The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts (8 page)

Read The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, #sports romance

BOOK: The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts
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Another laugh from Gideon. “Then why do you need my help?”

“Because there have been some hiccups the last few times I’ve been around her, and I have a feeling that after the third strike, I’ll be out. Hence, the reason why I want to make our official first date perfect.”

“Why not give her a night out on the town? Take her to a fancy dinner and the opera or something like that.”

Adam pulled out a pen and jotted down the opera idea. At least Lia would be able to understand the lyrics, unlike some of his previous dates. “Good, but I want to do something more than the restaurant thing. Touchy subject right now.”

“Now I’m intrigued. What is it about this woman that has you wanting to go above and beyond?”

Gideon’s question stumped him for a moment. He sank down into his desk chair and rubbed his jaw. He’d dated plenty of women over the years, had some flings he later regretted, and even had his heart broken a few times in high school and college. But he’d never experienced the pull, the hunger, the raw need that shot through him whenever he was around Lia.

His mouth went dry as he croaked, “Let’s just say I really want to see where things go with her.”

“Damn, you have it bad for her. You haven’t already started picking out names for your future kids or anything, have you?”

“It’s just a date, not a marriage proposal. Besides, I’m not sure I want kids.”

“Says the man who drives a Volvo,” Gideon teased. “At least tell me her name.”

What harm could come from that? “Lia.”

“The one Mom bought for you at an auction?”

Enter a new level of mortification that would no doubt be followed by months of ribbing from his brothers. “That’s not what happened.”

“Not according to Caleb. He said you couldn’t keep your hands off of her, and that Bob from the lake patrol actually stopped the next day to apologize for scaring you and the lady you had on Mom’s boat.”

Adam ran his finger along his collar. Great. By now, everyone along Geneva Lake probably knew about how his near hookup turned into an epic fail. “Can we please get back to helping me impress her?”

“It sounds like you two just need to go someplace private. Why not just skip the wooing and invite her over to your place?”

“That might come across as too forward.”

“And what happened on the boat wasn’t?”

The sounds of a scuffle followed by muffled voices cut off the conversation. Then Sarah, Gideon’s assistant, entered into the discussion with her usual no-nonsense attitude. “Adam, I can’t believe you’re asking Romeo here for advice, so let me give you a quick tip so he can get back to the set where they’ve been waiting for him for the last five minutes. All women like to be indulged. If you’re just looking for a quick screw, then follow your brother’s advice and take her to the opera. If you’re looking for something more, then try to learn more about her interests so you can share them. Does that help?”

“Maybe.” Lia had said cooking was her passion. If could show her he was interested in the same thing by making dinner for her.... “Time for a crash course in the culinary arts.”

“How long do you have before this big date?”


“Then I suggest you have the Food Network on twenty-four-seven.” A few more hushed whispers followed before Sarah spoke again. “I’ll have Gideon call you back once they’re done shooting for the day.”

Then the phone clicked dead.

Adam set his phone down on his desk and ran his fingers through his hair. He had one more chance with Lia, and he hoped to God he wasn’t biting off more than he could chew with this idea.


“Got a minute?”

Lia jumped in her seat before spinning around to cover up her computer screen. She’d been so engrossed in an article on what men like during sex that she hadn’t heard Julie approach her office. “Um, sure.”

Julie peered around her, a half-grin playing on her lips. “‘How to Drive a Man Wild in Bed’, huh? I suppose that has nothing to do with why you asked me to take over the kitchen for the second Sunday in a row?”

Her cheeks burned, but she forced a smile onto her face. “Maybe.”

“Let me guess—the suit called after enjoying the dinner you fixed for him and his date last night and asked you out?” Julie crossed her arms and leaned against the doorjamb.

“She wasn’t his date. She was a food critic from London.” Lia hit the power button on her screen before Julie could read any more. “And he stopped by last night after we closed and asked me out.”

“And you’re going to take a page from Dax and seduce him into letting you keep your lease?”

“Oh God, no.”

“Then why were you reading advice from

“, shit.” She slumped back in her chair. “I should’ve never agreed to this date because no matter what happens, there’s always the lease.”

“Yeah, that’s the problem with mixing business with pleasure.” Julie pulled up a spare dining room chair from the hallway and sat down. “Even if the date has a happy ending, he’ll be wondering if you’re sleeping with him to save the restaurant.”

“I’d never do such a thing.”

“I know that. You know that. But does he?”

It had been all too easy to surrender to his kiss last night. If they hadn’t been in the kitchen, she probably would’ve ended up naked and fully satisfied. And who’s to say she wouldn’t end up that way Sunday night? “Any chance you can call in sick on Sunday so I can back out of this gracefully?”

Julie’s grin widened, but she shook her head. “I’m looking forward to being in charge almost as much as you’re looking forward to a night of mattress aerobics.”

“Dammit.” She untied her ponytail and combed her fingers through her hair, letting the mindless task calm her frazzled nerves. “Fine. I’m a grown-up. I can have dinner with Adam Kelly without letting things get out of hand. Then there’s no reason for him to think I’m exchanging sex for the lease.”

“Good plan.” Julie rose from the chair and carried it with her. “Of course, if one thing leads to another, try nibbling on his ear. I haven’t met a guy yet who didn’t turn to complete goo from that. But the whole scratching your nails down his back thing? Highly overrated.”

Lia waited until she was alone again before turning her computer monitor back on. Maybe she’d been reading this all wrong. Maybe all he wanted was dinner and a chat. Maybe she was the one who couldn’t control her hormones around him and was jumping the gun.

But one thing was certain—she’d let Adam know she wasn’t going to use sex as leverage for La Arietta.

Chapter Six


“I’m not going to sleep with you to keep my restaurant,” Lia said in one big whoosh before her courage left her.

Adam quirked a brow. “Glad to know we’re on the same page there.” He opened the door all the way and ushered her into his Lakeshore Drive condo. “Although I do think that’s jumping the gun a bit, don’t you?”


The idea of turning around and running back to the elevator was sounding better and better. She lowered her gaze and came in just far enough for him to close the door behind her. “I’m sorry, Adam. It’s just that when you invited me over to you place, the first thing that came to mind was—”

“That I’d try to force you into my bed by using your restaurant as leverage?” He lingered by the door, his hand still on the handle. His mouth pressed into a firm line. “I see I’ve already made a favorable impression on you.”

“No, it’s not that, it’s just—” She threw her hands up into the air. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I mean, if I just thought you were after sex, I wouldn’t have agreed to have dinner with you in the first place, but I—”

A sizzle from the kitchen stopped her verbal diarrhea. She sniffed the air and caught the scents of smoky cumin and singed black pepper. “You’re cooking dinner?”

“Oh, shit, it’s burning.” Adam dashed past her into the kitchen and flipped the flank steak cooking on the indoor grill. He poked it with his tongs. “Do you think it’ll be okay?”

She came up beside him and inspected the meat. Whatever rub he’d used looked a bit charred, but everything underneath it looked fine. “I think it’s still edible.”

“They had this Bobby Flay marathon on the Food Network yesterday, and somehow, I got the impression I could turn into a super chef from watching it.”

She laughed and took the tongs from him, moving the steak to the edge of the grill where the heat was less intense. “Have you ever cooked anything before?”

“Just Easy Mac.” He snatched the tongs back with a boyish grin, bumping her aside with his hip. “I’m a man. Grilling dead animals is part of my DNA.”

“Then don’t let me get between you and all that secret information encoded on your Y-chromosome,” she said, still laughing, the awkward start to the evening now a distant memory. “So why did you decide to take on the grill when we could’ve easily gone out to dinner?”

“Would trying to impress you be explanation enough?” He nudged the steak with the tongs, not looking up from it. “I just thought it would be nice for you to have someone cook for you for a change.”

A warm glow ignited near her heart and quickly spread through her chest. “That’s very sweet of you.” She glanced around at the scattered ingredients on the counter. “And ambitious.”

“Did you miss the memo where I always get what I want?”

Her grin mirrored his. If this was the only side to Adam she knew, falling for him would be a no-brainer. He was smart, funny, sexy as hell—all things that would have any woman tripping over her high heels to grab him like a Black Friday special. If only she could forget the fact that he held the future of La Arietta in his hands.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” She started cleaning up the food scraps on the counter.

He left the grill and coaxed her away from the mess. “Yes, you can pick out a bottle of wine to go with dinner.”

“And what’s on the menu this evening?” she asked, even though she had a good idea based on the scraps of cilantro and parsley she’d just cleaned up.

“Grilled flank steak with chimichurri sauce, roasted vegetables, and mashed potatoes.”

“Sounds delicious.” She surveyed the kitchen and saw that the oven was on, and a pot with steam coming out from under its lid simmered away on the stove. Everything looked to be under control. “Where’s the wine?”

He pointed to the glass cabinet by a large wooden table in the next room. “Get whatever you’d like.”

Lia’s jaw dropped as she inspected the contents of the wine cabinet. Adam had excellent taste in wine. Expensive, but still very good. She settled on an Argentinean Malbec and opened it in the kitchen. It tasted like black cherries, followed by hints of black pepper toward the end. “Perfect.”

Adam took a sip from the glass she offered him and nodded in approval. “Good choice.”

“I’d like to think I know a thing or two about pairing wine with dinner.” She eased onto the barstool on the opposite side of the grill. “Everything smells delicious.”

He gave her smile that only hinted of his usual confidence. “Thank you. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Why don’t you take a look around?”

A dismissal from his realm, but one she easily understood. She always got nervous when someone was peering over shoulder while she cooked.

Adam’s high-rise condo had an open feel to it with the kitchen, living room, and dining room all flowing into each other. A small balcony overlooked the lake, and the traffic along Lakeshore Drive below winked like stars. The floor was covered with light-toned wood, a sharp contrast to the cherry cabinets in the kitchen and the dark brown sofas in the living room. The decor was a cross between modern and masculine. Elegant, but still relaxed enough that she could imagine Adam and his brothers watching the Bears on the sixty-inch flat screen TV.

In other words, perfect for a well-to-do bachelor.

She ran her fingers across the buttery-soft leather sofa and realized with a start that she could be comfortable here.
Get your head on straight, Lia. He invited you for dinner, not to move in with him.

The scent of something burning wafted into the living room. Lia turned around to see black smoke billowing out from the pot on the stove.

Adam cursed and pulled it off the eye with his bare hands, hissing and shaking his fingers a second later.

“Run them under some cold water.” Lia grabbed the pot holders and lifted the lid. The stomach-turning odor of scorched potatoes filled the kitchen. “The water boiled off,” she explained as she carried the pot over to the sink.

“Damn it.” His shoulders slumped as he stared at the disaster in the pot. “So much for trying to impress you.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s not a complete loss. We still have the steak and the veggies, right?”

“Yeah, I suppose so.” He shook the water from his hands, which thankfully were not blistered. “I had it all strategically planned so everything would be ready at the same time.”

“The first rule about cooking is that nothing ever goes according to plan.” She stuck the pan under the faucet and peered at the vegetables roasting in the oven. “Do you have any cornmeal?”

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