The View from the Cheap Seats (47 page)

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Morris, Mark, 204

Morrison, Grant, 303

Morritt, Charles, 381

Mosnier, Jean-Laurent, 473

“Moth, The” (Wells), 334

Moth, The: This Is a True Story,
Introduction for, 383–85

Motion of Light in Water, The
(Delany), 189

Movies, 201–16; “A View from the Cheap Seats,” 463–69; and comics, 222–26, 241–42

Mr. Punch
(Gaiman and McKean), 107

Mugnier, Arthur, 57

Music, 389–420; copyright laws, 341–42

Musicals compared with pornographic films, 43–44

Muth, Jon, 243

MythCon 35 Guest of Honor Speech (2004), 33–38

Myths, 54–63

Myths of the Norsemen,

Nancarrow, Conlon, 107

Napoleon of Notting Hill, The
(Chesterton), 37–38

Napster, 341–42

National Book Foundation, 134

National Portrait Gallery, 471–75

“Nature of the Infection, The: Some Thoughts on
Doctor Who
,” 217–21

Nebula Awards speech (2005), 192–97

Negotiations, 247–48

(Gibson), 187

(Gaiman), 67, 428

(TV series), 220, 242

“New Accelerator, The” (Wells), 337

New Annotated Dracula
(Stoker), Introduction to, 323–26

Newbery Medal Speech (2009), 16–25

Newman, Kim, 144–49, 220, 323

New Statesman,

Newton, Isaac, 303

New Wave: definition of, 120

New Worlds
120, 171

New Yorker
18, 120, 310

New York's Village Halloween Parade, 51

Nicholls, Peter, 376;
Encyclopedia of Science Fiction,
102, 120, 172, 183

Nightmare Movies
(Newman), 145

Night Watch
(Pratchett), 104

(Orwell), 187

Niven, Larry, 258

“Nobody's Guide to the Oscars, A,” 463–69

“No Money Down” (song), 410

(Aldiss), 172–73

Norse sagas, 357–59

Not for All the Gold in Ireland
(James), 357, 359–60

Notkin, Geoff, 141–43, 284

Notkin, Sam, 141, 142

(Delany), 30, 190

Ocean at the End of the Lane, The
(Gaiman), 88–89, 446–47

“Of Time, and Gully Foyle: Alfred Bester and
The Stars My Destination
,” 183–86

Of Worlds Beyond
(Eshbach, ed.), 261

Oliver, Edgar, 383–84

“Once Upon a Time,” 423–29

“On Dave McKean,” 106–10

The 13 Clocks
by James Thurber,” 353–55

Some Notes Toward an Introduction,” 361–66

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 12

Original Dr. Shade and Other Stories, The
(Newman), Introduction to, 144–49

Original Plays
(Gilbert), 35

Orpheus, 188

Orwell, George, 183, 187

Oscars, 463–69

Outrageous Tales from the Old Testament
(comic), 75

Outsider and Others, The
(Lovecraft), 349

“Pace That Kills, The” (Keith Roberts writing as Alistair Bevan), 82

Palmer, Amanda, 86, 454; and Anthony Martignetti, 483–88; The Dresden Dolls, 477–83; Evelyn Evelyn, 415–18, 480;
Who Killed Amanda Palmer
(album), 419–20, 487–88

Pan Book of Horror Stories,
27, 83

Pan Books, 369

Pangborn, Edgar, 47

“Particle Man” (song), 395

Pastel City, The
(Harrison), 361–62, 363–64

“Patricia's Profession” (Newman), 144–45

(Wolfe), 112

Peace and Love Corporation, 147–48

Peak, Bob, 251

“Pedestrian, The” (Bradbury), 179–80

PEN Awards, 73–76

Penn, Sean, 468

PEN World Voices Festival (2007), 383

“Perfect Day” (song), 405–6

Perkins, Geoffrey, 115

Perrault, Charles, 59, 424

Perret, Patti, 94

Pertwee, Jon, 219

Photographs of authors, 93–94

“Pickman's Model” (Lovecraft), 352

Pilgrim's Progress, The
(Bunyan), 428

“Plattner Story, The” (Wells), 335

Plus Books, 29–30

Poe, Edgar Allan, 27, 317–21

Poe, John Allan, 320

Pop, Iggy, 275

Pornographic films compared with musicals, 43–44

“Pornography of Genre, or the Genre of Pornography, The,” 39–48

Portraiture, 471–76

Pratchett, Terry, 100–105, 394–95;
A Slip of the Keyboard,
489–502; “Terry Pratchett: An Appreciation,” 100–105

Price, Vincent, 318–19

Princess Bride, The
(Goldman), 426

Prisoners of Gravity
(TV series), 268–69

Prison industry, 6

“Problem with Susan, The” (Gaiman), 38

ProCon speech (1997), 238–52

Provenza, Paul, 215

PS (magazine), 291

Quinn, Marc, 475

Quinn, Seabury, 348

Rackham, Arthur, 428, 430

Radomsko Ghetto, 46–47

Rathbone, Basil, 318

Rat Race, The
(Bester), 185

“Raven, The” (Poe), 319–20

Raw Power
(album), 275

“Ray Bradbury,
Fahrenheit 451
and What Science Fiction Is and Does,” 177–82

ReaderCon 11 program book (1999), 125–28

Readers: as collaborators, 40–41; obligation to, 13–14

Reading, 5–15

Reading Agency Lecture (2013), 5–15

(du Maurier), 134

Red Riding Hood, 59, 60, 425–26

Reed, Kit, 166

Reed, Lou, 114, 141, 397–414

Reed, Sylvia, 406

(Jones), Foreword to, 95–99

Reinventing Comics
(McCloud), 310

“Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes, The” (Wells), 334

“Remembering Douglas Adams,” 114–16

Report on Probability A
(Aldiss), 171–72

Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The
(Adams), 368

Return of the King, The
(Tolkien), 36

Return of the Shadow, The
(Tolkien), 36

Revolt in 2100
(Heinlein), 187

Rex, Adam, 87

Riddell, Chris, 4

Riddley Walker
(Hoban), 378

(Zelazny), 30

Robinson, James, 157

Rock Bottom Remainders, 130

Rock Star: Adventures of a Meteorite Man
(Notkin), Introduction to, 141–43

Rodriguez, Robert, 226

Rose for Ecclesiastes,
A (Zelazny), 29

Rosenthal, Becca, 487

Roshell, John, 261

Ross, Alex, 261

Rossetti, Christina, 425

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 444

Rowling, J. K., 104

Rudyard Kipling's Tales of Horror and Fantasy
(Jones), Introduction To, 327–28

Russell, Eric Frank, 171

Russell, P. Craig, 243

Saberhagen, Fred, 323

Sailor's Girl, The
(movie), 215

“Samuel R. Delany and
The Einstein Intersection
,” 187–91

‘Salem's Lot
(King), 131–32, 137, 323

San Diego Comic Convention, 226

(Gaiman), 56–57, 58, 64, 67, 108, 238–39, 240, 398–99, 457

(movie project), 242

(Simon and Kirby), 278–79, 280

Satire, 104

Saturday Night Live
(TV series), 114

Schmidt, Eric, 10

School of Visual Arts (New York City), 142, 284, 292

Schwartz, Lew Sayre, 263, 266

Science fiction, misconceptions about, 187–88

Scott, George C., 394

Screwtape Letters, The
(Lewis), 27, 34

“Sea Raiders, The” (Wells), 335–36

Searle, Ronald, 354

Selby, Hubert, 403

Selected Stories
(Leiber), Introduction to, 165–68

Self-censorship of children, 81–82, 85

Selick, Henry, 463–64, 467, 469

Sendak, Maurice, 480

Serious Man, A
(movie), 464

Set, The
(Newman), 145

Sexes and books, 67–72

SF12 (Merril, ed.), 165

Shadows over Innsmouth
(Jones, ed.), 352

Shakespeare, William, 433

(Ellison), 119–20, 122–23

Shawshank Redemption
(King), 133

Sheen, Michael, 468

Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores
(Ketter, ed.), 26–32

Shelley, Mary, 169, 202

Shining, The
(King), 134–35

“Shoehorn with Teeth” (song), 395

Siegel, Jerry, 247, 260

Signal to Noise
(Gaiman and McKean), 107

Signal to Noise
(radio drama), 240

Silverberg, Robert, 350

Silver Locusts, The
(Bradbury), 27, 181

Sim, Dave, 233, 244, 269, 305

Simak, Clifford D., 193

SimCity 2000,

Simon, Brett, 215

Simon, Joe, 276, 278–81

Simon and Kirby Superheroes,
Introduction to, 278–81

Simont, Marc, 354

Simpson, M. J.,
Hitchhiker: A Biography of Douglas Adams,

Sinatra, Nancy, 130

Sin City
(movie), 226

Sinclair, Alex, 261

Sinclair, Iain, 107

“Sing” (song), 481

“Six to Six,” 156–61

Slade, David, 214

Sleeping Beauty, 45, 59

Slip of the Keyboard, A
(Pratchett), Introduction to, 489–502

“Slip Under the Microscope, A” (Wells), 335


Smith, Cordwainer, 364

Smith, Jeff, 244, 267–73, 297, 305;
267–73, 305

Smoke and Mirrors
(Gaiman), 61

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 61–62

Soho (London), 158–60

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
(Adams), Introduction to, 367–72

“So Many Ways to Die in Syria Now:
2014,” 491–97

“Some Reflections on Myth (With Several Digressions onto Gardening, Comics and Fairy Tales),” 54–63

“Some Strangeness in the Proportion: The Exquisite Beauties of Edgar Allan Poe,” 317–21

Sondheim, Stephen, 107, 490

Son of Dracula
(movie), 323

(Gibbs), 122

Space Voyager
100, 117

Speculative fiction, 104, 177–80, 184, 187, 195

Spiegelman, Art, 73, 74, 142, 222, 293, 296, 297

(magazine), “The Dresden Dolls: Hallowe'en 2010,” 477–82

Spinrad, Norman, 121, 258

(comics), 282–89

Spirit, The
(Eisner), 222, 286–89, 291, 292–93

Sprang, Dick, 263, 266

Stalking the Nightmare
(Ellison), 123

“Star, The” (Wells), 336

(Gaiman), 67–68, 82–83, 426–29, 431

(movie), 428

“Star Pit, The” (Delany), 165

Stars My Destination, The
(Bester), Introduction to, 183–86

Steel, Danielle, 134

Stein, Gertrude, 125

Steinmeyer, Jim, 380–82

Stern, Howard, 122

Stewart, Thomas, 473

Stine, R. L., 7, 8, 85

Stoker, Bram,

Stooges, the, 275

Stoppard, Tom, 74

Storey, Margaret, 17, 83

(Moorcock), 165

Storm of Wings, A
(Harrison), 364

“Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham, The” (Wells), 335

“Story of the Stone Age, A” (Wells), 336

Stranger in a Strange Land
(Heinlein), 171

“Study in Scarlet, A” (Poe), 317

Sturgeon's Law, 42

“Suede” (song), 391–92

Sundance, 212–16

Sunday Times,
233–34; “On Stephen King,” 129–40

(Mayer), 258

Superheroes, lineage of, 257–60

(Moore), 259

Å vankmajer, Jan, 107

Swamp Thing,
265, 279

Swift, Jonathan, 68

Sword of Sorcery
(Leiber), 166

Swords of Lankhmar, The
(Leiber), 166

Syria, 491–97

Tales of Mystery and Imagination
(Poe), 321

Tan, Amy, 130

Tate Gallery, 443–46

“Telling Lies for a Living . . . And Why We Do It,” 16–25

“Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe), 318, 320

Tennyson, Alfred, 474

“Terry Pratchett: An Appreciation,” 100–105

Thatcher, Margaret, 365

Theatre Is Evil
(album), 484

“These Are Not Our Faces,” 93–94

Thesiger, Ernest, 202–3

Thespis, 253–54

They Might Be Giants, 394–96

They Might Be Giants
(movie), 394

“Thing of It Is, The:
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
,” 438–42

13 Clocks, The
(Thurber), 353–55

Thomas, Theodore, 193

Thompson, Jim, 379

Thompson, Josiah,

“Three Authors: On Lewis, Tolkien and Chesterton,” 33–38

Thurber, James,
The 13 Clocks,

Tiger! Tiger!
(Bester), 184, 187

Time Bandits
(movie), 207

Time Machine, The
(Wells), 330

Time Out
(magazine): “Six to Six,” 156–61; “Waiting for the Man: Lou Reed,” 402–14

Tolkien, Christopher, 36

Tolkien, J.R.R., xvi, 35–37, 38, 83, 97, 104, 423;
The Lord of the Rings,
xvi, 35–37, 440–41

“Tolkien's Magic Ring” (Beagle), xv–xvi, 35–36

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