The Sugar Mountain Snow Ball (20 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Atkinson

BOOK: The Sugar Mountain Snow Ball
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“It is my pleasure!” she said, her cheery cheeks blushing a deeper red. “Of course, I am pleased, but not astonished.”

“But also, Madame M,” I continued, “
where in the world have you been?
We've checked back, like, a hundred times, looking for you! We had so many questions and wanted your help.”

“Hmm, I do not know what you mean,” she said, pushing her bottom lip into a pout and scratching her forehead. “I had to make a stop for a manicure this afternoon, but then I returned here about a half-hour ago.”

Eleanor and I immediately turned to each other in amazement. Back in December, she had also mentioned a manicure appointment. What was going on?

Mais, les filles!
Since we were successful the first time, may I suggest new
readings, free of charge?”

Without skipping a beat, we both cried,

As before, the psychic began to hum loudly like a swarm of bees, and then gazed up at the ceiling, reaching her arms up overhead. Everything was a strange repeat of what had occurred at our first visit. Then she suddenly cut off her humming and arm-waving with a big smack on the edge of the table.

I want you to place your hands flat, and you must lock your thumbs like this.”

We immediately copied her, our hands shaped like birds.

“Now, close your eyes and say these words:
Stars and moons and worlds that beam, lead me to my deepest drrream!

Staring at one another—half-scared, half-silly, as we had been the first time—we repeated the chant.

” she cried, and blew out the candles. “Open!”

The same sweet smoke clouded the space in front of us and Madame Magnifique squeezed the top of our bird-shaped hands . . . just as before.

“You!” she began, staring at me. “Once your creativity is unleashed, there will be no stopping you from realizing your fullest potential and achieving your deepest

I felt my mouth drop open—not because I was amazed, but because I was confused!

“And you!” she said, now facing Eleanor. “In order to unlock your deepest
you must go outside your world, to the unfamiliar, reaching far beyond your comfort zone.”

The exact same predictions as last time.
Only reversed?

Madame Magnifique lifted her hands and blew across her fingers and palms like she did before, as if scattering magic dust.

Eleanor and I were in shock. We said nothing.

Could it be there had been no magic at all? No destiny? Was Madame Magnifique just a phony act?

Was it possible that we had achieved our goals all on our own?

We followed her back through the narrow gingerbread hallway and stumbled out the alley door into the late-afternoon light.

“Thank you,” we said at the same time.

The dream reader winked as she gave a tiny wave with the tips of her fingers.

Rêvez bien!
Dream well,” she replied, “Ruby and Eleanor.”


This novel has journeyed through several transformations. I'm grateful for the valuable input and suggestions of many people, especially Shannon Barefield and my agent, Susie Cohen. My deepest thanks to Melissa Kim, my editor at Islandport Press, who believed in this story and knew exactly how to shape it. Also, I want to acknowledge Rushani Perera at the Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington, DC, for verifying Sinhalese terms and cultural questions, as well as Valerie Jensen, who reviewed the French phrases, and copy editor Melissa Hayes for her keen eye and kind words. And I want to extend a warm hug to the Chandraratne family and most of all, to Padmini Chandraratne, my generous, loving host mother and friend from the exquisite island country of Sri Lanka, where I spent a life-changing college semester (and left a piece of my heart) so many years ago.


Elizabeth Atkinson, the award-winning author of
I, Emma Freke
, believes in the magic of stories to transform lives. She's enormously proud of her twenty-something children, Madeleine and Nathaniel, and her husband, Erik, who runs his own cool company and the Hot Chocolate Motorcycle Gang. When she isn't writing or reading, she's probably out and about exploring with her best friend, Obadiah, the amazing doodle dog. She divides her time between the north shore of Massachusetts and the mountains of Maine. Elizabeth visits schools all over the country, virtually and in person. Find out more:

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