The Secret Life of Mrs. Claus (31 page)

BOOK: The Secret Life of Mrs. Claus
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But right now the real Meredith was thrilled that Nick had returned, and hopeful that we could see our way to spending next Christmas together… and the next…and the next…

“Here we are,” Gia announced, pulling up in front of my house.

Nick was the first to hop down, helping the two of us to the ground.

“Come in with us,” I said, slinging an arm around Gia’s shoulder. “Will the horses be okay?”

She slung her blanket over her shoulders like a serape. “Who would steal horses from the North Side?”

As we approached the front door, Nick put his hands on my shoulders. “You have to close your eyes.” From there, it was dark until he guided me five steps up, eight steps through the vestibule… and then I lost track.

“Okay,” he said, “now you can look.”

I opened my eyes to a tall evergreen tree in the same spot we’d always placed it beside the stairs. It was lit with gold lights and dotted with sparkling crystal ornaments, so like the ornaments we’d had in our family.

“Wow,” Gia gushed. “Cool tree.”

“Oh my gosh…” I stepped closer. A train. A doll. A spinning top. “Those look like the ornaments we used to have… the ones my mother loved…”

“They are,” he said.

I squinted into the gold light. “But they can’t be. I got rid of them two years ago. The cleaning staff couldn’t even track them down.”

“Take a close look; those are the Rossman’s ornaments.”

My throat was suddenly tight with emotion. “How did you do this?”

“I told you, my studies focus on the belief in magic. You gotta believe, Meredith. That’s how miracles happen.”

He put an arm around me and I linked arms with Gia so that we three stood together at the base of the tree, a line of energy gazing up at many lifetimes of glimmering ornaments, many generations of Christmases past that hovered in the gold light, protecting, cheering.

I saw my mother on a ladder, rearranging ornaments near the top.

My father dusted an ornament shaped like a ballerina with a fine sable brush.

My nana dipped an ornate crystal sailing ship into a cup of pungent ammonia for cleaning and lifted it out with a satisfied smile.

And there I was dancing under the tree, my Lanz flannel nightgown hiked up to my knees, dancing to the Christmas carols playing on the old stereo system, dancing and dreaming of the kindness of Santa in his charmed northern home where elves lovingly crafted toys under a blanket of snow and Mrs. Claus waited patiently for her husband’s return each year. I danced for Santa and the elves and Mrs. Claus and the reindeer.

One day, my daughter would dance barefoot under these ornaments, too. I held fast to my friends, wishing her sweet dreams and loving spirits.


New York City, December 2006

his will only take a second,” Olivia Todd told her husband as the elevator doors opened on the seventh floor of Rossman’s Department Store at Astor Place.

“I don’t mind.” He linked his fingers through hers and looked ahead. “You’ve dragged me all over town, checking out sites and buildings with me. I think I can manage a few minutes in Santaland.”

“I read somewhere that they’ve got a Mrs. Claus here this year.” She leaned her head toward him, her red curls swaying. “I don’t know, it sort of made me feel all sentimental. I just wanted to check it out, since we’re here.”

It was Olivia’s first trip back to New York since she’d left the Rockettes, and she enjoyed showing Woody the familiar sights while playing tourist in other ways. When she lived uptown she didn’t have a chance to visit this Rossman’s or explore the Soho area. Now they were staying at the Soho Grand, walking to the Village, dining in Tribeca. She and Woody had gone skating under the multicolored lights of the Rockefeller Center tree. They had bought roasted chestnuts from a street vendor, had sipped vodkas at the majestic, always Christmasy bar in the Firebird, and yesterday, for the first time ever, she had sat in the audience of the Christmas show at Radio City and experienced genuine joy, amusement, and holiday spirit—without a trace of envy toward the dancers on stage.

No jealousy. She actually didn’t want to be on that stage, absorbed in the daily grind of three shows a day, then off on tour, living out of a suitcase, five cities in seven days for weeks at a time.

Not that she’d given up dancing. Olivia had opened a dance studio in Canton, in the building Woody had renovated. She gave lessons to little girls and more advanced dancers with career aspirations. And she danced. Through Woody’s contacts, she had collaborated with the mayor’s office to establish a program called Baltimore in the Wings that brought dancers, actors, and musicians to perform in public schools and conduct workshops with the students. She was working with other dancers to form an independent troupe to showcase local talent and original choreography. And to show that she could rise above it all, she had even played the Sugar Plum Fairy in a small production of
The Nutcracker
last year.

A group of teenaged tourists blocked the entrance, but Olivia excused herself and moved past them, and suddenly there was the sign with the painted red “Santaland” decked with a garland lined with fat bells. “Oh my gosh!” A hand flew to her mouth as she and Woody passed under the candy-cane arches, heading toward a gingerbread house tiled with swirled mints and gumdrops. Off to the side, children were being led to a motorized train—the North Pole Express—its green and red seats just big enough to fit most children under twelve.

Olivia misted over at the nostalgic sight.

The Christmas she spent as Mrs. Claus was a turning point in her life, the first time she’d ever seized control of her life, steered it in a new direction, and held on tight.

And what a ride.

“Seeing all this…” She turned to Woody. “I sort of miss being Mrs. Claus.” Not that she could go back; Olivia knew there was no re-creating past lives, no reliving specific eras in a life, at least not with the same passion and energy.

“Yeah?” Woody smiled. “You want a Mrs. Claus do-over?”

She laughed. “I’m saving my do-overs for the things that matter. Like softball.” She leaned over the rail to search for Mrs. Claus. “And dance steps. And seventh-grade sweeties who fall away because you’re such a dummy-head.”

“Oh, hon, that’s so sweet.” Woody squeezed her hand.

She squeezed back, eyeing a group of elves helping children off the train. “I don’t see her. Where is Mrs. Claus?”

Woody shook his head. “I don’t think she’s here. You know how so many department stores are scaling down.”

“But that would be awful.” Olivia gripped the rail, trying to peer through the one-way window into Santa’s house. “What a shame. Did they bump off Mrs. Claus?”


“Do you have your list?” Cassie called after Tyler, who was moving through the gumdrop kingdom toward Santa.

Tyler held up the booklet, a list of inventions he’d sketched in pencil: ingenious Christmas toys like hover disks that would help him to fly over traffic on Madison Avenue to make it to school on time or shoes with scrub brushes on the bottom to help shampoo the streets of New York as people walked along. He’d made the list for Santa, confident that the elves could handle the construction of these mechanical devices.

“I hope he’s not disappointed on Christmas morning when he doesn’t see his inventions under the tree,” Cassie had told Buchman one night.

“Hmm… Could be a problem,” he agreed. “Perhaps we should find Tyler an inventor’s kit? A chemistry set? Something to stoke the imagination?”

Cassie had pursued the idea, considering it a far better investment than another video game. It was uncanny how Buchman seemed to understand Tyler’s needs, how he sensed when the boy needed to get out and run or simply needed quiet time to sketch or model clay.

He understands both of us,
Cassie thought as she watched Buchman and Tyler move into the Santaland crowd.

Hands on the boy’s shoulders, Buchman guided him along the path, chattering on about something that seemed to amuse Tyler. It was not a scene Cassie had imagined all the times she’d envisioned her son’s future; she had always pictured Tyler with his biological father. She’d been so stuck on that, imagining TJ on the beach helping to launch a kite, or in the park picking Tyler up from a tumble on his inline skates. Now those scenarios seemed so unlikely, so unlike TJ, at least, and over the past year her vision had expanded, allowing Tyler to gravitate toward Buchman and the inventions and model constructions that fascinated them.

Turning back toward the entrance, Cassie checked her watch. Where was Mrs. Claus?

When Buchman had taken this assignment at the New York Rossman’s, Cassie had been pleased that Tyler would have a chance to live in New York for a while, experience another city. She’d been surprised that Agate had wanted to make a move, too, especially one so far, but Agate’s relationship with Philip had been fizzling and she wanted to make a clean break and, most of all, no one could bear to disconnect after they’d finally arrived at a sense of family.

In the blink of an eye, it had come together like one of Tyler’s precise sketches.

With Rossman’s paying the rent, Cassie had a blast searching for an apartment, finally settling on a two-bedroom in the east sixties, walking distance to the Central Park Zoo. Agate had found a Chelsea sublet through her network of Wiccan friends, and so she was just a subway ride away. The chief designer of the New York store was impressed by Cassie’s work, and so Rossman’s was all in the family with Buchman working in the management offices and Cassie contributing to the window designs.

When they were casting Mrs. Claus, Cassie had been skeptical about Agate’s involvement with the store. “You haven’t held a full-time job for years. You don’t respond well to pressure. And you tend to buck authority.” She had begged her mother to let the job go, but Agate, persistent as a bulldog, had clamped on to it and pushed ahead.

“Merry Christmas!” a familiar voice gushed warmth. “Oh, don’t you look swell, all dressed up to see Santa! And merry Christmas to you!”

Turning toward the arched candy canes at the entrance, Cassie saw her mother moving along the line of children, exchanging greetings as if she were the mayor of the North Pole. In a way, she was.

“I was getting worried about you,” Cassie said quietly.

“You made a picture for Santa? Wonderful!” Agate told a child. “Don’t forget to give it to him.” She straightened, her face relaxed in a smile that seemed out of place in the frenzied pace of Manhattan. “Sorry, Cassie, but the bus took forever. That crosstown traffic. Am I late?”

“Just by five minutes or so.” Cassie lowered her voice so that the children around them wouldn’t hear. “But you do realize you’ve got an eight-hour shift ahead? You’ll be on your feet quite a while.”

Agate’s dark eyes gleamed with a warm light as she nodded. “I’ve been looking forward to it. You said this job changed your life, and I’ve been in a rut for at least the last hundred years. Well, I’m ready to shake things up a little.”

“Good luck, Mrs. Claus.” Cassie gestured toward the line of children and Agate hustled toward them, greeting them with laughter and cheer.

That’s the difference between us
, Cassie thought. Agate met change head-on, while it was Cassie’s nature to fight it all the way. Until Buchman. Now she was learning to choose her battles.

“Merry Christmas, little ones!” Agate welcomed a new group of children with open arms. “May all your Christmases be bright!”

And to think that before this job came along, her mother didn’t even believe in Christmas…



It was one of the things that made Meredith Rossman so comfortable in New York City. You might walk past Ben Stiller on the street or hear Jessica Simpson talking at the table beside yours at lunch, but no one made a big deal. No one cared that the woman who’d just bought vitamins and a pregnancy testing kit was heiress to the Rossman’s department store dynasty, the “poor little rich girl” who’d found love at last with an eccentric sociologist.

Tipping back the brim of her hat, Meredith glanced at the tall “Santa’s Village” sign that seemed to beckon as soon as she stepped off the escalator. Nice placement. And it was surrounded by tiny white glimmering lights which seemed to be…yes, they were the white miniature toys she’d adored last Christmas in the Chicago store.

Beside the entrance to Santa’s Village was a tall Christmas tree decorated with gold foil and paper ornaments—the wish tree. She picked through the ornaments and pulled off a toy request for a six-month-old boy whose parents were disabled. Shopping for this little one would brighten her afternoon.

As she circled Santa’s Village she thought of the wish tree in Chicago, of her own goals and wishes last year at this time. She’d thought CEO of Rossman’s was the ultimate prize. What was that expression? Watch what you wish for?

In the end the position had gone to the best candidate. Uncle Leonard had supervised operations his entire life, and the board thought he was ready to oversee “the big picture.” Meredith agreed, and she was pleased that the board recognized Daniel’s weaknesses as a leader. He’d been given a place in assistant management at the Magnificent Mile store, and Meredith hoped that the position would help Daniel learn the real nuts and bolts of retail or help him realize that he needed to steer his career in another direction.

For all her achievements and hard work Meredith was offered a seat on the board—a sweet reward—but she’d turned it down. Although she wanted to stay with Rossman’s, she knew it was time to take a break from Chicago, the city of her parents’ dreams. Time to move on. And since Nick needed to return to U of Penn at the end of his sabbatical, Philadelphia was the most likely choice. Meredith had packed her bags and headed to Philly as the new director of East Coast operations, which gave her Boston, New York, Baltimore, D.C., Philly, Baltimore, and West Palm. “Let Daniel have the Chicago store,” Nick had joked, “you’ve got the whole East Coast.”

Meredith let the shopping bags slide down her arm as she stood to the side of the candy-cane lane entrance to Santa’s Village and silently timed the queue. Today was her first visit to the New York store. Taking a tip from Nick, she’d begun visiting the East Coast stores under the radar.
Keep a low profile; observe. Better not to let the employees know they’re being checked until it’s absolutely necessary.

She surveyed the elves, who merrily moved through the line, engaging children and taking them for a ride on the miniature train. The costume design looked familiar and she wondered…Wasn’t the Mrs. Claus costume sent to this store at the start of the season? Where was it?

One of the Santas stepped out of his gingerbread home and waved to the crowd. He was a thin, Hispanic man, but Meredith saw Nick there, her Nick with his real silver hair and his spark of enthusiasm as he spun one of his hundreds of Christmas tales.

Funny, but when she’d seen him at Penn he seemed equally at ease in a lecture hall, walking the aisles, jumping down from behind the podium to reach out to students.

Meredith couldn’t imagine his wild reaction if the test in her bag proved positive. She hadn’t mentioned anything yet, wanted to be sure first, because it was something they both wanted so much—a family of their own.

Her family life had stopped abruptly when her parents died, but now Meredith was ready to go on, ready to squeeze every ounce of satisfaction from each day, ready to bring a new life into the world.

She placed her packages on the floor and suddenly a lovely woman with long silver hair and sparkling gray eyes stood before her, smiling. Dressed in the rich, red velvet Mrs. Claus costume, this woman seemed to embody the legendary Lady Santa in a magical way.

“Hello.” Meredith smiled, startled.

“Merry Christmas, Mom,” the woman said. “Are you waiting on a little one?”

Meredith pressed one palm against her tummy, sensing that it all was about to come true. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

“It won’t take too long,” Mrs. Claus said, reaching across the candy-cane rail to squeeze her arm. “And I’m sure you’ll find it’s worth the wait.”

Meredith nodded, her throat thick with emotion as the woman moved on down the line and bent down to lend an ear to a small girl.

Meredith thought,
the new Mrs. Claus is perfect.


“Oh, look!” A thin woman with long, red curls squeezed into the rail next to Meredith. “They do have a Mrs. Claus, and she looks so real.” Olivia pressed her lips together to stave off the tears—happy tears—but tears that would worry Woody nonetheless. The year she’d played Mrs. Claus was a pivotal time in her life, and sometimes, thinking back, she realized she was so close to dancing her life away on a chorus line in a strange city. “I loved that suit,” she said hoarsely.

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