The Scent of the Night (6 page)

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Authors: Andrea Camilleri

BOOK: The Scent of the Night
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Available? She said it with a deep,
y gravelly voice. Marlene Dietrich style, which made Montalbano so hot and bothered that he could barely restrain himself from crowing like the professor in
The Blue Angel
The girl sat down, pulling her skirt as much as possible towards her knees, looking demure, eyes downcast, one hand on her leg and the other on the armrest. It was the pose of a good girl from an honest, hardworking family. The inspector recovered the power of speech.

sorry to make you get out of bed.'

'Don t worry about

here to ask you for some information on
Gargano and the agency where you used to work.'

'Go ahead. But you should know I was already questioned by someone from your office. Inspector Augello, if I'm not mistaken. Although I must say, frankly, he seemed more interested in other things.'

'Other things?'

He regretted his question even as he was asking it. He'd understood what she meant. And he imagined the scene in his mind:
asking question after question, as his eyes, meanwhile, were delicately removing her blouse, bra (if she was wearing one that day), skirt, and pants. No way
could have resisted, face to face with a beauty like this one.

He thought of
's future wife, Beatrice, and how many bitter pills the poor thing would have to swallow.

The girl didn't answer the question; she knew that the inspector had understood. And she smiled. Or, rather, she gave one to imagine she was smiling, as she kept her head bowed, as was only proper in the company of a stranger. The parrot and the sparrow contemplated their baby with satisfaction.

At this point the girl raised her violet eyes and looked at Montalbano as though awaiting his questions. But in reality she was telling him something, quite clearly, without using any words:

Don't waste your time here,
she was saying.
I can't talk. Wait for me downstairs.

Message received,
Montalbano's eyes replied.

The inspector decided not to waste any more time. He pretended to be surprised and put out.

'So you really were already interrogated? And it was all put on the record?'

'Of course.'

'But why haven't I seen anything?'

'Don't ask me. Ask Inspector Augello, who, aside from being totally conceited, is losing his head these days because he's getting married.'

And then there was light. What alerted him were the words 'totally conceited', which, in the presence of her old-fashioned parents, were definitely standing in for the word
'arsehole', far more pregnant in meaning, as literary critics used to say. But absolute certainty came immediately after that. The girl had surely granted her favours (as one says in the presence of old-fashioned parents) and
having lain with the aforesaid girl, had then disposed of her by revealing that he was engaged to be soon married.

He stood up. They all stood up.

m terribly sorry,'he said.

They were all very understanding.

'These things
said the parrot.

A small procession formed, with the girl at the head, the inspector next, then the father and behind him the mother. Watching the undulant movement in front of him, Montalbano felt green with envy towards

After opening the door, the girl extended her hand to him.

'Pleased to have met you,' she said with her mouth. But her eyes said:
Wait for me.


He waited a little more than half an hour, the time Michela needed to doll herself up properly and get rid of the redness around her cute little nose. Montalbano saw her appear in the doorway and look around, whereupon he gave a light toot of the horn and opened the car door. The girl walked towards the car with an air of indifference, at a slow pace, but once she'd reached the car she hopped in quickly, shut the door, and said: 'Let's get out of here.'

Montalbano, who managed at that moment to notice that Michela had forgotten to put on a bra, put the car in gear and drove off.

had to put up a fight. My parents didn't want to let me go out; they're worried
have a relapse,' the girl said. Then she asked: 'Where should we go to talk?'

You want to go to the police station?'

'And what if I run into that arsehole?

Thus were Montalbano's worst (and best) suspicions confirmed in a single stroke.

'Anyway, I don't like police stations,' Michela added.

'How about a cafe?

'Are you kidding? People gossip too much about me as it is. Although with you, I guess, there wouldn't be any danger of that.'

'Why not?'

'Because you're old enough to be my father.'

It would have been better if she'd stabbed him. The car swerved slightly.

'Down and out for the count,' said the girl by way of commentary. It's a strategy that often works to deflate ambitious old geezers. But it depends how you say it.'

Then she repeated it in an even deeper, more gravelly voice:

You're old enough to be my father.' She'd managed to instil her voice with a heady savour of taboo and incest.

Montalbano couldn't help but imagine her next to him
in bed, naked, sweaty, and panting. This, girl was dangerous. Not just beautiful, but a bitch.

'So, where are we going?' he asked in an authoritarian tone.

Where do you live?'

'There are people at my place.'


No. Come on, are you going to make up your mind?'

think I know a place,' Michela said. 'Take the second road on the right,'

The inspector quickly turned onto the second road on the right. It was one of those rare roads that still tell you immediately where they're going to take you: out into the open country. And they tell you this by means of houses that grow smaller and smaller until they turn into little more than dice with a little patch of green around them; or by means of lampposts and telephone poles that suddenly no longer line up straight; or by means of the road surface, which suddenly begins to give way to grass. Finally even the white dice disappear.

'Should I keep going?'

Yes. Soon you'll see an unmade road on your left. But don't worry about your car, it's well maintained.'

Montalbano turned onto the road and soon found himself in the middle of a kind of dense wood of monkey-puzzle trees and clumps of weeds.

"There's nobody here today,' said the girl, 'because it's a weekday. You should see all the traffic on Saturdays and Sundays!'

You come here often?'

When I happen

Montalbano rolled down the window and took out a packet of cigarettes. 'Do you mind... ?'

No. Let me have one too.'

They smoked in silence. Halfway through his cigarette, the inspector started in.

'All right, I'd like to get a better idea about how Gargano's system worked.'

'Make your questions specific'

Where did you guys keep the money Gargano stole?'

'Well, sometimes it was Gargano who would come in with the cheques, and then either me or Mariastella or Giacomo would deposit them at the local branch of the Cassa di Credito. We'd do the same when the client came directly to the office. Some time after that, Gargano started having the sums credited to his bank in Bologna. But the money didn't stay there very long, either, as far as we knew. Apparently it ended up in places like Switzerland and Liechtenstein, I don't

Why'd he send it there?'

What a question! Because he was investing it, so it would earn more money. At least that's what we
'And what do you think now?

'That he was piling up all the cash abroad so he could screw everybody when the time was right.'

Were you also...'

'Screwed by him? No, I never gave him a penny. I couldn't, even if I'd wanted to. You met my dad. He did manage to screw us out of two months' salary, however.'

'Listen, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?'

'Come on!'

'Did Gargano ever try to sleep with you?'

Michela burst into sudden, uncontrollable laughter, her violet eyes turning brighter as they began to sparkle with tears. Montalbano let her get it out of her system, wondering what was so funny about the question. Michela got hold of herself.

'Officially, he was courting me. But he was also courting poor Mariastella, who was really jealous of me. You know, chocolates, flowers, that kind of thing ... But if I'd ever told him I wanted to sleep with him, you know what would have happened?'

No, tell me.'

'He would have fainted. Gargano's gay.'






The inspector looked stunned. This was something that had never even crossed his mind. But after recovering from his initial shock, he thought about it: Was the fact that Gargano was homosexual of any importance to the investigation? Maybe yes and maybe no.
, however, had said nothing about it to him.

'Are you sure? Did he tell you himself?'

m more than sure, even though he never mentioned it to me. It was clear from the start, the first time we ever looked at each

'Did you point out this ... this fact, or, rather, this impression of yours, to Inspector Augello?'

'Augello asked me certain questions with his mouth, but his eyes were asking something else. To be honest, I can't really remember if I talked about it with that arsehole or not.'

'Excuse me, but why are you so down on Augello

Well, you see, Inspector, I slept with Augello, because
I liked him. But before I left his house, he, with a towel over his dick, let me know that he was engaged and about to get married. Who the hell asked? He was so lame that I regretted ever sleeping with him. There you have it. I'd like to forget about him.'

Was Miss Cosentino aware that Gargano—'

'Look, Inspector, even if Gargano had suddenly turned into some horrible monster — say, Kafka's cockroach — she would have continued to worship him, lost in her loving raptures, and not noticed a thing. Anyway, I don't think poor Mariastella can really tell the difference between a cock and a hen.'

She certainly was full of surprises, this Michela
ganaro. So now she was pulling out Kafka's

ou like him?'

Who, Gargano?'


ve read everything from
The Trial
to the
Letters to Milena.
Are we here to talk about literature?'

Montalbano absorbed the blow.

'And what about Giacomo Pellegrino?'

'Giacomo understood right away, of course, maybe even before I did. Because Giacomo's also gay. And before you ask me, I can tell you I also mentioned this to Augello.'

Him too? And he understood right away? The inspector wanted confirmation.

'Him too?' he asked

The question came out with an intonation typical of a Sicilian comic, half shocked, half annoyed. He felt immediately embarrassed, because that wasn't remotely his intention.

Michela said with no intonation whatsoever.

It's possible

Montalbano began cautiously, as though walking through a field of antipersonnel mines,'... but it's purely a hypothesis, I should point out ... that Giacomo and Gargano might have had a relationship that could be termed somewhat—'

'Why are you talking like that?' said the girl, opening wide her beautiful violet eyes.

sorry,' said the inspector,
little confused. I meant to say—'

y well what you meant to say. And the answer is: maybe yes, maybe no

'Have you read that one too?'

No. I don't like D'Annunzio. But if I were to make my own hypothesis, as you call it, I would lean more towards the "yes" than the "no"

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