The Stars Trilogy (67 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

BOOK: The Stars Trilogy
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God, she didn’t know what she was doing. But if there was one thing that she prided herself with, it was her guts. Who would have thought that she would actually land Dare? She got Dare Montgomery. He was right there, sitting with her, eating her breakfast and he was the reigning king of Hollywood. Conquering Hollywood itself would be peanuts compared to that. She should be the one standing at his side in galas and premieres, not any other woman.

“Are you serious about this?” Dare asked her softly.

She had never been more serious. “Oh, yes.”

He sighed. “Okay. We’ll discuss this with Kelsey. If you get started in this biz, better work with the best.”

She was surprised at his capitulation.

And she could imagine her family’s reaction to this impulsive decision of hers. WW3.

He finished his coffee and stood up. The sexual gleam in his eyes was back. “So, can I have my real breakfast now? I’m starving.”

She stepped back but her butt hit the counter top. “No, Dare. I said I’m not in the mood.”

He reached her and trapped her with his hard body, harder in one part. “Then let’s get you in the mood.” He ground his groin against her belly. “I’m so in the mood for you, baby. Feel that?”

Feeling him so aroused never failed to make her knees weak. To be the recipient of this man’s sexual attention everyday was intoxicating. He was a very generous lover. He’d spent hours touching and feeling her body, like a scientist studying a specimen, learning all her erogenous zones and pleasure points. He could easily arouse her with a strategic touch or even just a few sexy words.

Like now, he just told her that he wanted to fuck her so bad he won’t be able to concentrate at work if he didn’t. It made her gush, her kitty clenching with need to be filled by him.

Skilled fingers were between her legs, setting aside her flimsy undies, slipping between her sleek folds.

“Ahh baby, do you know how good you feel? So hot and wet like this? My cock is jealous of my fingers.”

She whimpered when his finger entered her tight passage but the shock was immediately soothed by his thumb rubbing on her clit in that particular manner that he knew so well. “Dare!”

“Fuck, baby, I need to be inside you now. Cock should have this pleasure.”

He hoisted her up on the counter top and wedged himself between her legs. He pushed his track pants down his hips and freed his erection. Magnificent, as usual. The source of her carnal pleasures.

She gripped him in her hands. Gosh, he was hot here, the skin so silky and yet the muscle within was firm as a freshly-picked cucumber.

“Fuck baby, don’t play with it. I don’t want to come outside. I want it all inside you.”

The whitish liquid leaking from the tip of his penis made her gush more of her own fluids. Yes, she loved seeing him in a state like this—crazed with wanting her. It was a heady feeling—to be wanted like this by this man wanted by millions of women. Her suspicion that she was not alone in her enjoyment of his sexual favors was making her want him even more. It was unfair!

Damn him! She squeezed his cock hard.

“Ffffuck!” he groaned harshly and shuddered in further arousal.

He removed her hands from his shaft, hooked his powerful arms under her legs and lifted her like she weighed nothing. Supporting her bottom with his palms, he slowly impaled her on his upthrusting shaft. Her kitty yielded to the scalding invasion. Talk about being skewered by exquisite fire. THIS!

Oh God! So good! It was always so good in the morning.

“Dare…you’re so big!”

He hissed a laugh. “Bigger with you, baby. Bigger with you. Hold on to me!”

Her arms and legs clamped around him as he supported her entire weight. He began bouncing her on his shaft. This was a position that she was getting used to. Usually, he liked to walk around the room with her impaled on him like this, teasing her, making her beg for him to move faster.  But now he went straight to pumping. He was always in a hurry in the morning. But so was she. Her arousal was very high early in the day, she’d noticed. She didn’t even need foreplay.

She grabbed a fist of his hair. “Faster!”

He groaned harshly. “Fuck, I’m gonna rip your tight pussy.”

“Rip me! Rip me!” She kissed him, driving her tongue inside his mouth, devouring him.

He slammed up into her, and she met his upward thrusts with a downward glide of her hips. The friction and impact was staggeringly pleasurable. In this position, her G-spot, which was familiar to her now, thanks to her lover, was directly in the path of his entry, getting a good rub with every movement he made.

“God, Oh God, Oh God, don’t stop, don’t stop!” she was shrieking, her orgasm approaching fast.

He suddenly backed her on the wall and slammed into her like mad, jolting her entire body with every upward thrust.

“Come for me, baby. Flood me with your cream. Squeeze me. Yes, just like that. Again. Harder. Yes!”

She sobbed with the intensity of it.

“Look at me. Celine.”

Yes, he liked to stare in her eyes while she came. But she could hardly focus on him. She was coming…!

“I love you, baby. I love you! Come for me!”

His words threw her over the edge.

The pleasure of their mating, the hunger in his eyes, the passion in his words were too much and she was lost.

Lost in the wondrous beauty of it all.

And he too, was lost, calling her name in a litany as he shuddered in ecstasy in her arms.


Dare slightly shook his head as he came back to reality.

He felt invigorated. Ready to take on the world.

Coming inside her without a rubber was simply awesome.

Nothing had ever felt better than this.

It was like putting his head under a guillotine in exchange for life ever after.

And what life she had given him so far. He was bursting with it. Incredible!

“Baby? You alright?” he murmured, reluctant to let her go. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No…” she said weakly. “But I need my kitty insurance now.”

He laughed. Fuck, the things she’d say in moments like this. Priceless. “Nah. Would take years to wear off this kitty cat.”

She slapped his back.

He slowly pulled out of her and set her on her feet.

“Oh gosh!” she exclaimed.


She looked down between them.

His semen oozed like milk down her legs, dripping some on the granite floor. Damn, he usually didn’t secrete that much cum in the past. Only with her. There was really something about her that made him extra horny. An extra need inside of him that went beyond sex. His body manifested that need every time. Even he was amazed at what he saw.

Yeah. You love her, lecher. That’s where the extra is coming from. No pun.

Love? Who would have thought he’d feel it again?

But this was different. This was more. Just more in everything. What he had in the past couldn’t compare to this. He was reborn by it.

“Clean that up.  Terri and her crew would know what we’ve been doing,” she said sternly, referring to their cleaning lady contractor.

He chuckled. “You think she’d know the difference between cum and cream?”

She made a face.

He removed his track pants and wiped the floor clean with it. “There.”  He stood up and kissed her lips tenderly. “Now, I can go to work.”

“What about my work?”

He really didn’t like her working at all but she was probably bored in this house just waiting up for him. He had been selfish, he’d acknowledge that. She needed some diversion, but only at a minimum. He didn’t want her damn job to interfere with his sex life. No way.

“We’ll discuss it with Kelsey, okay, babe?”

“Today. I want to discuss it today.”

Bossy little goddess. So beautifully fucked this morning. How lucky can he get?

“Okay, call her and talk about it. Come on, let’s bathe.”

She smiled radiantly and it warmed his insides like crazy, hot blood surging to his cock again.

Fuck. I’m truly, absolutely gone.


“Dare, I got a call from the investigators. They’ve extracted the data from the FDR.”

Dare looked up from what he was reading.

Cruz sat in front of him.

“So, what’s the cause of the crash?” He’d made sure to retrieve the Flight Data Recorder from the Cirrus and brought it back with him for investigation. It was a small box, no more than 4 pounds that recorded all the operating data from the plane’s system before and during the crash.

Cruz looked extra serious today. “They think…” He cleared his throat. “They think the engine’s been tampered pre-flight.”

“Tampered? What do you mean?”

“Somebody might have deliberately sabotaged the engine.”

That made him sit up straight. “What are you saying, man?”

Cruz sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know what to make of this yet.”

“W-wait a minute...sabotage? You think someone caused the engine to fail so that it will crash? ”

“Evidence are pointing toward that angle.”


“Someone...wanted me dead?” he said after a while. The very idea chilled him to the bone.

“I will go back to Thailand to investigate further. I’ll leave tomorrow. I’ll assign Rogan to take my place. Is that okay?”

He merely nodded, still floored at the new development in the investigation.

“Where are you, baby?”

“I forgot to tell you. I need to have my blood tested again to make sure the Malaria has been eradicated completely from my body. I’m on my way to the hospital.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“Sorry, honey, I forgot. Don’t worry, this is nothing. Carlos is driving me over there now.”

Celine heard a deep sigh from the other line. “Next time, I want to know if it concerns your health, Celine. I want to be there for you.”

She smiled. “Okay, honey. Next time, I’ll tell you. Don’t be mad.”

“So, what happened with you and Kelsey after I left?”

“She went to work immediately. I’m now officially represented by Kelsey Styles, manager slash publicist to the superstars. I know she only took me under her wing  because of you. But I’m very grateful.”

“I called Jamie. He’s gonna set you up for a reading with Martin.”

“Martin? What do you mean? THE Martin?!”

“Who else?”

“Oh my God!”

“Chickening out now, aren’t we?”

“Uhm, can I have a smaller movie with a teeny-weeny waitress role? I don’t wanna be directed by Martin Scorsese on my debut film! I will die!”

“No girlfriend of mine is going to appear in a crappy, commercial B-movie. I don’t think you can handle indies at this early as they are tougher roles. You’ll be fine with Martin.”

“You’re so controlling already.”

“Hey, been there, done that. Take it from the best. Consider yourself lucky you only had to sleep with me to land in a Martin Scorsese movie. And as long as you continue doing so, you’re an A-lister.”

She rolled her eyes at his matter-of-fact arrogance but it was true in Hollywood. Connections would kick start and maintain one’s career. Talent only came in second. That was what she’d read and now heard straight from a real Hollywood player. “Whatever! I’ll see you later. Bye! Love you!”

Her blood test proclaimed her to be clear of the Malaria parasites. But it proclaimed more.

Celine was still disbelieving as she boarded the Cayenne with Carlos.

She was five weeks pregnant.

She was carrying Dare’s baby.

She touched her still very flat stomach. She hadn’t noticed any changes in her body. Things were happening so fast in her life recently that it escaped her notice entirely. She thought her menstruation was just delayed after she’d been sick.

They made a baby when they got lost in the rainforest...or maybe in Singapore.

Her happiness was indescribable. It seemed unreal. She and Dare made a baby together! Her dream-like phase the past few months just turned into clear, unvarnished reality. There was a life growing inside her now. Her concerns were no longer confined to her selfish needs alone.

She wanted to call Dare right away from the hospital but she decided to surprise him tonight. This was a special day for both of them. They were going to be parents. If anything, this was a huge crossroad in their still fragile relationship and they must seriously talk about it.

She remembered their conversation in the forest about the possibility of her getting pregnant. He’d said he’d take care of her. They were still not in the relationship phase then. But now, their relationship was more defined. They’d confessed to loving each other. He hadn’t used any protection whenever they’d made love since they got back in LA. Not even once. So, she was thinking he was okay if she indeed got pregnant. He was aware of the consequences for sure as he made love to her every single day or he would have asked her to get prescribed by a pill or use a condom. But he didn’t do any of that.

Of course, he would want this baby.

Surely, this new life they’d created together will only strengthen their love?

God, she hoped so!

Maybe he’d even ask her to take it to the next level?

If that happened, that would be her ultimate dream come true.

She couldn’t wait to tell him.


Dare was dining with Ulysses at the Mondrian.

Uly was trying to convince him to sell their rights and stake of the Texas Deep Bossier to Devereaux Oil for a whopping 5 billion dollars. That will make them 2.5 billion dollars richer each. The sale will also provide more capitalization for a new gas play that Uly was negotiating in Alaska for Sphinx. They won’t need to seek additional help from banks or investment companies anymore. Sphinx can move on its own.

It was a very drastic move for Sphinx Energy, of course. He couldn’t decide yet.

It was during this time that Celine called.

“Can you come home early tonight?” she said in a come-hither tone. He wished he could oblige her.

“Baby, I’m in the middle of a very important meeting.”

“Oh. What time do you think you’ll be finished there?”

“I don’t know, I can’t tell. Listen, I’ll call when I’m on my way home, okay, baby? I have to go. Bye.”

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