The Silencer: A Bad Boy MMA Romance (31 page)

BOOK: The Silencer: A Bad Boy MMA Romance
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Since Lexi flat out refused to go to the ball with me, I decided that I wasn’t going to go either. Besides, the last thing I wanted was to have to watch her dancing with another man when I wanted nothing more than to be dancing with her. I was hurt by her turning me down but I was also pissed off. I’d done everything right up until that point. I hadn’t tried to be pushy, I’d given her all the space that she needed and she still refused to go to one fucking ball with me.


So fuck the ball, I was going to go have some fun in my own way. There was only one place I could go where I could truly be myself without any consequences or fear of people judging me. I was going to go into the city to get in touch with my dark side.


I always have a good time when I go to Paddles. Since I’m a regular, there are a lot of people who know who I am. The women love me at Paddles. They treat me like a god and I love it. I’d barely been in the building for a half-hour and I already had a few women at my table trying to seduce me.


These women are regulars too and they all know what I bring to the table. They all know what I’m into and how I make women feel. If I choose to take them into the back room, they are guaranteed to leave sore and satisfied. If their legs are not shaking when they walk out of the room, then I can promise you I wasn’t in there with them.


The fact that so many women at the club wanted a piece of me was flattering. At a time when I was feeling my confidence wane, seeing that people were lusting after me was much needed. Regardless of the amount of women who were all over me, I wasn’t feeling it.


Coming into the club, I wasn’t planning on doing any type of playing. I just wanted to be around people who understood me. My addiction to bondage and domination was not something I could share with the people I knew in everyday life. I’ve tried telling people in the past. I’ve told my closest friends as well as women that I’ve dated. With very few exceptions, they’ve thought that I was weird.


I really wanted to be open about my fetishes and what I’m into but people just don’t get it. It became easier to keep it to myself. I’ve ended up hiding that part of myself from everyone I know and have become very secretive about my dark side. It’s easier to keep it to myself than to worry about who I might be offending.


The women were coming on really strong and I had to distance myself from them. They were saying all the right things and were tempting me to give them what they wanted. If my mind wasn’t on Lexi, I would have had two or three of them in a back room screaming in pleasure and pain. Instead, I walked over to a dark corner of the room so I could sit back and watch what was going on around me.


I grabbed a drink from the bar and stood in the shadows, taking it all in. At the door, a group of girls came walking in and it was clear that they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. They were dressed like they were going to a regular club, not the dungeon that they were coming into. I shook my head as they filed in but nearly spit out my drink when I saw that Lexi was the last person to walk in with the group.


What in the hell was she doing there? Where was her date that was taking her to the ball? Had she been lying to me? I looked around to see if there was a man with her but it looked like it was just her and her girlfriends.


Realizing that she wouldn’t go to the ball with me pissed me off, especially after coming to the realization that she lied to me about having a date. The only question was what I should be doing to get back at her.


As the night went on, I watched her drinking and dancing with her friends. With each drink she downed, I could see her becoming more relaxed and not as concerned with the fact that she was in a bondage club. Sure, there were times their group would stop what they were doing to watch as nipple clamps were attached to a woman before being bent over and flogged. At first, she watched in horror but, as the night wore on, she looked like she may have been enjoying it. That gave me an idea.


On the back wall, there was a leather mask hanging on a hook.  I grabbed it and put it on while I waited for Lexi’s friends to go to the bar for more drinks. I’d noticed that she liked to stay on the dance floor while her friends brought her drinks and as soon as she was alone, I made my move.


I walked on the dance floor and went straight in her direction. As I walked past her, I pretended to bump into her, leaving her to look up at me in a combination of fright and fascination. I didn’t say anything to her and she didn’t seem to recognize me, which was exactly what I was going for.


Knowing that Lexi’s friends would be coming back before too long, I started dancing along with the music. She looked at me for a minute before she started dancing again as well. I pulled her in close to me, allowing her to grind against me in time with the music.


I bent down and gave her a kiss on the neck, expecting her to push me away. Instead, she grinded on me even more, enjoying the sensation. If she wasn’t going to make me stop, I planned on teasing her.


I continued kissing her neck and grabbing handfuls of her breasts. The more I did, the dirtier her dancing became. Being under that mask made me feel so powerful, as though there were no rules for me. I could do whatever I wanted to do to her and she would let me.


I decided to try my luck by reaching down and sliding my hand up under her mini-skirt. Instead of being met with resistance, she spread her legs wider allowing me to pull her panties to the side and rub my fingers up against her pussy.


Lexi was wet and appeared to be ready for me. My fingers glided over her clit and slid smoothly inside of her pussy. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was becoming heavier. The deeper I moved my fingers inside of her, the harder she gripped my arms.


I could feel myself getting hard as I watched her biting her bottom lip. I wanted her badly. I was sure I could take her to a back room and fuck her brains out but I didn’t want to take advantage of her like that. I didn’t want her to think that I was a random stranger out at a crazy club that just wanted to have a one-night stand with her.


Against my better judgment, I decided that it would be better to let her in on my little secret. It would be best if she could see the side of me that I don’t ever let anyone see. Slowly, I reached up and pulled the mask from over my head, revealing my face to her for the first time that evening.









“Liam? What the fuck?” I yelled in horror when he took off the mask. I thought I was letting off some steam with a stranger I’d never see again. I never would have let Liam see me acting like such a whore. “I thought you were going to the fucking ball. What the fuck are you doing here?”


“I feel like I should be asking you the same question,” he said. “When I had asked you to go to the ball with me, you said you couldn’t because you already had a date. So where is Mister Wonderful this evening? I noticed you didn’t bring him with you,” he craned his neck, acting as though he were searching for my date in the crowd.


What was I supposed to say to that? Of course, he didn’t see my date with me. My date wasn’t real for Christ’s sake. It was hard to question why he wasn’t at the ball when I wasn’t there either. But how did we both end up in a place like Paddles? That was the main question running through my head.


I was only there because my girlfriends wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I would have thought he would be completely out of his element but he looked extremely comfortable. That’s when it hit me. I was standing right inside of his element. Liam had a dark side that nobody knew about. He was a bad boy after all, and that made my panties wet.


I knew there was no way I’d be able to answer his question without sounding like a superficial bitch so I wasn’t about to say a word. Instead, I grabbed him by the hand and drug him towards the back of the room. I’d seen couples going in and out of the doors all night so I figured that was where the fun was happening.


I’m not really sure what I was expecting to find in the room but I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Straight in front of us was a large daybed. In the corner was what looked like a coat rack. Instead of being used to store coats, there were a number of different toys on it including various whips and paddles. In a moment of clarity, the name of the club suddenly made sense.


“Is this something you’re really into, Liam?” I asked, sincerely curious if this was a fetish or of he was in a similar situation as mine.


Liam didn’t answer, instead he nodded in agreement as his dark, smoldering eyes burned into me.


“Well, I’m here with you right now. Why don’t you show me what your world is all about?”


He walked up to me, kissing me hard and deep. He was being much more aggressive than I’d ever seen him and it was turning me on. We were definitely in his domain. We were in a place where he felt comfortable being himself and it showed. He was grabbing my face as he shoved his tongue down my throat.


As he broke away from the kiss, he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me onto the daybed. I could barely believe that this was the Liam I knew. He has always been so shy and timid but was now treating me like a certified badass.


I looked around the room and wondered how long he’d be into this type of thing. He’s always been so gentle and sweet when he’s been around my sister and me. Now we were in a room that was not much bigger than a broom closet, surrounded by sex toys and tools that looked like they could be used for torture.


“I want you to get up, strip out of all your clothes and throw them onto the floor in front of me,” he demanded.


I stood up off the daybed, kicked off my heels, followed by my skirt, blouse, bra and finally, my panties. As someone who is typically very confident when it comes to my body, I was very self-aware at the fact that I was standing in front of Liam Bane completely nude. The room was cold, causing my nipples to harden instantly as the air came in contact with them.


Liam walked over to the daybed, reached behind it and pulled out a red toolbox. He opened it slowly while looking me in the eyes before he started to pull things out one at a time. Suddenly, I felt myself becoming very anxious. I was so anxious, in fact, that I had no clue what he had even taken out of the box.


“Come closer,” he said in a very matter of fact voice.


I obeyed his command and made my way towards him. I attempted to give him a bit of a smile but he wasn’t paying any attention. He was much too focused on a long piece of rope that he held in his hands.


“Raise your arms up into the air.”


I lifted my arms over my head, allowing him to wrap the rope around my chest and under my tits. Tightly, he wraps the rope around me several times, winding it around my chest.


He then moved to the top of my breasts, turning the rope around them three times. I was amazed how turned on I was becoming by the tight nylon rope moving around my body.


My breasts were beginning to turn multiple shades of purple as he tightened the ropes even more. I winced as he flicked at each of my nipples with his fingers. The blood flow being cut off left them each very sensitive. Leaning in, he took one nipple into his mouth and began sucking on it.


My knees got weak at the sensation and I thought I may actually fall to the ground. He then moved to the other nipple, causing the same sensation. Back and forth he alternated, making me want him badly.


Just when I was beginning to think I couldn’t take any more, he stopped sucking on my nipples, released the rope and spun my body around so that my back was facing him,


“You were liking that a little too much,” he said as he bent down to whisper in my ear. “You’re going to have to be punished for that.”


Before I had the chance to realize his sentence was over, I felt the palm of his hand connect hard with my ass. This was his way of punishing me for enjoying his torture. Although I was humiliated at what was happening to me, my pussy had never been wetter in my life. I started to turn towards him but another hard slap on my ass stopped me in my tracks.


Without letting me know what he was doing, I heard Liam digging through his toolbox. The next thing I knew, a loud whoosh sound filled the air followed by a much harder smack on my ass.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he had a cat-o-nine tails in his hand. As the intensity of his punishments increased, I wondered how much more he had in store for me. For the first time, I wondered if I had it in me to take everything he had to offer.


He kept going for quite a while, alternating the spanking between my ass and upper thighs. I could feel the sensations of heat rushing to my butt and legs as his flogging was no doubt turning them into a dark shade of red.


For a few moments, I wondered if he had any idea that he was actually fulfilling one of my darkest fantasies. His punishments, while painful, were much more enjoyable than he thought.


Eventually, he decided that he’d spanked me enough and started rubbing my ass in an effort to soothe the pain. As he rubbed, his hand moved closer and closer to my pussy. Soon, his fingers glided over my slit, letting him know once and for all how turned on I was.


Those fingers soon started rubbing my clit and moving in and out of my hole. I let out a soft moan because it felt so good. I wanted him. I wanted him to turn me over on the daybed and fuck the shit out of me but he didn’t. He seemed focused on me and my pleasure, which was a nice change of pace from what I was used to.


I could feel myself getting closer as he rubbed my clit with his thumb. I was trying to hold back, wanting the feeling to last as long as possible. He seemed to be catching onto the fact and ordered me to cum. I’d never had a man order me to cum and I wasn’t sure how to react. Fortunately, I didn’t have to. Slowly, he slid a finger into my ass, instantly setting me off as I yelled in ecstasy with my legs shaking as I came all over his fingers.


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