The Slut (Steamy Teen Romance Thriller)

BOOK: The Slut (Steamy Teen Romance Thriller)
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The Slut





By Ava Bonde

Copyright 2013 Ava Bonde

All Rights Reserved



Chapter 1: Sometime




So says my short skirt, my dyed hair, and my makeup. Drink up dudes, because this is just me walking the walk. YOLO, have your fun now because the clock is running out, right?

Course, I barely even
a boy.

Sean under the bleachers, we did the tongue dance, but it did
t stop him from telling EVERYBODY I went straight to home plate. They believed it too, why would the girl with purple hair not be the slut? I swore off so much as kissing anyone else as long as I was in this stupid high school. Besides, at this point I was 18 and almost ready to graduate. They were all beneath me.

I might need to reconsider though. I
s not so bad, making out, not with the right guy. And maybe I was having that thought because I was staring right at lips I wanted to kiss. Tha
s what a slut would do. He was watching too, he knew, he had to know. I smiled, looking at his uniform. 

I glanced up again at the boy sitting across from me. I do
t know why but I did that thing I always do, twirling my hair a little, smiling. Slutty stuff, you know, letting my legs open a little bit too far. I touched my neck, and I looked at his buzz cut and how his hair was so perfect and straight. He was dark skinned and in full uniform, one of the ROTC students. More importantly, he was hot hot HOT. They had their own little portable buildings on campus where they learned to be good little air force kid soldiers. Gotta start the brainwashing early.

You do
t have to do that, you know

I snapped my eyes up, catching his
Do what

re a pretty girl. You do
t have to act like that to get attention

I snapped my legs shut, trying to turn away. My eyes stayed on him though, taking in his tan uniform, his perfectly shined boots, and the nametag on his chest.
Jake Stone
. He did
t know me, but
d heard of him. 18 years old, senior, top in class. He was probably there for some goodie two shoes bullshit. Tha
s not why I was outside the Principals room.

I replied, letting the sound sputter out of my pink lips. Stupid boy, just like all the others. Unfortunately, I was rudely interrupted twenty seconds into my epic blowoff when Principal Clark popped his head out
Get in here right now Katie

Another time then, Katie
The boy said from the other side of the hall, grinning wide. I wanted to wipe his smile right off his face, but I had other music to face. I flipped him the bird instead and walked into the big room.

This time w
re expelling you. One week, and yo
ll be lucky if we let you back in
The Principal started in.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. Stupid Meg and her stupid boyfriend and her stupid big mouth. I snuck in one drink, one little bottle of Malibu rum stolen from my stepda
s cabinet. Tha
s what the slut would do, sh
d do things like that and nobody would care. Tried to share, but Meg went straight to the teacher about it. Sh
s probably some bitter little ice queen and I bet her boyfriend wishes he could date the slut instead. They ratted me out so fast I barely had a buzz. Like she was any better,
d seen her smoke with the boys behind the gym. Put a cross on and now sh
s Jesus.

Get out of my office, wait outside,
m calling your mother

Like mom cared. She had
t cared in seventeen years and she would
t care now. I was back in the chair and staring back at Jake in no time flat, blowing my cheeks out like a chipmunk.

I knew you could
t stay away
He said, grinning.

t you be off playing with your joystick

He shrugged
Is that all you think about

Nope. Sometimes I sleep

Beauty rest, right

You think I wake up looking like this
I said giggling.

I actually do

A long uncomfortable silence built up between us. I finally broke it
re nice

And I bet yo
re bad, huh
Jake replied, teeth flashing.

Bad for you

re good at pretending. Ever thought about joining drama club
The grin was only widening.

Blow me
I said, my tongue out.

What else are you good at
He asked, cocking his head to the side.

A slut has to keep up appearances, even one who only ever kissed a boy.


Is that all


I said, looking down at the floor. Dad used to play piano with me, back befor

I play guitar, and bass
Jake said.

What, no trumpet

Thought that was your thing
Jake said grinning.

t get any idea

I said, smiling back.

I can see right through you

The words shook me. He could see through my facad
I turned away, trying not to lock eyes again. Principal Clark popped back out of his office
ll be here in a few minutes, if I were you Katie,
d think about how yo
re going to explain yourself. Mr. Stone, please, come in

Mr. Clark disappeared back into the door. Jake took a moment shuffling in his bag before standing up and walking past. His foot kicked my chair lightly, hand flicking a small piece of paper toward my lap.

Call me sometime
Jake said quietly, still in motion.

Sometime is a stupid name
I replied, listening to his chuckle as the door clicked shut behind him.

Chapter 2: Soon

The look on my mothe
s face could have turned a lesser girl to stone. She was
t happy, and especially hated the fact
d stolen liquor from my stepdad. Screw him though, he was a stupid alcoholic. Did
t stop her from grounding me for the whole week. She did
t take away my phone, thank god. I did
t have many minutes left to talk, but I sure could text.

Oh boy
could I could text.

You up Sometime

I hit send, my finger tingling as I hit the button. I had
t felt this way in a long time. Not since Sean, maybe not since even before that. Jake was
t like everyone else, he seemed to see right through me.

Sure. Wha
s up

Still stuck in my room. Save me

Sure, let me get my do
t shoot me hoodie

I giggled. W
d been at this for days, just chatting back and forth. Jake was my almost-boyfriend.

You get the mp3s
I asked. He was quick to reply
Yeah, listen with me

It was
t long before my room throbbed quietly with the sounds of Massive Attac
s Mezzanine. W
d been sharing music back and forth for days, trying out each othe
s favorites. I imagined him across town listening to the same tracks, letting the sound move him like it was moving me. This had always been one of my favorites, it set a mood, it was sexy, it was slut music.

Got a surprise for you. Look out the window

I stared at the phone, the throb of music pulsing through me. Out the window? What in the hell? My fingers pierced the blinds, giving me a view of the street below. Bathed in the streetlights was a dark colored mustang convertible, and Jake was in the drive
s seat, waving.

You coming
My phone asked, the light glowing in the darkness. I glanced over at the clock. 11:22 PM, mom would kill me if she found out. My fingers did
t hesitate, lifting the window open and popping out the screen. Quietly I scampered out onto the lawn, making my way out to the street and jumping into the car. What mom did
t know would
t hurt her.

My her

I said, smiling.

Anything for
Jake said, leaning back and throwing the car into first gear, launching us down the cul-de-sac.

This is a pretty awesome surprise
I whispered, trying to put on my seatbelt as we barreled around a corner.

This is
t the surprise yet. I got something special

I ca
t be gone long
I whispered, thinking about how many ways mom would punish me if she caught o

We wo
t. Trust me

I did trust him.

I trusted him as we drifted along the quiet highway 87 North out of Mesa, and I trusted him as we found ourselves on a dirt road into the desert.

Where are we going
I finally asked, bouncing in my seat. This little mustang was
t meant for offroad duty.

ll see, I told you, i
s a surprise

There was
t a whole lot to look at. The moon was
t out and the dark desert stretched off forever. I strained my eyes against the ink but in the end it was best just to look out at the sliver illuminated by the headlights.

Almost there
Jake whispered, his hand landing on me. It was the first time h
d touched me. Sure, w
d been flirting for days, but this wa
Nice. I was still in my nightie, a little pink silk dress, and his skin felt good on my bare thigh just below the lacy edge. I let out a little sigh.

Jake came to a slow stop, flipping the lights off and shutting down the engine. Silence filled the car as he opened the convertible top. The dry cool air of the open desert filled my lungs as I stared up at the sky. Jake leaned his seat back and I took my cue, leaning my seat back a bit as well. Jak
s hand was still on my thigh making my insides burn. Did he know how he made me feel? Could he? Maybe I really was the slut.

You wanted to show me stars
I said, giggling. There were
t many stars over Phoenix, the city lights drowned them out, and we were
t far enough away from town to get away from that problem. Even here the sky glowed faintly.

No, better. Just wait
Jake replied, giving my thigh a little squeeze. I reached across, putting my hand on his thigh and matching his squeeze. It felt good, two friends staring at the sky, maybe even something mor

s that
I whispered.

A low sound was moving in, almost like the growl of a tiger. It was constant and menacing.

ll se

I looked over at Jak
s smiling face, waiting as the growl grew fiercer. It was as if a huge animal was approaching.
d never heard anything like this before in my life. My whole body was vibrating as the sound grew, the thumping growl turning into a frightening roar of sound. I shivered, my fingertips gripping Jak
s jeans tightly as the car shook, and suddenly, the beast was on us.

A helicopter
I said incredulously as the green beast sailed straight over the car, skimming close to the ground.

Apache Longbow, they build em out here and test fly at night. Shh, another on
e coming

My whole body shook as the second Apache flew over so close I could almost reach out and touch it. My belly tingled and vibrated to the pulse of the rotors, and I could feel something pleasant a little lower. A puff of downdraft blew my hair over my face, leaving me flushed red.

Should be four more
Jake said as the growl faded.

I leaned over, pressing into Jak
s chest, listening to the pounding of his heart and the thrumming of the approaching Apaches. My fingertips held his thigh tightly, and I looked up, his face barely illuminated in the darkness as the shudders of sound washed over us again.

And I kissed him.

And it felt like the first real kiss of my life.

d kissed Sean under the bleachers but this was different. My whole body shuddered as my lips explored his. I did
t know what I was doing but his tongue seemed to figure it out, sliding its way into my mouth. I was
t trying to go this far, not yet, but my lips were winning the battle against my mind.
Feels good down here, do
t stop no
My fingers had their own ideas, tracing up his muscular leg, going higher, and higher, an

Jake pushed me off.

Everything vibrated, every single inch of me. My heart beat louder than the blades of the Apaches blasting past our little convertible.

I did
t bring you out here to make out

re doing a bad job of it
I said, smiling and leaping forward again, locking lips before he pressed be back into my seat once more.

s ok Jake, I want t

I tried to lean back in, my hands grasping, but he pushed me away for a final time
We have all the time in the world for tha
I promised
d have you home before they noticed you were gone

The last Apache roared above us, rolling past at speed. I pouted. What was wrong with him? Did
t he like me?
d just experienced the best couple minutes of my life and Jake had pushed me awa

It was
t long before we were creeping back up the cul-de-sac I lived on with the lights out. I stepped out of the car shakily, looking back at Jake as he smiled
Will I see you again, Sometime
I asked, laughing quietly.

He replied.

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