Read The Talented Miss Highsmith Online
Authors: Joan Schenkar
Jüdell, Hans Felix
Judson Boot Company
Julia Richman High School, New York City
Jumble Shop, New York City
Jung, Carl
Kafka, Franz
Kahn, Joan
Kandel (Hyman), Helen
Kane, Bob
Kane, Gil
Kanin, Garson,
Born Yesterday
Katmandou bar, Paris
Katzenjammer Kids
(comic strip)
Kauffman, Stanley
Kaufman, George S.
Kay G.
Kazin, Alfred
On Native Ground
Kazin, Pearl
Keats, John
Keel, Anna
Keel, Daniel
PH's literary executor
Kent, Arthur Atwater
Kent, Jonathan
Keogh, Theodora Roosevelt
Keogh, Tom
Kerouac, Jack
Ker-Seymer, Barbara
Keyes, Evelyn
Kid, The
Kierkegaard, Søren
Kiesler, Frederick
King, Rodney
Kingsley, Kate (later Skattebol)
correspondence destroyed by PH, and cut out of PH's will
daughter of (PH's goddaughter, Winifer Skattebol)
potential literary executrix of PH
Kinsey Report
Kinstler, Everett Raymond (Ray)
Kipness, Rachel
Kirby, Jack
“Kite, The” (PH story)
Klaff, Jack
Klein, Dr. Eva
Kling, Mary
Knet, Monsieur
Knox, John
Koestler, Arthur
suicide of
Koestler, Cynthia
Kohly, Philippe
Kokoschka, Oskar
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
Kramer, Larry
Krazy Kat
(comic strip)
Krim, Seymour
Kurtz, Midge
La Casa Chiquita, Taxco
Lacombrade, Francis
Laffont publisher
Laforêt, Marie
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lake Como
Lamarr, Hedy
Lambert, Gavin
Lambertville, Pa.
Landshoff-Yorck, Ruth
Larry Webster (character)
Lassally, Alice Gershon.
Gershon, Alice
“Last Unmaidenly Voyage of the S.S.” (unfinished story)
Latham, Minor
Latimer, Charles
La Touche, John
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, T. E.
Lazarus, Leon
Le Clercq, Tanaquil
Le Cri du hibou
Ledbetter, Huddie (“Leadbelly”)
Lee, Harper
Lee, Robert E.
Lee, Stan
Le Gallienne, Eva
“Legend of the Convent of St. Fotheringay, The” (PH story)
Léger, Fernand
Legman, Gershon
Leise, leise im Wind
(PH short-story collection)
Le Jeu de Dames bar, Paris
Le Meurtrier
Le Monacle bar
Le Monde
Lemstrom-Sheedy, Bob
Lemstrom-Sheedy, Kaarin
Le Nouvel Observateur
Lenox, Mass.
Leone, Sergio
Leopold, Nathan, and Robert Loeb
Lerman, Leo
lesbian bars, PH in
lesbian circles
Lesbian Herstory Archives
lesbian publishing companies
lesbian pulp fiction
Letitia (character)
letters of PH, maps, lists, and calculations in
Leverson, Ada
Levin, Meyer
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Levy, Julien
Lévy, Raoul
Lewis, Edith
Lewis, Edna
Lewis, Michael
Lewis, Peggy
eldest daughter of
L'Histoire de M. Vieux Bois
(early cartoon book)
Lieutenant Diana Prince (comic book character)
life, a trap
Liggenstorfer-Fritsch, Marianne
Lincoln, Abraham
Linda (girl acquaintance)
Linea d'ombra
listmaking of PH
loathed characters
“Little Crimes for Little Tots” (PH list)
Little Engine That Could, The
Little Tales of Misogyny
(PH short-story collection)
award to
theater piece made from
Grand Hotel
hospital in
Locarno Film Festival
Loggenberg, Bee
Loing Canal
PH business in
PH first time in
PH visits
Royal Free Hospital
shabbiness of
stays in
London, Jack
London Life
London Magazine
Long Island, N.Y.
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Loriot, Noëlle
Los Angeles, Calif.
PH visits to
Losey, Joseph
Losey, Patricia
Louis, Joe
love, PH inspired by
love affairs, PH's
PH's assessment of
repetition in
Lovecraft, H. P.
“Love Is a Terrible Thing” (PH story)
Lowell, Robert
Luce, Henry
Luce Publications
Lumpkin, Robert
Luzi, Alexander and Marguerite
Lyne, Mme Elizabeth
MacDowell Colony
Maclaren-Ross, Julian
MacNeice, Hedli
MacNeice, Louis
MacShane, Frank
Macy, Gertrude
Madame X
Madison Avenue, New York City
Maerker, Christa
Maggie (ex-lover)
Mailer, Norman
Maintenon, Mme de
Malavoy, Christophe
male anatomy, PH's clinical interest in
Mallon, Mary (“Typhoid Mary”)
Malraux, André
Man in the Queue
(unused title)
Man Provoked, A
(unused title)
“Man's Best Friend” (PH story)
Mansfield, Katherine
manuscripts, unfinished, left at PH's death
Marbury, Elisabeth “Bessie”
Marge Sherwood (character)
Maria (Natica Waterbury's lover)
Maria (Rosalind Constable's former lover)
Marie's Crisis, New York City
Marlowe, Walter
married women, PH's falling for
Marvel Comics
Mary, Queen of Scots
Matcha, Jack
Matta, Serge
Matthiesen, F. O.,
American Renaissance
Maud and Claud (pigeon characters)
Maugham, Somerset
Max und Moritz
(German comic strip)
May, Mathilda
McBridge, Donna
McCarthy, Mary
McCausland, Elizabeth
McCullers, Carson
McCullers, Reeves
McCullers, Rita
McCurdy, Mary
McFarland, Ann
McIntosh & Otis
Mdivani, David
Meacham, Anne
Meaker, Marijane
character based on
Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950s
Intimate Victims
Melville, Herman
memoirs, distinguished from diaries
Mencken, H. L.
Menninger, Karl
The Human Mind
Mermaids on the Golf Course
(PH short-story collection)
Merrill, James
Mexico City
Miami, Fla.
Michel Publications
“Middle-Class Housewife, The” (PH story)
Middleton, Stanley
“Mightiest Mornings, The” (PH story)
“Mighty Nice Man, A” (PH story)
Miller, Alice,
The Prisoner of Childhood
Miller, Arthur,
Death of a Salesman
Miller, Claude
Millett, Kate
Minots' farm, New Hampshire
Miranda the Panda Is on the Veranda
(PH children's book)
Mitchell, Margaret,
Gone with the Wind
Mitford, Nancy
Don't Tell Alfred
Modern Baby
Moelich, Ingeborg
daughter of
Monash, Paul
Mona's restaurant, New York City
Moncourt, France
PH's routine in
PH tries to move back to, after selling her house
as theme
Moncourt, France, PH's house in, 21 rue de la Boissière
raided by French tax authority
money, PH's obsession with
Montmachoux, France
Montmachoux, France, PH's house in
PH buys
shared with Elizabeth Lyne
Moraes, Henrietta
Moreau, Jeanne
Morgan, Anne
Morgan, Claire (pseudonym of PH)
Morneweg, Anne
Mosel, Tad
Moser, DéDé
mother-daughter relations
“Mother-in-Law, The” (PH story)
“Mountain Treasure” (working title)
Mozart, W. A.
Mrabet, Mohammed
Mroek, Slawomir
“Mrs. Afton, Among Thy Green Braes” (PH story)
Munch, Edvard
murder, PH's obsession with
Murdoch, Iris
Murphy, Gerald
Murray, Mae
Murray, Natalia Danesi
Museum of Modern Art, New York City
Myers, Alice Lee Herrick
Myers, Fanny Lee (later Brennan)
Myers, Johnny
Myers, Richard
“My First Job” (PH article)
“My Life with Greta Garbo” (PH article)
“My New Year's Toast” (diary excerpt)
“Mysterious Cemetery, The” (PH story)
Mysterious Press
Mystery Writers of America
Nabokov, Vladimir
“Nabuti: Warm Welcome to a UN
Committee” (PH story)
Nagy, Phyllis
Naiad Press
Naomi Barton Markham (character)
Nathan, George Jean
National Lampoon
Nedor comics
Negro Alley, Fort Worth, Texas
Nemours, France
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Neville, Jill
New American Library
New Hampshire
New Hope, Pa.
(1960) 113 South Sugan Road residence
(1963) PH leaves
New Mexico
New Orleans
New Orleans Times-Picayune
New School for Social Research
New Statesman
Newton, Colonel (of Taxco)
Newton, Dr. (of Taxco)
New York Book Beat
(radio show)
New York City
drinking behavior in
Golden Years of
PH's upbringing in
PH visits to
as plot setting
racial divisions
New York City residences of PH
in Astoria.
Astoria, Queens
One Bank Street
353 East 56th Street
345 East 57th Street
East 60s
48 Grove Street
75 Irving Place
35 Morton Street
West 103rd Street
New Yorker, The,
New York Herald Tribune
New York Review of Books, The
New York Times, The
New York Times Book Review
New York University
Nicholson, Johnny
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nin, Anaïs
Nixon, Richard
“No End in Sight” (PH story)
nonfiction works, PH's
North Africa
North Brother Island
“Notes on Suspense” (PH essay)
Nothing That Meets the Eye: The Uncollected Stories of Patricia Highsmith
(PH short-story collection)
novelists, homosexual
novels, PH's, chronological list of
Oates, Joyce Carol