The Starkest Truth (A Breaking Insanity Novel Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Starkest Truth (A Breaking Insanity Novel Book 2)
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“Let me ask again,” I started gently. “Do you need a reminder of how I will react when you try to fuck with me?”

“As long as you make sure he doesn’t show up unannounced again, I’m not seeing him. I didn’t need him to tell me what I already knew; you’re pushing me away as some sort of defense mechanism against something I make you feel. What you claimed you were incapable of feeling before me. Fear.”

I immediately let her go and took a few strides back.

“Maybe…” She moved her hands toward her stomach, but stopped and dropped her arms to her sides.

“Did you see that?” I pointed at her. “That’s my fucking problem.”

Slouching her shoulders, she dropped her eyes to the floor. “I don’t believe you. I think even if I was the woman who could be ecstatic over bringing a life into this world when she lacks the physical ability and mental acuity to care for it, you would find something wrong. The challenge to get me is over. The punishment has begun. Isn’t it what you do? Isn’t it what you did with Estelle? Preston said she was pregnant once. What happened to the baby?”

She had an abortion to spite me.
Turning my eyes away, I kept her from seeing my second of weakness. I deleted the emotion before it took over by thinking about Preston. The fucker was going to pay in the most painful ways. This wasn’t how we played the game. I didn’t fight hard to keep myself at this level with Nikki to make her become a part of the game. She was already broken into perfect, beautiful, and tiny pieces. There was nothing else I had to do to Nikki, besides preventing her from constantly fighting against my authority. The game was done.

I didn’t care how tired I was, I had to show her where she stood. Only one way I knew how to do that when I was too tired to do the verbal acrobatics. Running my palm over my hair, I made long strides toward her.

She put up her hands like she was going to stop me.

When I shut my eyes halfway, and said, “I’m going to eat your pussy. I’ve been craving the taste all day. Do you really think you’re going to stop me from getting what I want?” she thought better of it. She knew I would win…plus, I knew what she really wanted.

I grabbed her waist to place her on top of the counter. She started to talk again, something about fucking her to divert her, but I tuned her out. Sliding my hands up her thighs, I tore her panties from her and pushed her legs open. I grabbed her legs, wrenching her forward until she fell back on her elbows.

I damn near drooled when I saw how wet her lips were. Her pussy was a goldmine, always ready.

Wrapping my lips around her hood, I lashed my tongue against her soft clit like it was my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. Her taste was my second addiction. I could’ve eaten her out every hour on a daily basis, making her come until she was too weak to get out of bed. She…was so addicting.

She tensed underneath me and stopped talking. Wrapping one arm around her leg, I ran my fingers down her pubic hair, shaped into a neat triangle, and pulled further up on the hood of her clit to get full access to what I wanted. Strumming my tongue against the head, I sucked around it and slid my fingers from my other hand underneath my chin until they slipped inside her. I fingered the ridge, pressing against her tract and rubbed in an upward motion. I was aiming to make her come hard enough to squirt.

She thrashed around, moaning my name. It wasn’t enough, I wanted her to scream. I loved that she was a screamer. It made me feel like a king to know everything I did to her debilitated her.

Pushing my fingers up inside her harder and quicker, I sucked with a little bit more pressure, rounding my tongue around the rim of her clit. Her pussy clamped down like a vice around my fingers, throbbing, dripping juices down my hand. I did the one trick that drove her wild and sucked on her swelling little nub like I was giving her head.

She called my name frantically and tried to push me away from her. When her pussy began to throb around my fingers, I stood upright. Wiping her juices from my chin, I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, forcing her to stay still and take everything I made her body do. I continued pumping my fingers inside her wet cunt until she crushed them with her vice-like grip. She jerked, trying again to get away from me. She didn’t stand a chance. I finger-fucked her harder, getting exactly what I wanted. It trickled down the crease in her thighs, down her ass and onto the counter as she trembled, her pretty, heart-shaped face contorted, showing how high I made her body climb.

She whispered to me over and over again, begging me stop. I withdrew my hand and made her watch as I licked the juices off my fingers. I moaned at her taste, because it was that good. Fixing my eyes on her, I let her know I wasn’t done.

With her eyes half-closed, she placed her hands on either side of my neck. I pressed my palm against her pussy as it quivered underneath my palm.

“God, Eric,” she moaned. “I can’t.”

“When has that ever fucking stopped me, Nik?” I asked with a wink.

After she came in my mouth as many times as I wanted her to, she could barely move, let alone give me any more shit.

Mission fucking accomplished.

I picked her up and took her down on the bed. Removing my clothes, I held her. Burying my face in hair, the smell of her mellowed me out. I closed my eyes, hoping I wouldn’t have another nightmare. Recently, my subconscious had a way of reminding me I lived a nightmare for half of my life.

I KICKED AT the brick, bored as hell while J.R., and I stood watch to the back entrance of some guy’s house. The sweltering three digit temperature was fucking with my patience.

“Man, it’s gotta be a hundred degrees out here,” J.R. complained.

“Quit your bitching, Howard,” Pete barked at him, turning off the safety on his gun. “I’m going to sweep the front. You fuckers stay back here.”

“You think you could do it?” J.R. asked, watching Pete disappear to the front of the house. “Kill someone?”

I glanced around the area, even though there wasn’t much to look at, just dry grass surrounding a house big enough to suit seven families. “Course I could.”

He looked at the tattoo on his arm. At least twelve series of initials were inked on top of the illustration of tattered angel wings. “I don’t think you could.” He flexed his arm, smiling with pride.

“Yeah,” I started, far from impressed, “your father must be proud.”

“I don’t give a shit about Howard, Sr.,” he snapped at me. “While he’s working like a chump for the public, I’ll be in a mansion with a harem of bitches waiting to do any and everything to me.”

“That’s your benchmark for making it?” Shaking my head, I thought about how small time he was. We would never share the same views. The way he was going about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t make it past thirty.

“You’ve been hanging around Charlie too much and picking up on his zen thinking,” he scolded me. “Who the fuck does he have? No one. No kids. No wife. Not even a few bitches on the side. He’s just a waste of a man. Follow Vic.” He pointed his gun to the window of the house where Vic was conducting “business” with a couple of men I’d never met before. “He’ll take you all the places you want to go.” He leaned against the brick and whispered, “Heard about those fuckers you’re living with. If you need help taking care of them—”

“I’m doing it on my own,” I shot him down. “It has to be that way or my plan won’t work.”

J.R. threw his head back and laughed to mock me. “You’re going to screw it up. No way in hell you’re fit to do your whole family in. No matter what they do to—”

A girl screaming inside made us both ready our guns. The back door burst open so fast I didn’t know what happened or who was running out of it. J.R. kicked the door closed and steadied his weapon. I focused on the figure—a little kid who couldn’t have been more than six or seven.

“He’s a kid man,” I reprimanded J.R., who had the kid in his sights and was ready to shoot. “Let him go.”

“Fuck you, you weak pussy. You’re not gonna kill your parents. You’re going to keep taking it up the ass like the bitch you are.” Before I could stop J.R., he fired, hitting the kid with a bullet straight to the back of his head.

I raised my gun, my finger pressing the trigger without hesitation. With a loud pop, my cousin was hit. The bullet pierced clean through one side of his head and out the other. As his body dropped, the butt of a gun was shoved dead to the back of my skull before I could react. Shocked by what I did without thinking, I almost dropped the gun. On the exterior, I kept calm and put my hands in the air.

“Explain,” Pete said, keeping the gun to my head and rounding my position. Pete looked unassuming, even though he was training early to become cock diesel. His blond hair and blue eyes—and it was said, good-looking—made him popular with the girls and underestimated by the guys, that was, until he was pissed—like right now.

“I found Victor’s rat,” I lied. “He confessed everything to me.”

“And the kid?” Pete asked. “Did you do that?”

“Nah.” I tried to sound casual, but this was the first time I killed someone and it felt worse being my blood. “J.R. did. My aim is still shit. It was easy to shoot him at close range.”

“We don’t kill kids.” Pete dropped his gun from pressing against my temple. “You were right to take him out. Lucky for you, you were right about J.R. being a snitch.” Pete slapped my shoulder. “You okay, bro? You look spooked.”

“I’m good,” I shrugged it off, acting like I was.

“Looks like you’re getting a name put on your tattoo.” He walked over to the door, creaking it open. Vic was standing beside a man with his back turned to us. Directly in front of them, some other guy was holding onto a struggling little girl, hurting her. Victor looked up at us from the doorway and gave Pete a nod. Pete raised his gun and shot the man facing away from us in the back of the head. The man dropped to the ground, and the little girl he was holding screamed.

Vic got down on his knees and outstretched his arms to the girl—who, if I had to guess, was the same age of the boy J.R. killed. Vic brushed his hands down her hair, holding her in a way that made my stomach turn. Something about him touching her, soothing her, didn’t sit right with me.

“It’s okay, pretty girl,” he cooed to her. “I’ve got you now. I protected you.”

“So much for credit,” Pete muttered, closing the door. “Let’s get out of here, bro. Job’s done.”

“What was that about?” I stared at the door as if I could still see the little girl in the pink dress with long dark hair. “Who was that girl?”

“Don’t go there, man.” Pete poked my chest while squinting his eyes at me. He looked across the yard to the dead kid and to J.R.’s body. “We do the job and keep it moving. Doesn’t matter about the who or what. Besides, the little girl in there has protection from the one person you don’t want to cross.”

“Who is she, Pete? Why is she so important? I’ve never seen Vic act that way with another female, much less a kid.”

Pete never answered me.

“ERIC?” I NUDGED Eric’s shoulder as he lay face down on the bed. He was normally an early riser, waking several hours before the sun ascended in the sky. His two-hour morning exercise ritual was stringent. Despite shoving him hard, he didn’t rouse, forcing me to shove him a bit harder by way of his well-defined broad shoulders. “We’re going to be late for the…” I glanced down at my flat stomach and frowned. “Late for the first appointment.”

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