The Savage Miss Saxon

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Authors: Kasey Michaels

Tags: #New York Times Bestselling Author, #regency romance

BOOK: The Savage Miss Saxon
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The Savage Miss Saxon


The Ninth Miss Noddenly,

a Regency novella



The Savage Miss Saxon

Electronic Edition Copyright 2012: Kathryn A. Seidick

Published by Kathryn A. Seidick, 2012

Originally published in 1985

The Ninth Miss Noddenly, a novella

Electronic Edition Copyright 2012: Kathryn A. Seidick

Published by Kathryn A. Seidick, 2012

Originally published in 1994

Cover art by Tammy Seidick Design,

EBook design by
A Thirsty Mind

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without written permission of the author.


This one’s for Alice!

Kasey’s “Alphabet Regency” Classics

Now Available:

The Tenacious Miss Tamerlane

The Playful Lady Penelope

The Haunted Miss Hampshire

The Belligerent Miss Boynton

The Lurid Lady Lockport

The Rambunctious Lady Royston

The Mischievous Miss Murphy

Moonlight Masquerade

A Difficult Disguise

The Savage Miss Saxon

The Ninth Miss Noddenly
, a novella

The Somerville Farce

The Wagered Miss Winslow

The Savage Miss Saxon
...“Don’t miss this outstanding book.  4+ stars.” —
Romantic Times

“...intelligently real you can almost hear her characters breathe.” —
Affaire de Coeur

“...utterly charming, exhilarating romance is just what Kasey Michaels’ fans adore from this master of the Regency Romance.” —
Romantic Times

In This Book

The Savage Miss Saxon

The Ninth Miss Noddenly

The Savage Miss Saxon


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