The Staff of Kyade (4 page)

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Authors: James L. Craig

Tags: #M/M romance, fantasy, The Bestiary

BOOK: The Staff of Kyade
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'I love you too, Kenji.' They leaned in for what they believed was their last kiss. The rumbling from the ceiling became overwhelming and everything starting to fall in on Kenji, Shin, and Tokufumi. Kenji and Shin held on tight to each other as they awaited their demise. But before Kenji and Shin could be crushed by the collapsing palace, the staff started to glow again. The light filled the entire dungeon. The light was so bright that Kenji and Shin were overwhelmed and fell unconscious. The green light overtook the entire palace.

'Kenji … Shin, wake up.' A voice spoke to them. It was a voice so soothing and pure that it radiated through their entire bodies.

'Uhh … where am I?' askd a confused Kenji.

'What … happened?' asked Shin. Shin and Kenji looked at each other and then looked around, noticing all the debris that surrounded them.

'Shin, who was it that told us to wake up?'

'I don't know.'

'It was I.' They looked up to find a beautiful yet mysterious creature floating above them.

'Who are you?' Kenji and Shin said in unison.

'I am the Ujiima and I have come to save you.' The Ujiima was so beautiful that all Kenji and Shin could do was stare in awe. The Ujiima's body was surrounded by a glowing white light and its voice was so strong and commanding yet delicate and sweet.

'Wow … you really do exist!' Kenji was in awe.

'You two have proven yourselves to be pure in heart. You have shown courage, which made the staff you possessed turn white. Your unconditional love for each other made it turn red, and with your self- sacrifice you made the staff turn green. By breaking the staff you have freed me. It has been decades since I have come across one, let alone two, who possesses the qualities to wield me.

'But … I thought you roamed the earth freely.' said Kenji. 'I was always told you were watching over us. That is the legend in my village.'

'The truth is that I was on this earth to be its guardian, but someone used their power to seal me away in the staff. It was for the best at that time because of the situation. I was able to protect your village a little, but I was not able to stop the destruction of your village in such a state. I now am free and I will be the protector of earth once again.'

All Shin and Kenji could do was smile. The sight and very essence of the Ujiima had them speechless. They were lost in its glory and beauty.

'Come now, I will take you out of this place to a land of peace and tranquility.' Shin and Kenji started to levitate. The Ujiima used its power to bring them up on its back. The Ujiima then flew away with Kenji and Shin. As they flew away, Kenji and Shin saw that the entire palace had collapsed completely. They saw Tokufumi's body under a huge piece of debris. They doubted he would survive. They doubted that anyone in the palace had survived.

'My brave friends, as I take you to your new home I must speak with you. While you are there, I want you to ready yourselves, for this fight is not over,' said the Ujiima.

'What do you mean?' asked Shin.

'I have looked into the future and peace is only temporary. Other creatures roam the earth. Some, like the dragons and harpies you have encountered, are not on the side of good.'

'Yes, Ujiima, but what does it all mean,' asked Kenji.

'It means that in the coming years there will be a summoning of a beast whose power matches my own, and there is a chance that I may not be enough. This beast, known as the Dark Horse, will be coming for you.

'Why is it coming for us?' asked a worried Kenji.

'You see creatures like me are only as strong as the people we protect. I am powerful on my own, but there may come a time in battle where I may need you to give me strength.'

'How many years do we have before this happens?' asked Shin.

'That, I am not sure of, but when it does, the world will change forever.'

'How will we be able to find you?' asked Kenji.

'With this.'

Shin and Kenji looked to the side to see something materialize in the air. 'It's the staff of Kyade! I thought I destroyed it.' Kenji said as he grabbed the staff.

'You did, but I have fixed it. When the time comes, just raise the staff to the sky. Say my name and I will appear before you. Remember, my friends, the future of the earth lies in you.' The Ujiima said as it faded away.

Kenji and Shin looked around and found themselves in a brand new village. There was a festival going on and everyone was having a good time. The village had obviously never been plagued by horrible monsters or Lord Tokufumi's corruption.

'Hi, welcome to Yamato,' said one of the townspeople.

'Thank you,' said Kenji.

'You guys must be new around here and you look a little beat down. If you would like, you can stay with me a day or two. I have some spare clothes and you can get a bath and a warm meal.'

'Thank you so much. We greatly appreciate it,' said Shin.

The man showed them around the beautiful town and they could only look around in amazement. They were finally going to have the chance to live a peaceful life. Sadly, both Kenji and Shin knew it would only be temporary. They were glad they were in the new city, but the words of Ujiima about the coming threat made them uneasy.

The villager brought them to an inn and revealed he was the innkeeper and agreed to let them stay. Kenji and Shin insisted on earning their keep so they came up with an agreement. They could stay as long as they needed as long as they helped with the chores and maintenance of the inn. Kenji and Shin happily agreed. They were offered separate rooms, but they chose to stay in one.

After a long day of work mostly spent repairing the inn, Kenji, Shin, and the rest of the townspeople sat down to eat at the town center. They ate and laughed. Kenji and Shin felt happy and content for the first time in almost eight years. They knew their fight was not over, but at least for the time being they could enjoy the peacefulness of Yamato village.

The next day they were given a tour of the town by the innkeeper, who revealed his name to be Li Yun. He showed them the park, the school, the lake, and the market. They were walking through the market when something caught Shin's eye. There was a stall full of paintings based on legends and folklore and other ancient dealings of their culture. Shin was caught off guard by a painting of a dark unicorn with red eyes. It looked almost like the Ujiima, but had none of the gentle qualities of it.

'Kenji, look at that,' Shin said as he directed Kenji's attention to the painting.

 Kenji's face looked as if he had seen a ghost. 'Li Yun, what is that creature in that painting.' asked Kenji.

'Oh, that's the Ujaama,' said Li Yun.

'Why is it in the picture?' asked Kenji as his body tensed up.

'He is a part of our village's folklore.'

'Can you tell us the story?' asked Shin.

'Sure,' said Li Yun. 'Long ago there was said to be two twin brothers who were gifted with great power. Each brother on their tenth birthday was blessed with a beautiful unicorn. Sai Mei, who was the good brother, named his beast Ujiima. The wicked brother, Tae Nu, named his beast Ujaama. Tae Nu was always jealous of his brother's ability to get along with everyone and the way his family seemed to favor Sai over him. One day, when his family was sleep, he conjured a spell and combined his power with the speed and strength of his Unicorn and became one with Ujaama. When Sai Mei woke, he found his family and everyone he knew dead. He was about to be killed by Ujaama as well when he called for his beast. He combined their spirits and became one with Ujiima. Legend says they then fought for decades.'

'Then what happened?' questioned Kenji.

'One day a monk named Riku ventured out of his village of Kyade in hopes of sealing the Ujaama. As Riku tried to seal the Ujaama away in a staff, the creature grabbed the Ujiima. They both ended up being sealed away. The powerful monk managed to separate their essences into two staffs. He decided to not free the Ujiima from its staff because, as the legend states:

Twin brothers they were born, but are now separate beasts. One consumed by hatred, the other by peace. Whether good or bad they will always be brothers. One cannot exist in the world without the other. If one walks the earth, it's just a matter of time before the other appears in a fight for mankind

'The monk took the staff containing the Ujiima back to Kyade and he buried Ujaama's staff deep in the earth. The people of Kyade watched over the staff as far as anyone can remember. Kyade is one of the oldest villages in the world. The other staff no one truly knows where it is. Only the monk knew that. However, it is rumored that since the Ujiima can connect with someone while still being in the staff, so can the Ujaama. The difference is that the Ujaama can only connect with one who has a darkened spirit.'

'Do you believe in the legend, Li Yun?' asked Kenji.

'No, I don't, but even if I did it would be nothing to worry about. The Ujiima would have to be free for the Ujaama to be of any concern. So I am not worried.' Kenji and Shin stared at each other, fear dawning on their faces. They clearly were the only two who knew that the Ujiima once again roamed the earth. They realized what the Ujiima had meant by having to fight a beast that rivaled him. The only thing they did not know was who would be the darkened spirit who would release the Ujaama.

Later that night, while in bed, Kenji and Shin wondered about what Li Yun had said. Neither of them could sleep. All they could think about was why someone would want to bring a creature like the Ujaama back and just as importantly, how. They tried to stop thinking about what they'd heard, but they couldn't. They were on edge even as they tried so hard not to let their fears get to them.


Years went by, and Kenji and Shin became adults. Over ten years passed and they had grown stronger and wiser. Shin and Kenji had also built a life together. They owned the building that they were once guests in. Kenji had a talent for cooking; he opened and maintained the best restaurant in Yamato. People arrived from all over just to eat there. Shin taught martial arts and taught the people of Yamato how to defend themselves in combat. They were considered two of the most respected citizens in Yamato.

Life was so good for them that they had forgotten all about the legend of the Ujaama and the Ujiima's warning about the coming battle. They were happy and in love with each other. Shin and Kenji took in a baby girl whose parents had died due to sickness. They named her Mina. They were a family and everything was perfect.

However, not everyone was as happy. On the other side of the world, a new emperor had come of age and his heart had become dark. Jun, the son of the late Tokufumi and sole survivor in the palace collapse, was once a sweet, naïve little boy. Over the years, he'd become bitter and angry from witnessing the death of his father. He blamed Kenji and Shin, and he'd grown up being consumed by hatred and animosity, thinking of a way he could get back at the two men.

One night as he lay sleeping, a voice came to him. ' Jun … Jun, my young emperor.'

'What, who's there?' asked a confused and fearful Jun.

'I am the Ujaama,' said the voice in a slithering whisper.

'What do you want?' asked Jun, trying to remain calm.

'I want to help you get revenge.'

'You can help? How?' asked Jun with a glimmer of hope.

'I can show you … if you release me,' said the Ujaama.

'Release you from where?'

'From the Land of the Los,.' said the Ujaama. Jun felt as if the voice was coming from the very earth.

'Find a shovel and follow my words, my young emperor.' Jun got out of his bed—still in his robe—and found a shovel. He left the palace, stepping into the dead of night and traveled for several miles on foot. Then he swam across a lake to a small island. Everything on the island was either dead or destroyed.

'Now, my young emperor,' said the Ujaama,' dig for what will be your salvation.' Jun dug and dug until he found a black staff with two intersecting gold rings that looked tarnished.

'Well done,' said the Ujaama jubilantly. 'Now, when you find the men you want revenge on, break the staff in two and I will destroy all those who plague you.'

'How will you do that?' asked Jun.

'You need not worry about that, my young emperor; just do as I have told you,' said the Ujaama sternly.


'Silence!' The Ujaama screamed. The earth around Jun started to shake and his body went cold.

'I said I will take care of it. You should not question one who is doing you a favor,' said the Ujaama. Its voice  went back to a slithering whisper.

'Yes sir … I am sorry,' whimpered Jun.

'Good, I look forward to seeing you.' The Ujaama said. It started to laugh and then his voice vanished. Jun woke up to find himself in his room. He wondered if it might have been a dream, but when he looked around, he saw the staff in the corner, pulsing with a red glow. Jun had a new objective. He was going to find the two men and exact revenge.

The next day, Jun was trying to find out the location of Shin and Kenji. He knew he could not send a dragon or his soldiers to find them because that would be too obvious. He wanted to take them by surprise. He decided to send his most sacred animal: his magical mute swan. Jun had the swan smell the clothes that Kenji and Shin had left behind. Once the swan had a good idea of their essence he sent it off in search.

The emperor had a two sided pendant that was very useful. He kept one side of the pendant and the other he attached to the swan's neck. When the swan found Kenji and Shin, both sides would glow. Then the side had kept would lead him to the one worn by the swan.

The emperor chose his swan because it was faster than any of his dragons and could go undetected as a threat. The swan was not like any other swan. It could cross half the world in one night, so Jun was sure he would find the two men in no time. He also sent the bird because swans were often a sign of good luck, so if strangers saw it they would not be likely to kill it.

Jun waited until day break to release the swan. He figured it would be a half a day or so before it found Kenji and Shin. He sent the swan off and waited by the lake for the signal with the staff in hand. He was ready for his revenge.

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