The Uprising (The Julianna Rae Chronicles) (23 page)

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Family, The

The Family is the largest of the clans within the preternatural community, on the West Coast. They stand for
Tradition, Honor, Family, and Obedience.
They are traditionalists by nature, opposing all new thought, which they meet with swift punishment. They have sway on a large number of issues within the economic and political agendas, and were the founding fathers of the Militia, via the Old Council and Senate influence. The Family consists of the Rae, Madison and Cathan bloodlines.
See also Bastiaan Madison; Cain Madison; Daniel Rae; Doug Cathan; Julianna Rae; Peter Rae; Taris Madison.


Family Estate, The

The Family Estate is the location where Julianna Rae was raised by the Family. The Family Estate is
a sprawling ranch, renowned for breeding purebred racing stock. The Family Estate is one of many across the country and well secured behind large impenetrable walls.


Any preternatural who can trace their bloodlines purity through four or more generations, where breeding with a different species has
See also Half-caste.


Gatehouse, The

The Gatehouse is a meeting point for Rebels and the like, who have broken away from the traditional fighting, to join Daniel’s army. They are normally frowned upon for their nature, but many a time has been asked for their assistance in more intense situations that require their attitude and expertise. The Gatehouse is located in Sector Four.


Guild, The

The Guild is an impartial but powerful coven that hides themselves, both in the sectors and in the countryside. They offer Julianna Rae and others guidance, and also assist in collecting intelligence for the Rebellion
– though are said not to take action in the course of war. They are in the belief that it is time to make way for a new path to follow. They don’t say much, preferring to whisper, and consist of watcher half breeds who have been around as long as the Ancient High Order.


Hal Cathan

Father of Douglas Cathan and Elizbeth Cathan, grandfather of
Daniel and Julianna Rae. Hal is a full-blood watcher with great sway over the High Order, though in his old age, he keeps to himself. Hal manages the Gatehouse; a meeting point for the Rebels.
See also Ancients High Order; Full-blood; Douglas Cathan; Daniel Rae; Julianna Rae.


Any preternatural who has mixed bloodlines, specifically those of a normal, which leads to dormant abilities.
See also Full-blood.



Healing is the most common ability possessed by watchers, and allows the watcher to take away injury, or illness from themselves or another, once the object is removed completely from the wound.
See also Abilities.


High Priest

An advisor appointed by the Old Council to those families who request it. The High Priest is responsible for several rituals, including initiation, some Rites of Passage, and mentoring, training and general guidance.


Hover Drone

Also known as a drone; hover; or craft. The Hover Drone is used as a mechanical patrol in the Sectors to keep crowds under control, by the Militia. They are capable of random scanning, detaining, and killing. Their infamous triangular eye is linked to Central Command, and acts as a camera to survey the populations of the Sectors.
See also Central Command.


High Security Division

Better known as the HSD by the residents of the sectors, this special division within the Militia are notorious for their heavy-handedness with those who are branded difficult cases, or repeat offenders. This squad is also used for interrogation cases; and reprogramming when the subject is particularly resistant to indoctrination. The HSD perform their training at the decommissioned camp 4.5.2.
See also, Camp 4.5.2.


Identification Marker, IDM

A microchip inserted beneath the skin in one’s waist by the Militia. All Militia personnel and prisoners receive one upon entering Command Central, or a processing camp. It is inserted via Identification Marker inoculation, and is reputably a painful process for its duration of inoculation. The microchip can be scanned by hover drone anywhere in the country, or by scanner in any processing station. The Identification Marker, also known as an IDM, can only be removed surgically, and if a person is fortunate enough to stumble upon a scrambler, the IDM will cease to function for approximately a week, until it can reset itself to a new frequency.
See also Scrambler.



In-country is a slang term used during the War of Rebellion, to refer to any country side which remained outside the borders of the city limits, that was not within the Sectors.
See also Sectors.



The Incubus is a highly attractive male demon, which seduces and tempts. Once they took form in dreams, this demon is now able to form as a solid entity, to seduce women through sexual intrigue. They are blood drinkers, and drain women of blood following intercourse. Their female counterpart is the Succubus.
See also Club Star; Succubus.


Initiation, ceremony – watcher

The marks of a pre-Tulpas watcher entering into their

Tulpas phase, after a year of instruction is taken from a High Priest, or Councilor. Initiation provides the watcher their Tulpas if they are a full-blood. Without initiation, one risks turning
, becoming a creature completely separated from the community, usually to run in packs to hunt down prey. No law can govern the wild, and usually the Guild will hunt these packs down to kill them, if the Council cannot control them.
See also Council, the Old; High Priest; Guild, the; Pounce; Tulpas; watcher; Julianna Rae.



An invocation is a chant, spell or incantation which can serve several purposes. One of the stronger spells is the Preclusion Hex.
See also Preclusion Hex.



The Rebellion’s coordinator, and contact for all. He keeps his eyes between the black borders of a screen to keep his identity a mystery. He assists in the Rebellion cause, relaying gathered intelligence to relevant parties, coordinating attacks and recruiting. Only select few know where he is based, and his real identity.
See also Rebellion

Julianna Rae

Also known as "J Rae." Julianna Elizbeth Rae is the daughter of Peter Rae and Elizbeth Cathan, a member of the Ancients High Order. She has connections to the Guild, where she completes courier runs for them throughout the sectors, and she also recruits for the Rebellion during her dancing stints at Club Star. Julianna ran from the Family in retaliation to her initiation, and was found by the Guild and taken in by them, where she was taught some ability. She was then directed to Isis (with the help of Caden Madison’s mind manipulation) and the safe house, in turn to assist with the Rebellion. 
See also Club Star; Guild, the; Peter Rae; Seer, The.

Katherine Deveaux

Katherine Deveaux is a Militia informant working for the Rebellion, providing critical information, specifically for the West camp run by Caden and Bas Madison. She is also Bas Madison’s one true love.
See also Devo.



Levitation is an ability held by a watcher where they can command objects to their grasp without touching them, or command objects to certain dispositions, such as closing and locking a door.  Levitation is one of the more rare abilities, and is usually bestowed upon a watcher by the Council or Senate. Very rarely are they born with this ability. Levitation can only be achieved at very close range, and the larger the object levitated, the more powerful the watcher.
See also Abilities.


Militia, The

A large organization who believes in the New World Order, and that the best way to serve the order, is to depopulate it either by cleansing camps, or reprogramming camps. Those who can be reprogrammed will be – the rest will be exterminated.  The Militias are traditionalists who support the notions of the Old Council, and are against any of those who are half-castes, with no ability.


Nocturno, Noc

Nocturno are known also as “night creatures”. Nocturno’s are pale complexioned by nature, due to their affection for the night; are large in build, and have superior night vision. The night creatures are also known for their pack mentality, with an alpha male in the lead. They rarely play nice with other kinds and are in fact, known for their violent natures. They are the world’s version of the mythical vampire, dwelling in darkness searching for prey to rip apart, or taunt. It is rumored that the watcher is an offshoot of this preternatural from thousands of years ago.

Normals, Norms

Normals are those which hold no powers, or knowledge of the realms. A normal human being is considered vermin by some preternatural communities, and the New World Order, specifically Taris Madison.
See also New World Order; Realm; Taris Madison.


New World Order

An economy created, where a universal dollar drives most factories to failure while others thrive with the help of New World sponsorship, from the Militia. This in turn isolates all those businesses which the NWO do not approve of, for what reasons may be, and thus gain more control over the country. Industry affected by this includes mass production companies, education systems, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals. On a separate level, the NWO start date is arguable in crowds, as the same date the Senate received their third vote on the Council.


Old World

The world before the New World Order came into place, considered pre 2001.


Oregon is where the Family Estate is located, where Julianna Rae grew up.
See also Family Estate, The


Passage of Rites

The Passage of Rites is specifically for the watcher to take, as they grow in power, and complete their initiation. The Passage of Rites extends over centuries for those who live long enough to complete them, granting them abilities and knowledge with each one complete. Most watchers who have completed these become accepted into the Ancient’s High Order, upon recommendation of a peer. Each Rites taken, results in a symbol of rites burnt into the body closely resembling a black tattoo, and by the time the entire Rites is completed the entire body is covered with these symbols.
See also Ancient’s High Order


Peter Rae

Julianna Rae’s missing father, also a watcher of high standing, with seniority in the Ancients High Order.
Peter Rae is rumored to be a key member of the Rebellion, with huge influence on decisive factors within the War.


Pounce Trait

When a watcher is demonstrating their change in being, or displaying their Tulpas, a watcher is known to ‘pounce’ upon their prey like a cat before physically ripping them apart. Once in the pounce like state, they rarely retract until the prey has been successfully killed.
See also Tulpas.


Preclusion Hex

ne of the strongest spells, a preclusion hex is largely used to bind buildings or a specific large environment, making a watcher’s abilities defunct.



A preternatural is considered to be anything outside the normal definition of natural, and exceeding what is regular. It is a general term to describe watchers, walkers, succubus, and the nocturno. Also known in slang terms, as
See also Nocturno; Succubus; walker; watcher.


Rebellion, The

The Rebellion is the alliance against the Militia. Their agenda is to overthrow the Militia, and establish their own New World Order, and overthrow the Senate for a new government.


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