The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches From the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam (46 page)

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Authors: Eliza Griswold

Tags: #Islam - Relations - Christianity, #Religion; Politics & State, #Relations, #Christianity, #Comparative Religion, #Religion, #Political Science, #General, #Christianity and Other Religions - Islam, #Christianity and Other Religions, #Islam

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Grateful acknowledgment to the New America Foundation, the American Academy in Rome, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Corporation of Yaddo.

I am indebted to Jonathan Galassi for his patience, guidance, and inestimable friendship; to Paul Elie, for his keen mind and prodigious faith—without
both, this book would not exist; to my dearest friend and agent, Bill Clegg, and to Sloan Harris, for shepherding this idea into the world.

In addition, I’d like to thank those without whom this reporting and research would have been impossible, beginning with the crack investigative work of Rachel Nolan and Annabel Hogg. In alphabetical order: The United States: Reza Aslan, Wah-Ming Chang, Jenna
Dolan, Ian Douglas, John R. Hebert, the late John Hyde, Sophie Fels, Dexter Filkins, Philip Jenkins, Todd M. Johnson, Karen Maine, John McGhee, Walter Russell Meade, Kate Peters, Tim Shah; Nigeria: Reverend Abdu, Chris Albin-Lackey, Imam Nurayn Ashafa, Archbishop Josiah Fearon, Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi, Alex Last, Murray Last, Pastor James Wuye, Haruna Yakubu; Sudan: J. Carrier, Francis Deng,
Alex De Waal, Brian D’Silva, Carolyn Fleuhr-Lobban, Ivan Giesbrecht, Franklin Graham, Ken Isaacs, Douglas H. Johnson, Chief Kwol Deng Kwol, Richard Lobban, Jason Matus, Chief Nyol Paduot, John Prendergast, John Ryle, Heather Sharkey, Roger Winter; Somalia: Ali Musa Abdi, Dr. Hawa Abdi, Peter Bergen, Matthew Bryden, Jose Cendon, Charles Ehrhart, Roland Marchal, Ken Menkhaus, Dr. Deqo Waqaf, Bashir
Yusef Osman; Indonesia: Taufik Andrie, Andreas Harsono, Robert Hefner, Sidney Jones, Jacqueline Koch, John MacDougall, Dave McCrae, Zamira Loebis, Febbe Orida; Malaysia: Farish Ahmad-Noor, Robert K. Dentan, Dr. Juli Edo, Nora Murat, Sam Zia-Zarifi; Philippines: Gracia Burnham, Father Peter Geremiah, Orlando de Guzman, Bong Sarmiento, Jose Torres, the late Maricel and George Vigo, Marites D. Vitug.

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