The Sticky Cowgirl (Lone Star Sweets, Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Sticky Cowgirl (Lone Star Sweets, Book 2)
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Brandt nodded and pulled a folded piece of paper from inside his suit jacket. Once unfolded, Samuel saw it was a simple deed to the piece of land Samantha’s bakery and the other building sat on. The asking price was indeed one dollar and it was already signed by Brandt. “All you have to do is add your signature and hand over the money. I’ll file it with the legal department on Monday.”

“What about the building you were going to build?” Samantha asked.

“I intend to scrap it for the most part and work on another idea Samuel had for multi-use loft spaces. I think it’s time Turner Enterprises shifts part of their focus. The face of business is changing and the faces in charge of those businesses are changing. I’ve learned that we need to change with them. Samuel pointed that out to me. When I get it all settled, I would be happy, Samantha if you’d consider opening a satellite location.”

“I would love to.”

“Well, shit.”

Everyone at the table looked toward Jock who’d muttered the curse. “Daddy?” Samantha queried. “What’s wrong?”

“Marie woulda been proud of him,” he said, jutting his chin in Brandt’s direction. “She woulda been proud of him and she’d have smacked me over the head for being a mule.”


Chapter Fifteen



Lone Star Sweets


Samantha turned on her side to face Samuel. “The satellite bakery. We’ll call it Lone Star Sweets and incorporate Jackson’s cupcakes, Cass’ crème filled treats, and Peg’s coffees. We’ll find something for Jerome to do too. We’ll bring in students from the cooking school to staff it. Hands on learning.”

They’d been back at her house for little more than an hour and they’d barely made it in the door before she jumped him. He was everything to her that she never knew she wanted or needed. She’d helped change his life, helped change how he looked at the business world and at life. He’d changed her too. She didn’t need a particular place to be happy. The memories she had were enough and that keeping them alive was the key. Every day she made sticky buns, she was doing just that. Keeping memories of her life alive as well as giving other’s memories too.

It wasn’t about the place as much as it was about the people and the way they made you feel. She’d learned that through all she’d gone through with Samuel and Brandt and them trying to buy her building.

“That’s an interesting thought. I like it.”

“Really? You think it would work? I just like the idea of working with all of them and I think people would enjoy a variety sometimes.”

“You are something else, Samantha Dawson,” Samuel said, shifting to his side, while sliding closer to her. She didn’t make it difficult for him because she inched as well. Her nipples grazed his chest, his cock was semi-hard against her lower belly, and his legs twined with hers.

She loved sharing a bed with him. She loved his warmth, the solid strength of his body. She was loved by her family and she’d never realized she was lonely in any way until she’d met Samuel.

“I am?”

“You am.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, and ducked his head to take her lips.

She melted against him and his kiss. It was a slow, lingering meld of lips and tongues and soft sighs and muted moans. There was no one else in the house so she could be as loud as she wanted, but the moment didn’t call for it.

Earlier on the stairs, yes, she’d been loud as he’d taken her from behind. Their first time on his desk in his old office in the Worthington building had been loud for both of them. And the time Samuel had licked and sucked her to orgasm through her panties while they waited for the dough to rise, she had most definitely been loud then.

But now? No. Now she wanted to make love with him, show him what was in her heart, give back to him all that he’d given to her.

The longer they kissed, the more his free hand roamed her body, the more aroused she became.

She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and lifted her leg over his hip. He wasn’t semi anything anymore. “Samuel?” She pushed toward him and rubbed herself on the ridge of his cock making him groan.

“Yeah baby?” The words were forced out and she inwardly grinned that she could do that to him.

“We need another condom.”

Samuel chuckled, though it sounded pained. “I think so too.”

“But I don’t want to move. Feels so good like this.”

“It does. We can stay like this if you want.”

“But I want you inside me, too.”

“Then one of us is going to have to get that condom.” He rolled to his back and took Samantha with him. Straddling his hips and continuing to slide slick and slow on him was bliss. She loved the feel of his hardness, the feel of him beneath her almost as she loved being beneath him.

There was no power trip in their sex, only what felt good.

She reached across his body for one of the foil packets on the bedside table. In her current position, her nipple grazed his mouth and he took full advantage, pulling it into his mouth and teasing her with tiny flicks of his tongue.

She wasn’t going to last if he kept this up and she started to pull back. He bit with his teeth, worried the bud between the edges and her clit twitched. “Samuel, please…”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Let go,” she whimpered and after a few more seconds, until she was writhing on his body, he finally released the swollen, pointed tip.

“Okay,” he said with a devilish grin.

She sat up and tore into the condom envelope and slid the rubber down his length. He lifted and she sank down onto him.

“So hot for me, huh, baby?”

“Can’t get enough sometimes,” she admitted, rolling her hips to feel the zing through her sex.

“Only sometimes? That doesn’t sound right.”

She cracked her eyes open and stared down at him. “I can’t think about sex all the time.”

“I don’t know why not.” His hands gripped her hips and he helped rock her along his length. She loved when he did that, when he held her tight, when he filled her with so much sensation she could barely breathe.

“Because no work… Oh. God. Sam… Harder.”

“No work what? No work would ever get done?”

How could he think straight when she was about to explode all over him again? Her orgasm threatened, promised, hovered around the next thrust of his body into hers. She was going to fly apart. “Please,” she gasped.

“That’s my girl. I’ve got your please right here, love. Come and get it.”

He gripped the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss. Together they moved against each other. She held tight to his shoulders and slid back and forth on him as he pushed upward.

Harder. Higher. She gasped into his mouth as the slow, tender lovemaking she’d had in mind turned into a frenzied fuck. She needed that feeling, that orgasm, that moment where she broke into a million pieces. She needed him too. She needed his heart, his love, his passion for everything that was her and them.

She pressed into his shoulders and offered the breast to him that he hadn’t played with before. He eagerly took it, sucking the nipple in between his teeth. There was no light teasing play this time. It was deliberate sensation he filled her with and it was exactly what she’d hoped for.

The cry that left her throat didn’t sound anything like her, but she didn’t care. She shattered and shuddered, coming until tears formed in her eyes and her mouth was dry.

Samuel let go of her nipple and grabbed hold of her ass, thrusting deeply into her still spasming body. He grunted and stiffened, jerking harshly as he came.

She loved his loss of control, the way he grimaced as though caught between pleasure and pain. She loved that she could do that to him and loved that he could do the same to her.

“Damn, honey. You’re going to wear me out.”

“Likewise,” she whispered through a soft kiss before sliding off him. The bed dipped moments later when he got up and padded to the bathroom. He was gorgeous from the front and gorgeous from behind. “I think maybe I should send your mother a thank you note,” she called out.

“Why on Earth would you do that?” He stood in the bathroom doorway, naked as the day he was born, unashamed, letting her look her fill.

“Because she kept trying to set you up with all those high society women and put you off them, leaving you to find me.”

“That’s one way to look at it, I suppose. But, if you do look at it that way,” he said, joining her in the bed again. “You would almost need to send Brandt a thank you note as well for wanting to buy your building and sending me in to do all the dirty work.”

Samantha pretended to think about it. “You’ve got a point, there.” She settled against his chest. “So, thank you notes all around. I’ll get on that tomorrow.”

“I’m sure my mother will be thrilled.” Samuel kissed the top of her head. “So, Lone Star Sweets, huh? I like that.”

Samantha propped her chin on his chest and looked at him. “And, I love you.”

“I know. My Sticky Cowgirl, I know. I love you, too. Maybe while you’re sending out thank you notes…”


“Maybe you should think about how you’ll feel sending out wedding invitations one day.”

Samantha couldn’t believe what he’d just said, but she wouldn’t give him a chance to take it back. “Yes. Maybe I should.” She definitely would. She would marry him tomorrow if he wanted. She’d fly with him to Vegas tonight if he wanted and marry him.

She wanted what her parents had. She wanted that forever kind of love that never faded, even when fate took one person away. She wanted to come home to someone, to fall asleep with someone. She wanted everything she’d grown up around, to make her own memories with someone special, to make memories with Samuel.

She’d definitely think about wedding invitations. She’d definitely send out thank you notes. And she’d definitely send some sticky buns along with them because if it hadn’t been for those sticky, gooey confections she loved so much, she’d have never met the man sharing her bed and holding her heart.

Her grandmother would be so proud that those little treats she’d taught Samantha how to make would be the ultimate key to her happiness.




About Lissa



Born and raised in the South and currently living in North Carolina, talented, multi-published author, Lissa Matthews, has many loves in her life: Family, friends, NASCAR, football, music of all kinds, cooking, and penning stories filled with feisty, sassy heroines and naughty heros, and last, but certainly not least, coffee.








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BOOK: The Sticky Cowgirl (Lone Star Sweets, Book 2)
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