The Stars Trilogy (27 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

BOOK: The Stars Trilogy
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Carlos guffawed and glanced at her in amazement. “Shit, you effing nailed it! I do a lot of Led Zep covers, too!”

“Thanks. Actually, I’m kinda musically inclined, too. I had a band, too with my cousins in high school and college.”

“Wow. What happened to your band?”

“I’m a living example of the cliché jack of all trades, master of none. I just wanted to experience a lot of artistic fields and having my own band was one of them. Unfortunately, my folks didn’t approve of my predilection and I had to give up the band to finish college.” She wanted to add that rich kids like her formed bands on a whim because they could afford all the expensive gadgets and had plenty of time to kill, but she thought better of it. Carlos looked like someone who did not want to hear about spoiled kids from Asia. But she missed those days when she’d perform with her cousins at friends’ parties. They had so much fun.

He glanced at her, amused. “Predilection. That’s a word.”


“I never hear anybody say it.”

“Really? It means—“

“I know what it means. It’s just not a common word used by people here.”

“Really? That’s strange. Because I use it all the time.”

He nodded, looking thoughtful. “So, what other bands do you like?”

“Hmm, from the 70s, I like The Doors, The Ramones, Pink Floyd, Eagles, from the 80s, Queen and U2 and a lot of punk bands, from the 90s, GNR, Metallica, Nirvana, System of the Down. Today I like Incubus. I can’t name them all. I listen to a lot of bands. ”

“Damn, I thought, a chick like you would be more into J-lo or Rihanna.”

“Oh, come on, stereotyping! But I like them, too! Actually, I’m pretty well-rounded. I like classical, rock, pop, even rap.”

He laughed. “You really amaze me, Celine.”


“You can join my band, too. We could use a lady vocalist.”

She whipped her head toward him. “No shi…errr kidding?!”

“You can give Ann Wilson a run for her money.”

She shook her head. “No way! Ann is the most kickass female rocker in my book!”

“No wonder you’re mimicking her.”

“Well…she’s my idol. And in my country, music is everybody’s past time. Everyone loves to sing. You can find Ann Wilson and Joan Jett wannabes singing at karaoke bars.”

“No kidding? Which country are you from?”


“Ohhh yeah, I know! My band mate is half-Filipino! He plays drums but he has a dope voice, too!”

“Really? Cool!”

“This is great! Seriously, you should come see me at the club soon. Byron will be thrilled to meet a fellow Filipino.”

“Do you realize we hardly know each other and you’re inviting me to be your band’s alternate vocalist?”

Carlos glanced at her and gave her a heart-stopping smile that if she was not in love with Dare she would have been a goner. “I know a fine woman when I see one.”

And he knew just the right words to say to make a woman’s heart sing, too. So unlike her Daredevil.


Celine was ushered by the butler to a gazebo near the cliff where Dare’s mansion was perched.

Breakfast seemed to be served in different locations all over the mansion every morning, she noticed.

Dare was already there with Kelsey and Ken, deep in discussion.

All eyes turned to her when she approached.

“Good morning,” she greeted them.

“Good morning, Celine! You look lovely!”

“Thanks, Kels. Hi, Ken!”

Ken eyed her sleeveless, black and white, form-fitting A-cut dress appreciatively. “Is that from the new Chanel collection?”

“What the hell do you care? Worry about my clothes, not hers,” Dare said brusquely to Ken.

Kelsey fought a giggle.

“Just asking,” Ken grumbled, looking chastised like a child.

She met Dare’s eyes and was greeted by smoldering fire. Immediately, her skin tingled and heated up where his eyes rested on her body and they passed and stayed in places that made her blush to the roots of her neatly pony-tailed hair. She swallowed nervously as her pulse tap danced. What would the day bring? She couldn’t wait to find out.

“Morning, Mr…Dare,” she said softly.

He just nodded, his face unreadable.

“Come, sit down, hun.” Kelsey gestured to a vacant chair.

She went to sit beside Kelsey.

“I heard about Jamie and I have to say, I am totally impressed!”

“Oh...” She didn’t know what to say. Receiving compliments in front of Dare was awkward.

“Did you know that Jamie Knoxville is one of the toughest players in Hollywood? Dare told me you owned him!”

Kelsey wasn’t stingy with compliments, something Celine dug about the woman. “I did not...”

“Oh, don’t be modest, hunny. That was a coup! Dare wouldn’t have done that on his own. Not even I could pull off something like that in one meeting. Brilliant, my dear!”

“Tha-thank you, Kels,” she stuttered. Lordy, all these compliments were making her head swell. In a good way.

“Oh, before I forget, something is driving me crazy. I need your help, guys.”

“What is it?” Ken asked.

“I told you last week, MTV is going to give Dare the Lifetime Achievement Award.”

“Wow! That’s great!” Celine blurted out, happy to hear the news. Dare was an all-time fave at MTV.

“So, what’s the problem, Kels?” Ken asked.

“They’re asking for certain information about Dare that hasn’t been made public.”

“Like what?” This came from Dare.

“Nothing scandalous, bad boy, but important details in your career through the years that are not public knowledge. They want a unique presentation for the audience before they give you the award. You will be there to receive it, right, Dare? You can’t snub MTV this time. They’ve been awarding you for a decade despite being always a no-show at the awards nights. But this is major. You gotta be there. You can’t not be there, Dare, promise me.”

Dare sighed. “Okay. So what do they want?”

“They asked me to decide on what to say about you in the presentation. But I’m wondering what details we will provide them. Your rags to fame and fortune story has been well-documented periodically over the years. What else don’t they know about you that are important?”

“Ask Celine. She’s my fan. She may have read something somewhere.”

Celine caught the sly smirk on Dare’s face. He was testing her again.

“Really? Is that right, Celine?” Kelsey looked at her with more interest now.


“Oh yes, you have film background! I’ve been going crazy with this. I was thinking of hiring an ad agency to do this. But if you have ideas...?” Kelsey prodded her expectantly.

“Okay...” She paused to think for a bit. Dare was watching her lazily while he sipped his coffee, fresh from the gym in his all-black training gear, his impressive, ripped biceps on full display. He was every inch of rugged, raw masculinity and he was looking at her with such intimate familiarity that made every cell in her body jump in remembrance of their hot episodes in the piano room, in the limo and in her kitchen.

She felt her core clench with that hollow ache she’d never known before meeting Dare again. Thank God nobody in that table read minds!

“Why not tell them...that you used to practice your audition lines while riding the Cyclone which you also helped operate when you were a teenager? You won at MTV as Best Actor with V for Vendetta as the Best Picture, so it is just a fitting walk down memory lane. MTV is all about fun and excitement and exhilarating adventure for the youth, like the old Astroworld park where the Cyclone is. They can consider the Cyclone as a historic Dare Montgomery landmark that’s pretty much synonymous to your exciting, adrenaline-charged career that has lasted 16 years so far without losing steam, and counting. The MTV staff can take footages of the Cyclone with you aboard a cab, riding the wind and reciting V lines. Isn’t that cool? Very MTV.”

Momentary silence.

“Wow, that’s—” Kelsey began but Dare raised his hand to cut her.

“V...?” he uttered with a dangerous edge to his tone.

“From Alan Moore’s comic book? The legendary character you’ve turned into a household name?”

“Where...did you learn about this?”

She was hoping she would trigger Dare’s memory and remember their ride aboard the Cyclone many years ago. She came so close to introducing herself to him last night in her kitchen but something stopped her. She saw raw pain in his eyes when she mentioned Coney Island. “Uhm, Posh Magazine, many years ago. You were on the cover. There was a write-up inside.”

It was a white lie. He was on the cover and there was a write up where he mentioned that he was auditioning for the part of V but there was no mention of the Cyclone. It was she who actually witnessed Dare reciting some V lines to her to alleviate her fear, but she didn’t know at that time that they were lines from a comic book. She only found out when she saw V for Vendetta years later.

“I don’t remember granting an interview of that sort,” his voice had gone softer, lower, but tight and she could feel something sinister from the way he was looking at her. There was no pain in his eyes. Just cold fury…or was it hatred?

“It’s been a long time. Do you remember all your interviews?”

Dare looked away, his jaw clenching, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Oh, God, she may have overstepped her boundary.

“Oh, I have an idea!” Kelsey snapped her fingers.

Celine will chair the upcoming Daredevils grand meet and greet!”

“Perfect!” Ken readily agreed.

“Me?!” Celine exclaimed, flabbergasted. “But I can’t...”

“I’ve been meaning to choose somebody from the US chapters but I don’t want to be dealing with obsessed fans dreaming of becoming Dare’s wife. I mean, it’s hard enough to beat off the starlets and supermodels!” Kelsey said in exasperation.
“I want a level-headed, smart you!”

I’m an obsessed fan, too, who wants to marry him. I’ve been planning this for years, you silly woman.

Dare suddenly stood up.

He left the table without a word.

Ken’s eyes followed his boss’ departing figure, puzzled. “What happened? He looked pissed off.”

Kelsey shrugged and clapped her hands. “Okay, problem solved! Can I count on you Celine to deal with the MTV people?”

“S-sure. But...are you sure I should be handling this? I haven’t done this before. Ken could...”

“Nah-ah. Not my forte. I’d be busy with his ad shoots for Ermenegildo Zegna and the new Apple gadget.”

“Oh. I’m stuck with MTV then.”

Ken smiled and batted his eyelashes. “Quite. Excuse me, I have to prepare Dare’s outfit for today.” And he too, left the table.

She looked at Kelsey. “Did he just...bat his eyelashes?”

Kelsey chuckled. “Uh-huh.”

“Is he...?”

“He swings both ways, he says.”


“Okay, listen, girl. I’m flying to Europe the day after tomorrow. Dare told me about how you charmed Jamie into signing the deal and I am convinced you can do the MTV presentation. I won’t entrust it to anybody else.”


“For the MTV movie awards.”

“What?! I thought...”

“Not the actual presentation but you will be the one to do the concept of the presentation. Come with me.”

They went to Kelsey’s office at the ground floor of the mansion. It was akin to stepping into a spacious, posh studio of a professional photographer. The huge walls were adorned by blown-up photographs of Dare through the years. Posters of his movies lined up one area. “A gallery!” she gasped in awe.

“Like it?”

“Super!” She pointed to a series of photographs. “Shot by Annie Leibovitz for Interview magazine. Those are by...Herb Ritz. And those are by Mario Testino for GQ!”

Kelsey gaped at her. “Wow. Seriously?”

She bit her lower lip and gave Kelsey a pained expression. “I’m really a Daredevil.”

Kelsey speared her with laser eyes. “You’re not some obsessed groupie dreaming of sneaking into his bed, are you? I’ll have you arrested!”


“You’re not one of his delusional fans wanting to marry him?”

She bit her lower lip again. “During my teens? Every girl had a crush on him at one point. I wasn’t alone. But I got over that.”

“You’re not an undercover paparazzi?”

“Of course not!”

“You’re not an obsessed fan plotting to kill him because you can’t have him? I’ll sic Cruz on you and he will shoot you and throw your body in a ravine on his way downtown! Nobody will find you until you’re a rotting corpse!”

“Oh gosh, no!”

Kelsey stared at her harder. “Liar.”

She blanched.

Then the older woman smiled. “But I like you. You’re smart. I need smart people around here. There!” She gestured to several shelves brimming with books and magazines. You will find everything there, I suppose.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. Interrogation was over. “Is everything cataloged?”

“Part of your job. Been waiting for someone to do this.”

“Piece of cake,” she mumbled. Her own archive at home was more extensive than this. She had all kinds of Daredevil memorabilia.

To her utter surprise, Kelsey hugged her. “Oh, thank you! I need to run. I have to go to the Phoenix office to leave some last minute instructions. I’ll leave you here now, okay? If you have questions, call Ken. I’ll be away for a month, but I’ll be calling you periodically, don’t worry.” She rummaged through her bag and fished out a phone.” Here, keep this with you all the time. It contains all the numbers of important people involved in Dare’s business. They will call you thinking it’s me who’s going to answer. Just introduce yourself as my assistant and deal with them.”

“But how will I deal with them? What if I don’t know what they’re talking about?”

“Hey, you were able to land Jamie. Everything else is peanuts. So, will you manage, honey pie? Please say yes so I can sleep peacefully on the other side of the globe.”

She smiled and did an OK sign with her fingers. “Like a pro.”

“Good! Oh, there’s another thing...”


Kelsey touched her cheek lightly. “Dare is surrounded by bitches all trying to get a piece of him. What do you do?”

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