Read The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions Online
Authors: Inna Segal
Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth
blood boiling, pain in the neck, stab in the back, takes my breath away, a rash decision,
sick to death—our language is alive with ancient wisdom about the origin of many
Your nervous system is the primary system in your body which acts as your faithful
servant, learning from your beliefs, words, behaviors, and reactions to outside stimuli, as
well as from your environment and the people you closely associate with, and then
applying what it has discovered to your body, organs, and overall wellness. In fact, the
nervous system pretty much looks for role models and then copies them. This could be
great if you associate with healthy, empowered people who encourage and up lift you.
However, it presents challenges if you are surrounded by extremely critical and fearful
In order to really transform your health, you need to learn not only to refocus your
mind and release unhealthy emotions but also to reprogram your nervous system.
I encourage anyone who has a serious medical condition to practice the healing
processes from my book,
The Secret Language of Your Body
, as well as this book, and to
regularly implement the nervous system process in order to condition the body to be
well. In fact, even if you are well, I encourage you to regularly work with your nervous
system. I include a short process of expanding your nervous system in chapter 18, “How
You Can Create More Money & Success in Your Life” (see page [XX]. However, if you
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The Secret of Life Wellness
are working on your health, you might want to use the nervous system exercise from
The Secret Language of Your Body
Valerie’s Story: Releasing Stagnant Emotions
For several months Valerie had a chest infection and a cough that she could
not get rid of. She tried everything possible, but nothing worked. While sit-
ting in a cafe, Valerie was flipping through a magazine on natural health and
came upon an article I had written on tuning in to your body and releasing
stuck emotions. Valerie followed the process described and discovered that
she was carrying feelings of deep rejection, criticism, and judgment from
when she was a teenager.
The next day, Valerie bought my book and worked with the emotional
processes. By the following day, her cough had disappeared.
Petrea King, founding director of the Quest for Life Centre says, “Our
issues are in our tissues. When we react to people or events in our lives, we
literally re-activate a physiology in our body that we have experienced
before.”13 Deep insight and acknowledgement of what has been stuck in
your body can allow for a profound transformation as you let go of a
painful points of view you may have been carrying. For instance, although
Valerie may not have been conscious that she was holding onto rejection
and criticism from her school days, her body was carrying cellular
memories of being bullied. Her persistent cough was a way to make her pay
attention and discover how her old, painful experiences were affecting the
quality of her life. When I questioned Valerie, she revealed that she still felt
nervous about speaking up and sharing her opinion for fear of being
judged. This was a huge drawback as Valerie had a home business, in which
she needed to use her communication skills to attract clients.
I encouraged Valerie to connect with her inner teenager, every day for a
week, and surround her with love, support, and affection. I also suggested
that she work on her self-esteem and nervous system. Within a month,
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Inna Segal
Valerie’s business doubled, and she felt more confident, especially about
her ability to express herself. The next time I saw her, I noticed that she
looked younger and more relaxed. Valerie shared that after many years of
restless sleep, she was finally able to sleep well.
I believe Valerie was able to have a more restful sleep because she was
no longer on guard, subconsciously trying to protect herself from being
attacked. She felt safe, and thus was able to relax, move forward, and grow.
This in turn attracted positive people toward her.
Go to this link to learn more about my self-healing journey. It reveals many important
factors about healing and what is possible.
Process for Releasing Emotions
When you discover an emotion in your body that is stuck, you may want to use the fol-
lowing emotional healing process to help release it. If there is pain in an area of your
body, discomfort, or any type of physical disturbance, then there is often an underlying
challenging experience or emotion that is stored in the cells of your body. The best way
to stay healthy is to focus on releasing a negative emotion or a hurtful experience, either
immediately after it has occurred or within twenty-four hours of it occurring. While
you may not be able to change what you have done in the past, you can certainly influ-
ence your present and future well-being!
Connect with and Explore Your Emotions
Place your hands on the part of your body where you feel a heavy emotion most
intensely. There are often several emotions, piled one on top of the other. When you
become conscious of one, others may also surface. Concentrate on the strongest one for
Breathe into that area slowly and deeply, allowing any emotion to rise to the surface
with as little resistance as possible.
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The Secret of Life Wellness
If you are having difficulty accessing your feelings, it can be extremely useful to
play some appropriate music. If you are feeling sad, a stirring slow song will help you
connect to your sadness and grief. If you are feeling angry, play a louder, faster song.
Tune in to your body and check if you feel like moving. Movement can greatly help to
release emotional charge. Your movements maybe very soft and flowing or very sharp
and fast.
Explore where this emotion comes from. Ask yourself: Is this feeling related to
what I am experiencing at present, or is it connected to the past? What is my earliest
memory of feeling this emotion? What happened? What decision did I make about
myself, my life, and what I am capable of creating? Is this my feeling, or did I observe
someone who was close to me exhibiting it and assumed it as my own? Am I willing to
let it go and free myself ?
Say a Clearing Statement
Repeat the following statement with feeling and a strong intention to heal: Divine
Healing Intelligence, using the orange-red flame of purification, please dissolve any
destructive, limiting, stagnant emotions from my cellular memories such as
________________________________________ (State which emotions you would
like to work on. It is preferable to work on either one specific emotion or several that
are related.)
Take some deep breaths and allow any dense, destructive, or limiting emotions to
be released. You may visualize heavy, smoky energy coming out of your body or feel
stress and tension leaving your body. It doesn’t matter what the image or sensation is,
just allow it to release and keep breathing until you feel freer. If you feel comfortable,
you can place your hands just above or next to the area you are working on; then imag-
ine drawing out negative energy (that may look like grey or black clouds) from your
body with your hands. Afterward, shake out your hands as you imagine placing all this
old stagnant energy into a purple flame and watch it burn away.
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me release limited points of view and
let go of all hardness in my mind, body, and emotions.”
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Inna Segal
Take some more deep breaths and soften your body. Become aware of any areas of
your body where you feel emotions and tap on or massage this area.
Say: “Divine Wisdom, work with me to release any patterns of strain, struggle, and
Allow your Divine Intelligence to wash away all strain, struggle, effort, and resistance.
Say: “Please dissolve any blockages in my mind, body and emotions which obstruct
my flow of energy and circulation. Thank you.”
Allow yourself to connect to the soulful part of you that can dissolve and wash
away all blockages.
Now repeat the word “CLEAR” several times. Relax your fingers and hands, and
then shake them for twenty to thirty seconds while taking slow, deep breaths. Focus on
letting go of stress and heaviness from your body.
Perform a Mudra
Mudras are healing hand gestures, which help to connect you to your breath and assist
you to release stagnant energy while revitalizing your body. They are simple and effort-
less. One of their biggest functions is to release stress. Below is a powerful mudra to
further help you let of any challenging emotions.
Sit or stand with your spine straight. Take some deep breaths through your nose
and breathe out through your mouth. Touch your thumbs with your index fingers.
Extend the rest of your fingers. Place your right arm at the level of your heart with your
thumb and index finger pointing down. Place your left arm at the level of your solar
plexus with the thumb and the index finger pointing up and touching the thumb and
the index fingers of your right arm.
Hum the sound
(for this process,
is pronounced like the
) for forty
seconds to several minutes. This mudra helps you to balance your yin and yang
energies, while the sound
helps to clear all the stuckness and bring your vibration
up toward Divinity.
Visualize the orange-red flame moving through your body, mind, emotions, and
energy field. If you have difficulty visualizing, you may consider working with my card
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The Secret of Life Wellness
deck on color healing in
The Secret Language of Color Cards
by looking at a red and an
orange card. Observe or sense as your Divine Intelligence dissolves all negative
thoughts, words, feelings, memories, and images associated with a particular person,
place, or experience that has bound you.
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Master Your Soul’s Journey
As you learn to go within, discover how to love all the various shadow and light
aspects of yourself, and work on your energy centers, emotions =and stress levels,
you become ready to discover more about your soul’s journey and how you can align
with and reach your highest potential. In this section, you will connect to your soul and
rediscover its language.
As karma is mentioned several times throughout this section, it is important to
clarify that I consider karma to be unresolved energy that has been carried from the
past, including other lives and dimensions. Karma is considered to be the “law of cause
and effect” and requires us to take responsibility for our actions and reactions. Some
karma is connected to our unfulfilled desires and can keep us attached to our
limitations. We can dissolve a lot of karma when we evolve, make positive healing
choices, fully learn and integrate our lessons, become more compassionate, and bring
light and love to others. In this sense, what we do to others, we do unto ourselves.
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How You Can Connect and
Communicate with Your Soul
What exactly is your definition of a soul, and how do I connect to my soul and
communicate with it? Also, can I ask my soul for guidance?
Your soul is the most eternal part of you. It is an aspect of Divinity. The soul enters
your body during gestation and leaves the body when you die. The soul is a
Divine, intelligent entity, which resides with other souls in the spirit world. It learns,
grows, and evolves both in the spirit world and the physical world. Part of your soul’s
energy always stays in the spirit world and is connected to Divinity. This part remains
pure and whole even if an aspect of the soul that has come to earth becomes affected by
density, negativity, heavy karma, or difficult experiences. People often refer to this part