The Seduction Trap (23 page)

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Authors: Sara Wood

BOOK: The Seduction Trap
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‘For me?’ Excitedly she tore at the wrapping, ignoring his comment that he was glad she wasn’t the kind who carefully saved paper, and then her hands stilled. It was a jewel box; she knew that. From Cartier. And it was old. ‘Guy-’

‘Open it,’ he encouraged softly.

Tessa stared at the emerald necklace, the dark facets of the large stones glinting in the evening sun. Since she made no move to lift it out, seemingly paralysed by the gift, Guy intervened, taking it in his hands in a flash of sparkling diamonds and forest-green emeralds, fixing it around her warm throat and kissing her bare shoulder lovingly. ‘Family heirloom,’ he said unsteadily, passing her the matching earrings.

Slowly she unhooked her chainstore ‘pearl’ droplets, her hands shaking. ‘Oh, Guy!’ she said with a sniff. This was his proof. An almost ceremonial declaration that she would one day belong to the Turaine family. ‘I’m going to cry!’ she squeaked. ‘No, you’re not,’ he said briskly, tucking the box into his pocket. ‘You’re going to dinner.’

She kept touching the necklace all the way to Tremolat. Even the respectful welcome from the maitre d’ and his staff completely flowed over her, whereas normally she might have been nervous. The hotel was less formal and intimidating than she’d imagined and they strolled in the pretty gardens of the four-hundred-year-old manor house, saying nothing, just holding hands in a blissfully contented way.

After drinks in a cosy but exquisitely decorated salon, they were summoned into the dramatic dining room, with its scarlet colour theme.

‘What if I’d said I’d wear violet eyes?’ she asked with a grin, tucking into her asparagus with mousseline sauce and wondering if she’d ever stop floating on a cloud.

‘I would have given you amethysts,’ he said promptly, and took her hand. ‘You look so beautiful. Radiant as a bride. Do you know everyone in the room is staring at you?’

She flushed with embarrassment when she saw that this was true. ‘Have I a lump of plaster somewhere?’ she whispered.

He laughed. ‘Nowhere I can see. I love the idea of having a tame builder in the family! Think of what I’ll save! Tessa,’ he said, suddenly serious, ‘I’m taking you for granted. I have something else for you. Proof of my love. I hope it’ll show you how confident I am that we were made for each other and will never, ever be parted.’

‘Two presents! I have nothing for you!’

‘Yes, you have. Yourself.’

‘Oh, Guy!’ she quavered, touched to the heart.

Nervously she took the long envelope he handed her with its bright red seal. The maitre d’ appeared by magic with a knife and, at her silent nod, slit the seal for her, then disappeared discreetly into the background.

It was a very old document in Latin, with an English translation typed neatly for her which she read with growing shock. The deeds to Turaine.

Tessa sat there with silent tears pouring down her face. He’d given her the whole estate. Gently the deeds were taken from her limp fingers and put to one side and Guy was kissing her tears away.

‘I love you,’ he said fondly. ‘I give you all I have, all I treasure. Now will you damn well believe me?’ She nodded, unable to speak. ‘And marry me?’ Another nod, this time with a blissful smile through the tears as he solemnly slipped an antique emerald ring on her finger. ‘With this ring, I thee worship,’ he said huskily. ‘Uh ... you’re not going to let this spoil the best dinner we’re likely to have this week, are you?’ he murmured teasingly, wiping her face with great tenderness. ‘I-don’t-think-I’ll-ever-eat-again!’ she said jerkily. But she did, starting with that perfect meal, and champagne, while music drifted gently across the elegant room.

And there they talked about their plans for the future and the offer of a village house for her father, should he want it.

And later, when they arrived back in the village, it was to a party which he had arranged in the square, complete with the village band and long tables groaning with more food. Intensely happy to see how he’d won the villagers round, she danced with every man who asked her.

Then, as a noisy and chaotic conga ended and everyone headed for the newly arrived cask of wine, she was confronted again by Giselle.

‘Are you going to take my father away from me?’ asked Giselle miserably.

‘Of course not!’ Tessa cried, her tone sympathetic. ‘You saw him before I did,’ she said with a friendly smile. ‘I’m the interloper.’

‘He’s crazy about you. Never takes his eyes off you. I-I don’t want to lose him!’ she said passionately.

Tessa reached out to her, her eyes full of understanding. To her relief, Giselle didn’t draw back. She needs loving, thought Tessa, and she gave the young woman’s slender arms a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

‘I think there’s enough of him to go round, don’t you? If not, we’ll stuff doughnuts into him till there is.’ She waited anxiously. And was relieved when Giselle giggled. ‘Talk to me,’ she coaxed warmly. ‘Tell me what kind of life you want to lead. Let’s see what we can do to make your dreams come true, shall we?’

And, after Giselle had poured out her heart and spoken of her longing to go to Paris, Tessa promised that she’d ensure Guy helped Giselle to find a job in the city, and that they should not let Turaine obsess them but would spend some time in Paris with her.

In the early hours of the morning, the party broke up. She and Guy hugged Giselle and then watched her drive off to the hotel. ‘Where,’ murmured Guy in her ear, ‘are we sleeping tonight, Beauty?’

‘Surprise me,’ she suggested saucily.

‘You on your back, me on your front. Or me on my back-’

‘Guy! Hush!’ she giggled.

‘How about the enchanted forest? My garden? I have a rug, a bottle of champagne and a basket of strawberries waiting for us beneath the rose arbour.’ He paused to kiss her. It was a very long pause and a very thorough kiss which left Tessa weak at the knees. ‘Love beneath the stars. Will that do for tonight?’ The cicadas whirred their approval. And with their arms around one another, Guy and Tessa strolled towards the chateau.


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Copyright © 1997 Sara Wood


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