The Sunday Arrangement (29 page)

BOOK: The Sunday Arrangement
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He quickly silenced
it, leaving it on the counter. He smiled. “No more work for today.”

“I don’t know about
that,” I said mischievously. “I had some work for you in mind . . .”

He eyes glimmered.
“Would you like something to eat first?”

“Looks delicious,” I

“Lucas did a great
job. I figure we haven’t had enough fun with food yet.”

“At least I came

I picked up a
strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate sauce. I bit into it; the strawberry
was just right. The chocolate sauce got on my lips, and I turned to kiss him.
He kissed me back hungrily, as if he hadn’t eaten in days. He lifted me up and placed
me on the island in the center of his kitchen. It was long enough I could easily
lie down. Much like our first time together, we divested ourselves of our
clothing with little care to make that part of our foreplay. He rolled the
island closer to where all the food was. I reached for the caramel sauce this
time and placed a smear of it on his chest. Then I licked it off and nipped at
his skin a little in the process. I remembered how he liked the pain from my
nails when I used them on his chest while dressed up as French maid.

He groaned a little,
giving me the reaction I hoped for. With his finger, he placed the chocolate
sauce over my left breast and licked it off. His tongue moved over my nipple in
one quick swipe; a jolt of pleasure moved down my back. I took one of the
flutes and then a strawberry. I took a bite of the strawberry and a sip of the
champagne. The two mixed so well together that I closed my eyes and enjoyed the
taste. He surprised me by kissing me while my eyes were still closed, and he used
his tongue to open my mouth. I placed the flute down next to me and wrapped my
arms around his neck. The kiss quickly grew heated, and I wrapped my legs
around his naked hips to pull him closer. I could easily have kissed him for
hours. His lips were strong, and he’d learned the way I liked to be kissed.
Soon, however, he pulled away and pushed me down so that I was on my back. I watched
as he got the whipped cream and cherries.

He turned back to me
and said, “I don’t know why, but I’ve always wanted to do this.” He placed a
dollop of whipped cream and a cherry on both my nipples. I couldn’t help but
laugh at the silliness of it. He laughed with me, and that made me happy. Soon
our laughing calmed down, and he stood between my legs. He leaned over me and placed
his hands on either side of me. He moved down and picked up the cherry and
whipped cream off one breast in one motion. I’d never imagined I’d be doing
this in a kitchen. I laughed again as he took the whipped cream and cherry from
my other breast.

I sat up and got off
the island. It was only fair that I repaid him for the week before. I grabbed the
bowls of chocolate and caramel and the whipped cream. I moved to my knees and placed
the desserts beside me on the floor. His eyes grew heated with lust, and I felt
myself grow aroused just from seeing that look in his eyes. I went to work
using my fingers to place the caramel, chocolate, and whipped cream all over
his cock. He looked pretty damn good—it also didn’t hurt that I liked all three
of those desserts.

My hands were covered
in the sticky sauces, but I didn’t care. I grabbed his butt and moved him
closer to me. Holding onto him as I leaned forward, I started licking off the
chocolate sauce from the side of his cock. I felt playful, which was a new
feeling for me when it came to sex; I’d been flirtatious before, but that was still
different from this. My smile didn’t leave my face as I looked up at him and continued
to lick the sweetness off him, hands-free. Apparently, he liked the fact that I
was smiling while giving him head. He looked at me with such desire I almost wanted
to pause. The thrill from seeing that look in his eye drove me on. I took the
whipped cream off the head of his cock and swirled my tongue around it. He
groaned. His eyes were closed and he put his hand in my hair. He didn’t force
me down on him like I thought he would. It just rested there.

I moved from his head
down to the base of his shaft where I licked some of the caramel from his
scrotum. I licked the chocolate from the place where his shaft and scrotum met.
He jumped slightly, and I moved back to look at him. I didn’t think I’d hurt
him, but I wanted to make sure.

“I’m fine. Keep going,”
he said. His voice was husky, making me even more excited. With one of my
hands, I let go of his butt and rolled his balls in my hand. He liked that and
moaned. While doing this, I moved to take the caramel off the other side of his
cock with my lips and tongue. He was soon putty in my hands. He groaned and moaned
at almost every touch. I could feel that he was close. As I cleaned up the last
of the sweet mess, he came, and his cum hit me in the cheek, and even on my
chest and neck. I wiped the cum off my cheek and placed my fingers in my mouth.
He watched me, and I could see something click in his eyes. He moved onto his
knees and kissed me. It was one of those kisses that was rare between us, where
he cupped my cheek and made it feel sweet, almost loving. I had to remind
myself not to fall into the kiss—I’d only get hurt like April.

On that night we
didn’t end up having sex. I wasn’t sure why. We kissed for a while and then he asked
me to go home. Oddly enough, I wasn’t mad. I wasn’t happy either, though. He
seemed confused, and I felt it was best to leave him to his thoughts. As I left
his apartment, we walked through the kitchen to the front door. I saw his phone
buzz on the counter once again. Toby’s name lit up on the screen.

Chapter Twenty-One

It was my Sunday
coming up next, and I sort of wanted to give Pierce a taste of his own
medicine. Nothing cruel. I wanted a threesome with him and another man. And I knew
just who to ask—Lucas. He was not only handsome; he was smart and funny too. I’d
been attracted to him since Pierce hired him. Now I just had to figure out a
way to tell Pierce so that he wasn’t blindsided by it. Not all men were willing
to have sex with another man joining in. I just wondered how far he’d willing
to take it if he agreed. I had a fantasy in mind, but I wasn’t going to force
him to do it if it made him uncomfortable. If he agreed to it, then we had to
make sure Lucas was comfortable with it too.

So one night after
work, I asked Pierce to go to dinner with me. I even asked him to have a drink
or two so that he’d be relaxed. To my surprise, he agreed to one drink. Once a
good portion of his drink was gone, I quietly brought up the subject. “As you
know, the Sunday coming up is my choice.”

He nodded and looked at
me with slight hesitation.

“How far are you
willing to take things? Is there anything you refuse to do?” I asked.

He took a sip from
his drink and stared at me for a moment. “That depends on what you want me to

“How would you feel
about having another man added to the mix, just for that night?”

“I don’t really want
to have sex with another man, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“No, nothing of that
sort. Just the two of you having sex with me.”

He was silent for a
long moment. Finally, he said, “I could do that. Who do you have in mind?”


“As in my personal
chef, Lucas?”

I could feel my face
grow hot. “Yes.”

He took a longer
drink from his tumbler. “I’ll speak to him about it. If he doesn’t want to do
it, do you have someone else in mind?”

“No. If he doesn’t
want to, I’ll figure something else out.”

“All right, I’ll
speak to him about it.”

I felt bad that I was
putting him in such an awkward position with an employee that he wasn’t already
sleeping with, but this was something I’d always wanted to do. Now was my
chance to try it.


My mother called the
following day. I’d been expecting her to call. “Hi, Mom,” I answered.

She sniffed on the
other end. “Hi, sweetheart.”

I tensed. She hadn’t called
me that since I was a little girl. “What's wrong, Mom?”

Pierce looked up from
his laptop.

“I just want to let
you know that your father has had a minor heart attack—”

“Oh, no. I’ll fly out
right now.”

“No, no. You don’t
need to. The hospital has already released him. He told me not to tell you for
that reason, but I felt you should know.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. He’d be mad if
you flew out here for a minor heart attack.”

“Okay.” I didn’t know
what else to say.

“I love you, sweetheart.
I’ll call you later.”

“I love you, too.” I hung
up the phone with conflicted emotions. On one hand, I still felt betrayed and
angry at him for what he did to my mother, and on the other hand, I wanted to
rush home and hug him.

Before I could stop
myself, I cried right there in front of Pierce. I hoped that he’d get up and
hug me, but he didn’t. He waited until I was finished crying before he spoke.

“What happened?” he

I couldn’t look at
him. “My father had a heart attack. He’s okay.”

“Then why are you

I shook my head. “I
don’t know.” I looked at him. “Toby told me about my father and your mother the
last time he was here.”

Pierce stiffened.
“And?” he asked. He sounded angry, as if I was going to accuse him of

“What are you
planning? That night, when Toby got drunk at the club, he pocket dialed me. I
heard him agree to work on something with you and it wasn’t the casino. Then
again, I saw that he was calling you at one in the morning when I was leaving
your condo the other night.”

He seemed to be
contemplating telling me something, but just then his phone rang. He answered it,
glanced at me, and left the room. When he came back, he didn’t continue the
conversation, and I didn’t feel comfortable enough to bring it back up. We worked
in silence for the rest of the day.

I was unnerved by
that conversation. That afternoon I thought about how I wanted to deal with it
and move forward. That night Pierce must have talked to Lucas about what I
wanted because the next morning he texted me, conveying Lucas’s willingness.
Apparently his chef agreed not to say anything about what we did as long as he
got extra pay for his Christmas bonus. I was glad to hear that he was going to
participate in Sexual Sunday. There was something about the thought of being
with two men at one time that was appealing to me, being the woman at the
center of it all. To be wanted sexually by two men at the same time was empowering.
It was definitely going to be a learning experience—for at least two of us.


The next few days were
more than a little awkward for Pierce and me. We didn’t know how to handle what
we had yet to finish discussing. I wasn’t sure how to bring it back up. I didn’t
want to overstep my boundaries, so I waited for him to bring it up. Luckily for
us both, Sunday was a neutral area; we didn’t talk about business or our
personal lives unless it came up after the sex.

In order for me to
get comfortable Sunday night, I invited both Pierce and Lucas out to dinner.
Afterward I planned to have my limo take us back to Pierce’s place if no one backed
out—which I was expecting someone to do. It was one thing for Pierce to ask me
to have a threesome with another woman, especially after I had already been
with Kat. It was another for me to ask him to have sex with me while another
man was present. It was clear, at least to me, that he didn’t desire any type
of relations with another man.


I picked up Pierce
first and then Lucas, and we went to a small seafood restaurant that had good
ratings. Lucas told me that was what he liked, and I didn’t mind it myself.
Pierce, on the other hand, ordered chicken, so I guessed seafood wasn’t his
favorite thing to eat.

Lucas was a good
conversationalist and able to keep both of us interested in his conversation. I
really liked him. Oddly enough, however, he still didn’t compare to Pierce; I
still wanted Pierce more. This suddenly made me question whether or not I was falling
in love with Maverick. It wasn’t something I could consider in that moment though.
In fact, I doubted if I could ever truly think about it.

Lucas said, “My
father is a cook in the Army. He has a true passion for food, and I guess that
passion got passed on to me. My older brothers never seemed to understand it.
They’re more interested in cars and business.”

Our plates were empty,
but we were still talking while we finished our bottle of wine. “Did you ever
want to be anything other than a cook?” I asked.

Lucas thought for a
moment and then shook his head. “I briefly wanted to be a superhero when I was
five, but that dream passed when I broke my arm trying to fly out of a tree.” He
gave me a big toothy grin, and I laughed. I could picture him in his pajamas
with a sheet tied around his neck as he launched himself off the highest branch
he could climb to.

“Perhaps we should go
now,” Pierce said.

I could see annoyance
in his eyes. He hadn’t joined in on the conversation for at least fifteen
minutes. I was still not sure if he was mad about being left out or at me for
flirting so openly with Lucas, which I hadn’t ever done with him. I was angry
at him for acting in such a way, but I said nothing as we made our way to the
limo. Things became awkward as we entered the car, leaving the relaxing,
non-foreboding atmosphere of the small restaurant. I waited for one of them to
say he wanted to back out, that he hadn’t thought it through, but neither said a
word as the limo driver took us back to Pierce’s place.

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