The Taming

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Authors: Teresa Toten,Eric Walters

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Social Themes, #Physical & Emotional Abuse, #General, #Social Issues

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Library and Archives of Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Toten, Teresa, 1955–
The taming / Teresa Toten and Eric Walters.
eISBN: 978-0-385-67659-5
I. Walters, Eric, 1957–  II. Title.
35 2012         


The Taming
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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, ribbon © Ekaterma Fribus |


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For Jack Toten, a gentleman in every way.
—Teresa Toten


For my daughters, Christina and Julia, who have always stood on their own two strong feet.
—Eric Walters





Title Page





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.
Still I Rise
by Maya Angelou

Chapter One



he noises in my head got louder. It was like I was a walking construction site. Metal crashed into concrete and a relentless hammering pounded “
Run, Katie, get off the stage, freak, hide, hide
.” Instead I clutched my script tighter. I was projectile sweating. I knew from auditions last week that gripping the pages with my wet hands would end up moulding my script into a rock-hard and useless bow tie. “Cut
and run, Katie. Go!

I focused on my most important audience member. Ms. Cooper smiled at me like I’d just discovered penicillin. “That was lovely, Katie. Nice tone and perfect clarity. I’m sure our director would agree.”

Travis nodded and gave me his signature A-OK sign.

We were in the middle of our first read-through in our first script meeting. Travis hadn’t taken over the reins from Ms. Cooper yet. That would happen in first rehearsals, starting tomorrow. It should have been more reassuring that the director was an actual friend. Thing is, Travis was just as surprised as I was that I got the lead. So how was he going to save me when they realized the massive mistake they’d all made when they gave me Katherina, the shrew, the lead role? It could get ugly.

Ms. Cooper flipped through her manuscript. “Katie, page thirteen of your script, please. Everybody else just pay attention to Katie’s rhythm here. I want you all to think about her pitch and near-perfect feeling for the language.”

Oh dear God, why would she say that? Now they were all looking and would feel compelled to hate me. Even
felt compelled to hate me.

I didn’t unfurl my mangled
Taming of the Shrew
script. I knew the speech she meant. The rest of the cast, including Josh, my Petruchio, sat and faced me. I searched for signs of contempt and couldn’t find any. It was confusing.

“Centre stage, dear. Josh, pay attention,” Ms. Cooper said.

I stepped forward into the key light and prepared to respond to Ms. Cooper’s reading of Petruchio’s lines. Josh looked like he’d rather be performing surgery on himself. Everyone said that Josh had been tapped for the lead because of his physical presence, which, in all honesty, was significantly smouldering. I think Ms. Cooper and Travis both hoped that Josh would magically develop actor chops through rehearsals. At the moment, our dumpling-ish, five-foot-nothing, pastel-wearing drama teacher was a more convincing Petruchio than Josh was. And Josh knew it.

“Ready, Katie?” she asked.

I nodded and listened for my cue. This part was bad, the waiting for my cue part. The construction noises stopped just in time for my new obsession to take over. I scanned the stage searching for the horror-movie machinery. This was where the vat of pig’s blood would tip over and drench me and my colossal actor pretentions and everyone would hoot and laugh and … wait a minute.
pretensions? I hadn’t asked for the lead. I was never gunning for the part of the fiery and crazed Katherina. I was going for costumes and crowd scenes. It was Ms. Cooper who’d insisted I read for Katherina on the last day of auditions. I’d wanted to die, kill her, and blow up the school, in that order … until I read that first speech out loud.

Standing in the middle of the stage, under a spotlight, facing a motley audience of our future director, Travis, and Lisa, two of my best friends—okay my
two friends—plus a few teachers, six detention students and a couple of straggling stagehands all with their eyes trained on me, waiting …

And my head exploded. I
it. Acting hit me like a sucker punch and I loved, loved, loved it! I was someone else, but as that someone, I was heard and I was
. Invisible Katie became visible Katherina. Every nerve ending fired and I came alive. You’d think I would have choked and screwed up my speeches. But I didn’t, not once. Unbelievable. I liked being up there, and it immediately became very,
important that I stay up there. Somehow I was more
on that stage than I was anywhere else. I didn’t understand it, but there it was.

The first miracle was that when the cast list was posted yesterday, Katie Rosario had been picked for Shakespeare’s shrew.

The second miracle was that no one laughed or rolled their eyes when the list was posted. Josh was really pissed. Not at me being picked as his Katherina, but at his being picked for Petruchio. “No offence, Katie, you’re brilliant.” He shook his head. “But you’ll be dragging my sorry butt from one end of the stage to the other. I apologize in advance. I just needed the credit. I don’t know what the hell Cooper and Travis were smoking.”

The most popular boy in the entire school, a star basketball player, not only
me, but he was asking forgiveness for as yet unspecified crimes. I may have been in a fog, but I was clear enough to recognize that my life had just been turned on its head.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lied. “You’ll be a perfect Petruchio, Josh.”

Now Ms. Cooper was prompting me. “Anytime, Katie, starting at line 280.”

Call you me daughter?
” I spat.

It was the speech that a furious Katherina throws back at her father. She knows her father doesn’t love her and is only interested in getting her off his hands. I got that—just exchange my mother for Katherina’s father.

Now I promise you
You have showed a tender fatherly regard
To wish me wed to one half lunatic
A madcap ruffian and a swearing Jack
That thinks with oaths to face the matter out


I spaced out again for a bit while Josh fumbled for his response. He had real trouble following the language. I don’t know why I
, but I didn’t. Shakespeare made sense to me. From grade nine on, I’d been reading the plays in secret. I loved the way that Shakespeare’s words felt on my tongue,
I trusted him. I got him, and now look where that had got me. What would be the price I’d have to pay for this? There was always a price.

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