The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5) (23 page)

BOOK: The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5)
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Noticing that
something was a little off about his behavior, the creatures decided to end his torture. They all charged at once in a flood of little gray bodies with twisted features, each waving a blade in circles over their heads. He could feel them, each one giving off its own distinct, unnatural energy.

Still on
his knees, Eric reached out with both hands. Golden light shot from his eyes and mouth as he let out a scream so deafening, so thunderous, it shook the mountain itself. Yellow lines of crackling energy radiated up and down his arms, riding along the burnt markings. Dozens of glimmering golden holes opened up before him, each placed directly in the path of one of these charging creatures.

Their screeching
battle cries swiftly became squeals of terror and pain. Most slid directly into the glowing portals only to have them snap shut, crushing them like a mouse trap. The few that were able to stop in time turned to run back to the safety of the mountain. Surely the Mountain of Dreams would protect them from this sudden turn of events, rescue them from their impending slaughter.

Eric let out another roar
, an unworldly battle cry no human could have produced. Pushing his hands out farther, the golden portals obeyed. They began to drift along, chasing the handful of creatures who had escaped instant death. Reaching the wall of stone, the little demons jumped up and down, clawing at the side of the mountain, pleading to be let back in.

The shimmering holes hit them from behind, pressing them against the stone. They shrieked with pain, faces grinding against cold rock. Eric could end it whenever he wanted
with a flick of his wrist, but he didn’t. Deep down inside, some animalistic part of him enjoyed dishing out such pain, prolonging their agony. A moment ago, these things were trying to kill him. And they weren’t going to be quick about it, either. Why should he show them mercy? He crushed them slowly, inch by inch.

A twi
nge of guilt struck his heart as he ground them into the stone. Not for them; they more than deserved their fate. But what if Jade could see him now? What would she say? Would she even recognize the merciless monster standing before her?
he thought.
There is nothing more to prove here
. Clenching his fists, the golden doorways snapped down on their prey in a burst of yellow sparkles. The monsters’ harrowing shrieks were short-lived. Death came instantly.

Silent light
ning flashed over and over, the only light source illuminating the stone wall before him. A gentle breeze lifted the lower portion of his blue cloak, making it flap and dance like a ghost. He just wanted to stand here a moment longer...and enjoy the silence.

* * *

“That’s it, dear,” said Nima, her voice tight with strain. “Steady it. Steady it. Now push back towards me. Good, you’re getting it.” Jade bared her teeth, forehead furrowed from tension. She leaned forward with her hands out, driving her Chi energy back into Nima. “Yes, dear, that’s it.” Nima’s feet were actually beginning to slide along the ground as she was pushed backwards.

The drill had been going on
back and forth for several hours now. It was a basic exercise, practiced by all Palins in training. The exercise required two, so each was partnered with another student. One would go on the offensive, pushing forward with their Chi, pressing against the other. The second student would absorb the pressure for a time, then the two would switch roles. The second student would begin to push, forcing the first to use their Chi defensively, trying to resist the push. And in this manner they would go back and forth.

he drill taught the students to hold their Chi for long periods of time. It also trained them to shift its form within their bodies, transitioning from an offensive push to a defensive shield. The two actions were very different, and many lost focus during the shift. It was not unusual for a student to go flying across the room because they could not reshape their Chi fast enough.

In the hours that Jade and Ni
ma had been practicing, Jade appeared to be getting better by the minute. Her control was improving, and her command of her energy had excelled. “I’ll make a master out of you yet,” grunted Nima, her feet slipping backward once more. Focusing hard, she narrowed her own energy into a thin line. Centering that single line of power, she sliced back through Jade’s pushing energy like a knife.

Jade refocused quickly,
shifting her Chi into a defensive force, absorbing Nima’s push. She could now make the transition with ease, a feat that had proved quite difficult only an hour ago. “Is that all you can do?” said Jade, teasing. She tried to play it off as if this were a simple task for her, but in reality the strain was very intense. “Perhaps I should be teaching you.” Despite her teasing, the heavy strain in her voice implied otherwise.

A sl
ight rustle in the bushes gained their attention, putting a stop to the back-and-forth exercise. They watched with surprise when a short, slim girl broke through the shrubbery. Her short hair was pulled back in a red band, and her drab, brown clothing hung loosely around her petite body. Upon seeing Jade and Nima, she immediately bowed her head. “Excuse me,” she said softly, eyes low. “I’m sorry to disturb you both.”

“Toyono?” said Nima, eyes w
ide with surprise. “How did you— What are you doing here?”

“My apologie
s,” said the young girl, looking more nervous by the second. “Several times I’ve watched you come this way, through the trees. Out of curiosity, I followed you once. That’s how I knew you would be here.” Nima’s mouth worked wordlessly, not knowing what to say. Toyono’s eyes widened, sensing Nima’s alarm. “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me,” she blurted out. “I will never tell anyone of your hidden sanctuary. No one saw me enter here. I made sure of that.”

Nima relaxed a little,
still eyeing Jade with an unsure look. She raised her eyebrow suspiciously. “Then why exactly are you here?”

It’s the Circle, they’re looking for you; both of you.” Jade and Nima glanced at one another. “It’s about the Shantie Rhoe. You better follow me.”

But it was Toyono who ended up
following as the other two bolted from the clearing and down the hidden path. Jade peeked her head through the forest leaves, only half-heartedly checking to see if anyone was nearby. She sprinted down the dirt street, followed closely by Nima. The streets were quiet, save for a few children and the occasional woman folding freshly washed blankets. The relatively empty streets worried Jade even further.
Where is everyone?

en they turned the next corner—the Circle’s quarters just up ahead—Jade’s question was quickly answered. The street was flooded with people, many wearing white face paint and long, black cloaks. Nearing the door, the crowd became even denser. Jade dipped her shoulder, then began slinking her way through the people. Neither her nor Nima stopped to talk to anyone, but the gossip buzzing around them made it clear what was going on. Eric had passed the first two trials, and the village was now bustling with energy.

finally making their way to the front, Jade was the first to storm through the hanging beads. Three soldiers staring down at her through their wicker helmets moved to block her path, but it only took them a moment to recognize who she was. They sidestepped, allowing both her and Nima to pass while muttering apologies. 

Wara was
there waiting, along with the twins, who were seated near the far wall. Her cold, green eyes looked them up and down expectantly, as if waiting for some sort of apology. Jade, fed up with the Circle’s arrogance, met her gaze. “He’s on the third trial?” said Jade, breaking the silence, ignoring Nima’s tugging at her from behind. Jade did not answer to the Circle and was not in a particularly tolerant mood. “Why didn’t you send for us earlier?”

Because nobody knew where you were, you ignorant child!” Wara replied, clearly not in a very tolerant mood herself. “If you and your little friend here are done playing Palin, perhaps you would like to witness the final test with the rest of us.” She gestured towards a white globe on the table. “Soon, he will be challenged with the final test. And I, for one, am eager to see if he is who he claims to be.”

Nima attempted to grab Jade’s
robe, but she broke free and lunged towards Wara, stopping an inch from her nose. Face to face, they glared at one another for some time before Jade finally spoke, “Although I am aware that I stand upon foreign soil, my friends and I have gone to great lengths to abide by the ways of your culture. We have done our best to honor your chain of command and show respect at all times.”

“Fair enough
, child,” said Wara with an eye flutter and a dismissive wave. “I’ll consider tha—”

“I am not finished,”
Jade interrupted, her crystal blue eyes blazing like shiny sapphires. “You’ve separated me from the one I’m sworn to protect, all because of your
laws. And out of respect for you and your people, I stood down and allowed it. In the meantime, I’ve done the only thing I could to help ensure the Gate Keeper’s protection upon his return. I was not playing, I was sharpening my skills further so I might become an even more efficient killer.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “And if the Gate Keeper does not return from this Mountain of Dreams,” her voice lowered to a whisper, “I’ll hold you personally responsible for the world’s loss. With my role in this diminished and no one left to protect, revenge will become my only reason for existence.”

* * *

Morita drifted down the mirrored hall. Graceful, light on her feet, she hardly seemed to touch the floor. Her hips swayed with each step, her slim figure accentuated by a clinging yellow slip. With its low neckline and single strap hanging loosely from her shoulder, her ample bosom seemed one deep breath away from spilling out.

she turned the corner, a wicked smile flashed across her full lips. She stopped in front of the door, hand on the knob, and purposefully turned it slowly. Morita wanted to make her entrance felt. She gently pushed back the door with a light, creaking sound. Inside were two frightened servants, waiting for her just as instructed.

, hello, Aosa,” said Morita to the unclothed girl sprawled out across the bed. Her flowing blonde hair, spilling across two pillows, stood out against the dark-red sheets. Her dark eyes held unimaginable terror as she trembled, too frightened to move. Swallowing hard, she rolled her head to the side, exposing a neck covered with white, puckered scars that looked old, obviously built up over time, despite how young she looked.

Morita drifted up to the edge of
the bed like a ghost. She leaned in, riding her moist, forked tongue along the girl’s neck, tracing each scar with careful attention. It left a thin, translucent coating of saliva. She retracted her snakelike tongue, smacking her lips and savoring the taste of the girl’s young flesh. “Tempting, darling, but not today,” she whispered, running a finger along the girl’s neck, down between her breasts, then placing it in her own mouth. Morita didn’t look convinced, as if she might be having second thoughts about her choice of entertainment this evening.

“Tonight, I will only be a spectator.
I promise I’ll do no more than watch.” Morita gestured towards the young man seated at a nearby table. He flinched, as he’d been hoping he’d somehow been forgotten. “Rise, young man, and come around to this side,” she said, suddenly breathless, her chest heaving in and out. The young man, wearing only a shirt, stood hesitantly. Trying to pull the shirt down to cover himself, he slowly came around to her side. Even with long, dark hair matted down over his angular face, she could see he was as frightened as the girl. Morita’s reputation for being completely unpredictable frightened all the servants.

“Now then, don’t be
so shy. It’s alright, you can come closer, my pet.” Morita’s musical voice promised only the most innocent of intentions, but it was still at odds with her constant heavy breathing. He moved closer, head hung low, like he was marching towards his own execution. She grabbed him by the face, gripping him so tightly that white lines formed across his cheeks.

Pulling him in, s
he pressed her lips into his. She pushed so hard, he began to grimace from the pain. Her teeth ground against his lips while blood ran from the side of his mouth, dripping off his chin. She released his face, but still gripped his lower lip in her teeth, as if not sure whether or not to let him go yet. Finally, she did. His bloody lip snapped back after being stretched to its limit.

ragging a gentle hand across his chest, Morita circled around to his back. She gripped the back of his hair, forcing his eyes towards the bed. “Beautiful, is she not?” she whispered, the words funneling into his ear, followed shortly by her tongue. Terrified, he rattled his head up and down, feeling her cold, sticky tongue work its way in deep. “Oh, it’s been a long time since I’ve witnessed something so...traditional.” She nipped at his ear with her front teeth, forcing a soft whimper. “The proper mating between a man and woman. This is what they call love, is it not?”

Forcing his
gaze to remain on the young girl, Morita’s hand slid down his chest, across rigid stomach muscles built up through years of labor. When her hand found his groin, she let his shaft slide between her ring and middle finger. Ice-cold fingers suddenly cupped his scrotum, making him whimper again. The pace of his breathing began to increase as she massaged them gently. He swallowed, cool sweat dripping from his temples. “I say again, is she not beautiful?” she repeated, a touch of impatience ringing through her mostly mild tone.

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