The Unlikely Wife (16 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Austin

BOOK: The Unlikely Wife
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“No!” Alicia broke into heaving sobs.

“All right,” she soothed. “It’s all right. I won’t leave you.” She set the lantern on the floor at her feet. It cast bizarre shadows that made Alicia look even worse. “Sweetheart, just relax.”

When the sobbing stopped she ventured to ask again, “What happened?”

Alicia just shook her head.

“Someone hurt you. Tell me.”

Alicia swallowed, then made a croaking sound.


“Victor.” Tears streamed from her eyes and mingled with the blood.

Rebecca had to choke down her fury in order to speak. She tried her best to keep her voice calm for Alicia’s sake. “Victor Brooks did this to you?”

“It was my fault,” Alicia sobbed.

Like hell. “Honey, how could this be your fault?”

“I shouldn’t have g-g-gone to meet him.”

Hearing the girl’s voice get caught on a sob brought tears to Rebecca’s eyes. “That doesn’t make
this your fault, Alicia. He hurt you. Oh, Alicia. Did he—?”

Alicia’s cry of anguish was all the answer she needed. She wanted to kill him. Of course, she couldn’t go search for the bastard until Alicia released her hand. Where was Clark?

While she waited, maybe she could get some information that would help them find him. “Tell me what happened, honey. Where were you? Do you know where he went?”

Alicia shook her head. “He’s been sending me notes. I didn’t want to see him again. He hurt me once before.”

“The night you said you fell.”

Alicia nodded. “His notes got worse. More threatening. Tonight it said he’d hurt you if I didn’t come.”

“You should have told Father about the notes.”

Alicia’s voice dropped so low Rebecca had to lean forward to hear. “I was afraid he would make me marry him.”

Rebecca cursed herself. The notes. They were the reason for Alicia’s sleeplessness. And she might have gotten the information out of Alicia this afternoon if she hadn’t been so lazy and wrapped up in herself. She took a deep breath. “So you went to meet him tonight. Where?”

“Near the construction site. I told him I didn’t want him sending any more notes. I wasn’t going to see him again. He—” She broke into sobs again.

“It’s all right, Alicia. You don’t have to say any more. Just be still. I’m here.”


“Clark! I’m so glad you’re home.”

He came around the curtain and stared in disbelief. “My God.”

“Get the doctor,” Rebecca said as calmly as she could. With Clark here she had a sudden urge to fall apart. “Get Father and tell him to arrest Victor Brooks.”

Without a word, Clark was gone. She had to be strong for Alicia, she told herself. The poor girl was sobbing again. “Hush now, sweetheart. It’s going to be all right.”

“Everyone will know,” Alicia sobbed. “Uncle Levi will make me ma—ma—” The rest of what she might have said was buried in her sobs.

“No. No, sweetheart. Father isn’t that cruel. He’ll make them hang him.” She hoped it was true. Of course they had to catch him first and her instinct told her the bastard was long gone.

Rebecca stroked Alicia’s hair, the side that wasn’t bloody, until the sobbing subsided. Alicia’s eyes were closed and Rebecca might have thought she was asleep except for the strong grip she still felt on her hand.

A dull light glowed through the tent wall and Rebecca called, “Doctor?”

“Dr. Garman,” he said. He came slowly around the curtain, carrying a lantern which he held high in
one hand. “You must be Mrs. Forrester. And this must be our Alicia.”

Rebecca wasn’t sure his presence was reassuring. He looked like he was a hundred years old. Of course the lanterns weren’t exactly casting flattering shadows.

He moved around to the side of the bed away from Rebecca and sat down, still holding his lantern. “We have some cuts to wash, don’t we, dear? Are you bleeding anywhere else?”

Alicia shook her head.

“Now, little girl, I’m going to have to ask you some questions no proper lady should ever have to hear, but I can’t help you until I know. Can you understand?”

Rebecca had raised her eyebrow at her cousin being called a little girl. Surely tonight’s events had forced her to grow up if nothing else had. But Alicia only watched the doctor’s face and slowly nodded.

“A man did this to you.” He almost touched the cut on her forehead. “Am I right?”

Another nod.

“And this.” His hand hovered above the cut lip. “Did he also force himself on you?”

Alicia’s face puckered up to cry again, but she managed a tiny nod.

Rebecca glared at the doctor. She could have told the fool that.

“Are you bleeding there, child?”

Alicia only sobbed.

“I need to check.”

“No!” Alicia turned pleading eyes toward Rebecca.

“I’ll check,” Rebecca said. She lifted the lantern from the floor and gently pulled her hand out of Alicia’s grasp. Alicia sobbed louder when Rebecca raised her skirts and gently lifted one of her knees.

“No blood,” she reported to the doctor. She smoothed the skirt over Alicia’s legs and moved back to her former place. Alicia reached out to her, and she let her take her hand again. She couldn’t forget the sight of Alicia’s torn pantalets and the bruises on her thighs.

“Well.” Dr. Garman gave her a reassuring smile. “That’s good then. I’d like a closer look at these cuts.”

“Alicia!” The call came from outside the tent.

“Uncle Levi,” Alicia gasped.

“I’ll take care of him,” Rebecca soothed, easing her hand away. “You tell the doctor about the cuts and anything else that hurts.”

Taking her lantern with her she slipped around the curtain. Her father let himself into the tent “You’re going to raise the entire camp,” she hissed.

“Where is she?” At least his voice had dropped a little.

“She’s in bed. The doctor’s with her.”

“Was Clark right? Has she been—?”

Rebecca nodded. “She’ll be all right. We just need
to keep her calm. I think she ought to stay here with me tonight.”

Rebecca watched her father pace across the tent, and thought how odd and yet familiar it was. “I suppose you’re right,” he said. “If I take her home I’ll just have two hysterical women on my hands.”

Rebecca thought that was a rather selfish analysis of the situation. She might have said so, but Clark came into the tent. “He’s gone, sir,” he said.

The colonel stopped in front of him. “Horse and gear with him, I imagine.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Take out a small detachment in the morning and bring the deserter back. Not one word of this,” he pointed at the curtain, “to anyone. Understood?”

“Of course, sir.”

“I’m going home,” he said, turning toward Rebecca. “I don’t want Belle to wake up and find herself alone. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

He left the tent before Rebecca could respond. She took a step toward Clark. “Is he in more trouble for deserting than for raping an innocent girl?”

“Your father’s trying to protect her.”

Rebecca sighed. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. Clark’s strong arms wrapped around her, and his shoulder cradled her head. She felt herself ready to give into tears.

“May I have a word with you?”

She jerked out of Clark’s arms at the doctor’s voice. “What is it? Is she all right?”

The doctor nodded. “I think so. We have to worry about the possibility of a baby. And I’d like the man examined for any sign of disease.”

Rebecca wanted to turn back into Clark’s shoulder. She hadn’t considered either of these.

“I’m leaving a powder that will help her sleep,” the doctor continued. “I suggest you get her cleaned up. She’ll be more comfortable.”

Rebecca thanked the doctor as he tottered toward the door.

“I’ll heat some water,” Clark offered. “You ladies may have the tent.”

“Where will you sleep?” She didn’t want him gone. He had been gone so long, and now he was leaving again in the morning. But she needed to be with Alicia.

“I’ll be right outside.”

“I’m sorry, Clark. You should get to sleep in a bed when you’re home.”

“Shhh.” His fingertips touched her lips. “I’ll be fine. And I won’t be far if you need me.”

She took comfort in that knowledge while she prepared the washtub for Alicia to stand in. After Clark had added the hot water and bade her good-night, she washed her cousin, gave her the powder and tucked her into bed.

Finally she stretched out beside Alicia, conscious that she was on Clark’s side of the bed. And he was outside. And this wasn’t at all the way she wanted it.

Chapter Thirteen

ebecca awoke the next morning certain that Clark was already gone. She had overslept but it hardly mattered. Clark had probably gotten an early start, and once he was gone, what difference did it make if she slept the day away? Alicia looked ready to do just that.

But Alicia had the powder to help her sleep. Rebecca was soon feeling restless and crawled out of bed. While she was reviving the fire to make some coffee, she had a visitor.

“Sergeant Whiting,” she said, reaching out to shake his hand. “What brings you here this morning?”

“The lieutenant asked me to check in on you and Miss Evans while he was gone.”

Rebecca couldn’t hide her surprise.

“I’m sure he meant no disrespect, ma’am. He told
me your cousin’s staying with you because you had gotten worried last time he was gone.”

Rebecca decided not to destroy a perfect excuse. For a moment she had thought Clark might have told Whiting about the attack. “Time passes so slowly when I’m alone. Alicia will help keep me occupied. Can you stay for coffee?”

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

Rebecca put the coffee on and settled into one of the camp chairs. “It’s a pretty morning,” she said, hoping to explain why she was remaining outside the tent.

“It is, ma’am.” He took the other chair. “Gonna be a hot one, though.”

“Sergeant,” Rebecca asked, smiling so he wouldn’t take offence, “why aren’t you on duty?”

“Sick list,” he answered, sliding up his sleeve to reveal a white bandage. “I was working on the barracks and a board slipped. It’s festering a little. Doc took me off duty but turned me out of the hospital tent. I look on it as a vacation.”

“The doctor’s still watching it, isn’t he?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m supposed to go see him every day. The rest of the time, I’m free to roam the fort. Somebody’s gonna get wise to the fact that I can still perform my duties and countermand Doc’s orders. I figure I got two days tops unless I can contrive to run a fever.”

Rebecca tried to look serious. “I should report you, soldier.”

Whiting nodded. “That you should, ma’am. ‘Cept who would come by and see that you and your cousin are all right?”

“Well, sir,” Rebecca said, “I’m not sure I need your concern, but I appreciate your company. And any news you might have.”

“I’ll keep my ears open,” he promised. “Your coffee’s ready. I’ll toss in some cold water to settle the grounds while you see if your little cousin wants to join us.”

Rebecca thanked him and entered the tent. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dark. When they did, she saw Alicia hovering near the canvas curtain. She looked like a frightened little child.

“Alicia,” Rebecca said, just above a whisper, “do you want to come out and have breakfast?”

“Is he gone?”

“It’s just Sergeant Whiting.”

Alicia shook her head. “I can’t. My dress is torn. And look at my face.”

Of course. If Alicia was going to keep her attack a secret, she couldn’t very well step outside the tent in a torn dress with bright cuts visible on her pale face. “I’ll bring you a cup. You can have it with some cornbread.”

She took three cups out to the fire. “Alicia needs her cup of coffee before she’s ready to meet anyone,”
she offered as an excuse. Whiting seemed to accept it readily enough.

Inside, Alicia had helped herself to a chunk of the cornbread, and Rebecca traded her the cup for the pan. Between bites, Whiting talked about the construction and his own assessment of when the fort would be completed.

Rebecca was laughing at one of Whiting’s remarks when she caught sight of her aunt bearing down on them. The woman was not in the mood for humor.

Whiting must have read Rebecca’s expression because he turned to see what had caught her attention. “Good morning, Mrs. Evans,” he said, standing.

Aunt Belle didn’t acknowledge the greeting but demanded, “Where is she?”

Before Rebecca could answer, Whiting handed his cup to her. “It’s been a pleasure, ma’am.”

As he beat a hasty retreat, Aunt Belle swept aside the flap. “I’ll just bet,” she tossed over her shoulder as she entered the tent.

Rebecca was right behind her. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Belle didn’t seem to hear. “Alicia! Levi told me what happened. How could you be so foolish?”

Alicia sat at the table, the cup frozen halfway to her mouth. Rebecca ran to her rescue. With her hands on the girl’s shoulders she faced her aunt. “This wasn’t Alicia’s fault”

Belle’s eyes narrowed. “No, I suppose not She has you to blame for it.”

Rebecca didn’t care what Belle said as long as she didn’t yell at Alicia. She gently squeezed the girl’s shoulders hoping to reassure her.

Alicia slowly returned the cup to the saucer and folded her hands in her lap. “Rebecca didn’t do anything, Mother.”

“Well, of course she did. Her husband has just left and already she’s entertaining another man. This has been your example since she came to live with us.”


Rebecca spoke up. “Hush, Alicia. It’s all right. Clark asked Sergeant Whiting to check in on us.”

“He can continue to check in on
all he wants. But Alicia is coming with me.”

Alicia shrank back against Rebecca.

“Let her stay,” Rebecca said. “You have my father’s household to run and the other duties of your station. Here she won’t be alone while she waits for the cuts to heal. And you can simply tell anyone who asks that she’s keeping me company. She can go back when Clark gets home.”

Belle eyed Alicia critically, probably assessing the damage that would be done if anyone saw her. Finally she gave in. “Come over later and get her clothes. But see you don’t ruin her reputation along with your own.”

The woman was on her way out when Hank presented
himself holding four plucked prairie chickens aloft. Belle gave him the once-over and grunted as she turned away.

Hank’s usual enthusiasm was sadly dampened by the woman’s reaction. Rebecca gave the boy her warmest smile. “Oh, look what you have today! Alicia, won’t these taste wonderful?”

Rebecca was glad to see Hank smile again, but she got no response from Alicia. A glance over her shoulder showed the seat by the table to be empty. Alicia had retreated to the bedroom.

“If you’ll get that bucket, I’ll wash my hands. Then I can show you what I been practicin’.”

In a moment Hank was ready to start the dancing lesson. Rebecca tried to ignore her worry for her cousin as she danced with Hank. He really had come a long way from their first lesson. He even added his baritone to Rebecca’s alto, humming part of the time.

Before he left, he helped Rebecca open the front of the tent to let in a breeze. The part that formed a wall of the bedroom, they left in place, providing Alicia with a sanctuary.

While Rebecca was trying to coax Alicia out of the bedroom to get some air, Powers knocked on the tent post He carried a bushel basket.

“I was wondering when you’d let me start repaying you,” she said as she went to greet him.

“Your horse is doing fine, ma’am,” he said, handing
her the basket. The clothes looked freshly laundered.

“I’ll have these done as soon as I can,” she said. The task looked daunting. Perhaps Alicia would help her. Even as she thought it she scolded herself. He was looking after her horse, not Alicia’s.

“I appreciate it, ma’am.” He started to leave, then turned back, fishing in a pocket. He brought out a button and held it out to her. She let him place it in the palm of her hand. He tipped his hat and marched away.

She found a place to stow the basket and went back to Alicia. “He’s gone,” she said. “Won’t you come out now?”

Alicia shook her head. She sat on the edge of the bed, her hands folded primly on her lap.

“But it’s hot in here.”

Alicia shook her head again. “Someone will see me,” she whispered.

“You can stay in the back of the tent, in the shadows. You need to get some air.”

Alicia relented. She followed Rebecca into the main room but moved the chair to the back corner where she could easily slip into the bedroom.

“Now,” Rebecca said, feeling as if she had solved one problem and was ready to tackle another, “tell me what you want me to bring from Father’s tent.”

Before Alicia could answer, her eyes grew big and she scurried behind the curtain.

Rebecca turned to find Paddy Malone with his hand raised ready to knock on the tent post. “I see ye have company, ma’am.”

“It’s only my cousin,” Rebecca said. It was a good thing Aunt Belle hadn’t stuck around a little longer, she thought. There had been a steady stream of men at her tent all morning, though all for innocent reasons.

“Ah. I’ve eggs for ye, ma’am.” He fished two out of his pockets. “I’ll be back another time.”

“She’ll be staying here until Clark’s detachment returns,” Rebecca added softly. “You can trust her to keep your secret.”

He seemed to consider it a moment. “I’ll be around on Sunday, then,” he whispered. He touched his forehead and sauntered away.

Rebecca put the eggs on the straw in the crate of dishes and turned back to glare at the empty chair. Alicia was just shy about her current appearance. When the cuts healed a little, she would be her old self again. Or so she hoped.

Rebecca and Alicia settled into a comfortable routine. Mornings, Whiting came by and shared breakfast with Rebecca, bringing whatever news he had heard. Once he was gone, the women opened the front portion of their tent, to keep it from becoming stiflingly hot. Alicia stayed deep in the shadows but, Rebecca reasoned, she got some fresh air anyway.

Hank brought meat and danced. Rebecca tried to get Alicia to join them, thinking a dance with the boy would revive her spirits, but Alicia adamantly refused.

Independence Day brought a small celebration. With the fort under construction and the constant threat of Indian trouble, nothing elaborate had been planned. Rebecca and Alicia didn’t attend what little activities took place. Without Clark, Rebecca saw no reason to celebrate.

Belle visited every day. She would begin by being sympathetic to poor Alicia and end by being angry. She couldn’t understand why Alicia didn’t simply pretend that nothing had happened and behave accordingly. “I daresay if nobody knows, it can hardly matter,” she said once as she was leaving. “A prospective husband would have to be told, I suppose. But there’s time enough to worry about that”

On Sunday morning, when Clark had been gone for nearly a week, Belle arrived dressed to attend the chaplain’s services. Alicia refused to attend with her.

“But your cuts hardly show,” Belle said. “We’ll tell them you took a fall.”

“I don’t want to tell anybody anything,” Alicia said, turning her sad eyes on Rebecca.

“You go ahead, Aunt Belle. You can tell them I have a stomach complaint.”

“And have everyone in the fort coming by to ask after you?” Belle countered. “I dare say you’d be
calling far more attention to yourself and therefore to Alicia if you

In the end, Alicia gave in. A few minutes later, Rebecca, her hand firmly locked in Alicia’s, strolled casually toward the open-air chapel. She realized that she had hardly left the tent in a week.

They arrived just as the chaplain was ready to begin and found seats in the back row. Alicia sat at rigid attention but relaxed as the service progressed. Rebecca decided that Belle had done the right thing by insisting that Alicia come.

The congregation had just begun the last hymn when a commotion caught Rebecca’s attention. Troops were coming in. Clark! Without a thought to propriety, she left her place and ran to meet them.

Her father had left the service as well; she discovered him hurrying along beside her. They intercepted the troops near the corral. Two things registered on Rebecca’s mind at the same time. None of the soldiers was Clark, and one saddle carried a covered body.

She hung back, fighting terror, as the second lieutenant approached the colonel.

“Lieutenant Forrester sent us back, sir,” the soldier said.

Rebecca nearly wilted with relief. She took a deep breath hoping to get her heart back to its natural rhythm.

“We tried to take the deserter alive, sir, but he
made it impossible. Lieutenant Forrester said he needed to be returned to the fort, to Dr. Garman and wouldn’t let us bury him.”

The lieutenant was clearly bewildered by the order but knew better than to ask for an explanation. Rumors of a plague might go flying, but Alicia’s secret was safe.

“Where the hell’s Forrester, then?” the colonel asked. Rebecca’s question exactly, though she might have phrased it a little differently.

“We met up with Lieutenant Colonel Custer, sir. He was supposed to rendezvous with Lieutenant Kidder of the Second but Kidder never arrived. He’s trying to pick up Kidder’s trail, and Lieutenant Forrester and the rest of our detachment joined the search. Custer’s had forty-three desertions, sir.”

Rebecca’s father dismissed the officer. He turned to Rebecca and sighed. “Clark’ll be all right.”

She nodded. She didn’t like Clark riding under the command of someone who would inspire so many men to desert.

“Don’t look so sad, girl. He caught the bastard and killed him, too. Alicia won’t have to suffer through a trial. Let’s go give her the good news.”

Better news came later that day when Dr. Garman paid them a visit. He checked Alicia’s cuts and declared them healed.

“Now,” he said, getting down to the real reason for his visit, “this young man they brought in this
morning, Private Brooks, is he the one who attacked you?”

Alicia nodded. Rebecca moved closer to her, ready to offer support.

“I’m certain you needn’t be concerned about disease. Should we still worry about a baby?”

Alicia shook her head.

Dr. Garman’s old face broke into a smile. “Good then. All that’s left to do is regain your strength and your spirit. For the first, I prescribe strolls around the fort. As for the second, the best thing to do is find someone who needs your help.”

In the days that followed, Alicia and Rebecca fell back into their old routine, except Rebecca insisted Alicia follow the doctor’s advice and take a walk every day. They went early in the morning before the heat of the day, and while there were few people about. Alicia no longer hid whenever anyone arrived, though she was clearly nervous around men.

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