Read The Truth About Hillary Online
Authors: Edward Klein
Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #Leaders & Notable People, #Political, #Specific Groups, #Women, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #Ideologies & Doctrines, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science, #History & Theory, #Specific Topics, #Commentary & Opinion, #Sagas
Chapter Thirty-two: “A Legend Imploding”
The woman who had once mocked moms:
Gersh Kuntzman, “Why Hillary Is a Bad Campaigner,”
New York Post
, June 10, 1999.
“She’s been insulated in the cocoon”:
Gabe Pressman quoted in Gersh Kuntzman, “Why Hillary Is a Bad Campaigner,”
New York Post
, June 10, 1999.
“Another dollop of Clintonspeak”:
“Psychobabbling over Tomcat Spouse,”
Arizona Republic
, August 5, 1999.
“always been a big Yankees fan”:
Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Peter Botte and Joel Siegel with Michael Finnegan, “Hil: ‘Go Yanks! Go Knicks!’ ”
Daily News
(New York), June 11, 1999.
When President Clinton:
For background see Don Van Natta Jr. and Marc Lacey, “Access Proved Vital in Last Minute Race for Clinton Pardons,”
New York Times
, February 25, 2001.
When Pardongate:
For background see Elizabeth Bumiller, “Clemency, from Bronx Leader to First Lady,”
New York Times
, September 15, 1999.
When Hillary made:
For background see Thomas J. Lueck, “Mrs. Clinton Explains Kiss in Middle East,”
New York Times
, July 14, 2000.
When Hillary realized:
For background see “Hillary’s Jewish Roots—Rooted in Political Pandering,”
New York Post
, August 8, 1999.
When Mayor Giuliani:
Adam Nagourney, “First Lady Assails Mayor over Threat to Museum,”
New York Times
, September 28, 1999.
“Independently, the mistakes are meaningless”:
George Arzt quoted in Joel Siegel with Thomas M. DeFrank, “Hillary’s Mis- steps Worrying Her Followers,”
Daily News
(New York), No- vember 13, 1999.
“Here’s a woman I’ve admired”:
Lenore Skenazy, “When Hillary Goofs, I Wince,”
Daily News
(New York), November 17, 1999.
“She’d had about as bad a six months”:
Hillary’s Turn
, pp. 84–85.
“That odd sound you hear”:
Noemie Emery, “Hillary’s Melt- down; or, the Death of a Legend,”
National Review
, August 30, 1999.
Chapter Thirty-three: The Turnaround
On February 4, 2
The Clinton Wars
, pp. 686–87.
“Past presidents were content”:
Maureen Dowd, “Tin Cup Couple,”
New York Times
, September 24, 2000.
Chapter Thirty-four: “Pure Hollywood”
Indeed, when it was revealed:
John Podhoretz, “Israel in the Balance,”
New York Post
, October 26, 2000.
Astute political observers:
Eli Lake, “Hillary Fattening Cam- paign War Chest at Secret Sit-Down with Arafat Cronies,”
May 26, 2000.
That Hillary was courting radical Muslim groups:
Eric Lip- ton, “Divisiveness at Parade as Mrs. Clinton and Lazio Salute Is- rael,”
New York Times
, June 5, 2000. See also Michael Grunwald, “First Lady Is Booed at Pro-Israel Rally,”
Washington Post
, Octo- ber 13, 2000.
“She’d fly into these little upstate towns”:
Rick Lazio quoted in Anderson,
American Evita
, p. 196.
Chapter Thirty-five: The “Phenom”
“Hillary’s gone from a completely derivative role”:
White House official quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adven- ture,”
Washington Post
, January 27, 2002.
New York Times
, December 22, 2000.
Doubted Ownership,”
Washington Post
, February 10, 2001; “First Lady Starts to Move to New York,” Associated Press, January 5, 2000; Marian Burros and John Leland, “Clintons Re- turn Household Gifts of Uncertain Ownership,”
New York Times
, February 8, 2001.
“Yes,” . . . “there have been Senate celebrities”:
Alison Mitchell, “The Freshman: Starring Hillary Clinton,”
New York Times
, January 7, 2001.
“In a way, it felt like the last of the ’90s”:
Hank Stuever, “Multi-Party System: On Their First Day, the Newest Senators Got a Hearty Reception,”
Washington Post
, January 4, 2001.
Chapter Thirty-six: “The Perfect Student”
“Hillary walks across the room”:
Rep. Anthony Weiner quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
Washington Post
, January 27, 2002.
“During the White House years”:
John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
Washington Post
, January 27, 2002.
Vanity Fair
, August 2001.
“I had seen her a few times through a glass darkly”:
Sen. Robert Byrd quoted in Elizabeth Kolbert, “The Student: How Hillary Set Out to Master the Senate,”
New Yorker
, October 13, 2003.
director of the national Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mittee and has run leadership PACs for Senators John Kerry and John Edwards.
“Hillary has demonstrated a stunning flair”:
Jennifer Senior, “President and Mr. Clinton,”
New York Magazine
, February 21, 2005.
“Giuliani will screw you”:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
Washington Post
, January 27, 2002.
“the receiving end of a murderous anger”:
Nicholas Lemann, “The Hillary Perspective: Government Suddenly Looks Good Again,”
New Yorker
, October 8, 2001.
Chapter Thirty-seven: Where’s Waldo?
“The next time you see him”:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
Vanity Fair
, June 2004.
“He’s not here [in Washington] very often”:
Aide to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
Washington Post
, January 27, 2002.
“It’s like that game Where’s Waldo?”:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
Vanity Fair
, June 2004.
He’s . . . chatted up”:
Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
Vanity Fair
, June 2004.
It was not only the supermarket tabloid:
See Nigel Demp- ster, “More trouble Brews for Bill,”
Daily Mail
(London), June 28, 2002; Blair Golson, “Seagram’s Heir to Sell Townhouse for
$27 Million,”
New York Observer
, August 5, 2002; George Rush and Joanna Molloy, “Stylish Power Struggle on 42nd St.,”
Daily News
(New York), November 3, 2002; “Splitsville,”
New York Post
, February 27, 2002; Jonathan Alter, “Citizen Clinton Up Close,”
, April 8, 2002.
One of his new buddies:
Robert Sam Anson, “Bill and His Shadow,”
Vanity Fair
, June 2004.
It’s one thing to go out to California”:
Chapter Thirty-eight: The 800-Pound Gorilla
She put in twelve- to fourteen-hour days:
John F. Harris, “Hillary’s Big Adventure,”
Washington Post
, January 27, 2002.
She attended one interminable committee meeting:
Alexan- der Bolton, “Workhorse or Senatorial Stalking Horse? When Clinton Was Elected in 2000, Her First Task Was to Tame a Senate Lion,”
, March 31, 2004.
“The place looks a lot more yellow”:
Pat Moynihan quoted in Elizabeth Kolbert, “The Student: How Hillary Set Out to Mas- ter the Senate,”
New Yorker
, October 13, 2003.
For the job of decorating:
Donna Gehrke-White, “Designing Men: Decorators of the Political Stars Gave Up Beltway Stress for South Florida Breeze,”
Miami Herald
, May 11, 2002.
When guests arrived at Whitehaven:
Gail Sheehy, “Hillary’s Solo Act,”
Vanity Fair
, August 2001.
Donors who were rich enough:
Adam Nagourney and Ray- mond Hernandez, “For Hillary Clinton, a Dual Role as Star and Subordinate,”
New York Times
, October 21, 2002.
By 2003, Hillary had replaced Bill:
Eliza Newlin Carney, “Hillary, Inc.,”
National Journal
, October 18, 2003.
“She’s more of a star than”:
Sen. Mark Dayton quoted in Eliza Newlin Carney, “Hillary, Inc.,”
National Journal
, October 18, 2003.
National Journal
, October 18, 2003.
quoted in Deborah Orin, “Hillary Romps in Dems’ Prez Poll,”
New York Post
, February 7, 2003.
“She spent the first two years”:
Sen. John Breaux quoted in James VandeHei, “Clinton Develops into a Force in the Senate; Growing Role in Policy, Fundraising Fuels Talk of ’08 Cam- paign,”
Washington Post
, March 5, 2003.
Chapter Thirty-nine: “So Hillary”
From the time you were chair”:
Interview with a member of the board of the Children’s Defense Fund who requested ano- nymity, October 7, 2003 and November 11, 2004.
“startled her conservative detractors”:
William Safire, “Hil- lary, Congenital Hawk,”
New York Times
, December 8, 2003.
“congenital liar”:
William Safire, “Blizzard of Lies,”
New York Times
, January 8. 1996.