The Switch (10 page)

Read The Switch Online

Authors: Christine Denham

Tags: #bdsm, #contemporary adult erotica, #pegging erotica, #erotic bdsm romance, #romance adult erotic

BOOK: The Switch
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He slid his finger inside her wet folds,
humming in satisfaction when she whimpered and tried to press into
his touch. She’d been desperate enough to fuck up and release him,
and she was still that desperate – possibly more so. She seemed
even wetter now, his index and middle fingers sliding in her juices
as he lightly circled her entrance. When he pressed in
ever-so-slightly, she gave a tiny moan and her forehead fell softly
against the top of the headboard.

“Not yet,” Grayson said, trailing his
fingers out of that slick indentation to find her other entrance.
Ever so softly, he teased that puckered little hole with his finger
still covered in her honey.

Marion made no noise, but neither did she
jerk away from his touch. His eyes slid up the leather-encased
length of her back. Her hair was slightly mussed, and her face
rested against the wrought-iron of the four-poster. The only sign
of any reaction from her was in her fingers, which were clenched so
tightly that her knuckles were almost white. Still, with a tiny
push he slid inside – she offered no resistance. In fact, judging
by the soft, shuddering sigh that rippled through her as he pressed
onward, she enjoyed it quite a bit.

Cupping his palm over the cushion of her
ass, Grayson began deliberately massaging that tight passageway
while teasing his other fingers along her wetness. With his free
hand, he caressed and stroked the buttery leather sheathing her
torso, slipping down and around to massage her breasts through the
thick barrier. Leaning over her frame, he nuzzled his face into her
jet-black hair.

“Surely you didn’t think I was that simple,


Marion didn’t know what she thought. Her
senses were lost in a wild, jagged spin, both physical and
emotional. Every time she tried to grasp one idea, it slipped away
like mercury, and all that was left was the sensation of Gray – his
hands, his sudden control, and what he was doing to her. A finger
slipped into her cunt, joining the one in her ass in that slow,
tantalizing rhythm. Her eyes fell shut and a desperate noise
escaped her lips.

Grayson made a soft tsk. “Oh, darling. You
did think I was that simple.”

Yes, yes she probably did. Her bad. In her
defense, she hadn’t dared entertain the possibility of… of this. It
was too unlikely, and the hope would have fed her feelings for him
all too easily. But now they were here – tables turned and limbs
tied up – and she could practically feel her heart surrendering to
the arrogant jerk, right along with her body.

Deeper he plunged, but never sped his
movements. It was that deliberate thrust and massage that
emphasized his dominance, more than any thrashing or sweetly
violent form of taking. With that one hand, he held her completely.
It was like nothing she’d ever experienced.

His other hand slid over the leather of her
corset, stroking and petting as if she was some kind of animal he
sought to calm.

“This has to go,” she heard him murmur as he
plucked the lacing at her back.

She felt the main tie go loose. Before she
could instruct him not to simply unlace the whole thing, he slid
his fingers free of her sex with a soft, wet sound, causing her to
whimper before she could stop herself. He chuckled and gave that
aching place a gentle pat. Then he was behind her, his hands
smoothing up her thighs, over her hips, around to her pelvis and
the front of her corset. Her pussy clenched as she felt his
hardness bob against her inner thigh. Was it only minutes ago she’d
taken her fill of that gorgeous cock while he’d lain helpless
beneath her? Her teeth bit down sharply on her bottom lip to keep
from moaning again.

One by one, the front clasps came loose. The
air was cool, causing goose bumps as it met her skin, so flushed
and damp and deliciously achy from being encased for so long. And
then she was free, the leather sliding from her torso and falling
to the floor as Grayson carelessly tossed it aside.

Marion’s stomach tightened with sudden
nerves. She tried to tell herself it was ridiculous, that they’d
been more than naked with each other. But the loss of that last bit
of clothing – as laughable as it was to call it ‘clothing,’ left
her feeling almost unbearably vulnerable. So much so, that
Grayson’s feather soft touch along her exposed spine made her

“Shh, sweetheart,” he soothed. “You’ve never
been on this end of it, have you?”

She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to
answer, because it would give him that much more power. Not just
over her body, but her heart as well.

“Marion.” The command in his voice made her
insides go funny. She knew that voice, damn it. It was her voice,
the voice that brought men and women to heel so many times at the
club. The fact that it caused this kind of response in her both
infuriated her and made her soul want to sing.

“No,” she found herself saying.

“So, why now?” he asked, his hands skimming
her bare stomach, fingers teasing the pendulous fullness of her

The air in her lungs staggered, waiting for
more of his touch. Her breasts were always so sensitive, and the
light spiraling pattern he drew around them made her almost

“I don’t—” A sharp gasp as his fingers found
her nipples—“I don’t know.”


The hard pinch was a punishment only because
it was too quick, offering a mere taste of sweet pleasure-pain
before he let go. He didn’t demand the truth yet, however.

His hands were so sure as they slid down her
stomach, tilting her pelvis so she was even more exposed. With a
nudge of his thigh, he scooted her up the bed until the long ankle
cuffs prevented her from going further. Then he was gone, the air
of empty space brushing her open wetness, somehow stimulating her
even more.

“Which shall it be, Marion?” Grayson asked
from somewhere behind her. When she dared look over her shoulder at
him, it was to find him fingering the collection of implements
she’d left out on her dresser.

Oh, God
. He was going to make her

His eyes gleamed almost amber as he waited
for her answer. No, no he wasn’t. She knew how this played out.

Marion licked her lips. “Whatever pleases
you,” she replied. Something deep inside her spirit uncoiled in
unexpected heat at those words. Yes, she knew how it played out.
But she hadn’t expected the gut-deep realization that it wasn’t a
game anymore. Maybe it never was.

The corners of his mouth tilted into a smirk
that would have any woman on her knees, tied up or not. “Very
good,” he said, turning back to the dresser.

Swallowing hard, Marion returned her gaze to
the wall behind her headboard and waited. He was right – she’d
never been on the sub end of things, and she knew damn well ‘why
now.’ Because she could never manage to truly relinquish control to
someone who didn’t hold her heart. And only one man had ever held
her heart.


Fuck, McKellan. What have you done?


Just say it, and this ends and you can take
your heart and walk away from this before you completely fall

But then he was there again, the bed dipping
as he knelt at her side. Gently, his fingers smoothed her hair
behind her ears before the black silk covered her eyes, a snug knot
tied behind her head. Her vision had been limited enough before,
she thought, but now a new level of vulnerability slid over

“Too tight?” he asked.

She shook her head, unable to utter the one
word that would let her keep her heart intact.

“You’re so beautiful, my Marion,” he said,
planting a kiss to her shoulder as he backed off the bed. “I’m
going to enjoy this very much.”

The sheer and total blackness of the
blindfold amplified every sound around her – the soft creak of
floorboards as Grayson returned to the dresser, the faint ticking
of her antique mantle clock, the quiet snap of a bottle top, and
the harsh, uneven sound of her own breath as she waited for his
next move.

The mattress dipped once more, this time
near the foot of the bed. She felt the heat of his body between her
legs, and her pussy gave an involuntary quiver. A short yelp
escaped her at the quick, unexpected swipe of his tongue between
her folds.

“Mm – I really do love how you taste,
sweetheart,” he crooned, his fingers spreading her to give him
better access.

But it clearly wasn’t about her needs this
time, she realized, as he lapped at her arousal. Frustrated, she
squirmed and tried to position herself against his mouth for more.
This earned her another slap to her rump and the absence of his

“You know better, pet,” he chided. “Don’t

“Yes,” she replied shakily, the sting of
that blow still rippling through nerves like fire. Christ, she’d
been spanked before, not even by her own parents as a
child. This was—

Another sharp smack made her gasp. She heard
him make a pleased sound behind her. “Your skin turns the loveliest
shade when I spank you. And you like it, don’t you?”

God, yes
, she wanted to answer.
Instead, she replied, “Only if it pleases you.”

“It pleases me to hear the truth,

She swallowed thickly and nodded then. “Yes,
yes I like it.”

“Good,” he whispered as she felt something
slick press into her ass.

Instinctively, she pressed outward to grant
it access. Another shot of heat bolted through her sex as he eased
the plug in to its hilt, the blossomed end cupping the outside of
her opening. And then… she couldn’t hold back her moan as something
else pressed into her pussy. These were delights she’d always kept
to herself. The pleasure of them increased tenfold at Grayson’s

“You’re not to come, understand, darling?
Not until I say so. Or I’ll have to punish you in ways that aren’t
so pleasant,” he said, throwing her own words back at her. She
wondered briefly what ‘punishment’ could possibly be unpleasant at
this point.

But then something made a soft click, and
her insides began to hum and squirm. Her elbows buckled and her
head fell to her chest with the sensation. The remote-controlled
vibe, she realized weakly.

“I – I can’t…” A wave of bliss quickly rose
through her body. She was so tightly-wound already, there was no
way she could hold back. But then, it stopped.

“You can and you will, Marion,” Grayson
said. “For me. Breathe – deep breaths, and nod when you’re

She did as he directed. Head still bowed,
she took several long, deep drags of air, willing the heat and
pulsing need to subside. She was so focused on this, that she
didn’t notice he’d moved off the bed until something cool and soft
was pressed into one of her hands.

“When you feel yourself losing control,
squeeze,” he said, a note of amusement lacing his words.

Marion gave it a test and laughed in
recognition at the squeak. Another damned keepsake he’d given her –
a rubber nun squeak-toy from his trip to Rome in high school.

Her laugh was cut short as the vibe started
up again, this time at a lower level. She could tolerate this, she
thought, even as she itched to squeeze her legs together. A light
swat peppered over her backside.

“Stay still.” His voice was hard again, and
she took a deep breath to brace herself for more.

The next blow was a bit harder, but not by
much. The strands of soft suede tickled and dragged over her ass as
he teased her with her own flogger. She considered squirming some
more, just to spite him, until the next blow came curling around
and flickering over her clit.

“Don’t even think about it,
,” he
warned. “I’ll hogtie you if I have to, but neither of us will like

This made her pause, not out of fear, but
because, damn it, she realized she actually wanted to please

“Better,” he said with a warmth that hit her
in the heart. “But I think you prefer my hand. Yes?” He smoothed
his palm over her ass, and she moved into his touch without
thinking. He hummed his approval before hauling back and swatting

“Thirteen. You’ll count for me. If you lose
track, we start over. Ready?”

Piece of cake
, Marion reassured
herself, nodding. But then, as his hand came back down on her other
butt cheek, the vibe began its secondary rotating motion and she
almost forgot. “One.” she squeaked.

She made it to five before having to start
over. Then the blows came faster, the rhythm and heat of his hands
steady against the unpredictable changes of the vibe in her pussy.
On top of all that, each blow nudged at the plug in her ass, over
and over until her body was a furnace and her feelings a mad

“…Nine,” she gasped, frantically trying to
tamp her impending climax. She wanted so badly to keep her control,
even as her body screamed for satisfaction. But then, amidst the
spanking, he reached beneath her and found a nipple. Her hand
clenched on the squeak-toy, hard. A sob ripped from her throat as
everything stopped.

“Shhh,” Grayson said, sliding his hands
harmlessly over her legs, down her calves, and back up again.
“There’s my good girl. Just breathe.”

It seemed to take forever for her to come
down from that intolerable almost-pinnacle. Even then, it had
barely receded before the vibe started again.

“Only four more to go, Marion. Four more and
I’ll let you come, all right, sweetheart?”

Gritting her teeth, she nodded, wanting to
cry. He sounded so damned tender, all while torturing and
commanding her.

“…Ten,” she counted between clenched teeth,
her entire body tensed and fighting her own pleasure. “Eleven…

Son of a bitch
. He stopped. Her face
was moist with sweat and probably tears, too, damn him.

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