The Serpents of Arakesh (24 page)

BOOK: The Serpents of Arakesh
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It was after breakfast the next day, and my mind was hazy with the sweetness of waffles and maple syrup, and the warmth of the golden sunlight pouring in through the window.

Sitting at my desk in the computer room, I linked my hands above my head and stretched until my shoulders creaked.

Outside in the garden, I could hear the others calling to each other and laughing, and occasional shrieks from the girls. It reminded me of another time — a time that seemed very long ago. I smiled to myself. Part of me wanted to run out and join them, but I could do that later. Right now, I had something more important to do.

Carefully, I smoothed out the e-mail address Cameron had given me. It was a bit smudged, but I could just about still read it. Double-checking every letter, I typed it in. Then, frowning with concentration, I wrote:
Hey ther Camarun. Gess wot? I mayd it!

For a moment, I could almost see him — the goofy smile, the coke-bottle glasses. My friend.
One of my friends.

Searching for the next letter on the keyboard, my eyes were drawn to the three keys.

Alt. Control. Q.

Already it was hard to believe it had really happened. That I could go back again, if I simply reached out and pressed them.

It would be that easy.

They drew my fingers like a magnet.

I took a deep breath, and gave myself a mental shake. The adventure was over. So why did I have such a strange feeling that for me, it was just beginning?

by V.M. Jones


Adam Equinox and his four friends believe they've said farewell to the fantasy world of Karazan forever.

But they couldn't be more wrong.

When Hannah Quested falls into the cruel hands of King Karazeel, Adam, Richard, Jamie, Kenta and Gen must attempt to rescue her, undertaking the most perilous journey of all: beyond the shroud to Shakesh, the hidden stronghold of the evil king himself.

Within the grim walls of Shakesh a mistake is made that will have consequences more terrible than the five could ever imagine …

And with the release of Quentin Quested's final computer game, Power Quest to Karazan, an unforeseen and catastrophic chain of events is set in motion, leaving two worlds teetering on the brink of destruction.

Adam and his friends are catapulted into a series of adventures more challenging and hazardous than any they have ever faced. Questions must be answered, secrets revealed, and solutions found to the mysteries that lie at the very heart of Karazan … before it is too late.


The Serpents of Arakesh
will be followed by three further titles in the
Karazan Quartet:

Beyond the Shroud

Prince of the Wind

Quest for the Sun

Josh Cranford loves running, soccer, cricket — anything, as long as it's sport. Most of all he loves to win. Just one person stands in his way: super-jock Shane Hunter. They clash head to head in everything, and Shane always comes out best.

Then along comes an off-the-wall new teacher, and a wicked new challenge: the Energex Iron Kid Triathlon. The perfect chance to take Shane on and come out on top. Except Josh can't swim. If he's going to enter the triathlon, he'll have to overcome his fear of water … and confront a secret buried too deep in his past to think about.

Josh's decision triggers the most important six weeks of his life — not only must he learn to swim; he has to learn to deal with his dad's new live-in partner, Suzanne. And then there's his biggest and most painful secret of all … Buddy.

Pip's not like his big brother, Nick, the ace sportsman, the one with guts. Pip's his mother's son — skinny and blond, with a nose that turns pink and peels in summer; good at English, but not much else. Not much that matters to Dad, anyhow.

Then Pip stumbles across a gift he never dreamed he had. He pursues his new passion in secret, determined it will remain one area of his life his dad can't touch.

But it can't stay secret forever. Somehow, Pip must find the courage to confront his father and claim the right to live his life on his own terms. And then there's Katie, the girl next door …

For Pip, growing up is a complicated juggling act — a lot harder than it looks. Will he manage to keep all the mandarins in the air … or will he drop the lot?


First published in 2003
This edition published in 2012
by HarperCollinsPublishers (New Zealand) Limited

Copyright © V.M. Jones 2003

The right of V.M. Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the
Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968
, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


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National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Jones. V.M. (Victoria Mary), 1958-
The serpents of Arakesh: book one of the Karazan quartet / V.M. Jones
ISBN 978-1-86950-477-9 (pbk)
ISBN 978-0-7304-9916-9 (epub)
[1. Orphans—Fiction. 2. Emotional problems—Fiction. 3. Computer games—Fiction.] I. Jones, V.M. (Victoria Mary).
1958-I. Title, II. Jones, V.M. (Victoria Mary), 1958-The Karazan quartet; bk, 1.
NZ823.2—dc 21

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