The Truth About Hillary (34 page)

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Authors: Edward Klein

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BOOK: The Truth About Hillary
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Chapter Thirty-two: “A Legend Imploding”

  1. The woman who had once mocked moms:
    Gersh Kuntzman, “Why Hillary Is a Bad Campaigner,”
    New York Post
    , June 10, 1999.

  2. Her media advisers:
  3. “She’s been insulated in the cocoon”:
    Gabe Pressman quoted in Gersh Kuntzman, “Why Hillary Is a Bad Campaigner,”
    New York Post
    , June 10, 1999.

  4. “Another dollop of Clintonspeak”:
    “Psychobabbling over Tomcat Spouse,”
    Arizona Republic
    , August 5, 1999.

  5. “always been a big Yankees fan”:
    Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Peter Botte and Joel Siegel with Michael Finnegan, “Hil: ‘Go Yanks! Go Knicks!’ ”
    Daily News
    (New York), June 11, 1999.


  6. When President Clinton:
    For background see Don Van Natta Jr. and Marc Lacey, “Access Proved Vital in Last Minute Race for Clinton Pardons,”
    New York Times
    , February 25, 2001.

  7. When Pardongate:
    For background see Elizabeth Bumiller, “Clemency, from Bronx Leader to First Lady,”
    New York Times
    , September 15, 1999.

  8. When Hillary made:
    For background see Thomas J. Lueck, “Mrs. Clinton Explains Kiss in Middle East,”
    New York Times
    , July 14, 2000.

  9. When Hillary realized:
    For background see “Hillary’s Jewish Roots—Rooted in Political Pandering,”
    New York Post
    , August 8, 1999.

  10. When Mayor Giuliani:
    Adam Nagourney, “First Lady Assails Mayor over Threat to Museum,”
    New York Times
    , September 28, 1999.

  11. “Independently, the mistakes are meaningless”:
    George Arzt quoted in Joel Siegel with Thomas M. DeFrank, “Hillary’s Mis- steps Worrying Her Followers,”
    Daily News
    (New York), No- vember 13, 1999.

  12. “Here’s a woman I’ve admired”:
    Lenore Skenazy, “When Hillary Goofs, I Wince,”
    Daily News
    (New York), November 17, 1999.

  13. “She’d had about as bad a six months”:
    Hillary’s Turn
    , pp. 84–85.

  14. “That odd sound you hear”:
    Noemie Emery, “Hillary’s Melt- down; or, the Death of a Legend,”
    National Review
    , August 30, 1999.

Chapter Thirty-three: The Turnaround

  1. On February 4, 2
    The Clinton Wars
    , pp. 686–87.

  2. “Past presidents were content”:
    Maureen Dowd, “Tin Cup Couple,”
    New York Times
    , September 24, 2000.

  3. “She would call me to discuss”:
    Interview with Tony Bullock, March 11, 2004.
  4. “I was her table companion”:
    Interview with a prominent foundation head who requested anonymity, May 9, 2004.


  5. “You can’t run a campaign”:
    Elizabeth Moynihan quoted in an interview with an anonymous source, April 5, 2004.
  6. “If she was sitting across the table”:
    Interview with Tony Bul- lock, March 2, 2004.

Chapter Thirty-four: “Pure Hollywood”

  1. Indeed, when it was revealed:
    John Podhoretz, “Israel in the Balance,”
    New York Post
    , October 26, 2000.

  2. Astute political observers:
    Eli Lake, “Hillary Fattening Cam- paign War Chest at Secret Sit-Down with Arafat Cronies,”
    May 26, 2000.

  3. That Hillary was courting radical Muslim groups:
    Eric Lip- ton, “Divisiveness at Parade as Mrs. Clinton and Lazio Salute Is- rael,”
    New York Times
    , June 5, 2000. See also Michael Grunwald, “First Lady Is Booed at Pro-Israel Rally,”
    Washington Post
    , Octo- ber 13, 2000.

  4. “She’d fly into these little upstate towns”:
    Rick Lazio quoted in Anderson,
    American Evita
    , p. 196.

  5. In June:
    Interview with anonymous source at the SEC, March 17, 2004.


Chapter Thirty-five: The “Phenom”

  1. The Reverend Don Jones:
    Interview with Don Jones, May 2004.
  2. She was dressed for the occasion:
    Shannon McCaffrey, “Hillary Clinton Sworn in as Senator,” Associated Press, Janu- ary 3, 2001.
  3. “Hillary’s gone from a completely derivative role”:
    White House official quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adven- ture,”
    Washington Post
    , January 27, 2002.

  4. “an affront to common sense”:
    “Mrs. Clinton’s Book Deal,”

    New York Times
    , December 22, 2000.

  5. A twenty-six-foot-long moving van:
    See George Lardner Jr., “Clinton’s Shipped Furniture Years Ago; White House Usher


    Doubted Ownership,”
    Washington Post
    , February 10, 2001; “First Lady Starts to Move to New York,” Associated Press, January 5, 2000; Marian Burros and John Leland, “Clintons Re- turn Household Gifts of Uncertain Ownership,”
    New York Times
    , February 8, 2001.

  6. “Can I hug you?”:
    Strom Thurmond quoted in Shannon McCaffrey, “Hillary Clinton Sworn in as Senator,” Associated Press, January 3, 2001.
  7. “Yes,” . . . “there have been Senate celebrities”:
    Alison Mitchell, “The Freshman: Starring Hillary Clinton,”
    New York Times
    , January 7, 2001.

  8. “In a way, it felt like the last of the ’90s”:
    Hank Stuever, “Multi-Party System: On Their First Day, the Newest Senators Got a Hearty Reception,”
    Washington Post
    , January 4, 2001.

  9. “It was a wonderful round of parties”:
    Interview with Don Jones, May 2004.
  10. “Hillary’s mother”:
    Interview with an anonymous source close to the Clintons, April 3, 2004.

Chapter Thirty-six: “The Perfect Student”

  1. “Hillary walks across the room”:
    Rep. Anthony Weiner quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
    Washington Post
    , January 27, 2002.

  2. “During the White House years”:
    John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
    Washington Post
    , January 27, 2002.

  3. Republicans Orrin Hatch:
    Gail Sheehy, “Hillary’s Solo Act,”

    Vanity Fair
    , August 2001.

  4. But her biggest catch:
  5. “After a decisive vote”:
  6. “I had seen her a few times through a glass darkly”:
    Sen. Robert Byrd quoted in Elizabeth Kolbert, “The Student: How Hillary Set Out to Master the Senate,”
    New Yorker
    , October 13, 2003.

  7. Senators liked working:
    Interview with Steve Jarding, adjunct lecturer in public policy at the Kennedy School of Government, past executive director of the South Dakota Democratic Party, and former communications director in Bob Kerrey’s U.S. Sen- ate campaigns in Nebraska. He also served as communications


    director of the national Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mittee and has run leadership PACs for Senators John Kerry and John Edwards.

  8. “People will attribute motives”:
    Sen. Lindsey Graham quoted in Nedra Pickler, “Clinton, a Popular Pick for President, Sticks to Senate,” Associated Press, May 31, 2003.
  9. “Hillary has demonstrated a stunning flair”:
    Jennifer Senior, “President and Mr. Clinton,”
    New York Magazine
    , February 21, 2005.

  10. “Giuliani will screw you”:
    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
    Washington Post
    , January 27, 2002.

  11. “the receiving end of a murderous anger”:
    Nicholas Lemann, “The Hillary Perspective: Government Suddenly Looks Good Again,”
    New Yorker
    , October 8, 2001.

  12. “Oh, I am well aware”:
    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in ibid.

Chapter Thirty-seven: Where’s Waldo?

  1. “The next time you see him”:
    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
    Vanity Fair
    , June 2004.

  2. “He’s not here [in Washington] very often”:
    Aide to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
    Washington Post
    , January 27, 2002.

  3. “It’s like that game Where’s Waldo?”:
    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
    Vanity Fair
    , June 2004.

  4. He’s . . . chatted up”:
    Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
    Vanity Fair
    , June 2004.

  5. It was not only the supermarket tabloid:
    See Nigel Demp- ster, “More trouble Brews for Bill,”
    Daily Mail
    (London), June 28, 2002; Blair Golson, “Seagram’s Heir to Sell Townhouse for

    $27 Million,”
    New York Observer
    , August 5, 2002; George Rush and Joanna Molloy, “Stylish Power Struggle on 42nd St.,”
    Daily News
    (New York), November 3, 2002; “Splitsville,”
    New York Post
    , February 27, 2002; Jonathan Alter, “Citizen Clinton Up Close,”
    , April 8, 2002.


  6. One of his new buddies:
    Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
    Vanity Fair
    , June 2004.

  7. Throwing caution to the wind:
    Interview with Clinton biogra- pher who requested anonymity, March 4, 2004.

  8. It’s one thing to go out to California”:

Chapter Thirty-eight: The 800-Pound Gorilla

  1. She put in twelve- to fourteen-hour days:
    John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
    Washington Post
    , January 27, 2002.

  2. She attended one interminable committee meeting:
    Alexan- der Bolton, “Workhorse or Senatorial Stalking Horse? When Clinton Was Elected in 2000, Her First Task Was to Tame a Senate Lion,”
    , March 31, 2004.

  3. “The place looks a lot more yellow”:
    Pat Moynihan quoted in Elizabeth Kolbert, “The Student: How Hillary Set Out to Mas- ter the Senate,”
    New Yorker
    , October 13, 2003.

  4. For the job of decorating:
    Donna Gehrke-White, “Designing Men: Decorators of the Political Stars Gave Up Beltway Stress for South Florida Breeze,”
    Miami Herald
    , May 11, 2002.

  5. When guests arrived at Whitehaven:
    Gail Sheehy, “Hillary’s Solo Act,”
    Vanity Fair
    , August 2001.

  6. In her first twenty-two months:
    Interview with Dick Morris, October 3, 2002.
  7. Donors who were rich enough:
    Adam Nagourney and Ray- mond Hernandez, “For Hillary Clinton, a Dual Role as Star and Subordinate,”
    New York Times
    , October 21, 2002.

  8. “She can give $10,000 to a candidate”:
    Interview with an anonymous expert on campaign finance and ethics, November 9, 2004.
  9. By 2003, Hillary had replaced Bill:
    Eliza Newlin Carney, “Hillary, Inc.,”
    National Journal
    , October 18, 2003.

  10. And she accomplished that:
  11. “She’s more of a star than”:
    Sen. Mark Dayton quoted in Eliza Newlin Carney, “Hillary, Inc.,”
    National Journal
    , October 18, 2003.

  12. “The ethical problems”:
    Eliza Newlin Carney, “Hillary, Inc.,”

    National Journal
    , October 18, 2003.

  13. “If she even let herself be talked about”:
    Maurice Carroll


    quoted in Deborah Orin, “Hillary Romps in Dems’ Prez Poll,”

    New York Post
    , February 7, 2003.

  14. “She spent the first two years”:
    Sen. John Breaux quoted in James VandeHei, “Clinton Develops into a Force in the Senate; Growing Role in Policy, Fundraising Fuels Talk of ’08 Cam- paign,”
    Washington Post
    , March 5, 2003.

Chapter Thirty-nine: “So Hillary”

  1. “It must have been springtime”:
    Interview with a member of the board of the Children’s Defense Fund who requested ano- nymity, October 7, 2003, and November 11, 2004.
  2. “She’s been Botoxed”:
    Interview with anonymous medical source, October 5, 2004.
  3. “Hillary” . . . “will never”:
    Marian Wright Edelman quoted in interview with a member of the board of the Children’s Defense Fund who requested anonymity, October 7, 2003, and Novem- ber 11, 2004.
  4. “Hillary’s heart”:

  5. From the time you were chair”:
    Interview with a member of the board of the Children’s Defense Fund who requested ano- nymity, October 7, 2003 and November 11, 2004.

  6. “If Hillary’s only ambition”:
  7. “startled her conservative detractors”:
    William Safire, “Hil- lary, Congenital Hawk,”
    New York Times
    , December 8, 2003.

  8. footnote:
    “congenital liar”:
    William Safire, “Blizzard of Lies,”

    New York Times
    , January 8. 1996.

  9. “I think Hillary’s ambition simply”:
    Interview with a member of the board of the Children’s Defense Fund who requested anonymity, October 7, 2003, and November 11, 2004.
  10. “If you don’t understand my position”:
    Hillary Rodham Clin- ton quoted in ibid.
  11. “We had supported her”:
    Interview with a member of the board of the Children’s Defense Fund who requested anonymity, October 7, 2003, and November 11, 2004.

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