The Steel Bear: A BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Highland Brothers) (3 page)

BOOK: The Steel Bear: A BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Highland Brothers)
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he didn’t mean
to stare at him, but she couldn’t help it. After a year of dreaming of all the possible scenarios that would lead her to this moment, she couldn’t believe she was going to be sleeping under the same roof as Crawford.

He paced in front of the fire. “What else happened at the office today?” he asked.

She had thought he was bored with her work stories, but he asked with such sincerity. “Not much. Really I think I said everything.”

He looked over her shoulder. “Did you go over the contract?” He walked to the counter and returned to the living room with the documents in his hand. He seemed to suddenly be on a work rampage. He sank to the couch.

She nodded. “I did. It’s everything you told me should be there. I read it twice.”

He held the pages closer to the fire, illuminating the words. “Mmm. Yep. Looks good. I’ll sign it and you can take it to the board in the morning.”

“Of course. I’ll hand deliver it if you want me to.”

“Yes. Please.”

“Anything else you need me to do at the office while you’re here?” she asked.

It was as if when she was near him she couldn’t think of anything else but to help him. Be someone he needed. Someone he could count on. Someone he could depend on when other people let him down. Sometimes it came out sounding silly or desperate, but all she wanted to do was make him happy. Make him smile.

“I think that’s it. I just need to focus on the design, so if you could handle everything else for me, that would be good.” He stood from the couch. “I think I’m going to turn in for the night.”

“You are?” She didn’t mean to sound surprised.

He yawned, his massive chest expanding with breath. “Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Wait.” She stood, almost tipping the wine glass over. She didn’t know how to ask. This was awkward. “I drove straight from work. All I have is this.” She ran her hands over her hips. For a second she thought she saw a spark in his eyes. “Any chance there’s an old shirt or something I could borrow?”

“Oh right. Umm. Hold on.”

Crawford raced up the stairs and returned a few seconds later with a shirt. “Here. It’s one of my old T-shirts from high school. You can sleep in it. And we have a ton of those little travel things under the guest sink. Toothbrushes. Toothpaste. You name it.”

She took the shirt from his hands. “Thank you. This will be great. I can’t promise how I’ll look in the morning.” She giggled.

He turned for the stairs. “Good night, Mila.”

“Good night, boss.”

She watched as the tall architect ascended the staircase, leaving her holding his shirt. She hadn’t thought this out very well. She was shacked up in the family cabin with the man of her dreams but without a stick of concealer, mascara, or her favorite white tea shampoo. Not to mention, she was going to have to wear the same outfit to drive back to Seattle in the morning.

She climbed the stairs, knowing in one of these rooms Crawford would be getting ready for bed. She sighed.


amn it
. He paced in front of his dresser. His shirt was tossed over the bedpost. He looked at the door. She would be on her way to bed soon too. Mila would be sleeping under his roof. Her beautiful curves under the sheets. Her breasts nestled inside his T-shirt. Her bare legs naked in one of the guest beds.

His hand landed on the doorknob. His bear was playing with him. He could take her, taste her, enjoy for the night, and send her back to Seattle in the morning. But the fucking drama that would cause at work would be a nightmare.

No. He pulled from the doorknob as if it were on fire. He couldn’t do that to her. She was a good girl. He knew when he hired her last year that she was overqualified for the assistant’s position. She had a design degree from Seattle’s premier school. She had interned at a top firm. Her portfolio was impressive for someone so young. Yet, knowing her dreams, he hired her to fetch his coffee and answer his phone.

He told himself he didn’t look at Mila as if she were an available woman. He focused on her employee qualities. She was prompt, reliable, and thorough. But tonight, his bear had discovered a new side of her, and suddenly all he could think about was the plumpness of her lips, the way her legs looked in those fuck-me heels, and the swells of her tits.

He shook his head. This was not happening.

A shower would cure this. He stepped into the suite’s bathroom and turned the faucet to the cool side. He needed to ice down before he undid a year’s worth of a professional relationship.

He shoved the jeans from his legs and stood under the chilly water.


He huddled his hands over his arms. He stood shivering under the steady stream of frigid water. He felt his bear back off.

“Good,” he said aloud. “She’s not for you.”

He turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, tucked the corner at his hipbone, and walked into the bedroom. He had left the light on in his studio. He pushed open the cracked door.

“What are you doing in here?” he asked.


Holy hell. Crawford was standing in front of her dripping wet.

Mila jumped. “Shit. Sorry. I was wandering around trying to choose a room when I saw your drawing.” She had to consciously close her mouth. “I shouldn’t have been so nosey.”

There was nothing else to do but stare at him. The water droplets ran over his smooth skin, hanging on his nipples, dipping between the tight muscles of his torso before finally being absorbed by the towel draped at his hip.

He ran a hand through his wet hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. This room is attached to my suite.”

“It is?” She tried to look past him to steal a glimpse of his bed.

“Yeah. I guess I should have given you the proper tour. I’m a shitty host.” He chuckled.

“I think I’m the shitty houseguest. I showed up completely unannounced and without a suitcase.” She still clutched his T-shirt in her hand.

“What if I change and show you around? How does that sound?”

She smiled. “Perfect. I’d like that. But if you want to go to bed, that’s ok.” She almost kicked herself. “N-not. That’s not...” She sighed. Her words were tangled on her tongue.

“I know what you meant.” He chuckled. “Ok. Give me a second.”

He closed the bedroom door behind him. While Crawford changed she examined his latest sketch. It was completely different than the one she had taped together in the office.

A few minutes later, the door creaked open and he entered the small studio.

“Ok. So this is my studio.” He waved his hands in the air.

Mila couldn’t hold in the giggle. She liked seeing him like this. Relaxed and at home. “The studio and I are acquainted.”

“All right. Then let me show you the rest of the house.”

“Sounds good to me. But do you mind if I find a room for my shoes?” She didn’t want to click-clack all through the house.

“Oh right. Of course.” Crawford held the door for her. “I think I know a room you’ll like. Again, the shitty host didn’t even point you to a room.”

He led her across the hall. The door faced his bedroom door. It was involuntary, but she felt the pitter-patter effect on her heart when he placed a hand on her shoulder and directed her across the hall.

He opened the door. “This room has the second best view in the house.” He turned on the light.

It was a simple room, but there was a fireplace in the corner and a four-poster bed complete with a quilt.

“It’s great.” She sat on the edge of the bed to unfasten her high heels.

“Too bad it’s too dark for you to see outside. It’s gorgeous from up here.” He stood in front of the window, his dark eyes piercing the glass panes.

“I’ll see it in the morning.” She tossed the second shoe on the floor. “Much better.” She stood. “Ready for the tour.”

He turned. “Ok. So you’ve got a room. How about we start in the cellar and work our way back up?”

She smiled at him. His hair was still damp from the shower. He had pulled on a white T-shirt that was spotted in places from his wet skin. He must have rushed to get dressed.

“Lead the way.”

She followed him down the stairs, along a hallway, and down a second set of steps. Crawford turned on the light. Her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

“Holy shit,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure her local wine shop had this many bottles of wine. “You weren’t kidding about loving wine.”

“It’s a hobby. And an excuse for getting drunk.” He winked and she felt her knees wobble slightly.

He explained how the wines were divided and where the collections came from. His brother Hudson also contributed to the cellar’s stock.

Mila followed behind him as he lead her through the house. There was a chef’s kitchen, a library, a separate study, a sunroom, two dining rooms, and so many guestrooms she lost count.

He stopped in front of her door. “So we’re back to the beginning I guess.”

“I guess so.” She licked her bottom lip.

Crawford’s face was a silhouette in the dark hallway. But she knew every line on his face. The way his chiseled jaw angled when he was thinking about something. The way his eyes focused on someone when he was trying to press his point. The way his lips formed the sexiest smile when he was trying to win someone over. Yes, she had memorized every aspect of this man. And here he was inches from her. In the dark. Alone.


er body was
small next to his. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and he smelled the sweet clean fragrance of her shampoo. It wasn’t the first time he had inhaled it, but it was the first time he realized how much he loved her scent.

He hesitated in front of her door. He didn’t know what had him rooted in place, but he couldn’t move. She mesmerized him.

Her eyes glanced up and he felt them cut through his chest. Suddenly, she wasn’t Mila anymore. She was a gorgeous, funny, smart, sexy woman and she was here.

Crawford reached toward her face letting his hand graze her cheek as he brushed golden strands of hair from her face.

The look in her eyes said it all. She wanted him. She was hungry for him. She was waiting for his kiss. Waiting for him to touch her.

He pressed his mouth to her lips, brushing against her gently at first, but with the first taste of wine on her tongue, he began to move hungrily. He explored her mouth with sudden fever and thirst.

He heard the groan from her throat as an invitation for more. He stroked her tongue, sucking and pressing with his mouth.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and he lifted her against his chest. She was soft and luscious in his arms. Her breasts gently bobbing up and down as the kiss grew stronger. He wanted to pop the buttons on her blouse and feel her skin slide against the hard ridges of his chest.

He nipped at her neck, biting behind her ear, grasping for skin under her shirt. He felt her hands slide against his bare back, and he moaned as they wrapped around to his chest. There was warmth in her touch he hadn’t felt in so long. Slowly, his bear was waking up. Crawford felt a new kind of want for her. A powerful need that would swallow them both if he didn’t slow things down.

“Wait. Wait.” He settled her back to the floor, pressing his forehead to hers. “I think we need to take a breath.”

He felt her chest heave with a deep intake of air. “A breath. Right,” she whispered.

“I’m going to go back in there.” He pointed to the door behind him. “And you go in here. And I’ll see you for coffee in the morning. Got it?”

She nodded. “Got it.” But she didn’t move. She stood next to her bedroom door, her eyes hungry with the same expression. The kiss didn’t satisfy her, if anything she looked as if she was ready to devour him on the spot.

“I’m just going to go to sleep now.” He took a step backward, fumbling with the doorknob in his hand, and hurriedly shut it.

He leaned his head against the door. What the fuck happened? His hands were on fire. His cock was throbbing, and all he could think about was taking her to his bed.

He ran to the shower and jumped in fully clothed. He needed an ice bath this time.


ila stared
at the closed door in front of her. Holy shit. Crawford had just kissed her. She touched her fingertips to her lips. It had been magic and lightning. Rough and tender. Suddenly she thirsted for him like she never had before. His tongue was hot and perfect as she opened to him. His lips firm and soft as they teased her. She wasn’t quite sure if she had dreamed it, or if it really happened.

She thought she heard the water from the pipes running to the shower again. She grinned. It was uncategorically the most astonishing kiss of her life.

She tiptoed to the room he had assigned her, and cracked the door. She couldn’t bring herself to close it completely. Maybe it didn’t mean anything, but it was hard not to think something drastic had just taken place. Maybe it was only an accidental late-night mistake. But she had dreaming about that kiss for a year. She would never forget it.

She walked to the bathroom and scoped out the guest toiletries Crawford mentioned. She unwrapped a blue toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste over the bristles. She started the shower, hoping the hot water out in the woods would be piping hot.

Shedding her work clothes, she stepped into the shower, ready to steep her body in the steam.

Finished with her nighttime routine she returned to the bedroom. His T-shirt was splayed across the foot of the bed.

She dropped her towel and pulled the shirt over her head. It was faded and worn. There was an emblem of the Golden Bears on the front. She ran her hands over the soft cotton. There was no way she was putting dirty underwear on after that shower. She pulled back the sheets, slipped under them, and turned off the lamp next to the bed.

She could see into the hall. Crawford’s light was still on. The one in the studio. She tossed, trying to find a comfortable position. Every time she turned on her side, she saw the light filter under his door. She stared at the light and thought about his lips on hers.

“Shit,” she whispered. She pulled the covers back and tiptoed across the hall. She tugged on the hem of the T-Shirt. It was long enough to cover her bottom, but she certainly couldn’t bend over.

She tapped on the door. “Crawford?” she whispered.

It creaked open. He stood in front of her. His chest bare. He was wearing a pair of blue and green plaid pajama pants, slung low on his hips.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

She recognized the look. It was his focused one. Clearly he was preoccupied with something other than the kiss.

“I can’t sleep.” She scrunched her lips together. “Mind if I take a look at what you’re working on?”

He hesitated. “Why not? I can’t get it fucking right.”

She moved past him. The light attached to the drawing table created a spotlight on the sketch. She studied it from all sides while Crawford gave her space.

“What do you think? What’s wrong with it?” He crossed his arms.

She motioned for his pencil. It was wedged above his ear.

“Why don’t you try this?” She erased one of the pillars and readjusted where it attached to the roofline. “And I think this window needs to be bigger.” She widened the window over the courtyard. She stood back to analyze her adjustments and then realized what she had done.

“Oh shit, Crawford. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to erase and redesign.” She moved to erase what she had just done, when his hand clamped around her wrist.

“Don’t. Leave it.” His eyes bored into hers. “It’s what it needed.”

She held her breath. Crawford’s grip was tight as he pinned her to the table. She watched his eyes as they dipped to her lips, throat, and the hem of the T-shirt. If she moved another inch he would know there was nothing under there.

He let go, breaking the contact. “How did you know to do that?” He walked around to the side of the table, and she felt her breathing return to normal.

“The window or the columns?” she asked, desperately trying to sound casual.

“Both.” He leaned closer to the print.

“Well, I just…it felt right.” She shrugged. She didn’t know how to explain it.

His eyebrows knitted together. “It’s good. Better than what I had.”

Mila felt the smile on her lips. “I could never design like you.” She paused. “Maybe one day. Right now I’m trying to learn everything I can.”

“Hmm.” He traced the marks she had made on his sketch, finally his eyes lifting to hers. “I think you’re on your way.”

He placed the pencil in the storage shelf under the table. “I think we’ve got to call it a night, don’t you? We both need to get some sleep.”

Mila felt the pang of disappointment seep in. She didn’t know what she expected by walking over here, but it wasn’t to be sent back to bed alone. That kiss was the start of something. It had to be.

This might be it. Her only chance to finally show him. To tell him for the past year she had been trying to make him happy. She paid attention to the details not because she wanted a raise, but because it mattered to her that he wore a smile every day.

Maybe all they really needed was one night together. Maybe this was their time.

She stepped to the other side of the drawing table, pressing her leg between Crawford’s.

“I don’t think I can sleep,” she whispered.

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