The Story of Hong Gildong (6 page)

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Authors: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Minsoo Kang

BOOK: The Story of Hong Gildong
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Gildong replied in a respectful manner. “I will obey your command, but I must tell you of my sorrow that I feel deep in the marrow of my bones. I have been alive for more than ten years, and during all that time, because of my lowborn status, I have had to regard my father and older brother as my owners rather than relatives. Not once was I allowed to address my father as Father and my older brother as Brother. So how could I not be filled with grief?”

The minister let out a sigh and spoke. “If that is your greatest wish, then I will allow you to address us as such from this day on. So stay home and let go of your sorrow.”

Gildong bowed down to him before he replied, “Father, please do not give any more thought to your lowly son. But, for the sake of pity, please treat my mother with kindness. That is all that I could possibly ask of you.”

The minister readily agreed and spoke to him. “Since you
are determined to leave, I give you my blessing to do as you will. Take good care of yourself.”

Gildong replied, “You have granted me the greatest wish of my life and you have promised to treat my mother well, so there is nothing more I desire from you. Father, I humbly beg you to live a long life with a healthy body and mind.”

At the end of those words, streams of tears flowed down from his eyes and wet his clothes. As he then left his father's quarters, closing the door behind him, the minister felt a great compassion for him. But the minister was also filled with anxiety at the thought of what may have occurred that night that caused him to leave.

Gildong went into his mother's chamber to bid her farewell. “I must flee in exile, on a long and rough road that stretches endlessly before me. I ask you, Mother, not to worry about your unworthy son and to take good care of yourself as you await my return.”

Gildong's mother grabbed her son's hands and wept as she spoke to him. “I wanted you to grow up to become a person of importance, so I prayed night and day that you would one day find the opportunity to strengthen our family. But then I could do nothing but watch as Chorang deceived His Lordship. How desolate my life became then. What has happened now that you must abandon me to my solitude? Once you leave, there is no telling when we will see each other again. If you must go, then go. But return to me as soon as possible for the sake of my love for you.”

As Gildong bowed down twice and took his final leave of her, he could hardly speak for the emotions that overwhelmed him. As the golden rooster crowed with the coming of the new day and sunlight came blazing from the east, there were no more words that could be uttered to express the love between mother and son. Their inevitable parting was drenched in tears.

Gildong stepped out of the house and gazed upon clouds and mountains raised in layers upon layers and a great body of
water stretched out through the land. He realized that he was now a wanderer without a master, who would travel aimlessly with no destination, and he thought how lost a single individual was in the immensity of the world. No matter how hard he tried to suppress his feelings, he was overcome with grief at not knowing what would become of him.

Meanwhile, Chorang became concerned when no news came after she had sent the assassin to Gildong's sleeping chamber, so she dispatched a loyal maid to spy upon the cottage. She returned after a while and informed her, “The noble son is nowhere to be found, but there are three headless corpses lying about in the room.”

Shocked by the report, Chorang went to the inner chamber and told the minister's wife of what her maid had seen. The minister's wife became terrified, so she summoned her son and related the news. He went out and searched for Gildong but could find no trace of him.

He went to the minister in great trepidation and informed him, “Gildong murdered people in the night and ran away.”

The astounded minister spoke out. “Gildong came to me last night and took leave of me with great sorrow. It was all because of this.”

The assistant section chief dared not conceal things from his father any longer, so he told him the truth of what had happened. “Because Gildong was causing you worry, to the extent of making you ill, I considered various ways to allay your anxiety. When I consulted Chorang about the matter, she suggested that we hire an assassin to quietly get rid of Gildong. She thought that would avert future disaster and restore you to health. That is what led to Gildong committing this serious act and leaving home.”

The minister heard him out before scolding him. “With such a simple mind, how could you serve at the royal court?” He spoke out in anger. “My fury can only be relieved by seeing Chorang dragged out of the inner chamber and killed.”

And so he ordered. “Go get Chorang right now and execute her.” But then he stopped to think. “What if people hear of what transpired? Gildong's mother might be blamed for the murders and receive punishment. It would be best to send Chorang away quietly and make her disappear.”

He berated Chorang when she was brought to him. “In my rage, I was going to have you killed but I decided to banish you instead. But if you should leak a word of what happened here, I will find you and end you even if you should be a thousand
away. So watch yourself.”

He ordered a loyal manservant to seize Chorang, take her to a faraway place, and abandon her there. He then had the dead bodies disposed of and set the household in order, firmly ordering everyone to let no word of what had occurred get out.

At the same time, after the shaman and the physiognomist who lived outside of Sungrye Gate disappeared in the night, their relatives went out searching for them but could find no trace of either. Their neighbors told them, “On that night, a great wind arose and lifted them from the ground to take them up to heaven.”

 • • • 

And so Gildong ventured forth, sad at the thought that he could rely on no one in the world even though his parents were still alive. Because of his unfortunate fate, he wandered about like a floating cloud, making the whole world his home and finding uncomfortable rest wherever he could.

One day, he came to a land of magnificent beauty with high mountains and pristine waters. Taken by the fairness of the scenery, Gildong followed a small rocky path through the place where calm rivers flowed gently and great peaks covered with countless pine trees soared into the air. Pretty flowers and fresh grass as well as wild birds and animals all seemed to welcome him and guide him on his way. Gildong walked leisurely while enjoying the panorama, until the path ended at a sheer precipice that fell into a void, with a stream flowing down nearby. As he did not know where to go next, he was overcome by loneliness and sat down on the ground. Suddenly, a small dipping gourd appeared
out of nowhere, floating down the current. He thought to himself, “This remote mountainous area is not a place where people live, so there must be a temple nearby.”
He stood up and followed the stream for a few
until it ended at a waterfall, behind which he detected a hidden stone gateway.

He pushed open the portal and entered a vast land that Heaven had created in the midst of the rough terrain. Hundreds of dwellings were built close together, around a large house in the middle. Gildong went forth to the central building, where he saw numerous people enjoying a great feast with tables scattered with dishes and drinking cups. They seemed to be having an argument among themselves. This was the lair of the bandits of Taesobaek Mountain.

Gildong went up to the edge of the assembly and discreetly listened in on their conversation. He found out that they were discussing who should become their leader. He thought to himself, “After wandering about with nowhere to rest, Heaven has helped me by bringing me to this place where I will surely find the opportunity to make full use of my powers.” So he walked up to the people in a proud but polite manner and bowed deeply to them in greeting.

He then addressed them. “I am Gildong, the son of High Minister Hong of Gyeongseong
and his lowborn concubine. I could not countenance being treated as an inferior in the household, so I left voluntarily to wander aimlessly about the world, resting wherever I could. Now Heaven has decreed that I should come upon this place. Proud men, I ask you to disregard the youthfulness of my appearance and test my qualities so that you may see that I am worthy to live among you and to share everything with you.”

Everyone stared at Gildong in silence for a while.

At last one of them spoke out. “You have the appearance of a heroic personage. So I will tell you of two tasks that you can take on to demonstrate your worth to us. First, over there is a rock called Sobu Stone, which is a thing of a thousand
If you can lift it, then we will know your strength. Second, we want to attack Haein Temple in Hapcheon County
and steal
its treasures. Thousands of monks live there. A great deal of wealth could be gained, but we have not been able to come up with a good plan. If you should achieve both goals, we will make you our leader and share everything with you.”

Gildong, greatly pleased, replied, “Born as a true man, I have studied the stars above and the ways of
as well as the
Military Rules
of Sonja and Oja.
I have also mastered the magical powers of invisibility and metamorphosis. If I could have become the commander of three armies,
I would surely have risen to the rank of a great general in a time of war or a high minister in a time of peace, to have my portrait hung at Girin House
and my name renowned for a thousand years. For such is the destiny of a great man. But I was subject to a misfortune and my fate turned out to be a harsh one, so I could not participate in the affairs of the world. I became filled with frustration all my life. Given such difficulties I have had to face, the two tasks you have put before me are nothing.”

The men were pleased by his words and spoke to him. “If all that is so, we will test you as you wish.”

They led him to the spot where Sobu Stone lay. Gildong folded up his sleeves, picked up the rock, and took several steps before he threw it in the air.

As he then walked proudly back to the bandits, they talked excitedly among themselves. “That is one powerful man. None among thousands of us could lift that rock, yet today he came and threw it in the air. How can we not be pleased that Heaven has helped us by sending him to us to be our leader?”

They sat Gildong on a high seat and offered him cups of spirits they poured for him. They then presented themselves to him officially, bringing him a sealed book that listed their names in rows, and another that gave a full account of their possessions and supplies. After Gildong perused the texts, he ordered a white horse to be sacrificed and drank its blood.

He swore an oath before all the men. “From this moment on, we will combine all of our strength and never abandon one
another, even in a time of disaster. And so we will stay together for all time without ever forgetting one another. But if any of you should betray us or disobey me, you will be dealt with through military law.”

All responded as one. “We soldiers would not dare go against the command of our general.”

Gildong was satisfied and enjoyed himself throughout the feasting.

From that day on, Gildong participated with the multitude in practicing horsemanship, archery, and swordsmanship. Within a month, discipline became firmly established in the ranks of the soldiers, who constantly and rigorously practiced their martial skills.

One day Gildong brought everyone together and addressed them. “Soon I plan to have us attack Haein Temple in Hapcheon County. Anyone who goes against any of my commands as I unfold my stratagem will be subjected to military justice.”

Everyone prostrated themselves before him in gratitude.

Gildong picked a sturdy donkey to ride on, then selected several tens of followers and dressed them up as the retinue of a traveling nobleman from the family of a high minister.

He spoke to all. “I will go to the temple, so wait a few days for my return.”

Then he went on his way in a casual manner, looking exactly like a noble son from a high minister's household. Everyone praised him profusely for his perfect mimicry.

Gildong urged his donkey onward until he arrived at the entrance to the temple, where he sent a man ahead to announce his coming. “The son of High Minister Hong of Gyeongseong has come to study.”

At the news, the pleased monks of the temple spoke among themselves. “How great our temple is that a high minister's progeny should visit us. A noble son from Minister Hong's family has come here to study, which could benefit us all.”

Thousands of monks came out and bowed to him with their
palms pressed together in greeting. “We are grateful that you have come such a long way to be here.”

Gildong replied with a serious countenance. “I have always heard that yours is a great and famous temple where the surrounding scenery is magnificent. So I have come to enjoy the view and to stay for a few months to study for the qualifying examination
next spring. I request that you prohibit outsiders from coming into the temple during my sojourn and prepare a quiet place for me to live in.”

The monks acquiesced to his wishes with bows and began to prepare a room for him. Gildong got to his feet and looked around the main hall of the temple before he summoned a senior monk. “I will go to the government office of the neighboring town where I will stay for a few days before coming back. I ask that you ban outsiders from the temple and make my room ready while I am gone. Also, tomorrow I will order twenty
of white rice to be brought here, so prepare a lot of food and spirits for me when I return in the middle of this month. I will enjoy a feast with you, and start studying from that day on.”

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