved so dearly, and who loved you back so unconditionally.

A lady that gave this world and me the greatest gift ever…you! Angel, nothing and no one could love you more than I do, so I hope you love this gift and will make me the happiest man alive by accepting this invitation.

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