The Temptation of a Gentleman (9 page)

Read The Temptation of a Gentleman Online

Authors: Jenna Petersen

Tags: #Historical romance, #Fiction

BOOK: The Temptation of a Gentleman
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Noah opened and shut his mouth again, just as he had when she’d doubted the truth of his story a moment before. Really, it was almost too easy to make him speechless.

No. I’m investigating Josiah Lucas.”

The color drained from Marion’s face and all the humor she’d felt faded with it. Noah thought Josiah Lucas was a killer and yet she was forced to share a home with the man. And perhaps a bed if she couldn’t escape his advances soon.

Whom do you believe he killed?” She fought to remain calm.

Noah’s voice grew quiet. “His wife.”

She closed her eyes to absorb the shock she felt hearing all this information. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she asked, “Aside from terrifying me, how does this relate to my quandary?”

You must be frightened if you don’t see the answer to that question,” Noah said with a humorless laugh. “If Lucas goes to prison, the debts he holds over your father will be gone as if they never existed.”

She nodded slowly. “I suppose that’s true. But you said Lucas was only a possible suspect in Georgina’s death. What if he’s innocent? I would still be forced to marry him.”

Noah sighed as if he were uncomfortable with what he was about to say. “If we cannot prove Lucas is a killer, then I’ll do what you ask of me. I’ll make it appear you’ve been ruined.”

Marion covered her mouth with a little yelp of joy. “You’ll help me?”

His eyes narrowed at her emotional outburst. “Yes. Don’t worry, Marion. I’d never let you come to any harm.”

She lowered her hand slowly and looked him up and down. “Yes, I know that. Somehow I know it.”

His face darkened, and for a moment she thought she saw a flicker of desire in his gaze. With a quick movement, he got up from the bench and turned away. His action broke the spell he’d held her in, and Marion remembered that by the end of the month Lucas would claim her body whether they were married or not.

How long do you think this will take?” she asked.

He didn’t look back at her. “Probably no more than a few weeks, why?”

She paused, weighing the benefits of telling Noah the whole truth about her father’s agreement. But then, it seemed like the whole situation would be taken care of before she was forced to do anything unsavory. Why tell him if Lucas’s bargain would never come to be? It was so humiliating.

Father is planning on beginning our –
- at the end of the month, so my time is limited,” she said.

I see.” Noah rubbed his chin. “If you’re helping me, we should catch him before you’re forced into something so vile.”

Marion stood up and rung her hands in front of her. “I’m not sure I’ll be very good at this. Perhaps I’ll hinder you.”

He shook his head. “I’ve had women as partners before, I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully.”

A pang of jealousy shot through her. Noah’s former partners had probably been gorgeous, sophisticated women. After a long night of spying he probably returned to his rooms with them, repaying their efforts with kisses and…

She shook her head. The thoughts were making her angry.

My sister Audrey and I solved many a crime in France,” he continued with a reminiscent smile.

Your sister?” Marion gasped. Powerful relief poured through her.


But-but isn’t she married? Isn’t she respectable?”

Noah laughed. “She is both. She married Viscount Berenger last year and is one of the most respected ladies in all of London.” His smile broadened. “She was also one of the best spies the Crown ever had the privilege to employ.”

Marion shook her head in mute shock. What was there to say?

He sat back down next to her and touched the top of her hand. All her fears fled instantly at the gentle gesture, replaced by a strange warmth that curled in her belly.

Marion, I’ll help you. You won’t be in danger.” He brushed a few loose curls away from her face with the back of his hand. “Will you be my partner in exchange for your freedom?”

She shut her eyes and hoped that by breaking visual contact with him, she could form words. His touch certainly wasn’t helping. Finally, after a few short breaths she managed, “Yes. What will I need to do?”

Noah stared at her before answering. It had been a long time since he’d wanted a woman so much. He couldn’t help but remember what his mother had said about the lack of passion in convenient matches. He had no doubt a joining with Marion would be passionate.


She opened her eyes and stared at him. He pulled his hand away to rake it through his hair. He had to focus, focus on the plan. Not on the way her stare heated him. Not on the way the tip of her tongue darted out to wet her lips.

Uh,” he stammered, hoping the proof of his desire wasn’t as evident to her as it was to him. “You would obtain information about Georgina.”

She nodded. “Yes.”

You’d keep your eyes open for anything you see or hear that could be incriminating,” he continued. “And you’d become friendly with the servants to ascertain if they have any information involving Georgina’s life here at Toppleton Square and her death. And you can help me get access into the house.”

She frowned. “Is that all?”

He nodded. She didn’t seem to be concerned by what he was asking for, even though any one of those requests could put her in danger. If Josiah Lucas really had killed his wife, he wouldn’t want his houseguest asking too many questions.

I don’t know if you fully comprehend what I’m asking you to do.”

She shrugged. “But I do. And all those things should be fairly simple.”

He arched a brow. “Are they?”

She nodded. “There are reminders of Georgina in all corners of the estate, from all those massive portraits Lucas has hung up everywhere, to the lady’s sitting room we were in last night. I believe it may have been hers. If I asked about those things it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary, especially since my father is so desperately trying to get me to show an interest in Lucas. They hope I won’t fight them when they announce their plans to me.”

Her face twisted in disgust and horror at the thought of her upcoming nuptials to the older man. Noah again felt the urge to comfort her, but he used every ounce of strength in him to keep from doing so.

What about the other tasks?” he asked. “They might be more difficult for you.”

She glared at him with a snort of derision. “Very unlikely. I’ve always got my eyes open, Noah, so I’m sure to notice what you call ‘incriminating items’. I’m already friendly with the young lady who tidies my quarters. And as for helping you obtain access to the house.” She smiled. “You don’t seem to have any trouble with that, but I’ll leave my chamber window open if it would be of assistance.”

She was teasing him, but the thought of climbing into her bedroom window gave Noah another jolt of awareness. The last thing he needed was a constant reminder that he had access to her bedchamber night and day.

Yes, it might help.” He edged closer to her. “But there may be one part to your plans you haven’t truly prepared for.”

Her eyes widened. “What’s that?”

If we’re ultimately forced to pretend I’ve ruined you, will you be ready for that?” He raised his hand to wrap one loose strand of chestnut hair around his finger in slow, steady circles.

I believe so,” she said, but her voice was suddenly hoarse.

Hmmm?” With his opposite hand, he gently cupped her chin. “Because even a false seduction must appear real.”

I think I’ll be able to handle it,” she whispered as she swallowed hard.

Are you certain?”

With aching slowness he lowered his mouth toward hers. She lifted her face immediately and he brushed his lips against her mouth. At first he meant only to kiss her lightly then release her, but when she sighed and her hands came up to grip his elbows, he couldn’t seem to control his reaction.

Marion,” he whispered against her lips, pulling her up flush to his chest. Her body molded naturally with his own.

She hesitated for just a moment. With timidity, she brought parted her lips a fraction. He flicked his tongue between them, testing the sweet softness of her lips before delving into the cavern of her mouth. She tasted like peaches as much as she smelled like them. It was a heady flavor and made him yearn to taste her skin, to explore her body until her scent filled him.

Noah.” Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel her pulse pounding wildly through her veins.

What was left of his rational mind screamed at him to stop, to think of his promise to Charlotte or his duty to his country. But when Marion relaxed in his arms and began to return his kiss with as much fervor as he gave, those thoughts were dashed.

He ran his hands up her sides and gripped the nape of her neck. She stiffened at the boldness of his touch, but let out a gasp of pleasure when he deepened the kiss. How he wished he could press his skin against hers, but he certainly couldn’t do that here in the garden where anyone could see.

Anyone could see.

Startled, Noah pulled back as his sensible side finally won the battle with his hungry body. He jumped off the bench as if on fire and took a few long steps away from Marion. She looked up at him with dazed, hurt eyes.

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

Marion reached up to brush her lips with her fingertips, as if reliving their kiss. Noah’s muscles tensed, but he didn’t return to her side as he would have liked. At the moment, he couldn’t trust himself to be so close to her.

Wh-why?” She dropped her eyes to the grassy ground.

Noah groaned. How could explain all the reasons why he couldn’t continue his seduction?

Because if I’m not forced to ruin you, I won’t.”


Marion sat gathering her tangled thoughts for a moment. What a wanton she must be, for all she desired was for Noah to sit back down beside her and take her in his arms again. She stole a quick glance at him. If his scowl was any indication, that was the last thing he wanted.

Pinching her lips together into a determined line, she stood up. She wouldn’t show him how embarrassed she was or how much she wanted his touch. Marion Hawthorne had some pride.

She straightened her hair and adjusted her dress as if what had occurred between them was an everyday event. “Where do we start with your plan?”

He looked out over the garden silently. She took the opportunity for a greedy glance at his broad shoulders and big hands. Hands that had just done things to her she’d only dared to dream about. Her father’s refusal to let her out into the marriage market had convinced her she would never experience either love or a physical union. But then, that was before she met Noah.

We should start by my leaving Toppleton Square right now.” He turned back to her. His eyes were dark as they moved over her body. At his quick perusal, blood rushed hot to Marion’s face.

Why?” she asked, suddenly desperate to have him stay.

He smoothed his crisp linen shirt with an uncomfortable shuffle of his feet. Marion realized she was throwing herself at him. Her actions obviously made the Marquis uncomfortable.

I don’t want Lucas to find me here and become suspicious. Feeding his jealousy too early might only result in him demanding to marry you sooner.”

The blood drained from her face as she rose to her feet. “Do you think he would do that?”

Her mind spun horrible images of Josiah Lucas holding her the way Noah just had, touching her. It was all she could do not to let out a cry of dismay at the thought.

Marion.” Noah closed the gap he’d made between them earlier. He took her hand and raised her cold fingers to his heart. “I would never let anything happen to you. If I got even a hint you were in danger, I’d come for you.”

She nodded slowly as she extracted her fingers from his hand before she couldn’t help but throw herself into his arms.

I believe you,” she said as she turned away from him. She heard his quiet sigh behind her.

Very well. I’ll contact you in a few days with more information. Until then, be careful.”

She nodded. “I’ll try.”

Standing silently for a moment, she contemplated if she should say something more. Perhaps she
tell him the whole truth about Lucas’s plans for her, especially if he was promising to protect her.


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