The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict (30 page)

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“What you have
said is true,” Caltrin replied in his cold voice. “Perhaps when this war with
the Humans is over the AIs will see us more as equals.”

possible,” Nartel responded.

if he could get his hands on some of the weapons the Humans and Altons were
using to destroy AI ships. If the Hocklyns had the same technology then the AIs
would have no recourse but to recognize them as equals. It would also allow the
Hocklyns to colonize more worlds and alleviate the growing population pressure
in the home systems.

Nartel folded
his sinewy arms across the chest plate of his dark gray battle armor. Yes, if
he was successful it would bring about a new era in the Hocklyn Slave Empire, one
that he would control. Nartel allowed his cold dark eyes to wander across the
War Room. This was a handpicked crew and one he could trust. In just a few more
days, he would be ready to order the attack on Careth and send forth his secret
weapon. The Humans would fall before the onslaught and this war would finally
and irrevocably be over.


Chapter Sixteen


The Command AI
floated a few inches above the metal deck in the Control Center of the AI ship.
Around it, other AIs operated the Sensors, Navigation, Communications, Engineering,
Damage Control, and numerous other important ship systems. The AIs were in the
Kenward Seven star system and had been directing the updating of Hocklyn
warships. They detested contact with any of the organic races, but the Hocklyns
were their proxies for this section of the galaxy and currently engaged in a
war with the Humans and the AIs’ creators, the Altons.

“We have
detected two sensor ghosts on the periphery of the system,” the AI in front of
the sensors reported as it used its tentacles to adjust the sensors to a higher
degree of sensitivity. “They just appeared.”

“They may be Human
scout ships,” warned the AI at Tactical. “We have received reports from the
outer regions of the Hocklyn Empire that the Humans have been jumping into and
scanning numerous systems.”

“We are far
from the frontier of the Empire,” the Command AI spoke, the glowing orb that
served as its head glowing brighter. “It is highly unlikely that these are Human
vessels. Run diagnostics on the sensor panel. There must be a fault somewhere
in the system.”

“I am
detecting a spike in energy readings indicating that active scans of the system
are being taken,” the AI at the sensors reported in its mechanical, almost
emotionless voice even as it began running diagnostics on the sensor system. The
glowing orb above its body seemed to grow larger as it turned to face the Command
AI. “I don’t believe these are sensor ghosts.”

The Command AI
was silent as it contemplated what this might mean. From the latest report, the
Humans were still at Careth. Pointing a long tentacle at Communications, the AI
spoke again. “Contact Fleet Admiral Resmunt and see if he has any vessels in
that area that might be experimenting with new equipment.”

The Command AI
was well aware that the Hocklyns had launched their own weapons development
program, and these sensor ghosts could be a part of that, particularly since
their High Leader was in the system. If this was a result of new ship designs by
the Hocklyns, this development would have to be reported to AI Command back in
the galactic center. The Command AI was aware that the Great Project was
nearing completion. The intensity of the work had been drastically increased
since learning that the Altons had survived. If the project was completed as
projected, then the Hocklyn’s new weapons program would be totally irrelevant. However,
the AI had instructions to report any new developments.

A few minutes
passed and the Communications AI reported back. “Fleet Commodore Resmunt denies
having any ships in that area.”

“The scans
have stopped and the sensor ghosts have disappeared,” the AI at the sensors
reported as it studied the data coming over the screens. “Whatever it was is

“Should we
increase our level of readiness?” the AI at Tactical inquired. Currently, the
ship was at a low alert level with shields at minimum.

The Command AI
was quiet as it contemplated what needed to be done. Due to the recent
reversals that had been suffered at the hands of the Humans and the Altons, the
Command AI had strict orders not to engage any Alton ships. While it was highly
unlikely the recent contacts were a result of Human scout ships, it was prudent
that the ten AI ships in the system not be put in danger.

“Power up our
FTL drives and plot an emergency jump to system C-114 upon my command,” the Command
AI ordered. “Bring our defensive systems to full alert status and be prepared
to intercept inbound sublight missiles.”

“This is an
attack then, by the Humans?” questioned the AI at the sensors.

“I calculate
only a small possibility of that,” responded the Command AI, waving its
tentacles. “More than likely it is nothing, but we should be prepared just in

“Should we
notify High Leader Nartel or Fleet Commodore Resmunt?” the AI at Communications

“No,” the Command
AI responded, as the glowing orb above its metal body grew visibly dimmer. “It
is probably nothing.”


Two hours
passed and High Leader Nartel was summoned to the War Room of the HammersHand
by the ship’s War Leader. He made his way quickly through the corridors
escorted by two heavily armed Protectors. Reaching the War Room, he went inside
while the two Protectors took up positions outside the hatch, their hands held
at their side next to their holstered weapons.

“What is it?” demanded
Nartel, striding over to the command pedestal where War Leader Caltrin was
standing speaking to his First Leader.

“It's just
been brought to my attention that all ten AI ships have powered up their FTL
drives as if they are preparing to jump out of the system. The strength of
their energy screens has also increased.”

Nartel’s cold,
black eyes glittered dangerously. “And how long ago did they power up their
jump drives?” Nartel demanded. Did the AIs know something and were refusing to
communicate that important information to the Hocklyns?

“Nearly two
hours ago,” replied Caltrin, nervously. “I was only just made aware of it.”

“Contact the
command AI ship and ask them why they are powering up their jump drives,”
Nartel ordered, and then after thinking for a moment he added. “Power up our
own jump drive. If the AIs know something and are preparing to jump away, so
shall we.”

“Where to?”
Caltrin asked. He knew the High Leader was angry at the AIs. Ever since the
recent defeats by the Humans and the appearance of the Altons, the AIs had been
even more difficult to deal with. Most of the time they even refused communication.
He doubted if they would reply when asked about powering up their FTL drives.

C-215,” Nartel replied without hesitation. He knew if something were about to
happen at least there he would be safe.

It was at that
moment that the ship’s alarms sounded and red warning lights began flashing above
the sensor console.

“What is it?” demanded
War Leader Caltrin, staring in shock at the main sensor display, which was
showing what seemed like hundreds of red threat icons materializing out of nowhere.

“It’s the Humans,”
the Third Leader at sensors reported in astonishment. “They are jumping in with
at least two full war fleets. There are also Alton ships in their formations.”

“Altons!” uttered
Nartel, knowing they needed to leave immediately. “Jump us out of here now!” He
couldn’t believe that the Humans would dare to attack here. Not at Kenward Seven,
there were over two thousand Hocklyn warships in the system.

“It will take
a few more minutes for the drive core to charge adequately for us to jump,” Caltrin
replied as he ordered the ship to go to battle stations.

“AIs are
jumping,” the Third Leader reported as the AI sphere on one of the main
viewscreens vanished into a swirling white vortex. On the sensor display, all
ten of the large green icons representing the AI ships quickly vanished.

“AIs are
gone,” said Caltrin his eyes showing anger. “They didn’t even try to engage the
enemy. At least now we know why they powered up their jump drives.”

“They have no
honor,” spat High Leader Nartel, feeling abandoned by the machine race. “They
leave us to fight their battles for them.”

He looked with
worry at the tactical display, knowing the Humans had come to Kenward Seven. There
could be only one reason why they had come here, to destroy the shipyards.
Shipyards the Hocklyn Slave Empire could ill afford to lose.


Commodore Resmunt’s reptilian eyes snapped open when he heard the ship’s alarms
go off. He'd just retired to his quarters and barely fallen asleep after his
long shift in the War Room. His hand slapped the com button next to his bed as
he quickly began dressing. “What’s going on?” he demanded, irked at being
disturbed from his rest. This had better not be just a drill of some sort.
Drills were not supposed to be scheduled without his prior consent.

“We have two
large Human fleets that have jumped into the system,” First Leader Ganth
reported calmly. “There are also twenty Alton battlecruisers intermixed with
the Human warships. They've already opened up with a heavy missile bombardment
on our fleet. Many of our ships have been caught with their shields down.”

“What are the
AIs doing?” Resmunt asked as he fastened his chest plate armor and picked up
the protective sheath that held his knife. They would need the AIs to combat
the Alton ships. Alton ships here at Kenward Seven could be disastrous.

jumped out,” Ganth reported in a cold voice. “They must have had their drives
charged and on standby. They jumped within just a few seconds of detecting the
Altons' ships.”

“They knew
they were coming,” growled Resmunt in anger. “Bring all of our ships to full
alert. Contact the shipyards and tell them to be prepared for combat!” If they
had known beforehand that the Humans were coming, they could have smashed the
Human fleets as they exited hyperspace. The AIs had no honor!

“The shipyards
are only lightly armed,” First Leader Ganth reminded Resmunt. “They will not be
able to stop the Human and Alton ships.”

“I warned them
about that,” responded Resmunt, feeling irritation at the commanders of the
shipyards for refusing to divert some of their resources to build adequate defenses.
“I'll be in the War Room shortly. Contact Fleet Commodore Versith and tell him
to begin organizing a defense. His first priority is to protect the shipyards.”


“How close are
they to Kenward Seven?” Fleet Commodore Versith asked sharply as he studied the
changing icons on the tactical display. There were several hundred red threat
icons representing Human and Alton ships all heading toward Kenward Seven and
its vulnerable shipyards.

“They jumped
in just barely outside of the planet’s gravity well,” War Leader Trion replied.
“They've already opened fire on our ships that were nearby.”

glanced up at the one of the main viewscreens, which was already showing bright
flashes of exploding weapons.

“We’re losing
ships,” the sensor operator reported. “The Humans caught our fleets with their shields
down and at a low alert level.”

“Move our
fleet to a position between the Humans and the nearest shipyard,” Versith
ordered. He knew what their ultimate targets had to be. It was the only reason
they would dare come to Kenward Seven.

He watched as
the Human ships entered the gravity well of Kenward Seven and turned toward the
shipyards. “Order Commodores Tantil and Parco to gather all available ships and
form up around the other shipyards. We can’t afford to let the Humans destroy
them.” There were only four star systems in the Hocklyn Empire that contained
shipyards such as these. It would be a disaster if the Humans could destroy the
ones here at Kenward Seven. Versith let out a heavy breath as he watched the
tactical display. The Human ships seemed so sure of themselves

At his weapons
station, Jaseth allowed a wolfish grin to spread across his face. At last he
was going to be allowed to kill more Humans. They'd come to him this time. He quickly
prepared his missiles and energy beam weapons. The Viden had a few of the AIs'
antimatter missiles. He would see how the Human shields held up under that type
of attack. His hand strayed to the knife at his waist. It was time to spill
more Human blood.


Admiral Streth
felt the StarStrike shudder slightly as inbound weapons fire began to impact
the energy screen. Every ship in the two Human fleets had launched numerous Devastator
Three missiles upon coming out of hyperspace. The area of space around the Federation
ships was full of dying and burning Hocklyn warships. They'd caught the Hocklyns
flatfooted and they were paying a heavy price for their lack of preparedness.

“Six dreadnoughts,
fourteen warcruisers, and seventy-two escort cruisers have been destroyed,”
Captain Reynolds reported from his sensor console. “No losses to ourselves.”

“The Hocklyn
ships have raised their shields and are firing back,” Colonel Trist added as he
spoke to Tactical over his mini-com, suggesting targets.

“The Hocklyns
are beginning to recover,” Colonel Grissim stated as she studied the multitude
of red threat icons on a tactical display. They were shifting madly about
trying to get away from the two Human fleets' weapons fire and reorganize. “We
shattered their fleet formations and they're still trying to recover. Most of
their ships didn’t even have their shields up.” Someone had made a mistake in
not being prepared for an attack, and now the Hocklyn fleet was paying for it.
Anne allowed herself to smile as she saw another warcruiser fall to the
StarStrike’s Devastator Three missiles.

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