The Sexy Stranger Bundle

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Authors: Tiffany Madison

BOOK: The Sexy Stranger Bundle
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The Sexy Stranger Bundle

Tiffany Madison

Published by Tiffany Madison, 2014.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. May 9, 2014.

Copyright © 2014 Tiffany Madison.

Written by Tiffany Madison.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Stranger on the Beach

Stranger on the Slopes

Stranger in the Gym

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All characters in these stories are 18 years of age or older. 

Stranger on the Beach

ne week of fun in the sun. That’s all it was ever supposed to be. Seven days of relaxing on the beach with my girlfriends, feeling the sand beneath our toes and getting the tan of a lifetime. And because we were leaving our families and school behind, there was nothing important we had to worry about; meaning that it was going to be the most relaxing spring break ever.

That was the plan anyway...isn’t it funny how fast plans can change, though?


rolled over on the beach towel to get some sun on my back. It was our first day at the Mexican resort and the first thing that Liz and I wanted to do was to soak up some rays of sunshine.

“I’m so glad we decided to come down here for spring break,” Liz said, turning to face me.

I closed my eyes, relaxing into the beach towel, feeling the heat soak into my body from all directions.

“Me too,” I responded. “I still can’t believe my dad actually let me go.”

Liz chuckled.

“God, me either,” she said. “I remember your dad wouldn’t even let you go to the mall with me when we were kids.”

She was right. My entire life, my dad had controlled every move I made, always saying that it was “for my safety.” He always claimed that he knew better than I did and that nobody could be trusted. He even said that the boys that talked to me at school only wanted one thing from me.

As annoying as his over-protection was, though, I couldn’t blame him. My dad had spent his whole life working as a detective, so he was always immersed in relationships with people that he didn’t know he could trust. According to him, he didn’t even fully trust his own partner. He said, “You never know what will cause someone to turn their back on you.”

The fact that he actually let me go on this spring break trip to Mexico blew my mind. My guess was that he was okay with it since he had known Liz for years and maybe he thought that she would look out for me. If only he knew that she was twice the party girl I was.

“You know what the best part is about Mexico?” I said, turning my head to look at Liz.

The sun hit my eyes, causing me to squint. Liz raised her eyebrows, waiting for my response.

“You only have to be 18 years old to drink!” I said, smiling.

She returned the smile and let out a squeal of excitement. We had been waiting years to have our first legal drink of alcohol and even though we weren’t 21, we planned on celebrating like we were while we were in Mexico.

“A whole week of getting to drink and not having to worry about my dad catching us,” I said. “Can you imagine what he would do if he ever found out?”

“I don’t even want to think about that,” Liz responded.

We were silent for a minute and it wasn’t long before I found myself dozing off under the warm spring sun.


ake up...”

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, pressing on it gently.

“You’re going to fry out here in the sun,” the man’s voice said.

Slowly waking up from my sleep, I rolled over on the beach towel. Squinting, I looked up to a strange man. I quickly glanced over next to me, noticing that Liz’s towel was still there, but she was nowhere to be found.

“Who are you?” I asked, sleep still in my voice.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up. The sun was beginning to fall over the horizon and dusk was well on its way.

How long have I been asleep?

Behind me, I heard laughter and talking coming from the little beach bar that was near the shore. Liz’s undeniable laugh stood out over everyone else’s and I glanced behind me to see her with her arms around a couple of guys. It looked as though she was already drunk.

“Nice of her to wake you up, huh?” the man asked, sarcastically.

He had a slight Spanish accent, but I had to listen carefully to even notice it. I looked up at him again, unable to see anything but his silhouette with the sun directly behind him.

“Who are you?” I asked again, still confused why this strange man was making a point to come wake me up. “Do I know you?”

He chuckled and said, “No, of course not. I just didn’t think it was safe if a beautiful young girl was sleeping out here when it got dark.”

I felt as he grabbed my hand and kneeled down next to me.

“I’m Enrique. I work here at the resort and I like to make sure everyone is safe,” he said.

For the first time, I was able to actually see him clearly and my heart fluttered as my eyes focused.

I thought.

He had black shoulder-length hair and a 5 o’clock shadow on top of his darkly tanned skin. His eyes were dark and piercing and it seemed like something very mysterious was going on behind them. I always felt like I could read most people instantaneously, deciphering if they were a friend or foe, but this man...I just couldn’t tell.

I sat up, staring at him for a moment, until the silence became awkward.

“Well...?” he asked. “I told you my name. What’s yours?”

I smirked and cocked my head to the side flirtatiously.

“Oh, sorry,” I said. “I guess I’m still waking up. I’m Chelsea.”

He squeezed my hand softly and I noticed how the muscles in his forearms rippled when he moved. I took a moment to admire his upper body, which was covered in a white button-down dress shirt. The top few buttons were undone, exposing his chest. Underneath the thin cloth, I could easily make out his muscular figure.

A moist heat developed in my crotch almost immediately as I began to wake from my sleep and soak in the sight of this man.

He’s gorgeous...
I thought.

The more awake I got, the more self-conscious I began to feel. I took my hand away from his and then quickly grabbed my wavy brown hair, tying it back into a ponytail. Then I wiped the sleep from my eyes and began to stand up.

“Wow...” Enrique whispered.

I didn’t know if he meant for me to hear him, but as soon as the word escaped his lips, I looked over at him His jaw was practically on the ground as he gave me a quick once over, his eyes moving up and down my teenage body.

The tiny pink and white polka-dot swimsuit I had on didn’t leave much to the imagination, so I couldn’t blame the man for looking. Plus, my developing body looked better than it ever had and it felt good to be getting some attention for it.

“So...can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

I smiled.

“Don’t you work here?” I asked. “How can you drink if you’re working?”

Enrique chuckled and I could tell he was thinking about something.

“I’m actually off of work now, I think,” he said, as he glanced at his watch. “In fact, my shift just ended.”

I don’t even know this guy...
I thought.
He’s a total stranger. What if I can’t trust him?

These thoughts came through my mind, and admittedly, I was a bit hesitant of spending time with him. If everything my father had told me was true, then men really did only want one thing from me. But still, I was on vacation and my dad was nowhere in site.

Liz’s giggles cut through the air again and I glanced over, noticing how much fun she appeared to be having.

Fuck it,
I thought.
I’m on vacation.

“Okay,” I said, affirmatively. “Just one drink, though.”

A bright white smile crossed Enrique’s face as he responded, “Perfect.”


ne drink turned into two, then into three. It wasn’t long before Liz and I were taking shots of tequila at the bar. Enrique paid for everything, saying that he got a discount because he worked there. Strangely, though, the bartender didn’t even act like he knew who Enrique was.

“Who is that guy?” Liz whispered at one point during the night. “He’s fucking hot.”

I shrugged my shoulders. Even I didn’t know who he really was.

“I don’t really know,” I responded. “But yes, he’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

Liz licked her lips, admiring Enrique as he stood next to me. It looked like she wanted to ravage him right then and there. Normally, I wouldn’t have cared if she took over and started talking to him. But he was all mine and I wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Liz, there are plenty of guys here,” I said. “No need to stare mine down.”

I winked at her and playfully hit her on the shoulder. Right then, I felt a hand on my lower back. I glanced behind me to see Enrique standing close, his body pressed against mine.

“You guys want another drink?” he asked, before playfully kissing me on my neck.

I smiled out of reflex and nodded.

“What happened to us just having one drink?” I asked, sarcastically.

Enrique chuckled and then motioned to the bartender.

“You just turned out to be more fun than I thought you would,” he said, before turning away to talk to the bartender.

Immediately, I missed his touch.

What in the hell are you doing, Chelsea?
I asked myself.

This man was twice my age and clearly knew what he was doing. He was sexy, fun, cute...but most of all, he was smooth.

The logical side of my mind told me to walk away and just go back to our hotel room. I could wake up in the morning and not have to regret anything. Liz and I could continue our vacation without me having any feeling of guilt.

But a few shots of tequila and the sexual tension in the air threw logic out of the window.

I won’t do anything more than just kiss Enrique, though,
I promised myself.

I wasn’t about to lose my virginity to a complete stranger.

“Here you are, ladies,” Enrique said, interrupting my thoughts.

He passed another shot of tequila to Liz and I and we tossed them back, the liquid burning our throats as it slid down. My eyes began to water and I coughed, feeling the effects of the gold-colored liquid almost immediately.

As the booze hit my system, I began to crave something I hadn’t in a long time.

“Let’s dance!” I squealed, grabbing Enrique’s hand.

A handful of people were dancing in the sand, in front of the large outdoor speakers that were placed on the outside of the bar. Enrique followed my lead without any hesitation. Once there, he turned me around and softly grabbed my hips, pulling me in close.

Our faces hovered just inches away from each other’s as we began moving to the beat. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself in close, pressing my lips against his.

Our tongues dashed in and out of each other’s mouths and I felt the familiar moist heat in my lady parts begin to grow. It felt like I was under some sort of spell, no longer able to control myself, or my attraction to this stranger.

I brought my hand up to his face as I kissed him, noticing how rough the stubble on his chin felt. It was the first time I had even been this close to a real man and I loved how his beard felt on my skin.

I’ll never kiss a boy my age again,
I thought.

I felt his hands squeeze my hips, pulling me in even closer. His fingers were on my bare skin, just on the outside of my swimsuit. I moaned softly as he moved his fingers up and down. Without even thinking about it, I bucked my hips forward, pressing my crotch against his.

Immediately, I felt a hard object underneath his jeans.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
I thought, as I pulled away from our kiss, taking a step back.

As soon as I noticed his hard cock, I realized that it was quickly going farther than I wanted it to.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at me quizzically.

I shook my head, feeling embarrassed. I was so inexperienced that I didn’t even know how to react to a man’s masculinity.

“It’s nothing,” I said. “I should probably just call it a night, though. I think Liz and I are going to do some hiking tomorrow and I don’t want to be too tired.”

Enrique looked disappointed immediately. With a slight frown on his face, he asked, “Well, can I at least walk you to your room?”

I thought about it for a moment, wondering if it was the best idea. I wasn’t sure if I wanted a stranger knowing where I would be staying for the next week. On the other hand, though, I didn’t really want to walk back all by myself and I knew that Liz wouldn’t be done partying until the sun came up.

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