The Secret of the Desert Stone

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Authors: Frank Peretti

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The Secret
of the
Desert Stone


Flying Blind
The Legend of Annie Murphy
The Deadly Curse of Toco-Rey
The Secret of the Desert Stone

(Available from Crossway Books)
Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea
The Tombs of Anak
Escape from the Island of Aquarius
The Door in the Dragon's Throat

The Cooper Kids
Adventure Series

The Secret
of the
Desert Stone

Frank E. Peretti

©1996 by Frank E. Peretti

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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Scripture quotations are from the
International Children's Bible
, New Century Version
, © 1986, 1988, 1999 by Tommy Nelson
, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Peretti, Frank E.
    The secret of the desert Stone / Frank E. Peretti.
       p.  cm. — (The Cooper Kids Adventure Series
; 5)
    Summary: Fourteen-year-old Jay and his younger sister Lila accompany their father to the tiny African nation of Togwana where they experience a supernatural phenomenon through a mysterious stone.
    ISBN 978–0–4003–0574–2
    [1. Supernatural—Fiction. 2. Christian life—Fiction.
3. Africa—Religion—Fiction.] I. Title. II. Series: Peretti, Frank E.
The Cooper Kids Adventure Series
; 5.
PZ7.P4254Se 1996


Printed in the United States of America
08 09 10 11 12 QW 13 12 11 10 9 8















he sky was still black, the stars were still out, and dawn was nothing more than a thin, red ribbon along the horizon when the sirens went off, wailing rudely across the vast army camp. As one man, the army of black warriors awoke—there were no dawdlers, no one who dared to slumber beyond reveille. The desert rattled with the slap and clatter of a thousand hands grabbing a thousand rifles. The soldiers leaped to their feet and burst from their tents, dashing across the sand, lining up in long, even rows on the flat desert. They stood at attention, rifles ready, eyes straight ahead, primed for battle.

Field Marshal Idi Nkromo was already awake and strutting about at the front of the camp, watching his army come to life. He was a heavy-set, marbleeyed man with medals and ribbons adorning his chest—most were of his own design, and most he had awarded himself. He scowled; he glared; he growled orders to his lieutenants, his hand always on the gleaming saber that hung at his side.

He nodded approvingly to himself. Yes, this would be the moment, the final engagement, the ultimate display of his power. After this day, his rule over the tiny African nation of Togwana would be complete and absolute. After this campaign across the desert, no one would dare to . . . he became distracted by a muttering, a buzzing among the troops. Nkromo was displeased. Why were they not all standing rigid and silent? Hadn't enough soldiers been beaten or shot to enforce discipline? The light of dawn was just now revealing their faces, and they were staring anxiously toward the desert, exchanging worried glances with each other and whispering through the ranks.

Nkromo drew his saber and bellowed, “Order!”

The soldiers stiffened at attention, but there was still a stirring, and their faces held wide-eyed fear.


“Sir!” Mobutu, a younger, thinner man in a khaki uniform, came on the run.

Nkromo pointed his saber at his army. “Find out who's causing this disturbance and drag them out to be shot!”

Mobutu didn't respond.

Nkromo shot a deadly glare his way, but Mobutu wasn't looking at him. The thin lieutenant and chief secretary was looking toward the desert—the same direction the army was looking. He appeared stunned, his mouth hanging open, his eyes wide with horror.


Mobutu pointed toward the desert. “Sir . . . if you would look . . .”

Nkromo never took advice. “Mobutu, maintain order in the ranks.” Then, as if it were his idea, he added, “I think I'd like to survey the desert.”

Nkromo turned with a deliberate casualness and looked across the barren expanse rimmed on the north and south by towering, rocky crags, just becoming visible in the light of dawn.

The saber fell from his trembling hand and clattered on the stones and sand.

Jay Cooper, fourteen, strong, wiry, and sweating in the sun, swung a sledgehammer and drove the last wooden stake into the ground. Then he wound the end of a heavy rope around it and tightened it down with a few more whacks from the hammer. He had driven several stakes to hold the ropes tied around the base of a huge stone pillar etched with ancient relief carvings, hieroglyphics, and, near the top, the faces of Greek gods. The pillar was massive, at least three feet thick and thirty feet tall. It stood in the center of a vast excavation, the unearthing of what used to be an ancient Greek temple on a high bluff over the Mediterranean.

Dangling like an acrobat by a rope and harness, Dr. Jacob Cooper struggled to tighten a loop of cable around the crown of the pillar, being careful not to mar the chiseled face of the Greek god Zeus.

“Okay, Lila,” he called, “more slack.”

Lila Cooper, thirteen, was perched on the ancient temple wall, her eyes alert and her long blond hair tied back for safety. She was operating a sizable gas-powered winch and feeding more cable to her father. This precarious perch was making her a bit nervous. The excavated floor of the old temple wasn't that far down, only twelve feet or so, but just outside the wall she sat on was a steep cliff dropping several hundred feet to the sea. She could see the barge from the museum floating close to the shore, ready for loading; it was almost eighty feet long, but from up here it was the size of a postage stamp. She tried not to look that direction and pushed the lever to release more cable.

Dr. Cooper edged his way around the face of Zeus like a skilled rock climber, his muscular arms groping for any handhold he could find. When he finally got the cable secure just above Zeus's head, he exhaled a sigh of relief. “Okay, tighten her up.”

Lila pulled the lever and the big drum of the winch turned, winding in the cable until it was tight.

Dr. Cooper climbed to the very top of the pillar and sat there like a seagull atop a flagpole. He removed his wide-brimmed hat and brushed back his blond hair, now slick with sweat. Looking thirty feet straight down, he could see his son, Jay, had the bottom of the pillar staked and secured with ropes so it wouldn't kick out when they tipped it over; looking toward the sea he saw his daughter, Lila, on the temple wall, ready to start lowering the pillar with the main winch. On the other side of the temple, Dr. Cooper's two crewmen, Bill and Jeff, were just getting ready to ease a long, flatbed trailer down a dirt ramp to the base of the pillar.

“So far so good,” Dr. Cooper said to himself.

The plan was to secure a few more cables to the pillar, carefully lower it onto the trailer, and then haul it down an access road to the sea. A crew was already waiting there to load the pillar onto a barge and transport it to the Museum of Antiquities in Athens. Barring any disasters, Jacob Cooper and his crew might finish this project today.

Dr. Cooper waved at Bill and Jeff and called, “All right, bring the trailer down.”

Bill, a big, mustached man with a southern drawl, climbed into the cab of the old diesel truck while Jeff, limber and usually nervous, stood on the dirt ramp below to give hand signals. The starter growled, then the engine rumbled to life, black smoke bursting from the old stacks above the cab.

Jeff waved and called, “Okay, ease her back . . .”

Bill ground the old beast into reverse and slowly let out the clutch. The truck and trailer started inching down the steep dirt ramp toward the base of the pillar.

Dr. Cooper watched their progress from his lofty perch. The dirt ramp seemed to be working okay although it might be a little steep for that old rig. “Hey . . .” he started to say, “slow up, you're—”

“You're going too fast!” Jeff hollered.

Bill stomped on the brake pedal. Something snapped and the pedal went clear to the floor. The trailer started rolling down the ramp, picking up speed, pulling the truck backward.

“Slow up!” Jeff yelled. He jumped out of the way, rolling in the dirt, as the trailer rumbled and bounced right past him.

Bill tried to pull on the parking brake. It broke off. He killed the ignition. The ramp was too steep, the trailer too heavy. The truck only slid backward down the incline, its rear tires slipping, growling over the dirt.

The flatbed was heading right for the base of the pillar.

Jay ran to get clear and hollered, “Dad!”

Dr. Cooper could see it coming: a big disaster. Maybe they
finish this project today.

The trailer crashed into the pillar. Dr. Cooper could feel the pillar quiver under him.

Then he could feel it moving. The cable from Lila's winch went slack.

The pillar was falling right toward Lila!

“Look out!” her father yelled, holding on for dear life.

Lila screamed and dashed along the wall to get clear. Jay scrambled to safety as the base of the pillar began to tear loose.
The heavy ropes plucked the stakes from the ground like rotten teeth.

The pillar picked up speed, falling like a big tree. Wind whistled by Dr. Cooper's head, and his hat went sailing. Then he saw the temple wall pass under him. The top of the pillar was carrying him out over the cliff, over the sheer drop to the sea far below!

The middle of the pillar hit the temple wall and Dr. Cooper was knocked free by the impact, tumbling headlong toward the ocean.

The harness he was still wearing came to the end of its rope, and he snapped to an abrupt halt in midair, dangling from the pillar like a puppet on a string.

The base of the pillar began to rise. Bill, Jeff, and Jay grabbed the ropes dangling from it, hoping to hold it down and keep the pillar from flipping over the wall entirely. All three were lifted off their feet, but they hung on anyway, hoping, praying.

Up went their end of the pillar, higher, higher, as Dr. Cooper's end lowered him toward the sea.

Then, with not a man, not a pound, not a single ounce to spare, the pillar came to rest on the temple wall with each end suspended in air, perfectly but precariously balanced: Dr. Cooper dangling from one end, Bill, Jeff, and Jay dangling from the other.

“Oh man,” Bill drawled, “now what?”

“Hang on,” Lila screamed. “Just hang on!”

There was a low, grating noise. The pillar was beginning to roll along the wall like a big rolling pin, reeling in the ropes from which Jay, Bill, and Jeff were hanging, along with the harness that still held Dr. Cooper.

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