The Trowie Mound Murders (13 page)

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Authors: Marsali Taylor

BOOK: The Trowie Mound Murders
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We did ‘follow my leader' in pairs, and a rather sploshy game of ‘tag' and ended with a couple of races. Once the boats were put away, I left the bairns to shower and went up into the clubhouse, where there were log-books to be signed, and biscuits and hot juice to distribute. There was a parent rota for that, and this time it was Kirsten's turn. ‘Uh-huh,' I thought, and waited to see if she'd mention the lifeboat stall tomorrow.

She did, straight away. ‘Thanks, Cass, for offering to come and help out on Saturday. It's good of you – you're doing so much with the children you mustn't get much time to yourself.'

‘Oh, it's no bother,' I said. I touched wood. ‘I've never needed to call the lifeboat out, but I'm glad it's there.' I hadn't offered, though.

‘I'll be there from eight, but you just come when it suits you.'

‘I won't be there as soon as that,' I said. ‘I was thinking to bring the boat round, so say ten, ten thirty.'

‘That'd be plenty early,' she said. ‘Thanks. D'you want some hot juice?'

‘I'll make myself drinking chocolate,' I said. ‘I'll have a biscuit, though.'

‘You'll not need to slim, you're so active,' she said.

‘You're not needing to slim yourself,' I said. This was the kind of female conversation that always left me feeling awkward. She was slim almost to the point of scraggy, one of these nervous women that couldn't sit still for worrying. Even now, when all the bairns had had their juice, she was dabbing at the table with a cloth, and collecting tumblers almost from their hands. Her collar-bones jutted out above the neck of her pale blue vest top, you could see the bones in her shoulders, and her hipster jeans hung loose below the nobbles of her pelvis. I wondered again about all that had gone wrong in her life that she had to control her body so rigidly. Maybe it was the last area of herself that she owned; Olaf was one to take over everything else. She was pretty in a modern film-star way, with a long, thin face with high cheekbones, and green eyes smudged into their sockets. Her dark hair was super-sleek, and curved round her face in one of those symmetric cuts, the two sides touching her chin.

‘Thanks for doing the hot juice,' I said, and went off to get my drinking chocolate and the box of log-books. I went through them one by one, calling the child over and noting what they'd done:
Mirror, 3 hrs helm, 2 hrs crew, down-wind sailing, CL.
I was only halfway through them when Kirsten went, calling ‘See you on Saturday.' She must have taken Alex home with her, for when I got to the bottom of the pile, his book was there, but he didn't answer to his name. Good. I was glad one parent had the sense to keep him off the road. I put the books back in the box, and the box back in the cupboard, washed up my mug, and headed home.

There was no sign of Anders yet. Rat and Cat were flatteringly pleased to see me. I hung my drysuit from the backstay and sat down to let them scramble all over me, Rat whiffling his whiskers and Cat purring like the rumble of water in a sea-cave. I propped my mobile up in the corner of the chart table, where it sometimes got a signal, but Gavin didn't call.

I'd just switched off Radio Shetland and the six o'clock headlines, and was thinking about making some kind of tea, when I heard the marina gate clang. Naturally I wasn't going to rush out and look. There were footsteps, then somebody called my name from outside – not Gavin. I went out to see Olaf standing on the pontoon.

‘Cass,' he said, ‘I was wondering if you'd seen Alex about after the sailing, or if he'd mentioned going anywhere else. Kirsten took it he'd come home already, when she left, and then we thought he'd likely gone with one of his pals somewhere, but he hadn't said, and so we phoned around, and though he'd left the sailing with the others, nobody'd seen him after that.'

It was too soon to push the panic button, here in Shetland, but I could share Olaf's concern. ‘No,' I said, ‘he's not still around here. He doesn't have a mobile?'

‘It's switched off,' Olaf said. He rubbed a hand over his chin. ‘He didn't mention anywhere he was going?'

‘Not to me,' I said. ‘He was sailing with Robbie – he didn't say anything to him?

Olaf shook his head. ‘We tried Gary and Peter too. Nothing. Ah well, I'll just keep looking.'

‘Can I do anything to help?' I asked. ‘I could go along the shore.'

He shook his head. ‘He'd not have gone that way, he had the quad.'

‘He'd not come to any harm, here in Shetland,' I said.

‘No' the south sort of harm,' Olaf agreed, but the thought didn't seem to comfort him much. He strode away along the pontoon, leaving it rocking.

I sat down in the cockpit, disquieted. It was, of course, entirely likely that Alex should have gone off on some ploy without telling anyone. All the same, bairns didn't usually head off on ploys without another bairn to share the adventure, and his friends had been collected by their parents or gone blamelessly home on their bikes.

Then I remembered what finding the Siamese cat had driven right out of my head. He had had some plan in mind, for he'd been trying to persuade Robbie to it, while they'd hung on to the RIB, waiting for the others to come. Robbie had refused, because he was grounded for sneaking out the night before. Now what might Alex have had in mind?

It was obvious, now I'd worked my way back there. He'd been there and listening while Magnie had talked about lights up at the trowie mound. He could easily get up there with the quad, going along the road to the end, then up over the hill. I frowned. It was a steep hill, and he was too light for the quad. Perhaps he'd overturned or had some other misanter. I tried to see the simple, the plausible, not letting myself think about a yacht slipping below the waves, then went back below and unearthed the phone book from where it was acting as insulation below Rat's sleeping box. Johnston … Johnston.

It was Kirsten who answered. I was sorry to dash the hope in her voice.

‘Kirsten, it's Cass. I had a sudden thought. Magnie and I were talking about him seeing lights up at the trowie mound, you know, the chambered cairn up the Hill of Heodale, the hill at the back of the Nicolson cottage, and Alex was listening. I wonder if he might have gone up there to investigate?'

She grasped at the suggestion. ‘He might. It's the sort of thing he'd do. I'll phone Olaf straight away and tell him to look there.'

‘I'll go round by sea,' I said, ‘and look from that side.'

This is my ship, Cass …
I tried Gavin's number, but either he was in a ‘no signal' area or he'd switched his phone off. I tried to compress my message. ‘Gavin, it's Cass. There's a boy gone missing. I think he's gone up to the trowie mound. I'm going round by sea.' I sent Anders a text: ‘Taken RIB to old cottage.' He'd know what I meant.

I'd refuelled the RIB before putting her away. I put my fleece and lifejacket back on, clipped the kill-cord round my leg and set off at planing speed. In less than ten minutes I was turning the corner into the Rona; ten more, and I was out in the Atlantic, heading straight for the red cliffs below the trowie mound.

I didn't know it then, but Alex's body had already been found.


What's forborne sood aye be forsworn.

(Old Shetland proverb: what's been warned against should be kept clear of.)

Chapter Fourteen

It was seven o'clock now, and the wind had fallen away completely, leaving the water clear and still, a pale silvery blue stretching to the Atlantic horizon. The sun made the cliffs translucent fire-orange, but this hill was in shadow, the cottage crouching dark behind its sheltering arm of hill.

The tide was flowing. I put a kedge out astern, paddled the RIB in, sploshed ashore with a running line, then hauled the boat back out. I paused, looking over the cottage, then took a deep breath and walked slowly around it, starting at the nearest side. It was ill luck to go round against the sun in Shetland. The window panes were dark, but clean; someone had washed the salt of the winter storms off them since spring. Even without staring I could see that the house wasn't deserted. The curtains at the windows were clean, the floor of the living room carpeted, a rug by the fireplace and another by a little chest of drawers, but there was an odd space in the middle, as if the room had been used as a bedroom, and the bed had been taken away. An armchair was pushed back from the fireplace as if someone had just risen. I scanned it without turning my head, and walked on. The porch roof was in good condition, the blue paint on the door only slightly cracked. The Yale lock was gleamingly new. I remembered Brian's hand clenched on an old lock, his black brows twisted together, and Jeemie's voice:
Robbie o' the Knowe let his mouth open a bit wide – 
Brian hadn't bothered asking for his keys back; he'd changed the locks to stop Cerys' games.

The drainage ditch around the cottage gave off a smell of damp moss, and I could hear water trickling in the bottom of it. The roof was edged with moss too, as if the rain sat at the skews and worked its way into the attic. A blackbird shrilled his alarm call from the twisted sycamore at the back of the house.

It was darker around the back. I remembered the flash of spyglasses I had seen, and didn't like the thought. Suppose the somebody who'd pushed the armchair back had crept out of the house to wait for me as I turned the last corner? I froze and listened. No, there was nothing but the wavelets tapping the stones of the shore, the rustle of wings as the blackbird changed branch to watch me better. I walked on. The tarred roof came down to a foot above my head, and the rough walls were bulged under their patchy coat of whitewash. The back extension had plastic curtains and a modern gutter running down into the earth. I came slowly round the second corner and stopped dead, breath-held, at the dark bulk looming in front of me, but it was only a pile of wood, cut branches from the sycamore and dismembered palettes. It smelt faintly of mildew, as if the lowest planks had been there a long time. I slid around it and on to the last corner.

The kitchen window had a net curtain across it, a cast-off of Barbara's, I guessed, for it was in the same style, with a pattern of large flowers bordering an upwards curve. A cup and plate were upended on the stainless steel draining board. There were two chairs at the bare wooden table. I came back to the shoreline and paused to examine the track leading to the end of the road, a smudged line worn by generations of feet trudging to school, to the shop, to a neighbour's house. In winter it would be a guttery pick-your-way; now, it was an earth trail between blue pincushion scabious and the first bog orchids, pyramids of blush-pink petals above brown-spotted leaves. You'd get a pick-up along it, and someone had, for there was a clearly worn double set of tyre tracks ending in a turning place.

On the beach below, someone had had a bonfire. I'd been right about the missing bed. Here were the black remains of mattress springs, a wooden frame, even a corner of what looked like a black satin sheet. I grimaced. Cerys' taste, I supposed. Flung on the remains was a broken metal tripod, twisted as if someone strong had wrenched it apart. So Cerys had been videoing her games too. Yuck. And Anders?
It is not a good place …

I was searching for a missing child. I looked at the path again, but there were no tyre tracks that suggested Alex had been here. I let out a relieved breath that I hadn't realised I'd been holding. I didn't like this place. All the instincts that kept me back from rocky shores or mist-filled bays were kicking in now: go back, stay well clear.

I headed up the hill of Heodale. My feet scrunched among the heather stems, releasing their honey scent. The grass was starred with yellow tormentil like miniature Tudor roses. Above me, the cairn crouched like a waiting trow on the hill's top, the front of it grass-greened and bright in the sun, the back a dark shadow. I could hear a boat engine in the distance, but it was too close in to the cliff for me to see who it was.

I paused at the top to get my breath back. I was standing in the flattened space overlooking the water, looking out just as the Neolithic people who built this must have done. The sun was still well up in the sky, but turning from gold to whisky-amber, and the water was tinted like a prospector's stream. The three shelves of Foula, seventeen miles away to the south-west, lay clear on the horizon, sharp-edged, with the isle filled in a misty grey. Where I was looking, due west, was the Vikings' road to Greenland and North America. We'd been returning from my first Atlantic crossing when Alain had died. It had taken me ten years to come to terms with the knowledge that I'd killed him. I remembered Anders:
Would it be easier if your scar was inside?

I shoved the thought away. Looking down from above, the cliff wasn't as sheer as it looked from the sea. There was a series of narrow ledges slanting down it, like a zig-zag ladder; I'd have taken a bet that the Shetland Climbing Club would have wanted to try it.
Brian wouldn't let them near the place …

I began strolling around the stone and grass mound. There was no sign of the quad here either, and no movement on the green hill, no sound of roaring, bumping engine. Whatever Alex was up to, he wasn't here now.

A dozen steps on, and I knew he'd been here. On the far side of the mound there was a trampled tyre mark where the grass had fallen away to expose the soft peat. I knelt down beside it. Yes, it was a quad mark sure enough, with the tyres wider than a motorbike's. A metre away was a torn-out bit of heather where the other wheels had gripped harder to compensate for the sudden loss of traction. I ran my fingers over the indentation in the clinging mould. I didn't need police training to see how recent this was. He'd heard us talking and brooded over the trowie mound during the sailing, then headed up the minute he'd changed.

When I came around to the front again, I stopped. Somebody else had been here recently. I'd come straight up the steepest part of the hill, but there was a sheep path leading down the gentler way down to the cottage, and beside it, just below the mound itself, there was a clear footprint. It wasn't the man's rubber boots that I'd seen below, but a smaller, neater foot, wearing trainers. I put my own foot beside it and considered the two outlines. It was just bigger than my size 5: a small woman or a child. Furthermore, the prints weren't from any old trainers, but from ones which had been designed to grip. The die-cut running the whole length of the sole, and the second one round the ball of the foot, stood proud in the damp peat mould. A sailor had come up here, a child or a female sailor not much taller than I. I grimaced at that. Most people were taller than me. Sandra had been around five foot four, and Madge had been taller again, nearer five foot six. I'd guess these neat feet were Sandra's, rather than Madge's, because I'd expect someone plump to have broader feet, but that didn't necessarily follow.

That meant Sandra and Peter had been here, and had gone again. Alex had been here, and gone again. Gavin needed to know about this. I took my mobile out, and got him this time. He sounded tired, with an undercurrent of distress running below the soft ‘s' he gave my name. ‘Cass, where are you?'

‘At the trowie mound. Alex has been here – there are quad prints.'

‘We've found the boy,' he said. His tone made it an elegy. ‘He seems to have come off the road just at Mavis Grind and gone down onto the beach. The quad turned over on him.'

The breath left me as if I'd been punched. I couldn't manage a word.

‘Are you still there, Cass? Get yourself home.'

I put the phone away and came back to the platform. As I moved away from the wall of stones facing the sea, the sun picked out a vertical crack between two slabs. I froze, looking at it. A long, deep fissure ran down from the hanging heather, as if this stone could be moved, and there, on the other side of the great stone, another dark line, like the crack each side of a doorway. Those Neolithic people had had to get into the mound to lay the bones of their dead inside, and of course the doorway would be here, looking out over their territory. I thought of the Tomb of the Eagles, in Orkney, built high above the bay. You entered that one via a low passage, half underground. Why shouldn't this cairn be the same?

Now I'd spotted the doorway I looked more closely at the heather above it. It wasn't growing between the stones here, as it was on the rest of the tomb, but hanging down from above the horizontal stone above, the stone which I could see now as a lintel. The stone with the crack each side was a massive plug, and for me to be able to see that so clearly it had to have been moved, and recently.

I kept looking at it, and ran my fingers down each edge. Was there a slight dent, a sharper chipped edge, just here, in the centre of one side, exactly where I'd have placed a crowbar to get it open? Perhaps, perhaps. If something this size had been prised out, it would fall just by where I was standing. I looked down and saw the indentation's curve highlit by the setting sun. The edges of it were still slightly rough, and at the far side a yellow tormentil flower was crushed over on itself, the heraldic rose petals just beginning to brown at the edges.

They must have followed me up from the cottage, coming quickly over the brow of the hill while I was at the far side of the mound touching Alex's tracks, then played hide and seek around the mound itself. They would have listened while I talked to Gavin. I heard feet shifting on my right, and turned to see a shape looming over me, an upraised arm. My head exploded in a splintering of stars which dissolved into darkness. With the last rags of consciousness I felt myself falling and stretched out my hands to save myself, only to feel them rag-limp as I went down onto the grass-lined platform. My cheek landed on cold moss. I felt my shoulder thud after it, then there was darkness.

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