Read The Trouble With Love Online

Authors: Becky McGraw

The Trouble With Love (13 page)

BOOK: The Trouble With Love
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"Enjoying you
tasting you
my turn, darlin'
.  W
have another turn in a little bit
he told her in a slow lazy drawl then climbed back on the bed from the foot.  She looked down at him and clamped her thighs together.  There was no way she was letting him go there,
..." he told her and pried her knees apart
then spread them and moved inside


his incredible body against hers, then
stopped and
groaned when the head of his
penis settled at her core.
  Instinctively, Sabrina's legs moved to circle his waist and she wiggled her hips against him. 
With a
, he
captured her mouth and found her tongue
it in a
dance that fanned the smoldering embers of the am
azing orgasm she'd just had.


tension inside
when he moved his hips with hers,
and knew she was very close again.  She tossed her head to the side and whi
pered brokenly, "Oh, god...I'm going to come again," as another orgasm slammed into her, this one more intense.
  She dug her fingers into Cole's back and held on as arrows of pleasure
shot through her system and found the
ir mark sending
her i


Before she
even came down from the euphoric seizure
, Cole reached back
and gently unwrapped her legs
from around his waist and laid them on either side of him, then kissed his way across her chest to her breasts then down her stomach
.  He placed an open mouth kiss
above each hipbone,
then moved downward and
lifted her knees over his shoulders
kissed her core.
  The tremors in her body started again, as he moved his tongue over her nub in slow sure circles then she exploded again when he pulled it between his lips and sucked.  "Holy, shit, Cole..." she said her hands about ripping the sheets apart.


"You taste so good, darlin' I might stay down here all day," he told her and then licked her from top to bottom, then put his tongue inside of her opening and darted in and out.  "Oh, yeah..." she heard him say as he licked her again.  "So damned, sweet."


When he sucked her again, she vaulted off the bed and yelled, "Enough!" she was so far gone, the pleasure was almost pain now.  She got up to her knees and met him at the end of the bed
, where he was kneeling now too


"I need you inside of me now..." she told him
in a low tortured voice, her
insides itching t
o feel him there.
  She pushed him down on the bed and straddled him, lining herself up over his erection and sliding over him, panting with every stroke.  "Oh my god, you feel so fucking good.  I need you so bad," she
and stroked her fingers over his chest as she moved her hips.


"Jesus, Bri..." he shouted and put his hands on her hips to stop her. "You're gonna make me come, darlin'.  I want to be inside of you when that happens."


"I'll get the condom, don't move," she told him then scooted to the night table a
nd got it.  She crawled back over to him and straddled his thighs
.  Frantically
the packet with her teeth,
she pulled out the latex ring and put her hand around him then slid it over the head of his cock.  Watching his jaw clench, she
very slowly slid
it do
wn in place, then stroked him.


Cole m
oaned and closed his eyes, then opened them and reached for her.  She sat back on her he
els and continued to stroke him until a shudder passed through him.  Moving upward, she aligned herself with him and then slowly slid her body over him halfway.  He stretched her so tightly, and it had been so long, she had to stop and let herself adjust.


His breathing was shallow and erratic, and she could tell what it was costing him to hold back and not press upward.  Slowly she took him another inch inside,
hesitated then

sat down taking him fully.  He moaned and clenched his jaw the
grabbed her hips. 
His eyes were heated and intense
, his voice strangled,
when he told her,
killing me, sweetheart.
..but you feel so


down the intense emotion that surged up into her throat
, Sabrina
started moving up and down, rolling her hips against him, circling
them over him,
enjoying the insane pleasure of having him inside her.  "Nothing has ever felt this good, Cole," she told him just above a whisper.


A dark
growl rumble in his chest right before
it erupted from him
then he
tossed her on her back
and pushed u
p inside of her.  Sabrina
moaned her
pleasure and wrapped her legs around his waist. He started moving inside of her in a slow steady rhythm
, then
put his hands under her hips and lifted her to him
.  C
hanging the angle of entry, and the depth of his strokes
, he picked up the pace
.  She gasped when he hit a hidden spot inside of her that had her off-kilter and
his name.


Sabrina mewled as renewed p
leasure built inside of her
then crashed over
, sending
her spiraling toward another release. 
She shouted his name and felt her inner muscles clench against him.  Cole lowered her hips then and increased the length of his strokes, which prolonged the tremors inside of her.  Moving with him, she gyrated her hips and met him stroke for stroke until she heard him roar his release.  He stilled
, but stayed inside of her and said looking down into her eyes,
Good Lord..." he said barely above a reverent whisper, "
That was the most incredible sex I've ever had in my life."


?  She'd had a transcendental out-of-body experience here with a man she thought she was in love with, and he'd reduced it to a roll in the hay?
Hurt punched through her and t
ears burned behind her eyes
.  She
pushed against his chest
and told him hotly,
"Get off of me


He moved to the side and Sabrina
got up and started gathering her clothes.
Cole dove off the bed and grabbed her shoulders
then shouted
, "What the hell is wrong with you?"


Sabrina stopped picking up the clothes and let her eyes rake him from head to toe, then she said, "Yeah, you were a pretty good lay too."


His face flushed and his eyes glittered dangerously.  Cole released her shoulders and barked, "
did you say?"


"I said thanks for the
sex was
.  But it's time for me to go back," she told him trying to sound nonchalant but the wobble in her voice betrayed her.
  Quickly she looked away from him and bent down to put on her shorts.


She'd just gotten them over her hips when he spun her around and grated, "I'll fucking show you nice," right before he took her mouth in a punishing kiss, grinding his lips against hers as his hands found her ass and he pulled her hips hard against him.


The rough uncaring way he was treating her unleashed the tears that she'd held back.  They rolled down her cheeks unchecked and she whimpered and pushed against his chest. As tight as he was holding her, there was no way she could get her knee up between them, so she raised her arms like she was going to put them around his neck and fisted her hands bringing them together hard against his ears.


Cole wailed in pain and clutched his ears taking a few steps back from her.  Her chest was heaving so hard, she was afraid she'd hyperventilate and pass out.
She wiped her forearm over her mouth to get rid of his taste on her lips and spat, 
"Don't you ever touch me again!"


Sabrina picked
up her shirt and stuffed her arms in it
and pulled it down, not worrying about putting her bra back on.  She picked
the bra
up and stuffed it in the pocket of her shorts, then stomped her feet into her boots.


"Goodbye, Cole...I dont'
want to see you again," she told him then stormed out of the bedroom.


He caught her at the door and spun her around to face him.
  His eyes were moist and he pleaded,
"Don't run out on to me...tell me what I did."


"If you don't know, it's not for me to tell you, Cole
.  I need to go."


"Sabrina, I don't
relationships...haven't had one in years," he waved his hand around
finished, "This is
.  I don't know
to do them.  My mom and dad had it down pat, but I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing."


"If you don't do them, what the hell are you doing with me?" she said seriously, then quirked her mouth and raised a finger, "Oh yeah--I
.  That's what all that shit at the B&B wa
s about, you wanted to get laid.
  She gave him a disgusted look then twisted the door knob.  She had to get out of her
..away from him.
  If she had to walk back to the B&B she would do that.


One of her boots hit the porch, and then she was jerked back into the house and Cole slammed and locked the door.  He stood there with righteous indignation rolling off of him in waves...even though he was still buck naked.  It was kind of a ridiculous sight and Sabrina was tempted to giggle, even though her heart was ground meat.


Cole took a couple of shallow breaths then said, "First off, I can get
any damned time I want to get laid.  I don't have to lie to women to get them in bed..."


Anger surged up inside of her again, realizing what a pompous egotistical ass she'd just slept with.
She intended to knock him down a few notches when she told him,
"And I can get laid anytime I want
, by any number of men, and I don't have t
o be
for that to happen,
her eyes raked him then she added
with some neck action
, "But I can guarantee you
I'll be a lot more selective next time.
  Guess I was just desperate, it
been eighteen months.


Cole took a step forward then stopped
, his eyes narrowed then he
said, "Well that would explain why you were so rusty then."


White hot fury exploded inside of Sabrina and she flew at him with her fists flailing, connecting a few blows with his jaw before he put the steel bands of his arms around her and lifted her up from the floor.  "Are we done with the insults now?"
he said in a low fierce growl by her ear.

BOOK: The Trouble With Love
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