The Sheikh's Unforgettable Lover (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Unforgettable Lover (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 1)
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Chapter Eleven

Kim awoke to find a naked Adonis in her bed. Her eyes flew open when she realised that it was Karim. She blushed as memories of their night of passion flooded her mind. Was she really that bold?

When she had awakened to see him standing over her, she was sure that she had been dreaming and when he didn’t stop her, the urge to fulfil her fantasies took over. This was not normal behaviour for her. She would never come onto a man first.

Now Karim was going to think that she was that kind of woman. Well, she wasn’t solely to blame. He let her touch him, and then kissed her. And that kiss had felt so magical. Kim glanced over when she felt Karim begin to stir as she saw him slowly waking up. Still too shy to face him after last night, she instantly closed her eyes to act as if she was still sleeping.

The aftermath of their actions worried her. Amare had already warned her about his attitude with women. For her, this was the best night of her life. For him, it was probably just another one-night stand.

He would probably go about his business as if nothing had happened. Karim grunted as he sat up. Keeping her eyes tightly closed, she felt him get out of bed and could hear the rustle of clothes, as he got dressed.

“I am returning to my room to shower,” he told her flatly, as she opened her eyes in surprise. Not even a good morning, she thought to herself as she watched him get dressed.

To her surprise, he leaned down to kiss her cheek as he grinned at her, “Did you think that I didn’t know you were pretending to sleep?” he asked her before standing back up. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

Shaking her head, Kim climbed out of bed and walked to the shower.
How could he be so casual about last night
, she asked herself. Maybe it was best to put last night’s events behind her. Karim was Amare’s older brother and it wouldn’t be appropriate to have a relationship with him while she was tutoring his younger brother. No matter how hard it was, she was not going to develop feelings for him.

After a long shower, Kim got dressed and made her way downstairs for breakfast. She was very hungry. As she walked toward the dining room, she noticed the maids looking at her a little more than usual. Some were even whispering amongst themselves. Kim thought it odd but she decided to shrug it off. Moments later, she walked into the dining room to find Karim already seated at the table dressed in a charcoal grey shirt and grey trousers. He looked and smelled good. He was looking over some paper work as usual.

Joining him at the table, Kim served herself some food and immediately started eating. Karim looked up, “Did you go in my office to work on the accounts?” he asked her.

“Yes,” she replied. Not only had she been bored, but she was worried about the outdated accounts. Clearly, he needed help with them even if he was too proud to ask for her assistance. They had been created using old formulas and old digital systems that from the looks of his notes, he was lost.

“How much did you do?”

“I basically got through most of it.”

Karim raised his eyebrows. “Explain to me what you did,” he said to her. Kim moved closer to him and started explaining and pointing out what she had done. He listened as she spoke, asking questions and having her go over some areas again.

“The formulas are all set up. So I would recommend inputting all the data into Excel as it will make it much easier to keep track of instead of this method,” she said as Karim frowned.

“I will think about it,” he replied. Kim stared at him blankly.

Pursing her lips, she shook her head, why was he always disagreeing with her?

“Given the amount of data, it would be of the greatest benefit to your company to update your accounting to something, oh at least from the twentieth century,” she told him dryly. “That way you can, as a minimum, provide your shareholders with something logical instead of…this,” she finished gesturing to the handwritten ledgers.

As Karim was about to respond, two maids walked into the room, one was carrying a tray of fruit. They glanced over at Karim and then at Kim before they placed the tray on the table. There was something strange going on; Kim thought to herself. Why were they looking at her like that? 

“Sheik Karim, is there anything else we could get you?” one of them maids asked him.

“No, you may go.” He dismissed them with his hand as they bowed their heads and left the room.

“What if I wanted something?” Kim muttered under her breath. The maids had not even asked her or even looked at her when they asked Karim. This was ridiculous.

She glanced over to Karim. It was still hard for her to believe that they that had spent a night filled with passion and were now sitting together as strangers. Trying to put it behind her, she concentrated on her breakfast but was soon pushing her fork aimlessly around the plate as her mind wandered.

While she didn’t have a tremendous amount of experience, he was a magnificent lover and she had lost track of the number of times she climaxed in such a short time. And while he could have easily taken what he wanted and left, he made sure that her own pleasure came first, which had never happened to her before.

She jumped when she heard him shuffling the papers. Looking up, she watched as he put them together and placed them in a folder. “Was this everything?” he asked her.

Nodding her head, “Other than the need to use
software, yes,” she told him.

Karim had half a smile on his face. “Well, they were my father’s files.”

“And while some schools do still teach how to use an abacus, I think that you’ll find the use of a computer to be a bit more sophisticated.”

“I’ve heard you woman.”

Kim smiled and decided to serve herself some more eggs. She was feeling particularly hungry that morning. Fortunately, the maids always served a lot of food.

“Are you enjoying yourself there?” Karim asked her.

“Huh?” she looked at him.

“You eat a lot.” He looked at her with a blank facial expression.

“I seem to be unusually hungry this morning.”

“Of course you are hungry. Moaning that much must have taken a lot of energy.”

Kim’s jaw dropped open. Was he really making fun of her? He was right though, she had moaned a lot the night before.

“I did
moan that much,” she answered petulantly.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I’m not a moaner.” Kim gulped down some orange juice.

“We will see about that.” Kim’s eyes flew open when she felt his hand on her leg as he began caressing her inner thighs.

“What are you doing?” she breathed.

“Proving my point.”

“Whaaaa-” she could not even finish her sentence without moaning. Karim stared into her eyes as she shifted in her seat. Damn, how was he able to turn her on so fast while they were sitting in the dining room? 

“See what I mean?”

“Shut up,” she mumbled as his fingers brushed lightly across her panties. All of a sudden, he stopped touching her as Kim’s eyes flew open. She watched as he picked up his files and rose from the table.

“Karim!” she complained as he smiled mischievously at her.

“I have proven my point.”

“What? Where are you off to?” Kim asked as she tried to even out her breathing. How could he just touch her like that and then stop abruptly? Didn’t he feel anything? Shaking her head, she willed her body to calm down as she watched him.

“I have a meeting to attend,” he said right before he walked out of the dining room. Kim gulped down more juice. She needed to cool down after that mini session. She leaned back in the chair and started fanning herself. Fortunately, none of the maids had walked into the room as that would have been embarrassing.

No longer hungry, she pushed her plate aside. Was all this simply a game to him? Shaking her head, she turned in her chair and got unsteadily to her feet. She simply had to put him out of her mind, but how?

Chapter Twelve

“Good morning, Sheik,” the receptionist greeted Karim with a big smile on her face as he walked into Sharqi Jewels Head Office.

“Morning,” he said to her as he kept walking and barely paid attention to her blushing over him.

“Sheik Hussain Tazeem is waiting for you in your office,” she said.

“Thank you.” Karim nodded.

While Hussain was eight years older than he was, they had grown up near one another and were both the product of traditional upbringings. Both hard workers, Karim had come to rely on him as both an ally and a friend.

He had been shocked when he found out about his father’s behaviour toward Hussain’s twin sister and quickly sought to make amends.  He walked into his office to find Hussain sitting comfortably at his desk.

“Hussain,” Karim said as he walked in. Hussain got up and went to greet him.

“Karim. It has been a while, my friend,” he said with a huge smile on his face.

“It has indeed.” The two of them shook hands and sat back down. Hussain pressed a button on the phone. “Bring us some tea,” he said and let go of the button. He returned his attention back to his friend as he smiled at him.

“How has business been going?” Hussain asked him.

“Sharqi Jewels is progressing well. After his forced retirement, my father wasn’t particularly cooperative explaining some of the files, so there has been considerable work figuring out exactly what is going on financially.”

“I can only imagine.”

The receptionist walked into the office with a tray of tea, which she placed on the desk. Karim took a sip of his black tea before he spoke.

“There is much to do but we are no strangers to hard work,” he said.

“Yes, indeed,” Hussain replied as he laughed.

Both men were from powerful families. The Tazeems had their hands in oil and spices while the Sharqis had their hands in jewels. As the eldest sons, both men put the growth and prosperity of the family business before their own personal lives. They were very similar in many ways, which was why they were so close.

“How is the spices industry these days?” Karim asked.

“Good.” Hussain nodded and drank some of his tea.

“And the business with my father?”

“That is all well too.”

Karim shook his head. “My father is a particular man,” he said. A few months ago, Karim’s father had reluctantly gone into business with Hussain and to his surprise, it had become quite profitable.

“That may be the case; however he is a good business man.” 

“His ways are so outdated; I was trying to decipher his old business accounts the last few weeks.”

Hussain started laughing. “And how is that going?” he asked.

“Not very easy, I tell you.”

Talking about those business accounts reminded Karim of Kim. He was surprised that she had taken it upon herself to help him out with them. Even though he did not want to admit it, he was grateful. She had helped him a great deal and saved him a lot of time.

She had surprised him when she came onto him the night before. He had never thought she was the forward type. If he did not need to be at the office early that morning, he would have made love to her again.

The short time they had spent together over breakfast had been distracting as he found her sweet scent intoxicating. He would have loved to continue with the teasing and watch as he brought her pleasure. The small noises that she made as she writhed beneath him were arousing and he couldn’t wait to do it again.

“As long as it is working out,” Hussain said with a smile. “So listen, I have a favour to ask of you.”

Karim blinked a few times. “Yes, anything,” he said. This was not the time Karim had been caught thinking about Kim.

“You remember Cassie?” Hussain asked him.

“Your Western woman?” Karim asked as he looked at Hussain with a narrowed gaze.

“Yes, her.” Hussain smiled and shook his head.

“What about her?” Karim asked. The couple of times that he had met her, he found her too American for his taste.

“When she was younger, she used to walk past this jewellery shop every day. She fell in love with a particular ring.”

“Okay?” Karim furrowed his brow. He wondered where Hussain was going with this.

“Well, I need your help
in locating
that ring,” Hussain said. Karim raised his eyebrows and put his cup on the desk.

“What? You are not thinking of marrying this woman are you?” he asked. He went from being confused to being shocked. He stared at Hussain with his eyes widened and waited for an explanation. He was really hoping that Hussain was not going to propose.

“You look surprised,” Hussain replied.

“I am surprised. What happened to the man who did not believe in marriage?”

That was another thing that Karim and Hussain had in common. They both did not believe in love and they did not want to get married either. They never wanted to be tied down to anyone, especially a mere woman.

Hussain sighed before he responded. “That man met Cassie.”

“Even after you found out that she was a spy?” Karim questioned.

“Well she did not sabotage me in the end. She actually helped me.”

“It does not change her initial intentions. This is why women cannot be trusted.”

Hussain laughed loudly. “That was how I used to think; however things are different now. I found someone worth trusting and loving.” Karim leaned back in his leather chair and stared at his friend.

“So, you want me to locate some kind of ring, so that you can marry a spy?” Karim had been aware of how Cassie and Hussain had met. He had been surprised that Hussain stayed with her, even after he knew that she was an industrial spy. Even though she had changed her ways, Karim would have never been able to trust her after finding out her original intentions.

Hussain narrowed his gaze at Karim and leaned forward. “I need you find that ring for me so that I can marry the woman I love.”

“Who happens to be a spy.”

to be a spy.”

The two men started laughing.

“Okay. What kind of a ring is it?” Karim asked.

“It was a unique gold band with a red stone. Around the stone were yellow diamonds,” Hussain explained. “I will have a mock up drawn.”

“It sounds like a unique ring,” Karim said, scratching his stubble with his thumb.

“I purchased the entire store and I will have the contents shipped here. I just need Sharqi Jewels to locate the exact ring.” Karim widened his eyes and stared at Hussain as if he had lost his mind. He was starting to think that he might have actually lost it.

“You did what?” Maybe Karim had heard wrong. “You bought the entire shop?”

“Yes, and the warehouse.”

Karim shook his head. “My friend, you are crazy.” Hussain laughed.

“Crazy in love,” he replied as Karim ran his hand through his wavy hair.

“All of this for one girl?” Karim asked, whistling lowly. It made no sense to him. Hussain was going to great lengths for one woman, a western woman at that. He really could not understand his friend.

“You’ll understand one day, my friend.” Hussain said to him with a warm smile on his face. Karim raised his eyebrows, shaking his head.

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