The Submission of Alistair Ingram (6 page)

BOOK: The Submission of Alistair Ingram
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tugged her hair, making Bethany lift her chin. His eyes ran down her neck. She
could watch those fire-lit eyes trace her body all day long. She could
practically feel their path across her skin. “What do you have to give me?” she

I said, that is the question.” He met her eyes and studied her, tilted his
head. “This will be something new for both of us.”

patted her bag, not breaking their eye contact. “This isn’t new for me.”

is new for you. Putting yourself in someone else’s hands. Isn’t it?” He brushed
her cheek with the back of his fingers.

grasped his wrist. “Don’t mistake attraction for trust. I don’t know you. I
don’t trust you. You shouldn’t trust me.”

let go of her hair and held both hands up in front of him. “Fine.” He grabbed
her bag and hoisted it off the bed. “Grab your stuff. Let’s go.”

watched him stride out of her bedroom, heard her duffel bag clank against the
wall as he darted down the stairs. She sighed. She hadn’t meant to piss him
off. Of course she didn’t trust him. They just met! What did he expect?

for Alistair trusting her… He’d be an idiot to trust her. She’d never let him
make that mistake.

condo door opened, and she heard him take her duffel bag outside and drop it on
the porch. “Coming?” he called. “Shit! Bethany, the paparazzi are here! Get
your ass moving!”

jolt of panic surged through her. “They’re
?” She ran into her
bathroom, gathered her toothbrush, razor and everything else she could grab, shoved
them in her suitcase and zipped it up.

damn, damn. If they knew where she lived, she’d never get away. Alistair
Fucking Ingram just had to tie his fate to hers last night, didn’t he? He
ruined her life.

jogged down the stairs, gave her apartment a glance wishing she had more time
to prepare. Everything in her refrigerator would be rotten. There were a few
dirty dishes in her sink. The mail would pile up in the mailbox.

did this have to happen? She’d been doing so well, for so long, then along
comes Mr. Movie Star and screws everything up. Now what was she going to do?

ex knew where she worked now, and if pictures of her and Alistair leaving her
condo were printed or put online, he’d find out where she lived, too.


on!” Alistair yelled, storming back inside and grabbing her suitcase. “How much
of a show do you want to give them? Want to tie me up on your porch before we
go? Give them a few good shots?”

shrunk under his rage-filled gaze. His tan face turned a dark, reddish-bronze
with anger, eyes narrow and drawn. For an instant, she pictured him standing
over her with a cane as she begged him to stop.

eyes went wide, and he stepped back from her. “Whoa,” he said. “What’s wrong?”

realized she was pressed against the wall in her foyer, shaking and cowering.
The nightmare would never leave her. The imaginings of a crazy, broken woman.
He’d probably drive her to an institution instead of his house.

she said, trying to sound convincing, but her voice wavered.

closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “I’m in over my head here. Every time
I turn around, I’m doing something that scares you. Why is that?”

story,” she said, wheeling her suitcase around him. “I thought we had to go.”

let out a sharp exhale and grabbed her doorknob, checking to make sure it was
locked. “Do you have an alarm?”

Just pull it shut, and we’re good to go.” Bethany stepped out onto the porch to
a blur of flashing cameras and jeers from photographers.

long have you been with Alistair?” one of them shouted. “Did you plan to steal
him away from Heather Winston?” another chimed in.

was frozen to her porch. Her feet wouldn’t budge, and she couldn’t tear her
eyes away.

them and move,” Alistair said, taking her by the elbow and grabbing the handle
of her suitcase. “Don’t look at them.”

can’t look away,” she whispered.

know. I know,” he said, guiding her to the back driver’s side door in the
S.U.V., “It’s like a train wreck. You can’t help but stop and stare at first.”

slid in the backseat, and he closed her in. “Okay?” the driver asked, looking
at her in the rearview mirror.

nodded and pressed her palms together in her lap.

got in the other side and slammed the door shut. “Let’s go.”

driver backed out, not bothering to worry about the paparazzi in her driveway.
They all parted like the Red Sea as the S.U.V.’s bumper swerved toward them.
Bethany watched out the window as her condo disappeared in the distance.

picked her hand up out of her lap. “I’m sorry it had to be like this.”

wanted to pull her hand out of his.

wanted to keep her hand in his forever.

wasn’t sure which she wanted more.

told you,” she said, “it was my fault this happened. Not yours.”

about we both take equal blame and stop worrying about whose fault it was?”

expression was so kind, so open and caring, it startled her. “Why are you doing
this for me?”

sat back, grinning. “Maybe I’m just a nice guy.”

pinned her eyes to his, determined to get to the real reason.

nudged her black duffel bag with his toe. She heard her metal spreader bars
clank together. “Maybe I don’t want to be a nice guy anymore,” he said, his
eyes growing dark and hazy.

leaned toward her.

held her breath as his lips touched her ear. “Maybe I want you to teach me to
be bad, Ms. Black.” His lips trailed down her cheek to the corner of her lips.
“Maybe I want you to take me into the darkness.”







and Bare


watched Bethany carefully for her reaction. He’d never spoken those words to
anyone before. Never expressed his desire to explore the dark side of his
sexual fantasies. But with her…it all seemed possible.

wouldn’t judge him. She knew his desires weren’t depraved. Or maybe they were,
but she understood them just the same. He could allow her to see him stripped
down and bare, raw with primal needs.

you teach me?” he whispered in her ear.

turned her head. Her nose touched his. She ran the tip of it over his cheek.
“Do you know what you’re asking me?” she said. “If I teach you, you’ll be my

know, Mistress.” Their eyes met, and instinctively, he lowered his. “And when
you’ve taught me everything you know, you can be mine.”

shifted away from him putting space between them on the seat. “That’s not how
it works.”

gripped her thigh and slid her back across the seat, flush against him. “That’s

be pretending to be submissive just so you can take over. I can’t let that
happen.” She tried in vain to pry his fingers from her leg.

told you, you don’t have to be afraid of me. I’d never hurt you.” He was
desperate to convince her. Desperate for her to know how good he could make her
feel if she’d let him.

Doms don’t make a right,” she said, turning her face away from him.

that anything like penis love?” He chuckled. “You made that up, too, didn’t

eyes flashed to his. “It won’t work. Two people can’t top at the same time. Someone
has to bottom.”

shrugged. “We’ll trade off like normal people do.”

shook her head adamantly. “This isn’t about normal people. If you want vanilla,
this isn’t your game, Mr. Ingram.”

if I want vanilla with chocolate sauce? A sprinkle of nuts?” He ran his hand
all the way up her thigh under her sundress. His fingers stroked her center. He
expected her to shove him away, to jump across the seat. She didn’t budge.
“Some whipped cream with a cherry on top.”

hand darted across his leg, and she gripped his cock through is pants—hard.
Shocked, he stiffened and froze, not even daring to breathe. “What you’re
asking for is Rocky Road sprinkled with shards of glass. Got it?”

exhaled slowly. “Are you trying to turn me on, Ms. Black? Because you are.”

hand tightened around him even more. “I feel that, Mr. Ingram.”

eyes darted to the rearview mirror to see if the driver was watching. He could
take her right here, right now, and it would be insane. Explosive—in more ways
than one. “Let’s practice,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and hoisting
her up onto his lap. “You top this time. Maybe you’ll let me next.”

not how it--”

grabbed her by the back of her neck and crushed his lips to hers. There could
be no more talking. No more wallowing in the details of who was and who wasn’t
in control. It didn’t matter. He had to have this woman.

was nothing like the women he was used to being with. She wasn’t an actress or
a model. She wasn’t someone his publicist or manager would approve of him being
seen with, let alone sleeping with.

Betty was a Dominatrix in Vegas, and the paparazzi were going to set their
trash tabloids ablaze with photos and rumors of them. It was too late to turn
back even if he wanted to. And he didn’t.

teased her tongue with his and ground his hips against hers. He had to know
what made this woman tick. What would get
to submit to
If she ever even would.

let his hand run down the side of her neck, down over her collarbone. His
fingers snuck into the top of her dress and found a rock-hard nipple.

bit his lip hard enough to draw blood.

pinched her nipple until she whimpered.

then he knew. Alistair knew what they would be like together. He and Black
Betty would tear each other to pieces. Once unleashed, their desire for each
other would be like a battle to the death.

was right. Two Doms don’t make a right.

thing he didn’t want to be right. This was all about being wrong. Wrong for his
career. Wrong for his very public love life. Hell, wrong for his mental
stability. This woman would drive him to the edge and shove him right over
before she’d save him.

she didn’t know was he’d grab on to her and take her down with him. Break her
apart and piece by beautiful piece, put her back together. Then he’d own her.

possess her.

would be the Dom, and Black Betty would be his Doll.









knew this game. She lived this fucking game. Alistair Ingram was a little puppy
who needed smacked on the ass with a newspaper. He craved attention, that was
obvious by his career choice. He loved a challenge, loved being refused. It
only made getting what he wanted that much sweeter.

bit him again, his tongue this time. His fingers clenched her ass, and he
groaned in pain.

yeah, she was on to him. It didn’t take a doctorate in psychology to crack his
shallow and severely inflated head open and sift through his motivation. He was
an attention whore with dominance issues. Probably mommy issues if she had to

all had mommy issues, just like most of the women had daddy issues. It was so
cliché, but true ninety-nine percent of the time. Even in her own case.

shoved that thought out of her mind as she reached up Alistair’s shirt and
clawed his back. She didn’t draw blood, but she knew it hurt by the way he
sucked in a hiss of air through his teeth.

she knew it, she was flat on her back on the seat with Alistair glaring down at
her. His eyes were ravenous and raging. He dipped his head and bit her
shoulder. She grabbed him by the hair and yanked his head back.

Bite. Me.” She shoved her foot between his legs, bringing her knee up between
them and resting her heel on his balls. “This spike will tear right through your
pants. Don’t push me.”

cocked an eyebrow and grinned. “I don’t think you’d do it.” He lowered his
mouth to her shoulder, hesitated for only a second and nibbled her skin.

wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t a bite…and she liked it. It was sexy,
sensual. It made her skin hum.

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