Read The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, #sports romance

The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts (35 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts
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“Looks like it.” He cleared his throat and moved to the real reason he was calling. “You’re friends with the coach of the Canadian Women’s National Team if I remember correctly, right?”

“Yeah, Dan and I go way back. Why?”

“There’s a woman here in Cascade I think he should take a look at.” He grabbed his mouse and hit send on the e-mail that contained the highlight reel. “If you get a moment, take a look at the footage I sent you. If you think she’s the real deal, can you please forward it to him?”

“How did you get mixed up in this?” Suspicion laced Mac’s voice, but the pounding techno beat from the soundtrack filled the phone line, telling him the coach had opened the file.

“She’s been helping me get back into the game. This is my way of thanking her.” And hopefully of ending one of the excuses she’d given him this morning.

“Whoa. She’s got some sauce on that slap shot.”

“That’s not all she’s got. She’s good, Mac, and she deserves a shot at the team.”

The line fell silent for a half minute, with the exception of the soundtrack and the occasional incoherent sound of surprise from Mac. “Yeah, she definitely has the stuff here, but I don’t know how well she’ll do with the best.”

“All she needs is a chance.”

“Fine, I’ll forward this to Dan and see what he thinks.”

“Thanks.” Ben clicked the “off” button and ended the call before Mac pressed for any more information.


Hailey’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and grinned at the text message from Ben.
Meet me out back in a couple of minutes.

It wasn’t the first time she’d gotten this message from him. Usually, it equated to a few searing kisses that left her anxious to return to his place after work. Tonight’s message, though, left her more relieved than aroused.

She’d ended practice with Ben on a down note. Part of her was thrilled that he’d asked her to come back to Vancouver with him, but she couldn’t enjoy the moment, nor accept the offer. Not when she hadn’t told him about Zach. The past three weeks had been a blur of bliss, both on the ice and in his bed. And yet, she kept waiting for all of it to shatter the moment she told him about his son. When he’d pressed her for a reason why she’d refused to come with him, she’d almost told him.

You’re nothing but a coward, and now you’re willing to lie to Ben to keep him.

She leaned her face against the door of the walk-in fridge in the kitchen and let the cold metal soothe her burning cheeks. She couldn’t keep putting off telling him the truth, but she could never find the right moment to tell him, either.

“You okay, sugar?” Cindy asked as she balanced several plates on her arms.

“Fine—just need a breath of fresh air.”

“You go ahead and do that.” She winked as she headed out the door to the bar. “Say hi to Ben for me.”

A laugh broke through her guilty fog. As Ben’s hair had started growing out, the town had started whispering about the NHL star in their midst, but they found more enjoyment gossiping about his connection with her. By now, everyone knew they were a couple, even though she’d tried to be discreet about her nightly sleepovers at his place. But this was the first she’d heard about it from her family.

Her stomach knotted. What if her dad knew she was sleeping with Ben?

Maybe moving to Vancouver would be safer than staying here.

She pushed off the fridge door and stepped out back. A pair of well-muscled arms grabbed her and pulled her against a familiar, hard chest. A second later, Ben’s lips covered hers in a searing kiss that made her wish it was already last call.

“Miss me?” he asked with a cocky grin.

“Do I need to show you?” She lowered his head and controlled the next kiss, swirling her tongue around his in time with the sway of her hips against the hardening ridge in his pants. He sucked in a sharp breath and moved his hands down to her bottom, pressing her firmly against him.

His voice was low with desire when she finished. “You keep kissing me like that, and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

“You started it.” She placed one more kiss on his cheek for good measure and took a step back just in case he decided she’d teased him too much. With the way news traveled through this town, any hanky-panky behind the Sin Bin would make the front page of the newspaper, even if the dumpster somewhat shielded them from view. “So, are you here because it’s meatloaf night?”

He wrinkled his nose. “Ugh, I can’t believe you’re still offering that as a special.” But he rocked her from side to side in his arms with a playful grin. “No, I just came by to give you a bit of news.”

Her heart jumped. “What?”

“I had a little talk with Mac today.”

And just like that, her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. A conversation with his coach only meant one thing—he’d be leaving Cascade soon. “And?”

“Did you know he’s friends with the head coach of the Women’s National Team?”

Forget her heart—her chest squeezed so tightly, she doubted it could beat. “He is?”

Ben nodded, his grin widening. “I showed him your footage, and he thinks you have the goods. He forwarded it to Dan this afternoon.”

Her head swam, and she tightened her hold on Ben to keep from passing out. “He thought I was good enough to make the team?”

“Mac did, but it’s not his call.” He pressed the tip of his nose against hers. “But I do think his endorsement might be enough to get you that tryout.”

“Oh, my God!” She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him in a bear hug of ecstatic joy. “Thank you. Thank you so much!”

He held her like he knew the exact level of joy that raced through her. “You’re welcome.”

“This is—I mean…” When she couldn’t find the words to express her gratitude, she turned to the one thing she knew he’d understand. She kissed him, hard and fast at first, but then it turned into something slow and seductive before she could catch herself. Ben had done this for her, had given her the means to achieve her dream and keep her promise to Zach, and she had no idea how to thank him.

A growl rose from his chest, and he pushed her up against the wall. His hands reached under her shirt and stroked her bare skin, sending little shivers of pleasure through her. He made no attempt to hide how hard she made him, to downplay how much he wanted her. With each flick of his tongue, he grew bolder. He tugged at the low neckline of her shirt, then at her bra until one breast popped free. He cradled it in his hand, his kiss growing even hungrier while his fingers teased the aching peak.

She didn’t try to stop him. The hell with this town and their wagging tongues. By this time tomorrow, the whole town would know she was sleeping with Ben, but there was more to it than that. She’d fallen in love with him, and she no longer wanted to keep any facet of their relationship a secret.

And judging by his actions, he no longer cared if they got caught, either. His lips devoured hers, and once he was finished, started on a downward trail along her cheek, chin and neck, coming closer and closer to the exposed nipple in his hand. He murmured her name like a man dying of thirst just before his lips drew in the taut peak.

A shiver of delight coursed through her, shaking the breath from her lungs. If he didn’t stop soon, she’d be dragging him into the back of his Land Rover and fogging up the windows while they rocked it off its suspension.

Ben gave her breast one final nip before straightening up. “Are you sure you don’t want to come back to my place tonight?”

“It’s tempting,” she said, especially when his lips were gliding up her neck toward the sensitive spot behind her ear, “but I think Pop is on to us. He made a comment this morning about how I never seem to be home lately.”

“Did you tell him you were a grown woman who could do what she wanted?”

want to tell him what we’ve been doing?”

Ben gave a low chuckle that made her wonder if he wouldn’t mind at all, so long as he got what he wanted.

But when the door banged open beside them, he bolted from her and shielded her from whomever was coming their way.

Hailey managed to tuck her sensitive breast back into her bra before her dad saw, but she doubted she could erase the flush in her cheeks.

Her dad’s icy-blue gaze traveled back and forth between them and narrowed. “Cindy said you’d come out for a breath of fresh air.”

Was that all she’d told him? Hailey ran her fingers through her hair as though she could hide the evidence of their foreplay. “I did, and Ben just happened to be here.”

Pop’s glare settled on Ben and darkened. “Well, break time’s over. The Stanley Cup finals are on, and we’ve got a full house.”

“Be there in a minute, Pop. Just let me say good-bye to Ben.”

Thankfully, her dad got the hint and went back inside.

Hailey bit her bottom lip and gave him a sheepish grin. “I’d better go before Pop returns with a shotgun.”

“Good idea.” He placed a peck on her cheek. “Are you sure about tonight?”

“Yeah, especially after that.” She pointed to the door, where she wouldn’t be surprised if her dad was listening to every word of their conversation from the other side. “But I have tomorrow off.”

“Then we’ll make it date. I’ll even cook dinner.”

“Sounds good.” That is, if they crawled out of bed long enough to eat. “I’ll be there at seven.”

He pulled her back into his arms for one more breath-stealing kiss. “Make it six.”


Her heart flopped as she watched him get back into his SUV and drive away. He didn’t have to woo her with a chance at a tryout, but it only made her love him more.

Hailey opened the back door and ran smack into her dad’s chest. The anger still simmered in his eyes, but this time, it was directed toward her. When she tried to squeeze past him, he blocked her path through the kitchen to the main bar. “Yes, Pop?”

“He’s Zach’s father, isn’t he?”

All the warmth fled from her body, and her gut wrenched so hard she feared she might throw up. She opened her mouth to speak, but her dry tongue refused to come up with an answer. She nodded and looked away.

“Does he know?”

This time, she found enough words to reply honestly. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know? Either you’ve told him or you haven’t.”

She rubbed her arms and stared at the floor.

A curse exploded from her dad as he threw his hands up in disgust. “I raised you better than that, Hailey. If he’s Zach’s father, he deserves to know about him.”

Her spine stiffened. She might have been in the wrong now, but that didn’t mean she was entirely to blame. “I tried to reach him before Zach died—several times, in fact. And the only response I got was a letter from the Whales’ PR guy stating that Ben had denied ever knowing me.”

“And if he did, then why are you acting like none of that happened?”

“Because I don’t think that guy ever asked Ben.” She pressed her palm against her pounding forehead. “Ben recognized me the first night he came in here, even after nine years. I don’t think he’d ever deny knowing me if he’d been asked.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell him about his son right off.”

“It’s complicated.”

“There’s nothing complicated at all about it. You’re just too chickenshit to tell him.”

Her eyes burned from her dad’s accusation, mostly because he was spot on.

And he didn’t let up from there. “Give me one good reason why you’re pretending your son didn’t exist.”

His words stung more than a slap to the face, but nothing compared to the ache brewing inside her chest. “Because I saw what the loss of a child did to you and mom, and I’m so scared he’ll want nothing to do with me if I tell him his son died before he even had a chance to know him.”

The anger drained from his voice, leaving only disappointment in its wake. “Sweetie, if you really think he’ll act that way, then maybe you’d be better off without him.”

Hailey blinked back her tears. Crying wouldn’t solve anything. “I know that’s easy for you to say, Pop, but—”

“No buts about it, Hailey. If you won’t tell him, I will. A man needs to know these things, and if he leaves you because of it, then good riddance.” His face hardened into the same mask he’d worn for years following his divorce. “Now pull yourself together and get back out there. I need to make sure the guys aren’t tearing down the bar.”

She wrapped her arms around her waist and hugged herself, hoping in vain that it would ease the dry heaves rolling through her stomach. Time was running out. She’d carried this secret with her for too long, and she dreaded sharing it with Ben.

Cindy came into the kitchen and wrapped her arm around Hailey’s shoulders. “It’ll be okay, sugar.”

“You know about this?”

She nodded. “Your father and I have always suspected it. I mean, when I first laid eyes on Ben, I saw Zach in him.”

“And will it be okay?”

“Of course. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. The boy’s head over heels.”

Hailey sniffed and rubbed her nose. “And if this shatters everything?”

BOOK: The Sweetest Seduction, Breakaway Hearts
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