The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1) (64 page)

BOOK: The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1)
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“When I finally woke up—and I really did not want to—he had ordered food brought to the room. He talked to me; I can’t recall all that he said. Things to keep me calm, I guess, just words of comfort perhaps, in that soft smooth voice. I thought maybe I was losing my mind and that he could be the manifestation of that. I was so traumatized. It was still so hard to reconcile those images of the night before with the person sitting near me. Only someone who has been through something like this could possibly understand I guess.” Terrance paused into silence again. Jason wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Do you want to hear more?” Terrance asked hesitantly.

“Yes, I would. If you are willing to tell it.”

“Yes.” Terrance sighed. “Except for the Geniers and Charles, over the years I have not had a single other person that I have been able to be comfortable enough with to share any of this. Not that we are allowed to discuss him with anyone except those privileged to know the truth.

“I was hungry. I ate the toast and orange marmalade, my favorite, and took tea as if it was an ordinary Sunday morning and I was not sitting at the doorstep of madness. He talked to me. It seemed very important to him that I understood he had not brought the deer into the enclosure: he said he would not toy with or torture a creature in that way. He explained the deer was badly injured and he sought to end its suffering. He offered no other comments about himself, nor any other explanations; no reference to what he was. Nothing. And that was that.

“I was emotionally numb for quite a while afterwards. I tended to avoid people, as if I was somehow contagious with something. I walked around mechanically doing all of the things I normally would do, but it seemed a week or more before I could utter words to another person.

“As strange as this may seem, it did not occur to me to leave. Had I been able to get away that first night, I would have done so. But—you probably already know this: there is that powerful hold he seems to have over us.

“It is strange how so much can change so very quickly, and yet somehow still be the same. And so we just went on as before. Eventually, of course, all the words were spoken that needed to be said. I learned all about him.”

“Would you say now that you have had regrets? Has it been more bad than good?”

“Hmmm…it is strange how one’s perceptions, one’s concept of good and bad becomes altered. It is still, after all this time, difficult to answer your question. It is just not so simple. I don’t know if the scales can be said to balance. Many times it has been a wondrous and rewarding experience, taking place within a very dark and frightening context. I am very glad to have made his acquaintance. And I am very glad to have survived and gotten out alive.”

Jason found the words to be very sobering. From where he was now, it was impossible to project into the future, what his own words might be someday to someone else in this situation.

“Did it take long to get over your fear of him?”

“Oh, any day now I expect.” Terrance replied with a hint of amusement in his voice. “Once you know what he is capable of, the fear never completely leaves you,” he stated with more seriousness.

“You—are still afraid of him? But I thought you said you were very fond—”

“And I am. He is still a big part of my life. It is almost as if he looks after us. We are not as wealthy as the Geniers, of course. But my wife and I, our twin boys, we want for nothing. Our home and cars are paid for. We often take very nice holidays. He will often pick up the tab, though I have asked him not to. We wanted to take the boys to Disney World and found when we got there he had already paid our expenses. Still—he has done some very terrible things…”

I hope I never have to find out what those things are

“I know—I’ve kept you on the phone a very long time—but please—what advice would you give me—”

“Ah—it is hard to know where to begin…pay attention to his eyes, I would say. That is very important. As I recall his natural eye color is a kind of soft grey, beautiful in a pale creepy kind of way. When his eyes are very dark grey, that is when he is at his most dangerous. Try to avoid him then. It is not a hard and fast rule—he is dangerous all the time, but then especially.”

“But it seems his eyes are often that intense violet blue color.”

“Yes. When his eyes are, at least to me, at their most strikingly beautiful, with that vibrant almost gem-like violet hue—that is when he has just killed. He can be at his most mellow then. He is probably at his safest and the most pleasant to be around at that time. Try not to stare at his eyes now that I’ve told you. He will be very quick to figure out you know about them.”

“But in the course of the day—assuming I even see him that often, would his eyes change color several times? How am I supposed to keep up with that?”

“No, not so quick as that! If he has fed well, the effect will last days, a week or more, even. That is how he is able to travel distances, confined on a train or a ship. Or even on a plane these days. You don’t want to be stuck on the tarmac for several hours with cranky people, crying infants, and a hungry vampire.” Terrance laughed.

Jason laughed weakly. That was something he would not have thought of.

“Is it a problem for him—to get what he needs?”

“There just had to be more of a downside to all of this, right? None of us are quite sure why he does it, but sometimes he pushes himself to the limit: he goes too long without feeding, or he doesn’t take enough. I have even refused to travel with him then. But I think that might be a topic for another time, I’m afraid.”

“Yes—I know I’ve kept you too long on the phone—but I just had to hear more. I do appreciate this, Terrance. Can we talk again sometime, do you think?”

“Yes, of course. As long as we observe the precautions it should be fine. Never call me on the phone he has given you to use. Those calls are monitored. Always call me on your personal mobile. If you have problems with him, it is best to contact Genier. But if you can’t reach him, you can always call me. My personal opinion: I think it is good you came back sooner. Take care, Jason.”

“Same to you, Terrance. And thanks again.”

Jason remained in the restaurant thinking over all of this new information. Vampire 101, the crash course. There was a lot to absorb. He gazed at an empty plate in front of him. Apparently, as some remnants attested, he had ordered and eaten a BLT, but had no recollection of it.

He really liked Terrance…what did he mean it was good he had come back— sooner…? He had felt very comfortable talking with him. He had an ally now.

He headed home, intending to relax and watch TV. He tried to concentrate on a program, or at least to give himself over to the mindlessness of it, but thoughts of seeing Augere again soon intruded. He decided to take a long hot shower, and then gratefully climbed into bed.

My heavenly comfortable bed—I nearly lost you but now we can be together again at last
. He laughed as he plumped the pillows and rumpled the freshly laundered covers until all was the way he liked it. Once he was comfortably settled he sank peacefully into a deep and welcome slumber.

Chapter 26

Into the Realm

He found himself in an elegantly appointed office which contained dark wood furniture, thick plush carpeting. The décor was mainly rich earth tones; discreet recessed lighting produced a soft subdued glow and created a quiet refined ambience. A number of people, perhaps an even dozen, were gathered and standing around, talking quietly amongst themselves. It seemed to Jason he knew these people. They were Geniers, or maybe affiliated with them in some way. He walked around, admiring the taste of the room, taking in the details of a print of a famous painting on one wall. A moment later he was seated on a red leather sofa. The fleeting image from a well-known movie came to his mind, but the thought of the title was quickly gone before he could name it. As he tried to recall the film, he glanced around at the others. He seemed casually dressed compared to them. They all wore formal attire; he stood out among them and he felt a little self-conscious. As if he had arrived not knowing how to dress for the occasion. He had been left out of the details. But still, he relaxed and began to feel at ease. He belonged here. There was an undercurrent of anticipation. They were all waiting for something. Suddenly there was a buzz of excitement, the low murmuring becoming louder as all eyes turned toward the doorway. And then there was total silence.

Jason looked to see what the commotion was. Augere! He stood paused in the doorway, his gaze slowly sweeping the room. He was sublimely elegant in a slim fitted dark suit, a silky white shirt, a red satiny tie. He stood there, silent. Then his gaze fell upon Jason.

Jason felt Augere’s full attention upon him now, and he basked in it. He had been selected to be here. Though he normally hated being the center of attention, secretly this was a wonderful feeling. As Augere walked past all the others toward him, everyone averted their eyes. Then they were all facing Jason, watching, looking in his direction but not actually looking at him. It seemed they were all of one mind, as if they had moved in unison.

Jason looked up as Augere was suddenly standing over him. Something was wrong with him… He had changed. The youthful innocent expression was gone. Augere’s eyes were horribly red and his expression was cruel, menacing.

His gaze was steadily fixed on Jason but it was as if he did not know him.

Before Jason could move or think to do so, Augere’s cold cheek was pressed against his neck. Augere’s soft silky hair was falling into Jason’s eyes. He tried to push Augere away but he had no strength at all in his arms. He was pinned, helpless, as Augere’s spiked canines tore sharply into his neck. He couldn’t scream. It was so horrible! So shocking… He could just see over Augere’s shoulder now. All of them—just standing, mutely watching! They had to see the pain and terror in his eyes! Why weren’t they trying to help him? Why didn’t they stop this? All of their faces were impassive. They looked on and did nothing.

Jason awoke abruptly and quickly sat up in bed. He gazed wildly around the room as he felt his neck and held his arm up to fend off his attacker. When he turned on the beside lamp he saw no one there. No Augere. No pain, no blood, no horrible gash. Still, he felt confused for a while, trying to separate himself from the vivid dream. He was cold and shaking. The experience had felt so incredibly real. It was a while before he was finally able to fall back to sleep with a small light left on.

He slept in the next morning. It was Sunday and he had no plans for the day. As he sat drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen later, he mulled over his dream.
You’ve had a lot going on; you’re over tired. The greasy food at the restaurant yesterday probably didn’t help. It was just a bad dream

But it was an effort to push the thoughts of the nightmare from his mind. The message he took from it was:

The Geniers, and everyone connected with them, were there for Augere only, and always for him, to see to it the vampire got whatever he wanted.

And now I need to be mentally prepared to see him again

He didn’t know why he was feeling so restless, so apprehensive and nervous about this. He had just had a bad dream, that was all. It was going to be fine. Why wouldn’t it be?
I just need to be confident, friendly, open. I just need to be myself. It will be okay. Things will be like they were before

He called Zavi, hoping to be able to see her. Maybe they could go out to a movie. He had to leave another message on her voicemail. He ended up driving to the mall on the north shore and browsing in the stores. Holiday decorations were everywhere and once again he realized how little attention he had been able to pay to the upcoming festivities. He ended up going to a movie alone, a fairly decent comedy, and arrived home after 10:00 p.m.. As soon as he let himself in the door, he knew, somehow Augere had returned. It was more a feeling than anything else. He decided to make it an early night, and was soon sleeping, peacefully.

He awoke early on Monday. There had been no set time to meet, so he had assumed, he hoped, it would be at 11:00. He was nervous still and tried to compose himself. He was finding it harder than he had thought it would be.

He had paid so much attention to every detail about Augere, right from the beginning, to the point of nearly embarrassing himself.
Okay, well, yes actually embarrassing myself,
he admitted,
on several occasions
. That would all be as nothing, compared to the interest Augere held for him now that he knew the truth. Jason had seen him so briefly in New Orleans, and that contact had been so fraught with emotion he could only take in a few details. And very strange ones at that. Jason was afraid of gaping at him now, staring to the point of rudeness. But how could he help it?

By mentally preparing myself,
he thought.
By picturing him in my mind first
. Concentrating on the image of him. He attempted to recreate that image of him once again, as he had done in the bar in New Orleans. Picturing how he looked and how he moved; his mannerisms.

Jason had met a favorite well known celebrity once, and had had to do the same thing. He hadn’t wanted to appear flustered or to embarrass himself; not be stammering and awkward like some teen girl unexpectedly finding herself in the presence of her latest crush. Now he pictured Augere’s graceful stride as he would be entering the library where Jason would be standing, waiting for him. He could see the perfect features of the almost boyish face now, and that intense gaze from those intense, extraordinary eyes.
He really is, after all,
Jason thought,
just a young guy. Not so different from myself. Well, except for the vampire thing. And that magnetic aura that can drain my energy and make me feel dizzy and lightheaded when I am too close to him
. It was almost a relief to know now the physical sensation of energy draining from him wasn’t just his imagination, or some as yet undiagnosed illness, but the effect of Augere’s mere presence…
And these thoughts aren’t exactly helping me to stay calm and casual

BOOK: The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1)
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