The Vampire's Fake Fiancée (Nocturne Falls Book 5) (16 page)

BOOK: The Vampire's Fake Fiancée (Nocturne Falls Book 5)
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Greaves brought her coffee over, along with the sugar. He made a second trip with the creamer. “But you wouldn’t be if you were living here. Let me, miss. It’s what I do.”

“But Sebastian just told Evangeline you were a rook, not a servant. I certainly don’t want you to go out of your way—what is a rook, exactly?”

Greaves smiled. “Sort of a vampire’s butler. And I’m happy to help the woman who’s helping Sebastian. Whatever you need.”

“All right.” She shrugged. This was not a life she was used to.

Greaves went back to the counter, opened the cake box and turned to look at her. “Large or small?”

She frowned. “Um…”

He winked at her. “Slice of cake.”

She considered the evening. “Large.” Now was not the time to deny herself anything.

She glanced at Sebastian. “Aren’t you joining me?”

He held his cup in front of him. “I rarely eat—”

“Sweets. Yes, I know.” She patted the table top in front of the chair beside her. “Tonight you do. Sit.”

He made a curious face, but did as she asked, settling in beside her. “Happy?”


That seemed to appease something in him and he smiled. “Greaves, apparently I’m also having cake.”

“Very good, sir.”

Two generous slices appeared shortly after on china plates, along with silver forks and cloth napkins. The cake looked like red velvet with fresh raspberries and buttercream in the layers.

She picked up her fork, which was surprisingly heavy, but that was because it was sterling. She contemplated the setting before her. “Do you always do things so formally?”

Greaves made a soft noise.

Sebastian shot him a look as he answered. “You mean because of the china?”

“And the silver and the crystal and the cloth napkins. All of it. It’s lovely, don’t get me wrong, but it’s sort of formal for every day.”

He seemed to think that over for a moment. “It’s just how things are. Although I never eat in the dining room. I usually eat in here.”

Lonely was the first word that popped into her head, but she kept that to herself. She smiled. “We can eat in the dining room tomorrow if you like. Unless you prefer not to.”

He forked up a morsel of cake. “I prefer not to when I’m alone. As long as you’re here, the dining room will be perfect.”

Greaves cleared his throat. “About breakfast…”

Sebastian put his fork down. “Ah, yes. That will be a problem.”

“What?” Tessa asked.

Sebastian cocked a brow. “We order most things in. Greaves is a wretched cook.”

Greaves shook his head. “I burn water.”

Tessa laughed. “I can cook.”

“You’re a guest,” Sebastian said.

She laid her hand on his arm. “Technically, I’m the lady of the house. If I want to cook, I will.”

Greaves chuckled.

Sebastian leaned back, his amused expression rather charming. “As you wish.”

The kitchen door swung open and Evangeline swanned in. “As who wishes what?”

Tessa stuffed a bite of cake into her mouth. It was the perfect excuse to be quiet.

Sebastian sighed. “I take it you’re settled in?”

“Yes.” She put her hands on her hips and surveyed the room. She’d changed out of her snug blue dress and into a long satin nightgown with a matching robe and feathered slippers.

Tessa wanted to roll her eyes at the choice of outfit, but didn’t. At least the cake was delicious. Delaney knew what she was doing with flour and sugar, that was for sure.

Evangeline took a few steps toward the counter, then backtracked and sat beside Sebastian. She waved her hand in Greaves’ direction. “I’ll have coffee and cake too.”

Greaves arrowed a look at Sebastian.

Tessa stood, ready to diffuse the situation. As much as she appreciated Sebastian’s willingness to stand up to Evangeline, they were going to be living in the same house for the next seven days. Battles had to be chosen carefully. “I’ll get it.”

Greaves looked mortified. “No, miss, I’ve got it. You sit and enjoy your cake.”

Evangeline’s brows rose and she leaned back in her chair. “Really? You would have waited on me?”

Tessa took her seat. “You’re a guest in our house, no matter how that came about.”

Evangeline looked at Sebastian. “Your fiancée has a better attitude than you do.”

Tessa lifted her cup. “Most people have a better attitude than Sebastian.” She smiled at him, trying to play the perfect fiancée. “But I love him anyway.”

Saying those words caused an uncomfortable feeling to ripple through her. Like she’d just signed some sort of irreversible pact that left her vulnerable. She knew the words were just for show, but they weren’t the kind of words that should be played with. Love was…bigger than that.

He smiled at her. “And how lucky I am that you do.”

Evangeline rolled her eyes. “Oh, spare me.”

Greaves put Evangeline’s plate and cup in front of her without saying a word, somehow managing to look down his nose at her the entire time.

Tessa was developing a soft spot for the gray-haired gentleman. “Evangeline, you must remember what it was like to be so madly in love that you thought your partner could do no wrong.”

Sebastian’s mouth puckered like he might be trying to suppress a snort.

Evangeline stirred a heaping teaspoon of sugar into her cup. “We weren’t in love. Our marriage was arranged. For the good of the country and the peerage and all that.”

“I see.” Tessa put her fork across her plate, her cake gone in an embarrassingly short number of bites. “That’s sad. For both of you. I hope you find your own happiness someday too.”

Evangeline started to say something, but Tessa wasn’t interested in anything more the woman might have to add. It had been a long day and her patience was wearing thin. She squeezed Sebastian’s hand and smiled at him. “I’m going up to bed, sweetheart. I hope you don’t mind.”

His eyes glowed softly. “Of course not. I’ll see you soon.”

“Rather early, isn’t it?” Evangeline asked.

Tessa stood and Sebastian got up along with her. “No,” he said. “She’s not a vampire. She keeps human hours and so do I.”

Evangeline’s eyes narrowed. “You didn’t used to.”

“Times change.” He ignored her to pull Tessa close and kiss her cheek. “I’ll be up shortly.”


Tessa turned. “Yes?”

“Do you mind if I walk with you?” Greaves asked. “We still need to go over that shopping list.”

She hoped that was Greaves’ way of helping her find Sebastian’s room. She had no idea where it was. She was sure it had been on the tour, but she’d been a little distracted today and knowing the location of Sebastian’s bedroom wasn’t information she’d thought she’d need again. “That would be perfect.”

They walked out of the kitchen and toward the great room in silence. When they approached the stairs, Greaves spoke.

“I wasn’t sure you’d know your way.”

“I don’t.” She vaguely remembered something about it being on the second floor, but as they approached the landing, she realized she had no clue if she should go left or right. “Thank you. I owe you one.”

He gave a small shake of his head as he directed her to the right. “You owe me nothing, miss. You’re doing this man a great service. That woman has kept him in a dark place for too long.”

“I sensed that.”

He pointed at the set of double doors at the end of the hall. “His quarters. Do you need anything else before you turn in?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

He hesitated. “May I ask you something, miss?”


He tucked his hands behind him and took a deep breath. “Do you like Sebastian?”

She nodded. “I do.”

“Do you think you could ever…care for him?”

She smiled. She already did in some small way. “Yes, I think I could. But I don’t know if he’s ready or open to that.”

“No, I suppose not.”

She watched the man’s tender expression. It matched the emotion coming off him. “You love him, don’t you? In your own way.”

Greaves sniffed. “Been with him nearly four centuries. He’s all the family I have. We’ve been through a great deal. And I am his rook, after all.” His gaze shifted toward the stairs. “But that woman…she’s been the worst of it.”

She nodded. “I can imagine.”

He straightened. “I’ve bothered you long enough. Have a good night, miss.”

“Thank you, Greaves. You too.” She watched him go for a moment, then opened the doors and went in.

The room was as neat and masculine as Sebastian, but the object that stood out the most was the one thing she hadn’t really thought about.

The bed.

And the fact that there was only one.

Sebastian freed himself from Evangeline as soon as possible. He made a quick trip to his office to make sure his desk drawers were secured, then he locked the door and went upstairs.

He found Tessa standing in the middle of the room, staring at his bed.

He understood instantly. He closed the doors behind him. “I’ll sleep on the couch by the window. Unless you’d rather not have me in the room.”

She turned. “No, that’s fine. And very generous of you.”

“If one of us is being generous, it’s you. I know I’ve thanked you, but that seems so insufficient against the reality of what you’re doing for me.”

She smiled and shrugged. “It’s okay, really.”

“Did Greaves show you around? Where the bathroom is?”

“No, he just dropped me off at the door. It was nice of him to come with me. I wouldn’t have found it on my own.” She tucked a strand of hair behind one ear. “He’s a good man. I like him.”

“He is a good man. Been with me since before I was turned. Hugh’s rook was his valet too.”

“And Julian’s rook?”

“He doesn’t have one. For all his catting around, he’s a rather private sort. Likes to be alone more than he lets on.”

“That’s interesting. Of your two brothers, he’s the hardest to read. It’s like he’s covered in a fog that hides his true intent.”

Sebastian loosened his tie. “Can fae magic interrupt your abilities?”

She nodded. “Possibly. That’s old magic and earth bound.”

“That might be what it is, then. Hugh told me Julian had Willa make him a charm. She can put fae magic into the pieces she makes if the customer requests it. Supposed to help him with the ladies or something. Anyway, maybe it’s what causes the fog.”

He pulled his tie free. She hadn’t moved from the center of the room. “Is everything all right?”

She glanced down at her dress. “I don’t have anything to sleep in.”

“Ah.” He thought for a moment. “I must have something, but I’m not sure what to offer you.”

“I don’t suppose you have any souvenir T-shirts lying around?” She laughed. “You don’t seem like the type to wear anything that qualifies as casual.”

“No, I’m not.”

“What do you normally wear to bed?”

“Pajamas.” Although he rarely wore the top. He didn’t like to feel confined under the covers. He motioned to her. “Come on, they’re in the closet. I’ll show you.”

He headed into the walk-in with her behind him.

“Wow, this might be bigger than my last apartment.” She did a slow circle as she looked around. “Also, you have a lot of suits. And shirts. And shoes.”

“A well-dressed man is prepared for anything.”

She gave him the eye. “I thought you rarely left your house?”

“I don’t.”

“Then what exactly do you think is going to happen?”

“I…yes, I see your point. I like to look presentable. Whatever I’m doing.” He opened one of the drawers of the built-in dresser and extracted the first set of pajamas on the stack. He held the top out to her. “You can have the top, I’ll wear the bottoms.”

She took it, shook it out and held it up to herself. She looked down, presumably to check the length. “Okay, that will do.”

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