The Sugar King of Havana (48 page)

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Authors: John Paul Rathbone

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honesty of
love interests of
marriage, first
marriage, second
media on
Miramar residence
murder attempt on
Napoleon collection
Napoleon complex
Napoleon documents, retrieval attempt
net worth after exile
parents and brother, deaths of
pastimes of
photos of
property and possessions, confiscation of
provisions business
return to Havana (1919)
schooling of
showiness, avoidance of
similarity to Guevara
in Spain after exile
as speculator
in sugar business. See Galbán Lobo
sugar engineering, study of
sugar industry, vision for
sugar production cuts, opposition to
temperament of
in U.S. after exile
warning signs in Cuba ignored by
wealth of
Lobo, Leonor (daughter of JL)
as author
birth of
education of
Florida residence
on Joan Fontaine
leaves Cuba
on María Esperanza
marriage of
Moorings, Florida property company
Pico Turquino, climb to peak
poem for Julio
professional accomplishments
sibling rivalry
time spent with Julio
Lobo, Leonor (sister of JL)
death of
Lobo, María Esperanza (wife of JL)
friendship with Julio in Madrid
marriage and married life
and murder attempt
personality of
remarriage of
Lobo, María Luisa (daughter of JL)
birth of
death of
education of
friendship with Margarita (Rathbone)
London residence
on María Esperanza
marriage of
Miami residence
Moorings, Florida property company
Napoleon documents, retrieval attempt
professional accomplishments
salon for Cubans
sibling rivalry
time spent with Julio
at Tinguaro
work on social programs
Lobo, Virginia (mother of JL)
death of
marriage and married life
Loeb, John
López Castro, Amadeo
López-Fresquet, Rufo
López Rodríguez, José (“Pote”)
Loret de Mola, Colonel Enrique
Louisiana State University
Love motels
Loynaz, Dulce María
Loynaz del Castillo, Enrique
Luaces, Emilio
Lucia, Doña
Lugareño sugar mill
Lüning, Heinz
Maceo, Antonio
Machado, Gerardo
as dictator
fall of
Machado, Luis
Mañas, Arturo
Manuel Alemán, José
Manuel de Céspedes, Carlos
Mariel boatlift
Martí, José, and Cuban independence
Martí, José Francisco
Martínez, Joaquín
Martínez, Tomás
Martínez Villena, Rubén
Massaguer, Conrad
Matos, Huber
Mendoza, Luis
Menéndez, Alfredo
Menocal, Estela
Menocal, Fichu
Miami, Cuban exiles in
Mikoyan, Anastas I.
Milken, Michael
Miró Cardona, José
Missile crisis
Mississippi, swimming
Monroe, James
Montalvo, Lorenzo
Montalvo, María Esperanza.
Lobo, María Esperanza (wife of JL)
Montalvo y Corrales
Montecristi movement
Montejo, Esteban
Montoro, Mario
Montoro, Octavio
Montoro, Rafael
Morales, Evo
Moreno Fraginals, Manuel
Mosle, George
Moss, Stirling
Muensterberger, Werner
Mujal, Eusebio
Muller, Josy
Museum of the Revolution
Mussolini, Benito
Mutual Incandescent Company
Narcisa sugar mill
National City Bank
National Library
National Museum
Naviera Vacuba
Niquero sugar mill
Nixon, Richard
North American Trust Company
Núñez, Delio
Núñez Jiménez, Antonio
Oberon, Merle
Olavarría, Virginia.
Lobo, Virginia (mother of JL)
Olavarría & Co.
Ortiz, Roberto
Our Man in Havana
País, Frank
Palacio del Segundo Cabo
Pan American Airways
Papa Né.
Sanchez, Bernabé
(Lezama Lima)
Patria Libre
Pérez, Cresencio
Pérez, Virgilio
Pérez Gamera, General
Perseverancia sugar mill
Pétain, Philippe
Phillips, Ruby Hart
Pico Turquino
Pilar sugar mill
Pilón sugar mill
Piñango, Néstor
Pizarro, Francisco
Platt Amendment
Plaza de Armas
Plaza de la Revolución
Porcallo de Figueroa, Vasco
Prensa Libre
Prío, Carlos
Punta Alegre sugar mill
Radio Rebelde
Rafael Rodríguez, Carlos
Raft, George
Rancho Boyeros airport
Rathbone, Eleanor
Rathbone, John
Rathbone, Margarita
Bernabé as great-grandfather
and Castro takeover
CIA recruitment attempt
connection to Lobo family
education of
Lake Placid, family stay at
leaves Cuba
life in England
life in U.S.
and María la Gorda
marriage of
Miami, summers in
sugar in family background
at Tinguaro
upper-class lifestyle of
visits childhood home
Reine, Madame
Revolutionary Directorate
Rexach, Rosario
Rionda, Manuel
Riviera casino
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rodríguez, Alejandro
Rodríguez, Pepe
Rogers, Ginger
Rollefson, Mary
Romero, Cesar
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roth, Hyman
Rubirosa, Porfirio
Ryan, John
Ryan, Victoria
St. George’s School
Sanchez, Bernabé
death of
Martí, opposition to
photos of
roots in Cuba
in sugar business. See Senado sugar mill
and sugar bust (1920s)
wealth of
Sanchez, Bernabécito (son of BS)
Sanchez, Bernabé (grandson of BS)
Sánchez, Celia
as Castro’s confidante
as young girl
Sanchez, Emilio (artist)
Sanchez, Emilio (son of BS)
Sánchez, Manuel
Sanchez, Margarita.
Rathbone, Margarita
Sanchez, Pedro (son of BS)
Sánchez, Yoani, and Cuban emigration
Sánchez del Monte, Enrique
Sanchez-Mola department store
Sanchez-Pereira, Don Mateo
family of
nicknames of
in sugar industry
San Cristóbal sugar mill
Sans Souci casino
Santa Isabel sugar mill
Sarrá family
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Senado sugar mill
and Bernabé‘s death
during crash (1920s)
massacre at (1933)
output of
as progressive mill
rebuilding after revolution
Sert, José Luis
Shanghai Theater
Sierra Maestra mountains
Sigree, Elijah
Slavery in Cuba
abolition of
Sorí Marín, Humberto
Sosa, Enrique
Soviet Union
alliance with Castro
-Cuba split
concentration camps in Cuba
Cuban center, Lobo as founder
Cuban revolts against
Lobo residence in
Starkman, “General”
Steegers, Carlotta
Stodolsky, Pedro
Suárez, Manolo
Suárez Galbán, Luis
Sucre et Denrées
Suero Falla, Alejandro
Sugar Board
Sugar Exchange
Sugar industry
annual sugar cycle
Batista production cuts
Castro era
Chadbourne Plan (1930)
cutting production
and economic bust (1920s)
global competitors
during Great Depression
historical view
insider trading attempts
largest harvest in history
Lobo’s activities in exile
mechanized operations
mills, naming of
modernization, Lobo’s vision for
powerful sugar families
sacks, first use of
Sanchez family in
seizure of mills, Batista era
and Suez Crisis
sugar brokers of 1930s
U.S. quotas
World War I, post-war prosperity
and World War II
Sugar Institute
Tacon, General Miguel
Tánamo sugar mill
Tarafa, Colonel José Miguel
Tate & Lyle
Taussig, Charles
Tax law, Castro
Taylor, Moses
Ten Years’ War
Terry, Tomás
“Third Way”
Thomas, Hugh
Thompson, Kay
Tiempo muerto
(dead season)
Tiglao, José
Tinguaro sugar mill
bombing of
celebrities entertained at
Guevara’s proposal
history of
as Julio’s country house
María Luisa’s ashes at
modern day condition
production capacity
workers, Julio’s benefits to
Tinguaro sugar mill (Louisiana)
Tínima (Taíno princess)
To Have and Have Not
Toledo sugar mill
Torres, León
Trade Union Federation
Trujillo, Rafael
Trust Company of Cuba
Tuinucú sugar mill
26 July movement
Union of Insurrectional Revolutionaries (UIR)
Unión sugar mill
United Nations, Castro speech
United States
Castro visit
Chadbourne Plan (1930)
companies in Cuba, nationalization of
Cuban exiles in Bay of Pigs invasion
Great Depression
interest in Cuba, history of
Lobo residence after exile
Miami as Cuban haven
New York sugar market squeeze
occupation of Cuba (1898)
Platt Amendment
rebuilds Cuba (1899)
trade embargo
University of Havana
Urrutia, Manuel
Valdés, Antonio
Vandenberg, Arthur
Varsano, Maurice
Vila-Coro, María Dolores
Villaverde, Cirilo
Vincent, Dominique
“Wasps” of Cuba
Welles, Sumner
Weyler, Valeriano
Williams, Esther
Wilson, Sloan
World War I, post-war prosperity
World War II
Yellow fever
Zayas-Bazán, Carmen
Zeckendorf, Bill

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