The Titanic's Last Hero (9 page)

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Authors: Moody Adams

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Titanic's Last Hero
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What glorious triumphs of grace were won through his Holy Ghost ministry in that part of the city! Wherever he went, whether in public or in private, he carried with him the holy fragrance of his Lord. I often felt, after being with him in the gospel or at our Royal Lord’s Court, that he was fast ripening for high service. He lived next door to heaven; hence, his soul was constantly inhaling heaven’s atmosphere.

The blessing of soul our brother enjoyed saved him from every vestige of sectarianism, so that he preached in perfect harmony with all the other sections of the Christian church. He had learned through grace that the church and the work of the church are one, and he was ready to lend a helping hand to any brother minister who desired his services.



Many of us wondered how he lived under the tremendous strain, occasioned by the amount of preaching he went through, and the nights he spent in prayer, which seemed enough to kill the strongest of men, but on he went like an express train, determined to reach its destination without hindrance; his eyes steadily fixed upon his crucified, buried, risen, ascended, pleading, and coming Lord. All the powers of hell could not move him from his soul’s center.

Now the brave soldier’s precious form lies beneath the ocean waves, and his blood-washed spirit is present with the Lord in yon land of light and glory, the homeland of all who love and serve the Christ of God.

Farewell, beloved soldier. We shall meet you in the morning without a cloud.

Photo of John Paton



Tribute by Mr. John Paton

of Carmyle, Glasgow, Scotland

Some of us can well imagine him

in these last awful minutes

on board the doomed Titanic,

standing amidst a group of stricken,

repentant souls point them to the

Savior he had loved and served so well,

helping them to seize their

eleventh-hour opportunity.

I AM THANKFUL TO HAVE the opportunity of putting on record how much I owe in my Christian life to my friendship with dear John Harper. I have found the word of Proverbs 17:27, “A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit,” to be true indeed, and the two friends now with the Lord who had the most to do with the “sharpening” of my life were Matthew Colquhoun and John Harper.



Both were close friends, not only of my own, but of each other. Often, before the day Matthew fell asleep in the Lord’s embrace on May 6, 1909, did he serve the Lord at Paisley Road during John Harper’s pastorate. The one impressed me tremendously by the sweet and transparent holiness of his life, the other no less by his burning and devoted zeal, both qualities being manifestly born of their ardent love for the Savior. When one experiences how easy it is to allow the keen edge of spiritual life to dull, one prizes the privilege of such friendships as these, and how many of the rank and file of our Christian community, like myself, must have been blessed through contact with these two lives, eternity alone will reveal.



To be in the company of John Harper was to have created anew in one’s heart the desire to “spend and be spent” in the Master’s service. Some of us can well imagine John in those last awful minutes on board the doomed Titanic, standing amidst a group of stricken, repentant souls and pointing them to the Savior he had loved and served so well, helping them to seize their eleventh-hour opportunity.

God has not many servants whom He could trust with such a service, and that to me at least is the explanation of our brother being on board the Titanic instead of on the Lusitania as he had at one time planned.

May we all follow John Harper insofar as he followed Jesus.

Photo of Robert Logan, Evangelist



Tribute by Mr. Robert Logan, Evangelist

But oh! how he burned

prayed, labored, and wept

for the conversion of sinners;

and, blessed by God, great numbers

were led to the Savior’s feet

through his consecrated efforts.

THE SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED END of our beloved brother, Mr. Harper, came to those of us who knew him and loved him as a staggering blow, and even yet we feel it difficult to think of him as having departed from the scene of his zealous, self-sacrificing, and fruitful labors.



Mr. Harper was a strong man. He was strong in his love to the brethren. The grip of his kindly hand and his brotherly salutation were always cheering.

He was strong in his love and reverence for the Bible. His progress in Bible study and Bible knowledge was very striking.

He was strong in his love for prayer. He knew as few men seemed to know that true power with men must be preceded by communion with God. Hence with him it was not the ordinary ten or fifteen minutes of waiting upon God. He spent hours in persistent wrestling with God in prayer for the salvation of perishing souls. Oh for a mighty increase of such intercessors!



He was strong in his love for the perishing. He had an intense love for souls. He was eager for the sanctification of saints. But oh! how he burned, prayed, labored, and wept for the conversion of sinners, and, blessed be God, great numbers were led to the Savior’s feet through his consecrated efforts.



He was strong in his love for the Savior who died for him. He lived, walked, prayed, and preached under the sense of an overwhelming vision of Calvary. Hence Christ and Him crucified was ever John Harper’s theme. To him the name of Jesus was sweet, sacred, and precious. May his mantle fall upon not a few of us so that we may successfully run the race that is set before us until the day dawns when we shall meet to part no more.



Tribute by Mr. Alex Galbraith, Seamen’s Missionary

Glasgow, Scotland

The contents of his (Harper’s) letter

were mainly along the lines of

urging to incessant activity

for the ingathering of the lost,

and the up-building of the saints,

and encouraging myself personally

to go on in the work

among the fallen and the outcast.

MY ACQUAINTANCE AND FELLOWSHIP WITH dear Brother John Harper, whom I loved in the Lord, goes back for at least twelve or fourteen years. I saw the man develop and grow spiritually, in zeal for the souls of men, and in loyalty to Christ and His truth.

My last communication from him was about a week before he appeared at the noon meeting in March for the last time. The contents of his letter were mainly along the lines of urging to incessant activity for the ingathering of the lost, and the up-building of the saints, and encouraging myself personally to go on in the work among the fallen and the outcast. The tenderness of his words of counsel and encouragement are with me still.

Photo of Pastor Malcolm Ferguson



Tribute by Pastor M. Ferguson,


After Mrs. Harper’s death

he would often stay overnight in the

church and pray for the occupants of

every seat, and then on Sabbath

he would look for and expect

souls to be saved.

He was a burning and a shining light.

IT WAS MY PRIVILEGE AND joy to know the late Pastor John Harper for over twelve years. I first heard of him at New Cumnock, where he had been holding some meetings. The church formed there by Mr. James Adair was looking out for a pastor and were very keen to secure Mr. Harper. I saw the fruits of his mission and felt any church would be justified in securing such a man of God.

I afterwards met him in the Gordon Halls, Paisley Road, and when I saw the spirit and enthusiasm of the meetings, I said to one of the workers, “You won’t keep Mr. Harper long here.”



Well, he was not to be so easily lifted out of Paisley Road. He found his sphere there for many years, and hundreds will thank God through all eternity for his faithful ministry in that place. Others will tell the tale of the church, its enlargement, its constant revivals, the overflowing crowds, and the hundreds of souls saved and blessed.



I was often there during 1905, when the news of the Welsh Revival spread. I did not go to Wales but often saw scenes in Paisley Road Church similar to what we heard were going on there. The crowds were so great it was difficult to get in, and after getting in, still more difficult to get near the platform. Then, before anyone could speak ten minutes, souls were crying out for mercy under the mighty power of God. It was not excitement. It was the Holy Spirit convicting of sin. One was forced to ask often, what is the secret of this perennial blessing in Paisley Road? But when in touch with the pastor in his vestry or in his home, the secret was soon found out.



Nobody could be in Mr. Harper’s presence long till it was found what a mighty man of God he was, especially in prayer. He knew God. He knew his Bible, and he knew by heart-felt experience the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. He had a passionate love for Christ and souls. It often amazed me the amount of work Mr. Harper went through. When he studied, and how he prepared the marvelous addresses he gave, was a wonder to many. But when most of us were sleeping, he was in the secret place of the Most High, closeted with God and His Word all night in the little room off the vestry in Paisley Road Church.



After Mrs. Harper’s death, he would often stay overnight in the church and pray for the occupants of every seat, and then on Sabbath he would look for and expect souls to be saved.

He was a burning and a shining light. Some burn and don’t shine; others shine but don’t burn. When he spoke, it might be said of him what was said by the man who went to hear Rowland Hill, “The words come hissing hot from his heart.” He believed what he preached and preached what he believed. Christ and eternal things were all so real to him. He lived and preached “as if Christ died yesterday, rose today, and was coming tomorrow.”

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