The Stalker Chronicles (17 page)

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Authors: Electa Rome Parks

Tags: #Fiction, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Crime, #Urban Life, #African American

BOOK: The Stalker Chronicles
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Chapter 35
“You are truly beautiful, Milan, inside and out, and I'm thankful to have you in my life.”
Those were the words spoken by Dre' as I left his place in the wee morning hours, and you know what? I believed him.
Dre' was turning out to be everything that I had never expected him to be. He was a complete contradiction to what he showed on the outside. He was a romantic, and so was I. He actually listened when I talked, and he genuinely cared for me. Unfortunately, Dre' had to become a casualty of war.
I had not given him an antifreeze-laced drink in the last few days because he would get sick with cramps and vomiting. I knew Dre' didn't deserve it, but I had to make Xavier suffer. I wanted him to lose everything—his best friend, his woman (already done), his perfect life ... his mind. I hated Xavier so much, it hurt. He made me sick. I hated him with as much passion as I had once loved him. How dare he act like I didn't mean anything to him? How dare he act like he could screw me and toss me away, like everything was my fault?
I came to realize that there was no fixing him; he was just as damaged as I was.
Never judge a book by its cover
. Xavier looked exciting, sexy, and handsome on the outside, but on the inside, he didn't really like women. He saw us as sex objects, as opportunities to further his personal agenda; he saw us as inferior. I truly believed he couldn't ever love anyone but himself, and I knew with everything in me that he deserved to be punished. So, I decided I was going to be jury, judge, and executioner.
If only I could have a moment of peace. I found myself staying more and more at my own apartment, because I didn't want Dre' to witness my spells, as I called them. Peace had been coming less and less frequently these last few days. The voices were louder, and it was becoming difficult to control them. I didn't have much strength left. Some days I wanted to call Leeda, before I became lost in my own mind. I knew I needed to be back on my meds, but I hated them because they made me feel like the walking dead, and that was no way to live. However, without them, the voices would start to torment me.
Bitch, what do you need Leeda for? I'm the only one you have ever needed.
I'd shake my head in a frantic attempt to dispel the thoughts.
All Leeda has ever done for you is to keep you doped up like some zombie. All that talk, talk, talk she does about what a horrible mother I was. I did what I had to do for us to survive.
“Shut up! Shut up!” I screamed, pounding my forehead with my fist, leaving harsh, ugly bruises.
You know what you need to do. Get rid of Dre'. He is just like all the others. Don't let him fool you. He will say anything to stick his dirty dick inside you. How could he possibly love your ugly, skinny ass? Look at you.
“Leave me alone. I hate you. Why can't you stay in hell?”
She laughed that throaty, evil laugh that I had always despised.
You had better hush with that crying and do what you need to do. You know I can't stand those goddamn tears. Shut it up, and get it done.
Chapter 36
“I love you, Milan.” Yes, I said it, and I really meant it. Milan had come into my life, and for once I was happy. I didn't feel the need to chase after other women. She was all I needed and then some. She took care of me and allowed me to be a man. There was rarely any drama, yet she spoke her mind. Even with my sudden health issues, she stuck by my side, caring for me during my time of need.
She didn't respond when I said those words to her. In fact, she remained silent and her face lit up for a few moments and then a sadness fell upon her.
“Are you okay, baby?”
“I couldn't be better. I just realized this is what it sounds like when it's sincere. No man, not one, has ever told me they loved me and really meant it.”
“That's almost impossible to believe.”
“Sadly, it's true.”
“Well, I love you, and it's real, because I feel it deep within my heart every time I see you or hear your voice,” I said, wrapping my arms securely around her. She fit perfectly.
With that, she started crying. Deep, heavy sobs.
“Baby? What did I say?”
Between cries she said, “How can you love me?”
“How could I not?”
“I'm damaged. If only you knew of my childhood and some of the terrible things that were done to me. I've shared only surface things with you, and I'm no angel. I've done some horrible things in my lifetime.”
“Baby, I don't hold your past against you. We are all products of our environment in one way or another, and we are all imperfect beings. I've done many misdeeds in my lifetime as well. I don't cast stones.”
She cried, looking deep into my eyes, struggling to believe my words.
“I've told you about my childhood, hanging out in the streets and living with a single mother who drank too much. My life hasn't been a cakewalk, either. You have to learn to trust people and lean on them sometimes when you're weak. I will never hurt you, Milan. I promise you that.”
With those words, even more sobs came. I had sensed Milan had been abused far worse than she had revealed to me. I'd see it in her eyes at the most inopportune moments. Her smiles and laughter never met her eyes. The eyes knew. They were the mirrors to the soul.
I was truthful in what I said. I would never hurt her. I only wanted her to be happy for once. I held her for most of that night. She cried and I caressed her. I wanted my strength to flow through her, envelop her, so that she never had to be afraid again. I wanted her cries in her sleep and her nightmares to go away forever. For once, I wanted her to feel safe, sound, and protected. A side of me knew she hadn't felt that way in quite a long time, if ever.
Milan drifted asleep in my arms, and I stayed awake and watched her sleep most of the night. She cried out a few times, but I simply pulled her closer, warding off her night frights and phantoms.
Chapter 37
“City and state?”
“Baltimore, Maryland. Do you have a listing for Dr. Leeda Smith?” I asked the operator as I held my breath in anticipation.
“Yes, sir. Please hold for that number. The number is...”
I quickly copied the number down and proceeded to call Dr. Smith's office. This was something I should have done long ago.
Recently, there had been more strange occurrences in my home. Crazy voices at night, items disappearing and then reappearing a couple of days later. I even received a dozen roses with a note that read:
Enjoy your success now because it's about to come to an end. The truth will set you free.
When I located the flower shop that had made the delivery, one of the clerks vaguely remembered an attractive woman placing the order, and she paid in cash. Therefore, there wasn't a contact name or address. She couldn't remember much more.
Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist who had treated Pilar over the years. From my understanding, they had developed a doctor-patient, parent-daughter relationship. I truly felt Pilar was somehow behind the strange incidents that had been happening in my life lately. Bailey's so-called accident and then Kendall's strange behavior ... Something was up, and it had
written all over it.
The line rang a couple of times, and I nervously held my breath, urging someone to pick up.
“Dr. Leeda Smith's office. How may I help you?” a cheery receptionist stated.
“This is Xavier Preston speaking. It is very urgent that I speak with Dr. Smith.”
“Are you a patient, sir?”
“No, I'm not.”
“Well, Mr...”
“Well, Mr. Preston, Dr. Smith is currently with a patient, and I'm afraid her schedule is full for the remainder of the day, with appointments. May I take a message and have her call you back?”
“This is of an urgent nature, and it's imperative that I speak to her as soon as possible. Perhaps she can call me in between patients.”
“May I ask what this pertains to?”
I hesitated for a few seconds.
“Is there a last name?” she questioned.
“She'll know exactly who I'm talking about.”
“Your name again?”
“Xavier Preston, and I can be reached at five-five-five-zero-one-zero-zero. Please have her call me ASAP.”
The next thirty minutes were probably the longest of my life. I paced back and forth, making a trail from the kitchen to the living room. I couldn't sit; I was too antsy. When the landline rang, my heart leapt to my throat and I literally froze for a moment.
With two quick steps, I ran to pick up the receiver.
“May I speak with Xavier Preston?” a professional, pleasant-sounding female voice asked.
“This is he.”
“Hello, Mr. Preston. This is Dr. Smith returning your call.”
“Thank goodness,” I cried. I didn't waste any time with pleasantries; I dove headfirst into my problem. “I need to ask you something.”
“You sound a little frantic. Is everything okay, Mr. Preston? You mentioned in your message that you had questions pertaining to Pilar.”
“No, everything isn't okay. Have you seen her? Are you in contact with Pilar?”
“No, actually, I haven't heard from her in months.”
“Do you know where she is?”
“No, I don't.”
“Are you sure, Dr. Smith? This is very important. I think Pilar is here in Houston.”
“That can't be correct. The last time I talked to her, she was in L.A.”
“She was in L.A.? Why?”
“I'm sorry, Mr. Preston, but I'm sure you understand that I can't discuss any information concerning Pilar with you. I made a mistake by telling you she was in L.A.”
“Damn! Recently, I was in L.A., completing my movie project.”
“I know. I've followed your success the last couple of years. A person can't help but see your name and the movie title plastered everywhere. What's the nature of your questions, may I ask?”
“I think Pilar may be here in Houston, stalking me again.”
“What makes you say that? Has something happened? Has she contacted you?”
“No. Not yet, anyway, but little things have occurred that don't add up.”
“Like what, may I ask?”
“Female friends of mine have been threatened and assaulted. Personal items have disappeared and then reappeared in different locations in my home, and I hear strange sounds inside my home. My assistant, Khai, is afraid to stay in my house by herself. The other day I received an anonymous flower delivery with a cryptic message,” I gushed without a pause.
“I know it doesn't sound like much, but I have my suspicions, and they all lead directly to Pilar. If she is following me, could she be off her meds and dangerous? Could she be the one who assaulted my friends?”
“I can't answer that, but it doesn't stop you from drawing your own conclusions about her harming your friends and still being a danger to you,” Dr. Smith stated in her calm, reassuring tone.
“Wow! If this ain't some shit!” I exclaimed.
“Just stay levelheaded, Mr. Preston. I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of this.”
“No disrespect, Dr. Smith, but that's easy for you to say. You should have had her crazy ass locked up years ago. She's a danger to society and those around her.”
“I understand your concern, but you aren't sure if she is behind your recent occurrences, and no bodily harm has come to you.”
“Are you fucking kidding? Not yet. Have you forgotten what she did to me in the hotel with that mini whip? And what about my friends? They haven't done anything to her.”
“No, I haven't forgotten, Mr. Preston. I apologize if I come across as unconcerned, because that is truly not my desire, but I have a physician-patient privilege to uphold. I'm sure you understand.”
“Well, if you just happen to speak with that bitch, make her
that I will never be the man she thinks I am. I don't want her, and never in a million years will that change.”
“You have made yourself perfectly clear. Take care, Mr. Preston.”
With that I slowly hung up the phone. “Damn. She could be in Houston.”
Chapter 38
Creative Writing 101 teaches that every book has a dramatic climax. For Xavier, Dre', and I, it happened on a balmy Friday evening. We had reached our peak, and there was nowhere to go but straight down now. Something or someone had to give. I remember being very calm, because every fiber of my being told me that that day would be the day I came face-to-face with Xavier again. I was ready. More than ready. The question was, was he?
Thursday I had stayed over at Dre's house all day and night. After lunchtime, he suddenly became violently ill and took to his bed. He looked horrible, like he was on his deathbed. I decided to stay by his side, even though at that point he probably didn't even realize I was there to begin with.
I had to change his sheets twice because Dre' was a complete mess. He had it coming out of both ends. Shitting and vomiting. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. The fact that Xavier would be overcome with grief made me overlook Dre's obvious pain and suffering. At lunchtime Friday, he refused to eat the soup I attempted to feed him or drink his Gatorade. He was very weak, and I knew he couldn't last much longer.
To my credit, I didn't leave his side. I sat quietly by in the chair I had pulled up to his bedside and read a book. I took great delight in reading passages of
Diary of a Stalker
by Xavier Preston. All it did was nurture my furor. Yeah, he would pay soon, and he would finally learn the lesson.
Dre's cell phone, which rested on the nightstand, rang several times throughout the day, but Dre' was in no condition to answer it. As he rested, I checked his voice mail.
“Hey, man, I called your job, and they told me you haven't been in for a few days. You never get sick. You are healthy as a horse. What's up? Hit me up.”
Then later: “Dre', call me. I need to speak with you about something, or should I say, someone.”
Then finally: “Man, you are scaring me. Call me. Okay? If I don't hear from you soon, I'm going to come by and check on you.”
I deleted his messages and went back to reading, humming a tune as I stroked Dre's cheek. He was burning up with fever. It was the calm before the storm. My body was alive with anticipation. I felt like I was being pricked with tiny needles.
“I'm so sorry, Dre'. I hated to do this to you, babe, but Xavier left me no choice. He made me do this. That's your friend,” I whispered into the warm air comprised of moans and groans.
Dre' didn't respond; he simply tossed and turned, trying to get relief from his pain.
“Don't worry, babe. It will be over soon, I promise.” I waited patiently to come face-to-face with Xavier.
Around six thirty that evening, the doorbell rang. I didn't move. I knew exactly who was at the door, but I didn't hear anything for a few minutes. I figured he was checking out Dre's car, which was still parked in the garage. I didn't try to hide anything. I wanted him to bear witness to what he had made me do. About fifteen minutes later, after the landline and cell phones had rung continuously, I heard the front door being opened. That was no surprise, either. Dre' had told me Xavier had a key and the code to his alarm system.
I slowly got up from my chair and made myself invisible in the shadows over near the closet. It was time for the final act. Only faint light from the sole bedroom window peeked through, casting an eerie glow upon the fragile figure of Dre', slumped in bed, tangled among the sweat-drenched sheets. I had already pulled the lone chair away and placed the book upon Dre's heaving chest. The stage was set. It was showtime.
I heard him slowly making his way up the stairs. He took slow, confident steps. He didn't call out Dre's name. I think he somehow sensed me; we were so in tune with one another now. I could picture the worried expression on his handsome face as he made his way to check on his best friend in the world. I was going to show him who he was messing with, and he wouldn't underestimate me again.
I smelled him before I saw him. His masculine cologne inched its way into the room before he did. My heart leapt in my chest, and a lump formed in the back of my throat. This was the moment I had waited for. The moment I had played over and over in my mind. The moment I had planned for months.
I savored the expression on his face, one I would always cherish, as he saw Dre's anguish and crumpled form in bed. He ran to his bedside, but before he could reach him, I stepped forward, out of the shadows, with the twelve-inch blade extended in my right hand. A gun wouldn't do. This was personal. Xavier had made it personal.
“Hello, Xavier,” I said and smiled sweetly.
The surprise on his face was absolutely priceless.
“We meet again. We really have to stop meeting under such tragic circumstances,” I stated, stepping closer and showing him the shiny blade. My demeanor convinced him I wasn't playing.
Even with my surgery, he knew who I was. Xavier hadn't forgotten me, and after today he never would. I witnessed various expressions cross his face in a matter of mere seconds. I couldn't help but smile. Time stood still. I was in the same room as Xavier Preston, and I was in control. I felt wonderful and powerful.
“It's me, babe, Pilar, also known as Milan to your buddy over there,” I added, pointing to Dre'. “Surprise, surprise.”
Xavier didn't utter a single word. I think for once I had rendered him speechless. His eyes darted back and forth, from me holding the knife to Dre' moaning and writhing on the bed.
“Did you miss me yet?” I asked and started to laugh with total glee. It brought me such joy to be in his presence. Xavier was such a sexy man, and he never ceased to take my breath away. Even now, if he simply apologized, I would probably forgive and forget.
“Pilar, this isn't funny,” he said in a very calm voice. With his hands at his sides, he was trying hard to maintain his composure. I knew this man like the back of my own hands, and he was trying hard to stay cool and collected.
“Oh, this is funny. You should see your face,” I said, taking a step closer to Dre'. I laughed wholeheartedly, clutching my stomach.
“I knew you were back. What do you want from me?” Xavier asked, holding up his hands.
“What do you want from me?” I mocked. “I want your soul, Xavier.” I laughed again.
“I'm serious, Pilar. I'll do—”
“Shut the fuck up, Xavier. It's too late for all your bullshit. Just shut up. I don't want to hear your pathetic lies. Don't you understand, it's too late?”
“It's not too late. It's never too late. Let me call an ambulance for Dre', and then you and I can talk. Let's get Dr. Smith on the line,” he said, looking at Dre' again, concern etching his face and causing frown lines to crease his forehead.
“Do you think you are dealing with a fool? Well, babe, news flash, you are not! Pretty soon Dre' won't need an ambulance or anyone else, including you. All he'll need is a box buried six feet under. And leave Leeda out of this.”
I saw him slowly begin to lose control. His hands were now balled into tight fists at his sides. “What did you do to him, bitch?”
“Oh, Xavier. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me. I love you too much.”
“Dear God, what did I do to deserve this?” he screamed. “What did you do to him? He adored your crazy ass, and you do this?”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” I said. “Stop being so damn emotional. Isn't that what you used to tell me? It doesn't become you, Xavier. It detracts from that macho image you portray. And besides, we both know you can only love yourself. You self-absorbed, egomaniacal, no-good motherfucker.”
“That's right. It's me you hate, Pilar. Why bring Dre' into this?”
“Because you love him, and I want to show you how it feels to lose someone you love with all your heart.”
“Dre' has been nothing but kind to you. How can you do this to him? Please, let me call an ambulance. I'm begging you. If not for me, then do it for him.”
“Again, do you think I'm a fool, Xavier? Not.” I laughed, scraping the blade over the surface of the nightstand. “I guess I was a fool for you. Letting you have your way with me, thinking we had a future together, and you, you just threw it all away ... like it meant nothing to you... like I was discarded waste. Why did you do that?”
“I'm very sorry, Pilar. I don't know what else to say.”
“I don't want your sorries. It's too late for that now. Were you sorry when you wrote that damn screenplay and released it to the country, full of lies, lies, lies?” I screamed, slamming the blade into the thick wood of the nightstand.
“Calm down,” Xavier said.
“Were you sorry then? I can't hear you, Xavier. Speak up.”
Xavier didn't respond. I saw his eyes seeking out a way for him to take me down. I knew he could overpower me if he wanted to, but I was going down with a fight to the finish.
“Make my day, Xavier. You are bigger and stronger than I am, but I'm not going out without putting a serious hurting to your ass or Dre's. Make my fucking day. I dare you.”
I knew my words would make him back down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dre' attempting to speak. I couldn't look at him, because I knew his eyes revealed hurt and pain. I was all too familiar with that.
“Do you see what you've made me do to your friend? Look at him. Look closely, Xavier, because this is all your fucking fault. Antifreeze poisoning is a real bitch. I read that it is an agonizing, slow death.”
“I'm here to make it all better,” he said softly.
“I wish that was true,” I whispered. “I really do.”
“Trust me.”
“Trust you? Are you serious? I wouldn't trust you farther than I could throw you. Besides, you can't make it better. Don't you understand that you can't? You are going to lose Dre', just like you lost the woman you loved, along with your new playthang.”
“If I could get my hands on you, I'd—”
“You'd what, babe? Kill me? I enjoyed every minute of mixing small doses of antifreeze in his drinks, because I knew this day would eventually come, when you and I came face-to-face again. I would give Dre' small breaks, long enough for him to think he was getting better, and then I would start the process all over again with my special cocktail.”
“You are crazy.”
“You made me this way,” I shouted back.
“No, you had issues long before you ever met me, bitch. Don't give me that much credit. You deserve that all by yourself.” He paused for a moment. “What did you do to your face?”
“I thought you would like this one better.”
“You are totally insane,” he said, nearly whispering it to himself.
“Why couldn't you simply love me?” I asked, walking closer to him, closing the gap. “I would have done anything for you, you know that, and then you betrayed me with that movie. I really thought after I dropped the assault charges and after you got off, you would grow up and realize what a great woman I am.”
“Are you kidding? You disgust me. You make me sick.”
I laughed. “Sticks and stones, Xavier.”
Suddenly Xavier started to move his hands toward his pockets.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm going to reach in my pocket and pull out my cell phone.”
“Oh no, you are not. You do that, and that will be the last thing you reach for. Understand clearly that I am running this show.”
He slowly lowered his hands so that I could see them.
“That's a good boy. Did your playthang tell you what I did to her? You should have seen how she tumbled down those stairs like a rag doll. Poor baby. I don't think I've ever seen a body twisted up the way hers was. I bet it hurt like hell.”
He remained silent and clenched his jaw muscles.
“She wasn't anything to you, though. I realize that now. Bailey was someone you enjoyed fucking with no commitment. Sounds familiar.” I laughed. “I guess much like me, huh? You should take lessons from Dre' about commitment. You can't play for free. Pussy always comes with a price.”
I reached over and stroked Dre's warm cheek and kissed him on his dry, crusty lips.
“Leave him alone!”
“You don't tell me what to do, and I can touch my man. You remember how I touched you, don't you?” I said softly.
Xavier didn't answer.
“You loved for me to suck your beautiful black dick.”
“You are sick.”
“Dre' could fuck, but not as well as you, babe. There is something magical about what hangs between your legs, or maybe I just love dark chocolate more. It just melts in your mouth. What do you think?”

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