The Silver Siren (40 page)

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Authors: Chanda Hahn

Tags: #romance, #adventure, #fantasy, #magic, #young adult, #ya, #sirens, #denai, #swordbrothers

BOOK: The Silver Siren
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Even now, Kael pointed out the
beautiful script of our new country’s name on the tapestry right
above a white horse and grey wolf in expansive forest.

Any regrets?” He tried
unsuccessfully to keep a straight face as he pointed to the

None whatsoever,” I
answered confidently. “And you shouldn’t complain. If you don’t
want to live in the country of Faraway, then I suggest go you live
somewhere far away.”

See what I mean? No one
is going to take you seriously as the Queen of Faraway.”

I told you. I don’t want
to be queen in a castle. I’d rather live—”

Faraway. I know.” Kael
chuckled and squeezed my hand.

The End

Dear Readers,


Thank you so much for being a part
of Thalia’s Journey with me. This is a bit surreal to be ending her
story after so many years of plotting, writing and revising, but I
feel that it’s time. I do so love Thalia, Joss and Kael and who
knows, there may be a spin off down the road. But right now, I have
other projects running amok in my head and I have to focus on
writing those tales. There were many times over the years, where I
wanted to give up and quit. To leave Thalia and Kael’s story
unfinished and here is the story of why I didn’t.

One day, I was feeling particular
low and was ready to toss this manuscript in the pile with all of
the other books I had started but never got around to finishing. I
had young infant twins at home and I needed to find a way to
support my family.

I had just got done picking up my
prescription glasses from my optometrist and was heading home. My
new glasses came in a cute light purple case with hearts. It wasn’t
until I opened up the case that I saw the script staring back at
me. It was one word—
written inside the lid
What? How weird is that? It was
even spelled the same. I took the glasses out of the case and
looked along the side band and sure enough—another sign. There were
little iron butterflies along the band of my glasses. How had I
tried them on over and over at the Dr.’s office and not noticed
them? I started crying. It was a sign from God that I was to keep
moving forward and to not give up.

When I first had this idea to
write a novel, I had a beta reader that I found on a web site. A
young college student named Jane Hawkey from Australia. I myself
had been out of college for quite a few years and was really really
rusty at writing. She kept me going, encouraged me, reminded me
about all the things I forgot about when writing, and then told me
I better finish this series. To not be one of those authors that
writes a book but never finishes it. Well, Jane, here it is. The
story has morphed, and the plot line may not be the same as when we
started it over five years ago, but it’s done. And I hope you are
satisfied. Thank You!


About the Author

Chanda Hahn uses her
experience as a children's pastor, children's librarian, and
bookseller to write compelling and popular fiction for teens. She
was born in Seattle, WA, grew up in Nebraska, and currently resides
in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and their twins, Aiden and


Visit Chanda Hahn’s website to learn more
about her other forthcoming books.


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